
ILWIS as DDE server (advanced)

When you have programming experience and quite some ILWIS experience, you can write your own dedicated applications e.g. Visual Basic, Delphi, or C++. The applications will run on top of ILWIS. The end users of your application are not required to have any major ILWIS knowledge.

Purpose and opportunities:

In short, you can:

  1. Access or execute all ILWIS commands, all MapCalc operators and functions, all TabCalc operators and functions, all ILWIS expressions, and all ILWIS script commands (SYSTEM - EXECUTE).
  2. Retrieve or calculate simple information of a map, table or georeference, such as the value in a map at a certain coordinate, the number of rows (or columns) in a raster map, the minimum (or maximum) value in a map, the value as found in a certain record and column in a table, etc. The value to be retrieved or calculated is expected to be one value, string etc. only (CALC - REQUEST).
  3. At the position of a mouse click in a map window, retrieve the value in a map or the coordinates at that mouse click, i.e. simulate Pixel Info (COORD).


What is DDE?

DDE is an abbreviation for Dynamic Data Exchange. Two Windows programs which both support DDE can exchange data with each other. The data transfer is called a conversation. A conversation takes place between a DDE server and a DDE client. A DDE client can transfer data (e.g. expressions/commands or any other information) to a DDE server. The server then replies with a response to the client; the response can either be an acknowledgement that the data was processed, or the result of a request for which the client asked. The DDE client can also 'subscribe' to data that the server sends to all subscribed clients every time a certain event occurs.

ILWIS always acts as the DDE server:

The DDE server or source (ILWIS) thus supplies data to another application through a DDE link.

The DDE client is a program written in Visual Basic, Delphi, C++, etc. in which:

The DDE client or destination is thus the application that requests and receives data.

In this Help topic, a general overview of DDE is given, sufficient to start building applications upon ILWIS. Some sample applications which show how DDE can be correctly used and which give some useful examples are supplied on the ILWIS CD.

For information on the programming process and required syntax of your dedicated application program, refer to the documentation of Visual Basic, Delphi or C++, etc., i.e. the language in which you are programming.

Introduction to DDE:

A DDE conversation in a DDE capable environment can be established as follows (ILWIS independent):

  1. Set the DDE Link Topic. This tells the Windows DDE manager with which DDE server you wish to communicate, and it tells the DDE server which one of its available 'topics' you wish to use. Depending on the programming language used, you may need to specify the DDE server separately.
  2. Set the DDE Link Mode. The Link Mode can be one of the following: none, manual or automatic. Setting the mode to manual or automatic will actually establish the DDE link between the client and the server. An existing link is cleared and freed when the mode is set to none.
  3. Set a Link TimeOut if needed. The Link TimeOut has to be set to 10x the number of seconds that the application should wait before it concludes that there is a problem with the DDE communication (-1 means 'wait forever').
  4. If the intention is to do a Link Request, you may first need to set the DDE Link Item (server dependent). The DDE Link Item does not have to be specified in other cases. Depending on the programming language used, the Link Item may be a parameter of the Link Request method instead of a link property. If the intention is to use automatic mode, it is recommended to set this property to a valid value before setting the Link Mode to establish the link. However, once the link is established, this property can safely be changed to a new valid value.
  5. When manual mode is used, call Link Execute or Link Request; when automatic mode is used, just wait.

Furthermore a DDE server usually responds to some standard DDE calls with which a client can find out, for instance, which topics are available by the DDE server and which data exchange formats are supported by the DDE server.

Language dependent DDE syntax:


DDE Link Topic

LinkTopic (Visual Basic)

SetLink (Delphi)


DDE Link Mode

LinkMode (Visual Basic)

ConnectMode (Delphi)


0 = None

1 = Automatic

2 = Manual


DDE Request method

LinkRequest (Visual Basic)

RequestData (Delphi)


DDE Execute method

LinkExecute (Visual Basic)

ExecuteMacro (Delphi)

Using the topics of the ILWIS DDE server:

The ILWIS DDE server has three available topics:

  • system

to execute ILWIS commands or ILWIS expressions, and for requesting the server's properties;

  • calc

to request results of some calculations;

  • coord

to 'subscribe' to information available at mouse clicks in a map window, or to request the latest version of this information.

The system topic is meant to make the server execute ILWIS commands and ILWIS expressions; it is the only topic that will respond to the DDE Execute method. The ILWIS commands and expressions are passed (as a string) by the required parameter of this method.

The 'system' topic will also respond to Link Request methods. In that case, the only possible values for the Link Item property are 'topics', 'sysitems', 'status' and 'format'. The responses are only informative and are implemented so that ILWIS complies with the requirements of the DDE protocol.

The calc topic will only respond to the Link Request method, in which case the value of the Link Item property is used to pass the expression.

The coord topic will automatically respond upon clicks in a map window when the mode is set to Automatic, i.e. no Request is required; when the mode is set to Manual, the 'coord' topic will respond to the Request method. In both cases, the only possible values for the Link Item property are .X, .Y, .XY and mapname.ext.


Thus, the three Link Topics that are implemented in ILWIS and the Methods to access the topics are:

Detailed information can be found in the sections below.


For more information on ILWIS syntax that you may wish to use, refer to:



Use this DDE conversation method to perform ILWIS tasks as in an ILWIS script in order to define and/or calculate an ILWIS map, table, column, etc. or to display an ILWIS object, without the need to actually create an ILWIS script.

Through a DDE link, you can assign any task to ILWIS that can be handled by an ILWIS script. You can for instance:



To use the SYSTEM - EXECUTE conversation method in your application program:



The string containing the ILWIS command(s)/expression(s) to be executed is sent to the server; this string is a parameter to the DDE method 'Execute'; each call to the method 'Execute' is a request of the client to the server to execute the command(s)/expression(s) that are contained in the string.


Some examples of the ILWIS commands, MapCalc/TabCalc formulae, ILWIS operation expressions, and ILWIS Script commands that may be used are given below.

DDE example for SYSTEM - EXECUTE (Visual Basic):


' Assumption: MyControl is an existing object of class Control (e.g. a text box in the Visual Basic form)


MyControl.LinkTopic = "ilwis|system"


MyControl.LinkMode = 2      'mode Manual, to start the DDE conversation


MyControl.LinkExecute "Tmb1Edge=MapFilter(tmb1,edgesenh);calc Tmb1Edge.mpr;open -noask Tmb1Edge.mpr"


' The string on the previous line contains the ILWIS commands and expressions to be executed, separated by a ';'


MyControl.LinkMode = 0      'mode None, to close the DDE conversation

Map TMB1 is filtered with the edge enhancement filter, the output map TMB1Edge is calculated and displayed on the screen.

Some examples of ILWIS commands, MapCalc/TabCalc formulae, ILWIS expressions for operations, and ILWIS script commands which can be used with SYSTEM - EXECUTE:



Opening the dialog box of the Filter operation on the screen.

open MAP.ext -noask

Displaying raster, polygon, segment or point map MAP.ext without a Display Options dialog box.

see Appendices : ILWIS commands




Defining output map OUTMAP by performing a MapCalc formula.


Defining output map OUTMAP by performing a MapCalc formula to calculate an NDVI map.

OUTMAP{dom=suitable}= IFF((SOIL="clay") AND (LANDUSE="agriculture", "very suitable", "unsuitable")

Defining output map OUTMAP using class domain Suitable by performing a MapCalc formula with the IFF function.

See Map calculation : overview of operators and functions




Defining output column OUTCOLUMN in existing table OUTTABLE by performing a TabCalc formula.

tabcalc OUTTABLE OUTCOLUMN = ColumnAggregateAvg(COLUMNNAME, WeightColumn)

Defining output column OUTCOLUMN in existing table OUTTABLE by a column operation which aggregates values of column COLUMNNAME using weight values of column WeightColumn.

tabcalc OUTTABLE OUTCOLUMN = ColumnJoinAvg(TableName, ColumnName, GroupBy)

Defining output table OUTTABLE and output column OUTCOLUMN by performing a Join operation.

See Table calculation : overview of operators and functions

Aggregate functions

Table calculation : joining columns from other tables



OUTMAP = MapFilter(MAP, filtername)


Defining output map OUTMAP by performing the ILWIS Filter operation.

OUTTABLE = TableCross(MAP1, MAP2)


Defining output table OUTTABLE by performing the ILWIS Cross operation.

See Appendices : ILWIS expressions



calc MAP.ext

Calculating output raster, polygon, segment or point map MAP.ext.

open MAP.ext -noask

Displaying map MAP.ext.

crdom suitable -type=class

Creating class domain Suitable.

additemtodomain suitable "very suitable"

Adding class "very suitable" to domain Suitable.

additemtodomain suitable "unsuitable"

Adding class "not suitable" to domain Suitable.


Make a certain directory the current ILWIS working directory. It is strongly advised to first set the ILWIS working directory to the directory where your ILWIS data is located! If you don't set the path to the working directory, you need to use full paths to refer to ILWIS data.

See Appendices : ILWIS script language


Use this DDE conversation method to retrieve or calculate a single value as using the pocket line calculator, in order to get information from ILWIS and use this in your dedicated application program.

DDE syntax for CALC - REQUEST


To use the CALC - REQUEST conversation method in your application program:



By applying the DDE Request method on a client control in your application, the server is asked to evaluate the expression. The result is then made available as the value of the used control object.


Some examples of MapCalc/TabCalc functions that retrieve or calculate a single value or a single string are given below.

DDE example for CALC - REQUEST (Visual Basic):


' Assumption: TextResult is an existing object of class Control (e.g. a text box in the Visual Basic form)


TextResult.LinkTopic = "ilwis|calc"


TextResult.LinkMode = 2      'mode Manual, to start the DDE conversation


TextResult.LinkItem = "MAPVALUE(tmb1, coord(800000,8080000))"


' The string on the previous line sets the expression to be evaluated at the next request




TextResult.LinkMode = 0      'mode None, to close the DDE conversation

The value in map TMB1 at the specified XY-coordinate will be retrieved from ILWIS and displayed in the TextResult control in the dialog box of your application.

Examples of ILWIS MapCalc/TabCalc functions that retrieve/calculate a single value or a single string:

MAPVALUE (MapName.ext, COORD(99834,299287))

Retrieving the class name, ID or value in raster, polygon, segment or point map MapName.ext at specified coordinates.

RASVALUE(RasMapName, rownr, colnr)

Retrieving the class name, ID or value in raster map RasMapName at specified row and column.

TRANSFORM(COORD(234982,2934729,CurrentCoordSys), OtherCoordSys)

Calculate/Transforms coordinate COORD(X,Y) from the current coordinate system to a coordinate in the other coordinate system

MAPCRD(RasMapName, rownr, colnr)

Retrieve from raster map RasMapName the XY-coordinate at specified row and column.


Retrieve the minimum X-coordinate of raster, polygon, segment or point map MapName.ext

See Coordinate functions



PNTNR(PntMapName, "Laguna Santa Rosa")

Retrieve point number of point "Laguna Santa Rosa".

PNTVAL(PntMapName, Pntnr)

Retrieve the class name, ID or value of point number Pntnr in point map PntMapName.

PNTCRD(PntMapName, Pntnr)

Retrieve the XY-coordinate of the point stored as Pntnr in point map PntMapName.

PNTCRD(PntMapName, "Laguna Santa Rosa")

Retrieve the XY-coordinate of the point called "Laguna Santa Rosa".

See Map and Table Calculation : Functional overview of operators and functions




Retrieve the pixel size of raster map RasMapName.


Retrieve the number of rows in raster map RasMapName.


Retrieve/calculate the minimum value in raster, polygon, segment or point map MapName.ext. Mind: this function works only on maps with a value domain.


Retrieve/calculate the maximum value in raster, polygon, segment or point map MapName.ext. Mind: this function works only on maps with a value domain.


Retrieve the number of records of table TableName. When you specify an extension, you can also access representations, domains, histograms, etc.


Retrieve the number of columns of table TableName. When you specify an extension, you can also access representations, domains, histograms, etc.

TBLVALUE(TableName.ext, "ColumnName", RecNr | "Class or ID")

Retrieve from table TableName.ext, the value as found in column "ColumnName" and in record number RecNr (value) or in record "ClassName" or "ID" (string). When you specify an extension, you can also access representations, domains, histograms, etc.

See Data property functions


Use this DDE conversation method to retrieve value or coordinate information from maps at the position of a mouse click in a map window as in Pixel Info, in order to get information from ILWIS and use this in your dedicated application program.

When an analog map is referenced on a digitizer tablet, you can also use the digitizer cursor to retrieve this information. For more information, see Pixel information window : functionality.

If Automatic Mode is used, each mouse click will be automatically sent to your DDE application; this method 'subscribes' your application to (a subset of) the information that ILWIS can send to subscribed DDE clients on every mouse click.

If Manual Mode is used, the 'value' of the latest mouse click has to be requested for.

DDE syntax for COORD


To use the COORD conversation method in your application program:



When specifying Automatic Mode, any click in a map window will automatically update the value of the object in the dedicated application program. This happens in the same way as with the CALC conversation method: the result becomes available as the value of the control object used to do the DDE conversation.


When using Manual Mode, information of the latest click in a map window will be sent to the dedicated application program upon making a Request.


The Timeout can be used to determine how long a control waits before assuming that there is a problem with the DDE conversation. A Timeout of -1 will keep the DDE conversation active forever.

DDE example for COORD, using Mode Automatic (Visual Basic):


' Assumption: CurrVal and CurrX are existing objects of class Control (e.g. text boxes in the Visual Basic form)


CurrVal.LinkTopic = "ilwis|coord"


CurrVal.LinkItem = "Landuse.mpa"


CurrVal.LinkMode = 1      'mode Automatic


CurrVal.LinkTimeOut = -1


CurrX.LinkTopic = "ilwis|coord"


CurrX.LinkItem = ".X"


CurrX.LinkMode = 1          'mode Automatic


CurrX.LinkTimeOut = -1



will give you the value, class name or ID in polygon map Landuse at the position of a mouse click in a map window.


will give you the X-coordinate of the click in a map window.










<not used>


Specify any ILWIS command, a MapCalc/TabCalc formula or an expression as in an ILWIS script.

Separate multiple expressions by semicolons.

Mode Manual





Mode Manual





Mode Manual





Mode Manual





Mode Manual



Specify a MapCalc/TabCalc formula that will retrieve or calculate 1 value.


Mode Manual




Get X-coord at mouse click in map window.

REQUEST only for Mode Manual.

Mode Automatic or Mode Manual


Get Y-coord at mouse click in map window.


Get (X,Y)-coord at mouse click in map window.


Get value from raster, polygon, segment or point map MapName.ext at the coordinate of the mouse click.

The topic identifies the source application and topic.

The item identifies the particular data (the item) that the server sends to the client. Under topic SYSTEM, the items TOPICS, SYSITEMS, STATUS and FORMAT (that resp. return the server's topics, the system items, the status and the supported data formats) are only there so that ILWIS complies to the DDE protocol. Most likely you will not need to use these items in your application.

The execute method sends a command string to the conversation partner; the request method asks the server to update the property values of a client's DDE control.

The mode identifies the type of link that is used during a DDE conversation. It lets the application determine whether the client control receives new values anytime the data changes in the source ('automatic' or 'hot link'). Alternatively, the mode lets the application decide whether the client must explicitly request the updated values ('manual' or 'cold link').

The timeout determines how long a control waits before assuming that there is a problem with the DDE conversation.

Topic, Item, Mode and Timeout are the properties of a DDE conversation.

Execute and Request are methods that act as DDE commands.