How to open objects as a table


Some objects are internally stored as a table and can therefore be opened as a table. Histograms and two-dimensional tables are automatically opened as a table, but you can also open a point map, a class/ID domain, a class/picture representation, a georeference tiepoints, or a coordinate system tiepoint as a table.

The main idea behind opening these objects as a table is to allow the user to perform calculations with TabCalc on or with the columns of the objects. A special set of functions was designed to be able to calculate with XY-coordinate columns, color columns, etc.


Opening point maps and class/picture representations as a table will look familiar to ILWIS 1.4 users as in ILWIS 1.4 point maps and color look-up-tables were stored as ASCII tables.

To open objects as a table:




The option Open As Table is designed for experienced users. Opening an object as a table means that you can touch the object as it is stored on disk; you can see and edit the binary data files of an object which are otherwise not readable in ASCII now. Editing leads to changes with the risk of making an object unusable. Keep in mind that names and codes of domain items should be unique; furthermore it is not advised to edit the values in columns Ind and Ord of a domain as this can lead to serious problems like missing domain items, wrong colors, wrongly linked attributes, etc. Be wise and keep a backup of your data.

See also: