Edit a Bool domain

Edit the codes that are used for 'True' and 'False' by a user-defined Bool domain.

This dialog box appears:

Dialog box options:


You can change the description of the domain. The description is visible on the status bar of the Main window when moving the mouse pointer over the domain in the Catalog.

'True' string:

You can change code for 'True' values in maps and tables that use this Bool domain; the code will come up when pressing the left mouse button in a map window (Info), and in Layer Management.

You may use for instance code 'Suitable'.

'False' string:

You can change code for 'False' values in maps and tables that use this Bool domain.

You may use for instance code 'Not Suitable'.


To set default colors for 'True' and 'False' for a Bool domain, you can:

See also: