Epipolar Stereo Pair - Creation window


In the Epipolar Stereo Pair - Creation window, you can create a stereo pair from two images with overlap.

In short, you will need to:



1,2,3 = Fiducial Marks

PP = Principal Point

TP = Transferred Principal Point

When you close the Epipolar Stereo Pair - Creation window with the Exit and Show button , both input photographs will be resampled to output maps, i.e. the stereo pair is calculated. Rotation differences and possible scale differences between the photographs will be removed.

The output stereo pair can then be viewed in stereo, either with a stereoscope or as an anaglyph.

The window has a menu bar, a context-sensitive menu, a toolbar, dialog panes at the bottom of the window, and a status bar.

To open the Epipolar Stereo Pair - Creation window:

For the creation of an epipolar stereo pair, you need two scanned images (for instance two aerial photographs with fiducial marks) with at least 50% overlap.



You can start the Epipolar Stereo Pair operation:

The Create Stereo Pair dialog box will appear in which you can specify the names of the left and right input maps, and the name of the output stereo pair. The Epipolar Stereo Pair - Creation window will also be opened.

The Epipolar Stereo Pair window consists of four parts:


To add a fiducial mark:

You are supposed to enter two, three or four fiducial marks for each photograph. For one photograph, use either the fiducial marks located in the corners of the photograph or the fiducial marks that are in the middle along an edge of the photograph.

To remove a fiducial mark:

To re-enter a wrong fiducial mark:

Automatic positioning of principal point:

When for a photograph, enough fiducial marks are entered, then the position of the principal point will automatically appear in the photograph.

The principal point of a photograph, is also called the pivot; it is the point around which the photograph will be rotated.


The principal point is only an approximation of the best possible rotation point or pivot. Theoretically, the nadir point (i.e. the terrain point perpendicular under the camera) is the point around which the photos should be rotated to make the photos epipolar to each other. However, without ground control points, the nadir point is hard to find, and in case of vertical photographs, the nadir point coincides with the principal point.

Manual positioning of principal point (optional):

If you don't have fiducial marks, you can also indicate the position of the principal point yourself:

To transfer the principal point of the left photograph to the right photograph (and vice versa):

Now do the same vice versa, and transfer the principal point of the right photograph to the left photograph.

The imaginary line between the principal point and the transferred principal point in a photograph is called the photo base; in normal circumstances, it coincides with the flight line projected on the ground (ground track).


To specify scaling points (optional):

When there are scale differences between the left and right photograph, you should specify one or two scaling points in both photographs. Like the principal point, the scaling point that you mark in one photograph has also to be marked in the other.

A scaling point should be located at the top or the bottom of photograph, at a distance of at least half the photo base away from the photo base/flight line, otherwise calculation of the stereo pair's output maps is not possible.



As soon as one or two scaling points are placed, a 'scaling distance' is displayed as 'Total distance from flight line'. This distance is expressed in photo pixels (rowcols). It is (the sum of) the distance(s) between the scaling point(s) and the base line. During resampling, the resolution of the photograph with the smallest scaling distance will be increased to the resolution of the other photograph.

To exit the Epipolar Stereo Pair - Creation window and show the resulting stereo pair (Exit and Show):

To save all entered points, and to calculate the resulting stereo pair which can be viewed in stereo:

The Epipolar Stereo Pair - Creation window will be closed.

The stereo pair and its two output raster maps will be calculated.

By default the stereo pair will be displayed in a Stereo Pair - Stereoscope window. The default Open action (i.e. open in Stereoscope window or open as Anaglyph) can be specified in the Preferences.

Other ways to exit the Epipolar Stereo Pair - Creation window:

In some cases you may wish to leave the Epipolar Stereo Pair - Creation window in another way than described above.


See also: