Segment editor



Customize the manner in which segments are displayed in the segment editor and/or customize the behaviour of the segment editor itself.

This dialog box appears when in the Segment editor:

Dialog box options:

Color digitizer cursor:

Select a color in which the digitizer cursor should be displayed in the segment editor; open the list box by clicking it. To create your own custom color, click the create button or select Custom at the bottom of the drop-down list.


Select this check box to automatically snap the begin node and end node of a newly inserted segment (using the mouse) to existing nodes or to existing segments, provided that the distance to the existing node or segment is less than the snap tolerance.

Clear this check box if newly inserted segments should not be automatically snapped to existing nodes or existing segments. If you clear this check box, use the Shift key to snap to an existing node, and use the Ctrl key to split an existing segment and snap to the newly created node. For more information, see Appendices : mouse functions.

Show nodes:

Select this check box to show the nodes of segments when in Select mode and Insert mode. When you are in Move Points mode, segment nodes and intermediate points within segments are always shown.

Clear this check box when segment nodes should not be visible in Select mode and Insert mode.

Snap tolerance (m):

Enter a value for the distance interval in which snapping between newly inserted segments and existing ones is allowed.

When you insert a new segment and try to snap to an existing segment, the snap(/split) is performed when the distance between the two is smaller than the specified snap tolerance.

The smaller you choose the snap tolerance, the more difficult it is to snap to existing nodes or segments.

When working with a digitizer, the Snap tolerance is specified in meters. The snap/split distance is then independent from any zooming.

Snap tolerance (pixels):

Similar to the above. When working with the mouse, the Snap tolerance is specified in screen pixels. The snap/split distance then varies with zooming.

Tunnel tolerance (m):

Enter a value for the radius of the tunnel (in meters) that should be used for tunneling consecutive intermediate points within each segment while inserting new segments. When inserting new segments, intermediate points received while keeping the left mouse button or the digitizer cursor down (stream mode) are only stored when they fall outside the consecutive tunnels.

The smaller you choose the tunnel tolerance, the more precise the coordinates within segments are stored, the more coordinates will be stored within segments and the less smooth segments will appear.

Normal color:

Select a color for the segments, nodes and intermediate points within segments in this segment map. This color is used to display the segments in the segment editor when you choose the 'Normal' option below. To create your own custom color, click the create button or select Custom at the bottom of the drop-down list.

Retouch color:

Select a color for the segments, nodes and intermediate points within segments when moving a node or an intermediate point to another position in Move Points mode. To create your own custom color, click the create button or select Custom at the bottom of the drop-down list.

Deleted color:

Select a color to show deleted segments when using the Undelete Segments option. To create your own custom color, click the create button or select Custom at the bottom of the drop-down list.

Find undef color:

Select a color in which undefined segments (i.e. segments without value, class name or ID) should be displayed in case you use Find Undefineds from the Edit menu.

Segment colors:


Display the segments in the segment map that you are editing in the color that you selected above for 'Normal color'.


For domain class and value segment maps, display the segments in the segment map that you are editing in the colors according to the representation that is linked to the domain used by this map.

Primary colors:

Display the segments in the segment map that you are editing in 31 different colors.


Settings are automatically stored in the registry.

See also: