Table window

Column Management   



The Column Management dialog box offers the following possibilities:

This dialog box appears when:

Dialog box options:


You should select a column if you wish to open the properties of this column, or when you wish to delete this column.

  • To change the order of columns in the table, select a column and drag it to another position in the list. The column that appears at the top of the list is the first column in the table.
  • If you double-click a column in the list, the Column Properties dialog box of the selected column is directly opened.

Add Column:

Click this command button to add a new column to the table. The Add Column dialog box follows.

In this Column Management dialog box, you can also press the Insert key on the keyboard.


Click this command button to view and/or edit the properties of the selected column. The Column Properties dialog box of the column will be opened.


Click this command button to delete the selected column from the table.

In this Column Management dialog box, you can also press the Del key on the keyboard.

Make Up-to-Date:

If you selected a dependent column which is not up-to-date at the moment: click this button to check all columns on which this column depends, see if these are up-to-date, if not, check all columns below, etc., and calculate this column again using all new changed columns.

  • To make all columns of the table up-to-date, you can also select the Update All Columns command on the Columns menu, or click the Update All Columns button in the toolbar.


  1. To open the properties of a column, you can also double-click a column header in the table.
  2. To change the order of columns, you can also drag and drop columns to another position in the table.
  3. In the table window, click a column name and hold the mouse button down, the mouse pointer changes into a column icon , drag the column to a new position in the table, then release the left mouse button.

  4. To add a column to a table, you can also double-click the gray button to the right of the last column in the table window.
  5. To delete columns from a table, you can also select one or more columns in the table window, and press the Del key on the keyboard.
  6. When you click a column header in the table window to select the column, you can also use the context-sensitive menu to delete the column or view its properties.

See also: