How to open objects

There are several ways to open objects:


  1. From the File menu in the Main window, choose Open, select the object you want to view;
  2. In a Catalog, double-click the object you want to view;
  3. In a Catalog, select one or more objects, click the selection with the right mouse button, and choose Open from the context-sensitive menu;
  4. In the Operation-tree, expand the Visualization item and double-click the Show item;
  5. In the Operation-list, double-click the Show item;
  6. Drag an object from a Catalog to the Show item in the Operation-tree or the Operation-list;
  7. Type Show or Show objectname.ext on the command line of the Main window.


Objects can also be opened by clicking the Show Map button in the toolbar of the Main window.

For maps: each map is displayed in a new map window.

For tables, histograms, two-dimensional tables, and annotation text objects: the object is displayed in a table window.

For other objects: either a specific editor is opened, or a dialog box appears.


See also: