How to use representations

Representation types

Representations can be created and selected depending on the domain of the map.

For maps with a class domain or group domain, you have to create and edit a user-defined representation Class (1).

For maps with a value domain or the image domain, two types of representations are available: representation Value (2) and representation Gradual (3).

Maps with a domain ID can only be displayed in 1, 7, 15, or 31 system colors.

1. Representation Class:

A representation Class is user-defined: colors have to specified for all classes in a certain class domain, see Representation Class editor. Each class is represented by a specific color. You can create multiple representations for the same domain.

2. Representation Value:

A representation Value is user-defined: colors can be specified for different values in a certain Value domain, see Representation Value/Gradual editor. You can specify the colors for the smallest and largest values in the domain and insert other breakpoints/limits as required.

Each value is represented by a specific color. You can create multiple representations for the same domain.

3. Representation Gradual:

A number of system representations Gradual are available:

A representation Gradual can also be user-defined. The domain of a representation Gradual is the system domain Value. Each value in the map is stretched to a percentage value between 0 and 100; each percentage value is represented by a specific color, see Representation Value/Gradual editor. You can specify the colors for 0% and 100% and insert other breakpoints/limits as required. Representations Gradual can be used for all maps with a value domain.

Domain and representation

All maps with the same domain are displayed with the same representation. Every domain is always linked to one representation.

To view which representation is currently used by a certain domain, or to select or to create a new representation, open the Display Options dialog box or the Domain Properties dialog box.

To obtain a Display Options dialog box:

To obtain a Domain Properties dialog box:

Using representations

To create a new representation for a domain Class, Group, Value or Image:

To link another representation to a domain:

To edit an existing representation:

For more information on Representation editors, see How to edit a representation.

See also: