Aggregation functions

The following aggregations functions are available:



Returns the average of a whole column, the averages per group, the weighted average of a whole column or weighted averages per group.


Counts the number of records which are not undefined in a column or counts the number of records which are not undefined per group.


Returns the maximum value of a whole column or the maximum values per group.


Returns the median value of a whole column, the median values per group, weighted median value of a whole column, or weighted medians per group.


Returns the minimum value of a whole column or the minimum values per group.


Returns the predominant value of a whole column, the predominant values per group, weighted predominant value of a whole column, or weighted predominant values per group.

Standard Deviation

Returns the standard deviation of a whole column, the standard deviations per group, the weighted standard deviation, or the weighted standard deviations per group.


Sums the values of a whole column or sums values per group.

When using an aggregation function, a 'group by' column can be selected to calculate sums, averages etc. per group.

All aggregation functions expect a value column on which the aggregation should be performed; however, the functions Count, Median and Predominant also work an a class or ID input column.

See also: