Layout editor


In the Layout editor you can edit a layout. A layout is a virtual sheet of paper on which you can make a composition of one or more map views and annotation before printing.

The Layout editor has a menu bar, a Layout Management pane, a standard toolbar, a layout toolbar, a context-sensitive menu, and a status bar.


Tip: To be able to print maps and annotation, first save a map window containing one or more maps, and optionally Annotation Text, grid lines and/or graticules as a map view. Then, create a layout and add one or more map views to it.

In the layout editor, you can add to a layout:

For each map view in a layout, you can furthermore add:

You can also add or delete layers from a map view, or edit the grid lines or graticule(s) in a map view.

Finally, any picture or bitmap that was copied into the clipboard from another Windows application program can be pasted into a layout.


Tip: Multiple texts, e.g. names or values of points in a point map, names or values of segments in a segment map, or names of polygons in a polygon map, that are stored in an Annotation Text object can be edited in the Annotation Text editor.

To start the Layout editor:

The Layout editor is automatically started when you create a new layout. You can use for instance the Create Layout command on the File menu of the Main window, from the File menu in a map window, or by clicking an existing map view in a Catalog with the right mouse button and choosing the Create Layout command from the context-sensitive menu.

To open an existing layout, you can simply double-click it in a Catalog.

Choosing a paper size and a printer:

It is advised to first select a paper size and a printer when you start working on a layout.


Note: The exact contents of the Page Setup dialog box depend on the printer(s) that have been installed on your computer.

When done, the layout editor (re)appears with a virtual sheet of paper with the dimensions and orientation as specified. As a reminder, the selected paper size is also shown in the status bar of the window.

Inserting one or more map views:

To insert a map view:

For each map view you insert, an initial scale will be asked. By default, this is the scale on which you saved the map view. However, if this would not fit on the paper size you specified for the layout, the scale of the map view is adapted so that it will fit the paper size.

When a map view is inserted, you must decide on the scale of the map view; this is the scale on which the map view will be printed later on. It is advised to set the scale of a map view before adding annotation and before printing. For more information, see Keep Scale.



Map views that use a coordinate system of type latlon, cannot be properly displayed nor printed in a layout. It is advised:

Inserting annotation:

To insert a text, a box or a bitmap or picture:

You can also use Copy in other programs and then Paste any texts, bitmaps or pictures in clipboard into a layout, see Layout editor : Copy and Layout editor : Paste.

To insert a legend, a map border (including ticks and or coordinates of grid lines or a graticule), a north arrow, a scale bar, or a scale text:

For any type of newly inserted annotation listed above, an Edit dialog box, or a Display Options dialog box appears in which you can specify the display settings of the annotation 'object'.

To add a page border:

The Page Border will simply follow the paper margins set during Page Setup and will be printed when the Page Border command on the Edit menu is preceded by a check mark.

Positioning and sizing annotation:

You can position annotation in the layout editor window by using drag and drop:

To size annotation:

Dragging one of the corner handles maintains the original ratio of height-width ratio.

Dragging one of the middle handles resizes the annotation horizontally or vertically; the height-width ratio may change.


Tip: You can use the Layout Management pane to size and position inserted annotation quite exact, by modifying the values for Left, Top, Width and Height in the Layout Management pane.

Zooming in and out, pan:

By using the Zoom In and Zoom Out buttons, or the Zoom In and Zoom Out commands from the View menu, or from the context-sensitive menu, you can zoom in and zoom out on any part of your layout.

By using the Pan button, or the Pan command from the View menu, you can roam through your layout when you zoomed in on a part of the layout.

To size map views, see Keep Scale. To show only part of a map in a map view, you can select the map view in the layout editor, and choose Pan from the context-sensitive menu. When you reduced the size of a map view, you can also choose Pan from the context-sensitive menu to display a specific area of your map view.

Editing annotation:

To edit annotation:

An Edit dialog box, or a Display Options dialog box appears in which you can re-specify the display settings of the selected 'object'.

You can also:

To clear annotation:

You can clear or delete annotation as follows:


Mind: When you select a map view and choose Clear, then the map view and all annotation related to the map view will be cleared.

To edit a map view in a layout:

To add extra layers to a map view in a layout:

To remove layers or to change display options of layers:

After editing a map view, you need to use Redraw to apply any changes.

To save a changed map view in a layout:

To save a map view to which you added (or from which you removed) extra layers, grid lines or a graticule, or when you changed display options of a layer in the map view:

To replace a map view in a layout:

To produce multiple layouts which are more or less similar, but which use for instance different map views, you can replace one or more map views in the layout, save the layout with a different name and optionally edit some annotation.

To replace a map view in the current layout with another map view:

To save a layout with a different name, use the Save As command on the File menu (see below).

To save a layout:

When finished inserting and editing map views and annotation, first save any changed map views (see above). To save the layout with the map views and the annotation that it contains:


To print a layout with all map views on the scale you specified and all annotation as appearing in the layout:

Other functionality:

To exit the layout editor:

See also: