Contour interpolation


Contour interpolation is an operation which first rasterizes contour lines of a segment map with a value domain, and then calculates values for pixels that are not covered by segments by means of a linear interpolation. Furthermore, on the command line, this operation can also use an input raster map.

When using Contour interpolation on a segment map containing height (contour) information, the resulting raster map is a Digital Elevation Model (DEM). To visualize a DEM you can use Display3D.

Input map requirements:

The input segment map should be a value map. The Contour interpolation operation creates an intermediate raster map with rasterized segments. For all pixel values with undefined values in this intermediate map, an output value is calculated.

When using Contour interpolation from the command line, also a raster map (with rasterized segments) can be used as input.

Domain and georeference of output map:

The output map uses the same value domain as the input map. The value range and precision can be adjusted for the output map.

The georeference for the output map has to be selected or created; you can usually select an existing georeference corners.



When later on you want to create a georeference orthophoto or a georeference direct linear, which will use the created DEM, it is strongly advised to mark the Interpolation check box in the Raster Map Properties dialog box of the DEM.

See also: