
ILWIS expressions (alphabetic)


In the listing below, all ILWIS expressions are ordered by output object type, and then alphabetical. For more information, refer to Appendices : ILWIS expressions or to individual operations by clicking the links in the list below.

Operations resulting in a raster map:

MapAggregateAggFunc(rasmap, groupfactor, group [, rowoffset, coloffset] [, newgeoref] )

MapAggregateAggFunc(rasmap, groupfactor, nogroup [, rowoffset, coloffset] )

MapApply3D(rasmap, georef3D)

MapAreaNumbering(rasmap, 8 | 4 )

MapAttribute(rasmap, attribute column)


MapCatchmentExtraction(drainorder_rasmap, flowdir_rasmap)

MapCatchmentMerge(drainorder_rasmap, flowdir_rasmap, flowacc_rasmap, outlet_pntmap, true | false, true | false [, output_segmap_longestFlow] )

MapCatchmentMerge(drainorder_rasmap, flowdir_rasmap, flowacc_rasmap, Strahler | Shreve, stream_order [,�output_segmap_longestFlow] )

MapClassify(sample set, classifier)

MapCluster(map list, nr of clusters [, output attrib table] )

MapCoKriging(pntmapPred, pntmapCovar, georef, semivarmodelPred, semivarmodelCovar, crossvarmodel, limdist [, 1 | 0 [, min, max [, remove duplic [, tolerance [, plane | sphere] ] ] ] ] )

MapColorComp24[Linear](map list [, range1, range2, range3] )

MapColorComp24HistEq(map list, range1, range2, range3)

MapColorComp24HSI(map list)

MapColorComp[Linear](map list, range1, range2, range3)

MapColorCompHistEq(map list, range1, range2, range3)


MapCross(rasmap1, rasmap2, output cross table)

MapDemOptimization(rasmap, segmap, table, col_buffer_dist, col_smooth_drop, col_sharp_drop)

MapDemOptimization(rasmap, segmap, bufferdist, smoothdrop [, sharpdrop] )

MapDemOptimization(rasmap, polmap, poldrop)

MapDensify(rasmap, factor, interpolation method)

MapDistance(source rasmap [ , weight rasmap | 1 [ , output Thiessen rasmap] ] )

MapDrainageNetworkExtraction(flowacc_rasmap, threshold)

MapDrainageNetworkExtraction(flowacc_rasmap, threshold_rasmap, flowdir_rasmap)

MapDrainageNetworkOrdering(DEM_rasmap, flowdir_rasmap, drainnetwork_rasmap, minLength)


MapFilter(rasmap, filter | filter expression )


MapFlowDirection(rasmap, [slope | height] )

MapGlue( [georef.grf, ] rasmap1, rasmap2 [, rasmaps] [, newdomain] [, replace] )

MapHeckbert(map list, nr of colors)

MapInterpolContour(segmap, georef)


MapIter[Prop](StartMap, IterExpr [, nr of iterations] )

MapKrigingAnisotropic(pntmap, georef, semivarmodel, limdist, angle, ratio [, 1 | 0 [, min, max [, remove duplic [, tolerance] ] ] ] )

MapKrigingFromRaster(rasmap, semivarmodel [, limdist [, distance unit [, 1 | 0 [, min, max] ] ] ] )

MapKrigingOrdinary(pntmap, georef, semivarmodel [, plane | sphere] , limdist [, 1 | 0 [, min, max [, remove duplic [, tolerance] ] ] ] )

MapKrigingSimple(pntmap, georef, semivarmodel [, plane | sphere] [, 1 | 0 [, remove duplic [, tolerance] ] ] )

MapKrigingUniversal(pntmap, georef, semivarmodel, limdist, 0, angle, ratio [, 1 | 0 [, min, max [, remove duplic [, tolerance] ] ] ] )

MapKrigingUniversal(pntmap, georef, semivarmodel, limdist, trend type, 0, 1 [, 1 | 0 [, min, max [, remove duplic [, tolerance] ] ] ] )

MapMirrorRotate(rasmap, rotate type)

MapMovingAverage(pntmap, georef, weight function [, plane | sphere] )

MapMovingSurface(pntmap, georef, surface type, weight function [, plane | sphere] )

MapNearestPoint(pntmap, georef [, plane | sphere] )

MapOverlandFlowLength(drainorder_rasmap, flowdir_rasmap)

MapRasterizePoint(pntmap, georef, pointsize)

MapRasterizePoint[Count | Sum](pntmap, georef, pointsize)

MapRasterizePolygon(polmap, georef)

MapRasterizeSegment(segmap, georef)

MapResample(rasmap, georef, resample method [, Patch | NoPatch] )

MapSegmentDensity(segmap [, "mask"] , georef)

MapSlicing(rasmap, domain group)

MapStretch[Linear](rasmap, range from, domain [,range to] )

MapStretchHistEq(rasmap, range from, intervals)

MapSubMap(rasmap, start row, start col [, nr rows, nr cols] [, newgeoref] )

MapSubMapCorners(rasmap, start row, start col, end row, end col [, newgeoref] )

MapSubMapCoords(rasmap, start X-coord, start Y-coord, end X-cooord, end Y-coord [, newgeoref] )

MapThiessen(source rasmap [, weight rasmap | 1 ], output Distance rasmap)

MapTopologicalOptimization(drainnetwork_rasmap, flowdir_rasmap, stream_segmap, output_modified_flowdir_rasmap)

MapTrendSurface(pntmap, georef, surface type)

MapVariableThresholdComputation(rasmap, filter_size, nr_classes, "UpperBounds_and_ThresholdVals", output_internal_relief_rasmap)

MapVariogramSurfacePnt(pntmap [, lagspacing [, nr of lags] ] )

MapVariogramSurfaceRas(rasmap [, nr of lags] )

Operations resulting in a polygon map:

PolygonMapAttribute(polmap, attribute column)

PolygonMapFromRas(rasmap [, 8 | 4 [, smooth | nosmooth] ] )

PolygonMapFromSegment(segmap [, "mask" [, labelpntmap | unique | domain [, auto ] ] ] )

PolygonMapFromSegmentNonTopo(segmap [, "mask" [, segments | labelpntmap | unique | domain ] ] )

PolygonMapGrid (coordsys, originX, originY, width, height, nrVertical, nrHorizontal, , , [directionX], [directionY], [table], [label], [order], [startcorner], [startnumber], [steps], [prefix], [postfix])

PolygonMapGrid (coordsys, originX, originY, width, height, , , oppositeX, oppositeY, [directionX], [directionY], [table], [label], [order], [startcorner], [startnumber], [steps], [prefix], [postfix])

PolygonMapGrid (coordsys, originX, originY, , , nrVertical, nrHorizontal, oppositeX, oppositeY, [directionX], [directionY], [table], [label], [order], [startcorner], [startnumber], [steps], [prefix], [postfix])

PolygonMapLabels(polmap, pntmap)

PolygonMapMask(polmap, "mask")

PolygonMapNumbering(polmap [, , prefix] )

PolygonMapTransform(polmap, targetcoordsys [, interval] )

Operations resulting in a segment map:

SegmentMapAttribute(segmap, attribute column)

SegmentMapDensifyCoords(segmap, distance)

SegmentMapFromRasAreaBnd(rasmap, 8 | 4, smooth | nosmooth, single | unique)

SegmentMapGlue(segmap1, "mask1", segmap2, "mask2" [, ... ] [, newdomain] )

SegmentMapGlue(minX, minY, maxX, maxY,segmap1, "mask1", segmap2, "mask2" [, ... ] [, newdomain] )

SegmentMapLabels(segmap, pntmap, set domain)

SegmentMapMask(segmap, "mask")

SegmentMapNumbering(segmap [, , prefix] )

SegmentMapPolBoundaries(polmap, "mask", single | unique)

SegmentMapSubMap(segmap, minX, minY, maxX, maxY)

SegmentMapSubMap(segmap, minLon, minLat, maxLon, maxLat)

SegmentMapTransform(segmap, targetcoordsys [, interval] )

SegmentMapTunneling(segmap, tunnel width, remove nodes)

Operations resulting in a point map:

PointMapAttribute(pntmap, attribute column)


PointMapFromTable(table, XYcoordcolumn [, prefix | attribcolumn] )

PointMapFromTable(table, [Xcolumn, Ycolumn,] coordsys [, prefix | attribcolumn] )

PointMapGlue(pntmap1, "mask1", pntmap2, "mask2"[, ...] [, newdomain] )

PointMapGlue(minX, minY, maxX, maxY,pntmap1, "mask1", pntmap2, "mask2" [, ... ] [, newdomain] )

PointMapMask(pntmap, "mask")

PointMapNumbering(pntmap [, , prefix] )

PointMapPolLabels(polmap [, AlsoUndefs] )


PointMapSegDist(segmap, distance)


PointMapSubMap(pntmap, minX, minY, maxX, maxY)

PointMapSubMap(pntmap, minLon, minLat, maxLon, maxLat)

PointMapTransform(pntmap, targetcoordsys)

Operations resulting in a table:

TableAutoCorrSemiVar(rasmap [, max shift] )

TableChangeDomain(table, None | domainondisk)

TableChangeDomain(table, columnname [, avg | min | max | sum | last | no ] )

TableCross(rasmap1, rasmap2)

TableCross(rasmap1, rasmap2, output cross rasmap)

TableCross(rasmap1, rasmap2 [, output cross rasmap] [, IgnoreUndefs | IgnoreUndef1 | IgnoreUndef2 ] )

TableCrossVariogram(pntmap, columnA, columnB, lagspacing [, plane | sphere] )

TableGlue(table1, table2 [, more tables] [, vertical] )

TableGlue([newdomain,] table1, table2 [, more tables] )





TableHortonPlots(catch_extr_rasmap, catch_merge_rasmap, drainorder_rasmap)




TableSpatCorr(pntmap [, lagspacing [, plane | sphere] ] )

TableSpatCorr(pntmap [, lagspacing [, direction [, tolerance [, bandwidth] ] ] ] )

TableTranspose(table, column domain [,value range] )

Operations on columns in a table, resulting in a column:


ColumnCumulative(column [, sortcolumn] )

ColumnLeastSquaresFit(column1, column2, Function, n)

ColumnSemiVariogram(DistanceColumn, SemiVarModel)

Aggregation or join operations in tables, resulting in a column:

ColumnAggregateAvg(column [, group [, weight ] ] )

ColumnAggregateAvg(column [, , weight ] )

ColumnAggregateCnt(column [, group] )

ColumnAggregateMax(column [, group] )

ColumnAggregateMed(column [, group [, weight ] ] )

ColumnAggregateMed(column [, , weight ] )

ColumnAggregateMin(column [, group] )

ColumnAggregatePrd(column [, group [, weight ] ] )

ColumnAggregatePrd(column [, , weight ] )

ColumnAggregateStd(column [, group [, weight ] ] )

ColumnAggregateStd(column [, , weight ] )

ColumnAggregateSum(column [, group] )


ColumnJoin(table, column)

ColumnJoin(table, column, key1)

ColumnJoin2ndKey(table, column, key2)

ColumnJoin2ndKey(table, column, key1, key2)

ColumnJoinAggFunc(table, column, key2)

ColumnJoinAggFunc(table, column, key2, weight)

ColumnJoinAggFunc(table, column, key2, weight, key1)

Operations resulting in a map list:

MapListApplic(maplist, "MapCalcExpression containing ##")

MapListApplic(maplist, MapOperation(## [, parameters] ))

MapListApplic(maplist, MapAggregateAggFunc(##, groupfactor, group [, rowoffset, coloffset] [, newgeoref] ))

MapListApplic(maplist, MapAggregateAggFunc(##, groupfactor, nogroup [, rowoffset, coloffset] ))

MapListApplic(maplist, MapDensify(##, factor, interpol meth))

MapListApplic(maplist, MapFilter(##, filter name| filter expression))

MapListApplic(maplist, MapMirrorRotate(##, rotate type))

MapListApplic(maplist, MapResample(##, georef, resamp meth [, Patch | NoPatch] ))

MapListApplic(maplist, MapStretch[Linear](##, range from, domain))

MapListApplic(maplist, MapStretch[Linear](##, range from, domain, range to))

MapListApplic(maplist, MapStretchHistEq(##, range from, intervals))

MapListApplic(maplist, MapSubMap(##, start row, start col [, nr rows, nr cols] [, newgeoref] ))

MapListApplic(maplist, MapSubMapCorners(##, start row, start col, end row, end col [, newgeoref] ))

MapListApplic(maplist, MapSubMapCoords(##, start X-coord, start Y-coord, end X-coord, end Y-coord [, newgeoref] ))

MapListMatrixMultiply(maplist, FactorAnalysisMatrix, nr of output maps )

MapListMatrixMultiply(maplist, PrincipalComponentsMatrix, nr of output maps )

Operation resulting in a stereo pair:

StereoPairFromDTM(rasmap, DTM [, look angle [, reference height [, look modus [, resample modus] ] ] ] )

Operations resulting in a matrix:

MatrixFactorAnal(map list [, nr of output bands] )

MatrixPrincComp(map list [, nr of output bands] )

Special syntax to create attribute maps:





Special syntax to perform color separation:


See also: