Distance calculation

Thiessen map

By calculating a Thiessen map, each pixel is assigned the class name, ID or value of the nearest source. A Thiessen map can be created by performing a Distance calculation on any raster source map.

A Thiessen map is created in two steps:

Input map requirements:

As source map, it is advised to use a map with domain Identifier, but also maps with a class domain can be used. On the command line, also source maps with a value domain are accepted. All pixels with a class name, ID or value are considered as sources. The undefined pixels in this source map obtain the ID, class name or value of the nearest source.

In the weight map, you can specify weight (resistance) factors that reflect the relative difficulty to pass the pixels.

Output maps:

When calculating a Thiessen map, also a distance map is calculated as a by-product.

Due to the algorithm of the distance operation, the boundaries between two areas in the Thiessen map may appear not straight, but octagonal around the sources. To obtain exact shortest distances, you can use the Nearest point operation.

Domain and georeference of output maps:

The output Thiessen map always uses the same domain as the input source map.

The output distance map obtains by default system domain Distance; the value range and precision for the output map can be adjusted each time you perform the Distance operation. You can also create or use a value domain of your own.

The output maps use the same georeference as the input maps.


See also: