How to edit ...

point, segment, polygon and raster maps

In a map window, map editors can be used to edit features of raster, polygon, segment or point maps.

You can use a digitizer but you can also use the mouse pointer.

To start a map editor:

When an editor is started, the mouse pointer appears as a hand.

In the editors, press F1 to obtain Help on that editor, or choose the Help on this window command on the Help menu.

To use a digitizer, refer to How to setup a digitizer and start digitizing, Point editor : Digitizer, Segment editor : Digitizer, Polygon editor : Digitizer.


Dependent maps and maps marked as read-only cannot be edited; also maps using a Picture domain or a Color domain cannot be edited. When you want to edit a dependent map, you first have to break the dependency links of the map in the map's properties sheet.

See also: