Script editor

Run Script


Run or test a script.

The Run Script dialog box only appears if your script contains parameters for which a user still needs to select input objects or for which a user still needs to specify an output file name etc.

If your script does not contain any parameters, or if all parameters were already specified (i.e. on command line), this dialog box will be skipped and your script will immediately be executed.

Dialog box options:

In the Run Script dialog box, all parameter names are listed as specified on the Parameters tab of the script editor.

Furthermore, default objects may be shown as specified on the Defaults Values tab of the script editor:

When the OK button is clicked and when all parameters are correctly specified, the script will be executed.


Creating your own Help for a script

When you have created a script and when you click the Help button in the Run Script dialog box for the first time, an HTML page is automatically generated listing all parameter names of the script and a minimal explanation. This HTML file is stored with the same name and in the same directory as the script. You are free to adapt the auto-generated HTML file according to your wishes. You can for instance give a better introduction of the working of the script, explain input and possible output parameters more in depth, etc. When you save the edited HTML file with the same name and the same location as the script, your own 'Help' will appear whenever the Run Script Help button is clicked again.

The auto-generated HTML file lists:

The HTML file uses the same stylesheet (.css file) as the ILWIS Help.


When you copy a script to another directory, please copy your script's .htm file and the ilwis.css file yourself.

See also: