Color composite


A color composite is created by combining 3 raster images (bands/maps). One band is displayed in shades of red, one in shades of green and one in shades of blue.

A color composite can be created:


This operation creates a permanent color composite map. When your graphics board is configured to use more than 256 colors, for instance High Color 16-bit or True Color 24-bit (see Display Settings in Windows' Control Panel), you can also interactively display a color composite by selecting the Show MapList as Color Composite command from the Operations, Visualization menu. By creating an interactive color composite (very suitable for sampling or on-screen digitizing), you can easily change intervals, select other bands, etc. Another advantage is that besides maps with the Image domain, also maps with a Value domain are accepted. The resulting color composite is displayed in a map window. To store such a color composite, you can save the map window as a map view.

General information on color composites:

By using this operation, color composites can be created in various ways:

The different methods of creating a color composite are merely a matter of scaling the input values over the output colors. The exact methods by which this is done are described in Color Composite : algorithm.

Input map requirements:

The three input maps should use the Image domain. A georeference is not required for the input maps. If the maps do have a georeference, all input maps should use the same georeference.

Domain of output map:

For a standard color composite: the operation always uses system Picture domain ColorCmp for the output color composite. This domain always uses system representation ColorCmp.

For a dynamic color composite: the operation creates a new domain (type Picture) for the output color composite and a new representation for this domain. This output domain and representation are always stored by the output map (internal domain and internal representation).

For a 24-bit color composite: the operation always uses the Color domain for the output color composite.

Georeference of output map:

The output color composite always uses the same georeference as the input maps.


See also: