Table window



Sort the records of the table.

Dialog box options:

Record sequence:

Domain / Record number:


If the table uses a regular class or ID domain: select this option to sort on the domain of this table, i.e. return to the original order of the table.

If the table uses system domain None: select this option to sort on record numbers, i.e. return to the original order of the table.


Select this option to sort the table on the contents of a column.

Select a column from the list box; open the list box by clicking it.

Sort order:


When sorting on a column: select this option to sort the class names, IDs, values or strings of the selected column in ascending order, i.e. from A to Z or from small values to large values.


When sorting on a column: select this option to sort the class names, IDs, values or strings of the selected column in descending order, i.e. from Z to A or from large values to small values.


The table will be sorted: the order of records probably changes.

If you sorted on a certain column:


To sort on a column, you can also select a column by clicking a column header, then click the selection with the right mouse button, and choose Sort Ascending or Sort Descending from the context-sensitive menu.


When sorting on the domain of the table or on a column of a table, and when the table or the column uses a class or ID domain:

Sort settings are stored when you close the table.

Command line syntax:

If you like, you can also sort through the command line. Type on the command line of a table window:

    sorton columnname [-sortorder=ascending|descending]


Example 1: to sort the table in ascending order on column MyValues, type either:

sorton myvalues


sorton myvalues -sortorder=ascending

Example 2: to sort the table in descending order on column MyValues, type:

sorton myvalues -sortorder=descending


Mind: These sorton expressions can only be used on the command line of a table window, thus not from the command line of the Main window and not in a script.

See also: