Study area: Baranja Pixel size: 30 m Map size: 1392 lines x 1792 columns Upper left corner: 6521775.00, 5086275.00 Upper right corner: 6575535.00, 5086275.00 Bottom left: 6521775.00, 5044515.00 Bottom right: 6575535.00, 5044515.00 Landform parameters (Map list consisting of 9 bands): ACC, CTI, DISTW, GWD, PROFC, SLOPE, STI, TANGC, VSHED Description: The DEM was used, directly or as a component, in calculating eight soil predictive variables per pixel: relative elevation (GWD), slope gradient (SLOPE), profile curvature (PROFC), plan curvature (TANGC), viewshed reflectance (VSHED), accumulation flow (FLOW), wetness index (CTI), and sediment transport index (STI). Independently, the distance to nearest watercourse (DISTW) was computed from a map of the drainage network. SLOPE, PROFC, TANGC, and VSHED were calculated directly from the DEM with 5x5-pixel filters in ILWIS, which implements the Zevenbegren and Thorne formulas (1987). GWD was calculated by using the additional information from the topographic map and hydrological stations. The base elevation of the ground water table (GWD) was estimated from four benchmarks at Danube and Drava river level on the edges of the study area. These were used to interpolate an equipotential surface for the whole area as a second-order trend surface. Local elevation GWD was then calculated as the difference between the DEM and this surface. Thus GWD represents a slight adjustment of elevation for the regional slope to the southeast, about 9 m difference across the entire area. The CTI reflects the tendency of water to accumulate at any point in the landscape, and is also referred to as the “wetness index”, while STI reflects the erosive power of the overland flow.