Segment editor

Check segments - Dead ends


Checks whether segments have dead ends and whether nodes are properly connected to nodes. It is also checked whether segments partly overlap themselves. This check should be used when you wish to polygonize your segments.

Dialog box options:


Select this check box if you want to check a specific selection of segments. Subsequently, specify the multiple search strings to check only those segments. Clear this check box to check all segments.

Start at Begin:

Start the check with the first segment.

Start at Number:

Start the check with any segment. Subsequently, type the (internal) segment number where the check should start. Previous segments will be skipped.

If a dead end is found:

If a node is found on a segment which has not been properly snapped to the segment:

If a self overlap is found:

After a manual correction, you have to restart the check yourself.

If no errors are encountered for this check, a message will appear stating that the segments are OK.

See also: