ILWIS objects


Coordinate system    



A coordinate system contains information on the kind of coordinates you are using in your maps; you may for instance use user-defined coordinates, coordinates defined by a national standard or coordinates of a certain UTM zone. A coordinate system defines the possible XY- or LatLon-coordinates that can be used in your maps.

Point, segment and polygon maps always have a coordinate system. Raster maps have a georeference which uses a coordinate system. A coordinate system is a service object for point, segment and polygon maps, and for georeferences of raster maps.

In ILWIS, XY-coordinates are supposed to be in meters and the 90 angle between the positive X-axis and the positive Y-axis is counter-clockwise.

Coordinate system types:

There are five main types of coordinate systems:

Furthermore, two coordinate systems are available in the \SYSTEM directory:

Finally, a coordinate system differential (for a georeference differential) is internally defined by the Variogram surface operation; it is thus not available on disk. This coordinate system is incompatible with any other coordinate system.

General use of coordinate systems:


When you receive data in different projections (and you have created correct coordinate systems with correct projections for these maps), it is advised to use the Transform operations to transform vector data from the current coordinate system into one other coordinate system, or to use the Resample operation to resample pixels of a raster map the current georeference into one other georeference (with another coordinate system).

Names of coordinate systems:

In ILWIS 3, object names comply with Windows long file names. Also Universal Naming Convention (UNC) paths are supported. For more information, see How to use long object names.

To create a coordinate system:

To create a coordinate system, you can select the Create Coordinate System command on the File menu of the Main window or double-click the NewCrdSys item in the Operation-list. The Create Coordinate System dialog box will appear: you can create any type of coordinate system.

When one or more vector maps which do not have correct coordinates yet are displayed in a map window, you can also select the Create Coordinate System command on the File menu of the map window. The Create Coordinate System (in map window) dialog box will appear: you can create a coordinate system formula or a coordinate system tiepoints.

Other ways to create a coordinate system are:

For more information, refer to the Create Coordinate System dialog box. It is advised that within one project, all maps use the same coordinate system.

To view or edit a coordinate system:

The easiest way to view and/or edit an existing coordinate system, is to double-click a coordinate system in the Catalog. When one or more raster and/or vector maps are displayed in a map window, you can also open the Edit menu in the map window and choose Coordinate System.

Depending on the type of coordinate system you open (or the type of coordinate system that is currently used by the map window), a dialog box will appear or an appropriate editor will be opened:

Of course, to open and edit a coordinate system, you can also click a coordinate system with the right mouse button in the Catalog and choose Open from the context-sensitive menu, use the Edit Object command on the Edit menu in the Main window, double-click the Edit item in the Operation-list, etc.


Technical information:

A coordinate system consists of an ASCII object definition file (.CSY); in case of a coordsys tiepoints also a binary data file (.CS#) is available. The object definition file stores the coordinate boundaries and, if available, projection information, a formula, etc.

By viewing the properties of a coordinate system, you can see for instance the type of the coordinate system, the boundary coordinates of the coordinate system, and find out by which vector maps and by which georeferences this coordinate system is used. For a coordinate system formula and a coordinate system tiepoints, also the related coordinate system is listed. Furthermore, for a coordinate system tiepoints, you can find the transformation results by clicking the Additional Info button.

See also:

Introduction on Projections

A projection defines the relation between the map coordinates (X,Y) and the geographic coordinates latitude and longitude (f, l).

The Earth's surface is curved, however in maps it is presented as a flat surface. Therefore, the display of an area on a map will always lead to some deformation or distortion; there is no 'perfect' projection. If you show only a small part of the Earth, like a town, the distortion will be almost insignificant. If, on the other hand, a map shows a continent, deformations and distortions will be a major problem. To correctly represent the curved Earth's surface on a flat map, you need a special projection. The geographic coordinates are converted to a metric coordinate system, measuring the X- and Y-directions in meters. Each projection has unique equations for the transformation from geographic to metric coordinates and vice versa.

Because of the earth's rotation, the shape of the earth is not a perfect sphere. The earth is flattened towards the poles: the equatorial axis (diameter of the equator circle) is longer than the polar axis. The shape of the earth can be represented by an ellipsoid, or as it is sometimes called, a spheroid (shapes that are generated by revolving an ellipsis around its minor axis). The choice of the ellipsoid which fits best a certain region of the earth surface to be mapped depends on the surface curvature and geoid undulations in that region. Hence every country has its own 'best fit' ellipsoid.

General characteristics of projections

Projection types:

Based on the shape of the projection surface, one can classify the projections in azimuthal, conical and cylindrical projections. Therefore, the cone or cylinder needs to be 'unrolled' to form a plane map.



Cylindrical projections:

Cylindrical projections may be imagined as the projection to a plane that is wrapped around the globe in the form of a cylinder (see Figure 1). After unrolling, the outline of the world map would be rectangular in shape; the meridians are parallel straight lines which cross at right angles by straight parallel lines of latitude. Together, these lines are called the 'graticule'. Examples: Mercator, Plate Carree.

Figure 1: Principle of cylindrical projections.


Azimuthal projections:

Azimuthal projections may be imagined as the projection on a plane tangent to the globe (Figure 2). The characteristic outline of the world map would be circular. If the pole is the central point, the meridians are straight lines, spaced at their true angles intersecting at this center point. Parallels are represented as concentric circles. Examples: Gnomonic, Stereographic.

Figure 2: Principle of azimuthal projections.


Conical projections:

Conical projections may be imagined as the projection to a plane that is wrapped like a cone around the globe (Figure 3). After unrolling the outline of the world would be fan shaped. The meridians are represented as straight lines and parallels as concentric circles. Only the parallels where the cone touches the globe have the same length as on earth.

Figure 3: Principle of conical projections.


Furthermore, projections can be subdivided according to the direction in which a cylinder, plane or cone is oriented with respect to the globe, the so-called aspect. In the text above, it is assumed that the projection only touches the Earth. However, it is also possible to use a secant cylinder, plane or cone which intersects the sphere. Figures 4, 5, and 6 show some aspect types for different types of projections.


Fig 4: Different aspects for cylindrical projections.


Fig. 5: Different aspects for azimuthal projections.

Fig 6: Different aspects for conical projections.

Projection characteristics:

As mentioned before a map projection always results in some deformation or distortion. Depending on the type of projection, these distortions will be different. This is indicated by the characteristics of a projection:

Available projections:

Map projections are named according to the class, the aspect, the property, the name of the originator and the nature of any modification. For an overview of available projections, refer to the Select Projection dialog box. For hints on what projection to use, refer to Suggested projections.

Coordinate system Formula

You can create a coordinate system formula for maps with artificial coordinates, i.e. starting at (0,0) or digitized in millimeters. The coordinate system formula uses a 'related' coordinate system; this is the coordinate system with correct coordinates. When you have defined the formula and when the map with artificial coordinates uses the newly created coordinate system formula, then you can transform the map to the correct coordinate system.

Transformation formulae:

In the formulae below, is used for the related coordinates, for the coordinates of the coordsys formula which you are creating, for the origin in the related coordsys, and for the origin of the coordsys formula which you are creating.





k = scaling factor

f = rotation angle



Differential scaling:

k1 = X-scaling

k2 = Y-scaling



Skew along X-axis:

a = skew angle in X-direction



Skew along Y-axis:

b = skew angle in Y-direction




a11, a12, a21, a22 = matrix coefficients



User-defined expression:

Xout = fx (x - x0, y - y0) + X0

Yout = fy (x - x0, y - y0) + Y0

For more information, see the Edit Coordinate System Formula dialog box.