Show stereo pair

as anaglyph

Show a calculated stereo pair as an anaglyph in a map window. The anaglyph is either displayed in Red-Green or in Red-Blue. You will be able to view the height differences in the stereo pair by using red-green or red-blue glasses.

To create a stereo pair:


To start showing a stereo pair as an anaglyph:

  1. from the Operations menu of the Main window, choose Visualization, Show Stereo Pair as Anaglyph, or
  2. in the Operation-list, double-click the Anaglyph item, or
  3. in the Operation-tree, expand the Visualization item and double-click the Anaglyph item, or
  4. click a stereo pair in a Catalog with the right mouse button and choose Visualization, Anaglyph from the context-sensitive menu.

In the cases 1, 2, and 3, a Show stereo pair as anaglyph dialog box will appear:


Tip: The default Open behaviour for a stereo pair, for instance when a stereo pair is double-clicked in a Catalog, is that the stereo pair will be shown in a Stereoscope window. If you prefer to show the stereo pair as an anaglyph by a default Open action, you can define this in the Preferences, section Main window.

Anaglyph in map window:

The stereo pair is shown as an anaglyph in a map window; depending on the choice you made in the Display Options - Stereo Pair as Anaglyph dialog box:

You can inspect the anaglyph using Red-Green or Red-Blue glasses.

In the map window, you can:

If you wish to add a point map or a segment map to the anaglyph, you may first wish to make sure that one of the output maps of the stereo pair has a georeference. Then open the stereo pair as an anaglyph and start screen digitizing.

In the anaglyph, coordinates are calculated from the positions of the pixels shown in red, i.e. pixels of the left output map.


Tip: A stereo pair can also be viewed with a stereoscope in a Stereo Pair - Stereoscope window.

See also: