Representation Value/Gradual editor


The Representation Value/Gradual editor allows you to change the representation of a map that uses a value domain or the image domain. In the Representation Value/Gradual editor, the values of the domain that uses this representation are called boundary values or limits. The general idea is that you insert limits, assign colors to limits and that you choose a coloring method for the values in between two limits.

To start the Representation Value/Gradual editor, see How to create a representation and How to edit a representation.


The functionality of the Representation Value/Gradual editor resembles the functionality of the ILWIS 1.4 Transfer Function program.

Parts of the Representation Value/Gradual editor:


Maps which use system domain Value can only be shown with a representation gradual which works on percentages. When you want to create a representation value (working on values) for such maps, in order to assign specific colors to specific values, you need to change the domain of the map from system domain Value to a user-defined value domain. For more information, see How to change the domain of a map.

General working of the Representation Value/Gradual editor:

In general, in the representation Value/Gradual editor, you can:

To change the color or the value of a limit:

In the appearing Edit Limit dialog box, you can select new color for this limit. You can also change the value or percentage of the limit.

To insert a limit:

In the appearing Insert Limit dialog box, you can fill in a new value (percentage or value) for the limit, and you can select a color for this limit.

To delete a limit:

To choose a coloring method for values/percentages in between two limits:

For values or percentages in between two limits there are three possibilities:

  1. colors either range from the color of the limit below to the color of the limit above (stretch), or
  2. they have the same color as the limit below (lower) or
  3. they have the same colors as the limit above (upper).

To change the coloring of value/percentages in between two limits:

When starting from stretch:

To change the number of colors in between two limits:

In the appearing Stretch Steps dialog box, enter a value for the number of colors that should be used in between two limits.

To interactively change colors of value maps:

See also: