Segment editor

Insert code


Select a class name or type a value that will be assigned by default to all new segments that you insert from this moment onwards.

You can set the Insert code when you intend to digitize a couple of segments which should obtain the same class name or the same value. When finished, you can reset the Insert code to another class name or value, and digitize segments with another class name or value than before.

For more information on inserting segments, see Insert mode.


Note: The Insert code option is grayed out when editing a segment map with an ID domain or a Unique ID domain, because in such maps, each segment is supposed to have a unique code.

Dialog box options:

Class name/Value:

Select a class name, or type a value that should be assigned by default to all new segments that you will insert from this moment onwards.

Class names, values, etc.


When you choose the '?' question mark, the selected segment(s) will not get a class name or value; they will have the undefined value.


See also: