SMCE window

Create a new criteria tree


Create a new criteria tree or close the current criteria tree and create a new one.

The Spatial Multicriteria Evaluation wizard appears:

The SMCE wizard assists in creating a new criteria tree for:


Problem Analysis:


Analyze a problem situation using one set of maps as evaluation criteria, e.g. environmental impact assessment. The criteria tree editor will start with an empty tree and a placeholder for one data set.

Design of Alternatives:


Perform analysis for designing alternatives/options using one set of maps as evaluation criteria, e.g. (un)suitability analysis. The criteria tree editor will start with an empty tree and a placeholder for one data set.

Decision Making:


The Number of Alternatives dialog box will follow, in which you can specify the number of alternatives and the names for the alternatives. Decide between alternatives/options using a set of maps for each alternative as evaluation criteria. The criteria tree editor will start with an empty tree and placeholders for a number of data sets, each corresponding to an alternative. By default, the number of alternatives is two.

Open an existing criteria tree:


Do not create a new criteria tree but open an existing one.

The Criteria tree viewer will be opened.

See also: