A Practical Guide to Geostatistical Mapping quotes http://spatial-analyst.net/book/quotes Geostatistical mapping can be defined as analytical production of maps by using field observations, auxiliary information and a computer program that generates predictions. The purpose of this guide is to assist you in producing quality maps by using fully-operational open source software packages: R+gstat/geoR and SAGA GIS. Materials presented in this book have been used for the five-day advanced training course "GEOSTAT: spatio-temporal data analysis with R+SAGA+Google Earth" that is periodically organized by the author and collaborators. This is an open access publication! en http://spatial-analyst.net/book/node/437 <div class="quotes-quote"><p>&quot;...Probably the only shared characteristic would be that these are things you can&rsquo;t really get unmotivated people to grasp, but if someone is motivated, they&rsquo;ll find their way in somehow. And enjoy it, after all, it is supposed to be fun, isn&rsquo;t it?&quot;</p> </div><div class="quotes-author"><p>&mdash; Roger Bivand, Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration</p> </div><div class="quotes-bio-link"><a href="/book/quotes/author/Roger%20Bivand%2C%20Norwegian%20School%20of%20Economics%20and%20Business%20Administration">See biography and quotes</a></div><div class="quotes-citation"><p><cite>from the interview with Roger Bivand by Miguel Eduardo Gil Biraud</cite></p> </div><div class="clear-block"></div> http://spatial-analyst.net/book/node/437#comments Fri, 15 Jan 2010 13:34:28 +0000 mgilbir 437 at http://spatial-analyst.net/book http://spatial-analyst.net/book/node/436 <div class="quotes-quote"><p>&quot;Few days ago I have received copies of my book from Lulu.com. The prints are really impressive! If I think about it - Lulu never gave me any physical training about how to make a book cover, how to optimize the cost/readability balance etc; I only followed instructions on their website and submitted the document myself; and now I am looking at prints which are exactly what I would expect from a professional publisher.&quot;</p> </div><div class="quotes-author"><p>&mdash; Tomislav Hengl, University of Amsterdam</p> </div><div class="quotes-bio-link"><a href="/book/quotes/author/Tomislav%20Hengl%2C%20University%20of%20Amsterdam">See biography and quotes</a></div><div class="clear-block"></div> http://spatial-analyst.net/book/node/436#comments Fri, 08 Jan 2010 11:05:46 +0000 T.Hengl 436 at http://spatial-analyst.net/book http://spatial-analyst.net/book/node/432 <div class="quotes-quote"><p>&quot;From a period in which geographic information systems, and later geocomputation and geographical information science, have been agenda setters, there seems to be interest in trying things out, in expressing ideas in code, and in encouraging others to apply the coded functions in teaching and applied research settings.&quot;</p> </div><div class="quotes-author"><p>&mdash; Roger Bivand, Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration</p> </div><div class="quotes-bio-link"><a href="/book/quotes/author/Roger%20Bivand%2C%20Norwegian%20School%20of%20Economics%20and%20Business%20Administration">See biography and quotes</a></div><div class="quotes-citation"><p><cite>Bivand, R., 2006. Implementing Spatial Data Analysis Software Tools in R. Geographical Analysis 38: 23-40</cite></p> </div><div class="clear-block"></div> http://spatial-analyst.net/book/node/432#comments Sat, 12 Dec 2009 12:54:09 +0000 rsbivand1 432 at http://spatial-analyst.net/book http://spatial-analyst.net/book/node/431 <div class="quotes-quote"><p>&quot;Just a short word of congratulation about the open-source book project you launched yesterday; this is exactly the idea I have of the word &lsquo;research&rsquo; (especially as a free-software advocate myself!), will try to help as much as possible.&quot;</p> </div><div class="quotes-author"><p>&mdash; Pierre Roudier, Australian Centre for Precision Agriculture, The University of Sydney</p> </div><div class="quotes-bio-link"><a href="/book/quotes/author/Pierre%20Roudier%2C%20Australian%20Centre%20for%20Precision%20Agriculture%2C%20The%20University%20of%20Sydney">See biography and quotes</a></div><div class="clear-block"></div> http://spatial-analyst.net/book/node/431#comments Sat, 12 Dec 2009 12:50:25 +0000 Pierre Roudier 431 at http://spatial-analyst.net/book http://spatial-analyst.net/book/node/430 <div class="quotes-quote"><p>&quot;I've been looking at your book - I think it provides nice introductions to some important topics. I'm impressed that it's free!&quot;</p> </div><div class="quotes-author"><p>&mdash; Chris Lloyd, School of Geography, Queen’s University Belfast</p> </div><div class="quotes-bio-link"><a href="/book/quotes/author/Chris%20Lloyd%2C%20%20School%20of%20Geography%2C%20Queen%E2%80%99s%20University%20Belfast">See biography and quotes</a></div><div class="clear-block"></div> http://spatial-analyst.net/book/node/430#comments Sat, 12 Dec 2009 12:49:01 +0000 clloyd 430 at http://spatial-analyst.net/book http://spatial-analyst.net/book/node/429 <div class="quotes-quote"><p>&quot;Hi Tom. I have uploaded some comments on your book. You should check if you are able to run the code on upgraded versions of R. Otherwise fine, nice set of full-scale examples.&quot;</p> </div><div class="quotes-author"><p>&mdash; Roger Bivand, Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration</p> </div><div class="quotes-bio-link"><a href="/book/quotes/author/Roger%20Bivand%2C%20Norwegian%20School%20of%20Economics%20and%20Business%20Administration">See biography and quotes</a></div><div class="clear-block"></div> http://spatial-analyst.net/book/node/429#comments Sat, 12 Dec 2009 12:45:21 +0000 rsbivand1 429 at http://spatial-analyst.net/book