Main window

Customize Catalog

Object Selection

Details View


Search for certain objects in a (directory) Catalog and show only the objects that are the result of your query. You can select one of the predefined queries, but you can also construct a query yourself.

You can search for instance for objects that use domain type Class/ID, domain type Image, a certain domain (e.g. domain landuse), a certain georeference, etc. To find query results, ILWIS has to scan the contents of all object definition files in the current Catalog.

The query that is in use is shown in the status bar of the Main window.

The Customize Catalog sheet appears:


Subsequently, click the Query tab.

Page options:

Catalog Queries:

Select one of the Predefined Catalog Queries (see below).

Query text box:

Construct a query yourself. For more information and examples, see Query Syntax below.


Save a query. The query will be added to the existing Catalog Queries list.

Save as:

Save an existing query by another name. The query will be added to the existing Catalog Queries list.


Delete an existing user-defined query. The query will be removed from the Catalog Queries list.

Queries are saved in the registry. The query that is applied will be shown on the status line of the Main window.



Query Syntax

Query expressions use the following syntax (case-insensitive):


Query Term | Term and Term | Term or Term
Term Object.Attribute Operator Value | Attribute Operator Value | Object.Term


Object IlwisObject (all ILWIS objects) | Map (all maps: ras, pol, seg, pnt) |
RasterMap | PolygonMap | SegmentMap | PointMap | Table |
MapList | ObjectCollection | MapView | Layout | AnnotationText | Graph |
Domain | Representation | GeoRef | CoordSystem |
RasHistogram | PolHistogram | SegHistogram | PntHistogram | SampleSet | StereoPair | Table2D | Matrix | Filter | Function | Script
Attribute Name | Type | Time | Description | Version (for all objects)
Domain (for all maps, tables and representations)
Georef (for raster maps)
Representation (for domains)
Projection | Datum (for coordinate systems)
Operator =  |  <>  |  >=  |  <=  |  >  |  <  |  contains


Object.Attribute | Attribute

accepted Values


any string, wildcards allowed


any string, wildcards allowed (e.g. to find objects that use a certain domain)


any string, wildcards allowed (e.g. to find objects that use a certain representation)


any string, wildcards allowed (e.g. to find objects that use a certain georeference)


any string, wildcards allowed (e.g. to find objects that use a certain coordinate system)


Map | RasterMap | PolygonMap | SegmentMap | PointMap | Table |
MapList | ObjectCollection | MapView | Layout | AnnotationText | Graph |
Domain | Representation | GeoRef | CoordSystem |
RasHistogram | PolHistogram | SegHistogram | PntHistogram | SampleSet | StereoPair | Table2D | Matrix | Filter | Function | Script |
Source | Dependent


value | image | class| id | identifier


rprclass | rprvalue | gradual


corners | tiepoints | georefctp


projection | latlon


datum name as string, wildcards allowed


year:month:day | year:month:day:hour | year:month:day:sec |
(now means today, x in days before today)


real value (e.g. 2.1, 3.0)


Term Operator

accepted Values

map contains

real value, real value (representating an XY-coordinate in a map)

integer value, integer value (representating a row,col position in a raster map)

Description contains

any string, wildcards allowed


Query examples:

name=land* shows all ILWIS objects that have a name starting with Land.
name=*use shows all ILWIS objects that have a name ending on Use.* shows the raster, polygon, segment and point maps that start with Land.
map.domain=landuse shows the raster, polygon, segment and point maps that use domain Landuse.
map.domain.type=image shows the maps that use domain type Image.
rastermap.georef.type=corners shows all raster maps with a georeference corners
coordsystem.projection="utm" shows all coordinate systems that use a UTM projection.
map.coordsystem.projection="utm" shows all maps (ras, pol, seg, pnt) that make use of a coordinate system with a UTM projection.
map.description contains DEM shows the raster, polygon, segment and point maps maps that have a description which contains the string DEM.
time > now-1 shows the objects that were modified after yesterday (thus today).
time >= 2000:01:01 shows the objects that were modified from the 1st of January of the year 2000 onwards.
domain.time >= 2000:01:01 shows the domains that were modified from the 1st of January of the year 2000 onwards.


The Query syntax as selected or as typed into the Query text box in this dialog box, will be sent to the command line as:


dir Query

Predefined Catalog Queries



All objects made today

time > now-1

Maps with domain class or id

map.domain.type=class or map.domain.type=identifier

Maps with domain image


Maps with domain value


Maps with georef corners


Maps with georef tiepoints


See also: