Correlation matrix

Dialog box

The Correlation matrix operation calculates correlation coefficients of the raster maps in a map list. Correlation coefficients characterize the distribution of pixel values in two raster maps. Furthermore, the mean and standard deviation of each individual raster map is calculated.

Dialog box options:

Map list:

Select an input map list (open the list box and select the desired map list, or drag a map list from the Catalog into this list box) or create a new map list by clicking the create button. All raster maps in the map list must use the Image domain or the same value domain and must have the same georeference.

When you click the OK button, the correlation matrix is defined, calculated and shown. The matrix is not stored as a separate object, but the matrix values are stored in the object definition file of the map list (.MPL). To show the matrix once more after you have closed the matrix window, you have to perform the operation again.

See also: