Sub-map of segment map

Dialog box

The Sub-map of segment map operation copies a rectangular part of a segment map into a new segment map. The user has to specify minimum and maximum XY-coordinates for the new segment map.

Dialog box options:

Input segment map:

Select an input segment map. Open the list box and select the desired input map, or drag a segment map directly from the Catalog into this box. No special input map requirements.

MinX, MinY:

Type the minimum X-coordinate and the minimum Y-coordinate for the output map, i.e. the XY-coordinate for the lower left corner of the output map.

MaxX, MaxY:

Type the maximum X-coordinate and the maximum Y-coordinate for the output map, i.e. the XY-coordinate for the upper right corner of the output map.


If the selected input segment map uses a coordinate system of type latlon, then specify the coordinates for the output map as Min Latitude, Min Longitude (lower left), Max Latitude and Max Longitude (upper right) in degrees, minutes, and seconds, N or S, and E or W.

Output segment map:

Type a name for the output segment map that will contain the copied segments.


Optionally, type a description for the output map. The description will appear in the status bar of the Main window when moving the mouse pointer over the map in a Catalog, and in the title bar of a map window when the output map is displayed. If no description is supplied, the output map will use its own definition as description.

When you click the Show button, the dependent output map will be defined, calculated and shown. When you click the Define button, the dependent output map will only be defined; if necessary, the map will be calculated later, for instance when the map is opened to be displayed.

See also: