Area numbering


Area numbering assigns unique pixel values in an output map for connected areas (areas consisting of pixels with the same value, class name, or ID) in an input map. Area numbering breaks down mapping units which may occur in several places in your input map (e.g. a province including some islands, all having the same pixel value), into uniquely codified connected areas (e.g. the mainland and each island separately codified.)

The output of Area numbering is a map in which these connected areas are codified as Area 1, Area 2, etc. Furthermore, an attribute table is created for the output map. The table contains the new IDs; the class names, IDs, or values of the original mapping units; and the size (npix and area) of the unique output units.

The uniquely codified areas may be useful:

4-connectivity versus 8-connectivity:

Area numbering can recognise connected areas either as:

Below, a representation of 4 and 8-connectivity is presented; the program is looking at 4 or at 8 neighbours.




Using 4-connectivity results in 4-connected areas in the output map, using 8-connectivity results in 8-connected areas in the output map. Using 8-connectivity results in a smaller number of connected areas and smoother boundaries of these areas.

Input map requirements:

In the dialog box, you can only select raster maps with a class, ID, or Bool domain.

On the command line, there are no special requirements for the input map.

Domain and georeference of output map:

The output map and the attribute table will use an internally defined UniqueID domain; the IDs have names like Area 1, Area 2, etc. The domain is stored by the output map (internal domain).

The output map uses the same georeference as the input map.

Attribute table for output map:

An attribute table will be automatically created for the output map. The table contains the new IDs; the class names, IDs, or values of the original mapping units; and the size (npix and area) of the unique output units.

Example area numbering 4-connected:


Input map:

Output map:

The order of the numbering in the output map is defined as from left to right line by line, and from top to bottom.

Example area numbering 8-connected:


Input map:

Output map:

The order of the numbering in the output map is defined as from left to right line by line, and from top to bottom.


For more information on internal domains and representations, refer to How to open internal domains/representations.

See also: