SAGA help documentation Multi Level to Surface Interpolation Multi Level to Points Interpolation Earth's Orbital Parameters Annual Course of Daily Insolation Daily Insolation over Latitude Monthly Global by Latitude PET (after Hargreave) Daily to Hourly PET Average With Thereshold 1 Average With Thereshold 2 Average With Thereshold 3 Average With Mask 1 Average With Mask 2 Destriping Destriping with Mask Directional Average Connect to ODBC Source Disconnect from ODBC Source Commit/Rollback Transaction Execute SQL List Table Fields Import Table Export Table Drop Table Import Table from SQL Query List ODBC Servers List Tables Disconnect All List PostgreSQL Connections Connect to PostgreSQL Disconnect from PostgreSQL Disconnect All Begin Transaction Commit/Rollback Transaction Execute SQL List Tables List Table Fields Import Table Export Table Drop Table Import Table from SQL Query Import Shapes from PostGIS Export Shapes to PostGIS Update Shapes SRID Import Raster from PostGIS Export Raster to PostGIS Update Raster SRID SVG Interactive Map Shapes Report Shapes Summary Report Terrain Path Cross Sections TIN Viewer Point Cloud Viewer 3D Shapes Viewer Globe Viewer for Grids Multiple Grids Viewer Bifurcation Pythagoras' Tree Fractal Dimension of Grid Surface Gaussian Landscapes 01: My first module 02: Pixel by pixel operations with two grids 03: Direct neighbours 04: Direct neighbours - more... 05: Direct neighbours - slope and aspect 06: Extended neighbourhoods 07: Extended neighbourhoods - catchment areas (trace flow) 08: Extended neighbourhoods - catchment areas (parallel) 09: Extended neighbourhoods - catchment areas (recursive) 10: Dynamic Simulation - Life 11: Dynamic Simulation - Soil Nitrogen Dynamics 12: First steps with shapes 13: Reprojecting a shapes layer 14: Vectorising channel lines Import a Map via Web Map Service (WMS) Accumulated Cost (Isotropic) Accumulated Cost (Anisotropic) Least Cost Paths Change Vector Analysis Covered Distance Pattern Analysis Layer of extreme value Analytical Hierarchy Process Ordered Weighted Averaging (OWA) Aggregation Index Cross-Classification and Tabulation Soil Texture Classification Fragmentation (Standard) Fragmentation (Alternative) Fragmentation Classes from Density and Connectivity Accumulation Functions IMCORR - Feature Tracking Grid Normalisation Grid Calculator Grid Volume Grid Difference Function Geometric Figures Random Terrain Generation Random Field Grids Sum Grids Product Grid Standardisation Fuzzify Fuzzy Intersection (AND) Fuzzy Union (OR) Metric Conversions Gradient Vector from Cartesian to Polar Coordinates Gradient Vector from Polar to Cartesian Coordinates Grid Division Spherical Harmonic Synthesis BSL BSL from File Simple Filter Gaussian Filter Laplacian Filter Multi Direction Lee Filter User Defined Filter Filter Clumps Majority Filter DTM Filter (slope-based) Morphological Filter Rank Filter Mesh Denoise Resampling Filter Geodesic Morphological Reconstruction Binary Erosion-Reconstruction Connectivity Analysis Sieving Classes Shapes to Grid Inverse Distance Weighted Nearest Neighbour Natural Neighbour Modifed Quadratic Shepard Triangulation Kernel Density Estimation Angular Distance Weighted Thin Plate Spline (Global) Thin Plate Spline (Local) Thin Plate Spline (TIN) B-Spline Approximation Multilevel B-Spline Interpolation Multilevel B-Spline Interpolation (from Grid) Cubic Spline Approximation Resampling Aggregate Mosaicking Constant Grid Patching Close One Cell Gaps Close Gaps Grid Buffer Threshold Buffer Grid Proximity Buffer Convert Data Storage Type Change Grid Values Reclassify Grid Values Crop to Data Invert Data/No-Data Grid Orientation Combine Grids Grid Cell Index Grids from classified grid and table Create Grid System Grid Masking Close Gaps with Spline Proximity Grid Tiling Shrink and Expand Close Gaps with Stepwise Resampling Transpose Grids Clip Grids Color Palette Rotation Color Blending Fit Color Palette to Grid Values RGB Composite Create 3D Image Color Triangle Composite Histogram Surface Aspect-Slope Grid Supervised Classification Cluster Analysis for Grids Change Detection Decision Tree Supervised Classification for Polygons Morphological Filter (OpenCV) Fourier Transformation (OpenCV) Single Value Decomposition (OpenCV) Neural Networks (OpenCV) Resection (Terrestrial) Colorisation (PC) Fast Region Growing Algorithm Watershed Segmentation Grid Skeletonization Seed Generation Simple Region Growing SVM Classification Vegetation Index (Distance Based) Vegetation Index (Slope Based) Enhanced Vegetation Index Tasseled Cap Transformation IHS Sharpening Colour Normalized Brovey Sharpening Colour Normalized Spectral Sharpening Principle Components Based Image Sharpening Top of Atmosphere Reflectance Automated Cloud Cover Assessment Smoothing (ViGrA) Edge Detection (ViGrA) Morphological Filter (ViGrA) Distance (ViGrA) Watershed Segmentation (ViGrA) Fourier Transform (ViGrA) Fourier Transform Inverse (ViGrA) Fourier Transform (Real, ViGrA) Fourier Filter (ViGrA) Random Forest (ViGrA) Import ESRI E00 File GDAL: Import Raster GDAL: Export Raster GDAL: Export Raster to GeoTIFF OGR: Import Vector Data OGR: Export Vector Data OGR: Export Shapes to KML GDAL: Import NetCDF GPX to shapefile GPSBabel Export ESRI Arc/Info Grid Import ESRI Arc/Info Grid Export Surfer Grid Import Surfer Grid Import Binary Raw Data Export Grid to XYZ Import Grid from XYZ Import USGS SRTM Grid Import MOLA Grid (MEGDR) Import SRTM30 DEM Export True Color Bitmap Import Erdas LAN/GIS Import Grid from Table Import WRF Geogrid Binary Format Export WRF Geogrid Binary Format Import GRIB2 record Export Image (bmp, jpg, pcx, png, tif) Import Image (bmp, jpg, png, tif, gif, pnm, xpm) Export Grid to KML Export GStat Shapes Import GStat Shapes Export Shapes to XYZ Import Shapes from XYZ Export Shapes to Generate Export Surfer Blanking File Import Surfer Blanking Files Export Atlas Boundary File Import Atlas Boundary File Export WASP terrain map file Import WASP terrain map file Import Stereo Lithography File (STL) Export TIN to Stereo Lithography File (STL) Import GPX Export GPX Import Point Cloud from Shape File Import Point Cloud from Text File Export Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) File Export Point Cloud to Text File Import Simple Features from Well Known Text Export Simple Features to Well Known Text Import DXF Files Export LAS Files Import LAS Files LAS Info Export Text Table Import Text Table Import Text Table with Numbers only Import Text Table (Fixed Column Sizes) Create Virtual Point Cloud Dataset Get Subset from Virtual Point Cloud Create Tileshape from Virtual Point Cloud Rectify Grid Warping Shapes Direct Georeferencing of Airborne Photographs Define Georeference for Grids GeoTrans (Shapes) GeoTrans (Grid) Set Coordinate Reference System Coordinate Transformation (Shapes List) Coordinate Transformation (Shapes) Coordinate Transformation (Grid List) Coordinate Transformation (Grid) Proj.4 (Command Line Arguments, Shapes) Proj.4 (Dialog, Shapes) Proj.4 (Command Line Arguments, Grid) Proj.4 (Dialog, Grid) Proj.4 (Command Line Arguments, List of Shapes Layers) Proj.4 (Dialog, List of Shapes Layers) Proj.4 (Command Line Arguments, List of Grids) Proj.4 (Dialog, List of Grids) Change Longitudinal Range for Grids Latitude/Longitude Graticule Coordinate Reference System Picker Tissot's Indicatrix Point Cloud Cutter Point Cloud from Grid Points Point Cloud from Shapes Point Cloud to Grid Point Cloud to Shapes Point Cloud Reclassifier / Subset Extractor Drop Point Cloud Attributes Transform Point Cloud Point Cloud Thinning (simple) Point Cloud Attribute Calculator Cluster Analysis for Point Clouds Merge Point Clouds Point Cloud Viewer Add Grid Values to Points Add Grid Values to Shapes Grid Statistics for Polygons Grid Values to Points Grid Values to Points (randomly) Contour Lines from Grid Vectorising Grid Classes Clip Grid with Polygon Local Minima and Maxima Grid System Extent Clip Grid with Rectangle Gradient Vectors from Surface Gradient Vectors from Direction and Length Gradient Vectors from Directional Components Convert Polygons to Lines Convert Points to Line(s) Line Properties Line-Polygon Intersection Line Simplification Line Dissolve Split Lines with Lines Convert Table to Points Count Points in Polygons Create Point Grid Point Distances Fit N Points to shape Convert Lines to Points Add Coordinates to points Remove Duplicate Points Clip Points with Polygons Separate points by direction Add Polygon Attributes to Points Points Filter Convex Hull Points Thinning Convert Multipoints to Points Thiessen Polygons Aggregate Point Observations Snap Points to Points Snap Points to Lines Snap Points to Grid Polygon Centroids Polygon Properties Convert Lines to Polygons Point Statistics for Polygons Polygon Dissolve Convert Polygon/Line Vertices to Points Polygon Shape Indices Polygon-Line Intersection Polygons to Edges and Nodes Polygon Parts to Separate Polygons Polygon Clipping Polygon Self-Intersection Intersect Difference Symmetrical Difference Union Update Identity Add Point Attributes to Polygons Flatten Polygon Layer Create New Shapes Layer Merge Layers Select by Attributes... (Numerical Expression) Select by Attributes... (String Expression) Select by Location... Copy Selection to New Shapes Layer Delete Selection from Shapes Layer Invert Selection of Shapes Layer Split Shapes Layer Completely Transform Shapes Create Chart Layer (bars/sectors) Create Graticule Cut Shapes Layer Split Shapes Layer Split Shapes Layer Randomly Split Table/Shapes by Attribute Shapes Buffer Get Shapes Extents QuadTree Structure to Shapes Polar to Cartesian Coordinates Generate Shapes Convert Vertex Type (2D/3D) Merge Tables Transect through polygon shapefile Conway's Life Wa-Tor 01: A Simple Litter System 02: Carbon Cycle Simulation for Terrestrial Biomass 03: Spatially Distributed Simulation of Soil Nitrogen Dynamics MMF-SAGA Soil Erosion Model Fire Risk Analysis Simulation Soil Moisture Content Overland Flow - Kinematic Wave D8 TOPMODEL Water Retention Capacity IHACRES Calibration (2) IHACRES Version 1.0 IHACRES Basin IHACRES Elevation Bands IHACRES Elevation Bands Calibration Fast Representativeness Residual Analysis (Grid) Representativeness (Grid) Radius of Variance (Grid) Statistics for Grids Zonal Grid Statistics Directional Statistics for Single Grid Global Moran's I for Grids Principle Components Analysis Multi-Band Variation Inverse Principle Components Rotation Longitudinal Grid Statistics Meridional Grid Statistics Save Grid Statistics to Table Ordinary Kriging Ordinary Kriging (Global) Universal Kriging Universal Kriging (Global) Variogram (Dialog)) Ordinary Kriging Ordinary Kriging (Global) Universal Kriging Universal Kriging (Global) Variogram Variogram Cloud Variogram Surface Minimum Distance Analysis Spatial Point Pattern Analysis Regression Analysis (Points/Grid) Multiple Regression Analysis (Points/Grids) Polynomial Regression Geographically Weighted Regression Geographically Weighted Regression (Points/Grid) Geographically Weighted Multiple Regression GWR Gridding (Points/Grids) Geographically Weighted Multiple Regression (Points) Multiple Regression Analysis (Grid/Grids) Polynomial Trend from Grids Trend Analysis Trend Analysis (Shapes) Multiple Linear Regression Analysis Multiple Linear Regression Analysis (Shapes) GWR Grid Downscaling Channel Network Watershed Basins Watershed Basins (Extended) Vertical Distance to Channel Network Overland Flow Distance to Channel Network Channel Network and Drainage Basins Strahler Order Valley Depth Basic Terrain Analysis Catchment Area (Parallel) Catchment Area (Recursive) Catchment Area (Flow Tracing) Upslope Area Flow Path Length Slope Length Cell Balance Edge Contamination SAGA Wetness Index Lake Flood Catchment Area (Mass-Flux Method) Flow Width and Specific Catchment Area Topographic Wetness Index (TWI) Stream Power Index LS Factor Melton Ruggedness Number TCI Low LS-Factor, Field Based Slope Limited Flow Accumulation Analytical Hillshading Potential Incoming Solar Radiation Sky View Factor Topographic Correction Topographic Openness Visibility (points) Slope, Aspect, Curvature Convergence Index Convergence Index (Search Radius) Surface Specific Points Curvature Classification Hypsometry Real Surface Area Morphometric Protection Index Multiresolution Index of Valley Bottom Flatness (MRVBF) Downslope Distance Gradient Mass Balance Index Effective Air Flow Heights Diurnal Anisotropic Heating Land Surface Temperature Relative Heights and Slope Positions Wind Effect (Windward / Leeward Index) Terrain Ruggedness Index (TRI) Vector Ruggedness Measure (VRM) Topographic Position Index (TPI) TPI Based Landform Classification Terrain Surface Texture Terrain Surface Convexity Terrain Surface Classification Morphometric Features Valley and Ridge Detection (Top Hat Approach) Fuzzy Landform Element Classification Flat Detection Sink Drainage Route Detection Sink Removal Fill Sinks (Planchon/Darboux, 2001) Fill Sinks (Wang & Liu) Fill Sinks XXL (Wang & Liu) Burn Stream Network into DEM Cross Profiles Profiles from Lines Profile from points SAFETYFACTOR TOBIA SHALSTAB WETNESS WEDGEFAIL ANGMAP Function Fit Table Calculator Table Calculator (Shapes) Running Average Cluster Analysis Principle Components Analysis Fill Gaps in Records Find Field of Extreme Value Create New Table Transpose Table Enumerate Table Field Join Attributes from a Table Join Attributes from a Table (Shapes) Change Date Format Change Time Format Change Field Type Append Rows from Table Change Color Format Replace Text Delete Fields Copy Selection Delete Selection Invert Selection Select by Numerical Expression Select by String Expression Grid to TIN Grid to TIN (Surface Specific Points) Shapes to TIN TIN to Shapes Gradient Flow Accumulation (Trace) Flow Accumulation (Parallel) TIN Viewer Multi Level to Surface Interpolation _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\climate_tools.dll library name: Climate - Tools tool name : Multi Level to Surface Interpolation _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd climate_tools 0 -VARIABLE [-X_SOURCE ] [-X_GRIDS ] [-X_GRIDS_CHECK ] [-X_TABLE ] [-H_METHOD ] [-V_METHOD ] [-LINEAR_SORTED] [-SPLINE_ALL] [-TREND_ORDER ] -SURFACE [-RESULT ] -VARIABLE: Variable Grid list (input) -X_SOURCE: Get Heights from ... Choice Available Choices: [0] table [1] grid list Default: 1 -X_GRIDS: Level Heights Grid list (optional input) -X_GRIDS_CHECK: Minimum Height Grid (optional input) -X_TABLE: Level Heights Static table 1 Fields: - 1. [8 byte floating point number] Height -H_METHOD: Horizontal Interpolation Method Choice Available Choices: [0] Nearest Neighbor [1] Bilinear Interpolation [2] Inverse Distance Interpolation [3] Bicubic Spline Interpolation [4] B-Spline Interpolation Default: 4 -V_METHOD: Vertical Interpolation Method Choice Available Choices: [0] linear [1] spline [2] polynomial trend [3] polynomial trend (coefficient interpolation) Default: 0 -LINEAR_SORTED Sorted Levels Boolean Default: 0 -SPLINE_ALL Pre-analyze Boolean Default: 0 -TREND_ORDER: Polynomial Order Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 3 -SURFACE: Surface Grid (input) -RESULT: Interpolation Grid (output) Multi Level to Points Interpolation _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\climate_tools.dll library name: Climate - Tools tool name : Multi Level to Points Interpolation _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd climate_tools 1 -VARIABLE [-X_SOURCE ] [-X_GRIDS ] [-X_GRIDS_CHECK ] [-X_TABLE ] [-H_METHOD ] [-V_METHOD ] [-LINEAR_SORTED] [-SPLINE_ALL] [-TREND_ORDER ] -POINTS [-ZFIELD ] [-RESULT ] [-NAME ] -VARIABLE: Variable Grid list (input) -X_SOURCE: Get Heights from ... Choice Available Choices: [0] table [1] grid list Default: 1 -X_GRIDS: Level Heights Grid list (optional input) -X_GRIDS_CHECK: Minimum Height Grid (optional input) -X_TABLE: Level Heights Static table 1 Fields: - 1. [8 byte floating point number] Height -H_METHOD: Horizontal Interpolation Method Choice Available Choices: [0] Nearest Neighbor [1] Bilinear Interpolation [2] Inverse Distance Interpolation [3] Bicubic Spline Interpolation [4] B-Spline Interpolation Default: 4 -V_METHOD: Vertical Interpolation Method Choice Available Choices: [0] linear [1] spline [2] polynomial trend [3] polynomial trend (coefficient interpolation) Default: 0 -LINEAR_SORTED Sorted Levels Boolean Default: 0 -SPLINE_ALL Pre-analyze Boolean Default: 0 -TREND_ORDER: Polynomial Order Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 3 -POINTS: Points Shapes (input) -ZFIELD: Height Table field -RESULT: Result Shapes (optional output) -NAME: Field Name Text Default: Variable Earth's Orbital Parameters _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\climate_tools.dll library name: Climate - Tools tool name : Earth's Orbital Parameters _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd climate_tools 2 [-ORBPAR ] [-START ] [-STOP ] [-STEP ] -ORBPAR: Earth's Orbital Parameters Table (output) -START: Start [ka] Floating point Default: -200.000000 -STOP: Stop [ka] Floating point Default: 2.000000 -STEP: Step [ka] Floating point Minimum: 0.001000 Default: 1.000000 Annual Course of Daily Insolation _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\climate_tools.dll library name: Climate - Tools tool name : Annual Course of Daily Insolation _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd climate_tools 3 [-SOLARRAD ] [-START ] [-STOP ] [-STEP ] [-LAT ] -SOLARRAD: Solar Radiation Table (output) -START: Start [ka] Floating point Default: -200.000000 -STOP: Stop [ka] Floating point Default: 2.000000 -STEP: Step [ka] Floating point Minimum: 0.001000 Default: 1.000000 -LAT: Latitude [Degree] Floating point Minimum: -90.000000 Maximum: 90.000000 Default: 53.000000 Daily Insolation over Latitude _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\climate_tools.dll library name: Climate - Tools tool name : Daily Insolation over Latitude _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd climate_tools 4 [-SOLARRAD ] [-START ] [-STOP ] [-STEP ] [-DLAT ] [-DAY ] -SOLARRAD: Solar Radiation Table (output) -START: Start [ka] Floating point Default: -200.000000 -STOP: Stop [ka] Floating point Default: 2.000000 -STEP: Step [ka] Floating point Minimum: 0.001000 Default: 1.000000 -DLAT: Latitude Increment [Degree] Integer Minimum: 1 Maximum: 90 Default: 5 -DAY: Day of Year Integer Minimum: 0 Maximum: 366 Default: 181 Monthly Global by Latitude _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\climate_tools.dll library name: Climate - Tools tool name : Monthly Global by Latitude _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd climate_tools 5 [-SOLARRAD ] [-ALBEDO ] [-FIELD ] [-YEAR ] [-DLAT ] -SOLARRAD: Solar Radiation Table (output) -ALBEDO: Albedo Table (optional input) -FIELD: Field Table field -YEAR: Year [ka] Floating point Default: 2.000000 -DLAT: Latitude Increment [Degree] Integer Minimum: 1 Maximum: 90 Default: 5 PET (after Hargreave) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\climate_tools.dll library name: Climate - Tools tool name : PET (after Hargreave) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd climate_tools 6 -TABLE [-JD ] [-T ] [-T_MIN ] [-T_MAX ] [-LAT ] -TABLE: Data Table (input) -JD: Julian Day Table field -T: Average Temperature Table field -T_MIN: Minimum Temperature Table field -T_MAX: Maximum Temperature Table field -LAT: Latitude Floating point Minimum: -90.000000 Maximum: 90.000000 Default: 53.000000 Daily to Hourly PET _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\climate_tools.dll library name: Climate - Tools tool name : Daily to Hourly PET _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd climate_tools 7 -DAYS [-JD ] [-ET ] [-P ] [-HOURS ] [-LAT ] -DAYS: Daily Data Table (input) -JD: Julian Day Table field -ET: Evapotranspiration Table field -P: Precipitation Table field -HOURS: Hourly Data Table (output) -LAT: Latitude Floating point Minimum: -90.000000 Maximum: 90.000000 Default: 53.000000 Average With Thereshold 1 _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\contrib_perego.dll library name: Grid - Filter (Perego 2009) tool name : Average With Thereshold 1 _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd contrib_perego 0 -INPUT [-RESULT ] [-RX ] [-RY ] [-THRESH ] -INPUT: Input Grid (input) -RESULT: AWT Grid Grid (output) -RX: Radius X Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 1 -RY: Radius Y Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 1 -THRESH: Threshold Floating point Default: 2.000000 Average With Thereshold 2 _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\contrib_perego.dll library name: Grid - Filter (Perego 2009) tool name : Average With Thereshold 2 _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd contrib_perego 1 -INPUT [-RESULT ] [-RX ] [-RY ] [-THRESH ] -INPUT: Input Grid (input) -RESULT: AWT Grid Grid (output) -RX: Radius X Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 1 -RY: Radius Y Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 1 -THRESH: Threshold Floating point Default: 2.000000 Average With Thereshold 3 _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\contrib_perego.dll library name: Grid - Filter (Perego 2009) tool name : Average With Thereshold 3 _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd contrib_perego 2 -INPUT [-RESULT ] [-RX ] [-RY ] [-THRESH ] -INPUT: Input Grid (input) -RESULT: AWT Grid Grid (output) -RX: Radius X Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 1 -RY: Radius Y Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 1 -THRESH: Threshold Floating point Default: 2.000000 Average With Mask 1 _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\contrib_perego.dll library name: Grid - Filter (Perego 2009) tool name : Average With Mask 1 _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd contrib_perego 3 -INPUT -MASK [-RESULT ] [-V ] [-RX ] [-RY ] -INPUT: Input Grid (input) -MASK: Mask Grid Grid (input) -RESULT: AWM1 Grid Grid (output) -V: Mask value Floating point Default: 1.000000 -RX: Radius X Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 1 -RY: Radius Y Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 1 Average With Mask 2 _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\contrib_perego.dll library name: Grid - Filter (Perego 2009) tool name : Average With Mask 2 _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd contrib_perego 4 -INPUT -MASK [-RESULT ] [-V ] [-RX ] [-RY ] -INPUT: Input Grid (input) -MASK: Mask Grid Grid (input) -RESULT: AWM2 Grid Grid (output) -V: Mask value Floating point Default: 1.000000 -RX: Radius X Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 1 -RY: Radius Y Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 1 Destriping _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\contrib_perego.dll library name: Grid - Filter (Perego 2009) tool name : Destriping _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd contrib_perego 5 -INPUT [-RESULT3 ] [-RESULT1 ] [-RESULT2 ] [-ANG ] [-R ] [-D ] -INPUT: Input Grid (input) -RESULT3: Destriped Grid Grid (output) -RESULT1: Low-pass 1 Grid (output) -RESULT2: Low-pass 2 Grid (output) -ANG: Angle (in degrees) Floating point Default: 0.000000 -R: Radius Floating point Default: 10.000000 -D: Stripes distance Floating point Default: 2.000000 Destriping with Mask _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\contrib_perego.dll library name: Grid - Filter (Perego 2009) tool name : Destriping with Mask _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd contrib_perego 6 -INPUT -MASK [-RESULT3 ] [-RESULT1 ] [-RESULT2 ] [-ANG ] [-R ] [-D ] [-MIN ] [-MAX ] [-MMIN ] [-MMAX ] -INPUT: Input Grid (input) -MASK: Mask Grid Grid (input) -RESULT3: Destriped Grid Grid (output) -RESULT1: Low-pass 1 Grid (output) -RESULT2: Low-pass 2 Grid (output) -ANG: Angle (in degrees) Floating point Default: 0.000000 -R: Radius Floating point Default: 20.000000 -D: Stripes distance Floating point Default: 2.000000 -MIN: Min Floating point Default: -10.000000 -MAX: Max Floating point Default: 10.000000 -MMIN: Mask Min Floating point Default: -10000.000000 -MMAX: Mask Max Floating point Default: 10000.000000 Directional Average _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\contrib_perego.dll library name: Grid - Filter (Perego 2009) tool name : Directional Average _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd contrib_perego 7 -INPUT [-RESULT ] [-ANG ] [-R1 ] [-R2 ] -INPUT: Input Grid (input) -RESULT: Output Grid Grid (output) -ANG: Angle (in degrees) Floating point Default: 0.000000 -R1: Main Radius Floating point Default: 1.000000 -R2: Transversal radius Floating point Default: 0.500000 Connect to ODBC Source _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\db_odbc.dll library name: Import/Export - ODBC/OTL tool name : Connect to ODBC Source _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd db_odbc 0 [-SERVER ] [-USERNAME ] [-PASSWORD ] -SERVER: Server Choice Available Choices: [0] Default: 0 -USERNAME: User Text -PASSWORD: Password Text Disconnect from ODBC Source _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\db_odbc.dll library name: Import/Export - ODBC/OTL tool name : Disconnect from ODBC Source _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd db_odbc 1 [-ODBC_DSN ] [-ODBC_USR ] [-ODBC_PWD ] [-TRANSACT ] -ODBC_DSN: DSN Text -ODBC_USR: User Text -ODBC_PWD: Password Text -TRANSACT: Transactions Choice Available Choices: [0] rollback [1] commit Default: 1 Commit/Rollback Transaction _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\db_odbc.dll library name: Import/Export - ODBC/OTL tool name : Commit/Rollback Transaction _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd db_odbc 2 [-ODBC_DSN ] [-ODBC_USR ] [-ODBC_PWD ] [-SERVERS ] [-TRANSACT ] -ODBC_DSN: DSN Text -ODBC_USR: User Text -ODBC_PWD: Password Text -SERVERS: Server Choice Available Choices: [0] Default: 0 -TRANSACT: Transactions Choice Available Choices: [0] rollback [1] commit Default: 1 Execute SQL _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\db_odbc.dll library name: Import/Export - ODBC/OTL tool name : Execute SQL _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd db_odbc 3 [-ODBC_DSN ] [-ODBC_USR ] [-ODBC_PWD ] [-SQL ] [-COMMIT] [-STOP] -ODBC_DSN: DSN Text -ODBC_USR: User Text -ODBC_PWD: Password Text -SQL: SQL Statment Long text Default: CREATE TABLE myTable1 (Col1 VARCHAR(255) PRIMARY KEY, Col2 INTEGER); INSERT INTO myTable1 (Col1, Col2) VALUES('First Value', 1); DROP TABLE myTable1; -COMMIT Commit Boolean Default: 1 -STOP Stop on Error Boolean Default: 0 List Table Fields _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\db_odbc.dll library name: Import/Export - ODBC/OTL tool name : List Table Fields _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd db_odbc 4 [-ODBC_DSN ] [-ODBC_USR ] [-ODBC_PWD ] [-TABLE ] [-TABLES ] -ODBC_DSN: DSN Text -ODBC_USR: User Text -ODBC_PWD: Password Text -TABLE: Field Description Table (output) -TABLES: Tables Choice Available Choices: [0] Default: 0 Import Table _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\db_odbc.dll library name: Import/Export - ODBC/OTL tool name : Import Table _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd db_odbc 5 [-ODBC_DSN ] [-ODBC_USR ] [-ODBC_PWD ] [-TABLE ] [-TABLES ] -ODBC_DSN: DSN Text -ODBC_USR: User Text -ODBC_PWD: Password Text -TABLE: Table Table (output) -TABLES: Tables Choice Available Choices: [0] Default: 0 Export Table _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\db_odbc.dll library name: Import/Export - ODBC/OTL tool name : Export Table _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd db_odbc 6 [-ODBC_DSN ] [-ODBC_USR ] [-ODBC_PWD ] -TABLE [-NAME ] [-EXISTS ] -ODBC_DSN: DSN Text -ODBC_USR: User Text -ODBC_PWD: Password Text -TABLE: Table Table (input) -NAME: Table Name Text -EXISTS: If table exists... Choice Available Choices: [0] abort export [1] replace existing table [2] append records, if table structure allows Default: 0 Drop Table _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\db_odbc.dll library name: Import/Export - ODBC/OTL tool name : Drop Table _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd db_odbc 7 [-ODBC_DSN ] [-ODBC_USR ] [-ODBC_PWD ] [-TABLES ] -ODBC_DSN: DSN Text -ODBC_USR: User Text -ODBC_PWD: Password Text -TABLES: Tables Choice Available Choices: [0] Default: 0 Import Table from SQL Query _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\db_odbc.dll library name: Import/Export - ODBC/OTL tool name : Import Table from SQL Query _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd db_odbc 8 [-ODBC_DSN ] [-ODBC_USR ] [-ODBC_PWD ] [-TABLE ] [-TABLES ] [-FIELDS ] [-WHERE ] [-GROUP ] [-HAVING ] [-ORDER ] [-DISTINCT] -ODBC_DSN: DSN Text -ODBC_USR: User Text -ODBC_PWD: Password Text -TABLE: Table from SQL Query Table (output) -TABLES: Tables Text -FIELDS: Fields Text Default: * -WHERE: Where Text -GROUP: Group by Text -HAVING: Having Text -ORDER: Order by Text -DISTINCT Distinct Boolean Default: 0 List ODBC Servers _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\db_odbc.dll library name: Import/Export - ODBC/OTL tool name : List ODBC Servers _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd db_odbc 9 [-SERVERS ] [-CONNECTED] -SERVERS: Server Table (output) -CONNECTED Only List Connected Servers Boolean Default: 0 List Tables _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\db_odbc.dll library name: Import/Export - ODBC/OTL tool name : List Tables _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd db_odbc 10 [-ODBC_DSN ] [-ODBC_USR ] [-ODBC_PWD ] [-TABLES ] -ODBC_DSN: DSN Text -ODBC_USR: User Text -ODBC_PWD: Password Text -TABLES: Tables Table (output) Disconnect All _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\db_odbc.dll library name: Import/Export - ODBC/OTL tool name : Disconnect All _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd db_odbc 11 [-TRANSACT ] -TRANSACT: Transactions Choice Available Choices: [0] rollback [1] commit Default: 1 List PostgreSQL Connections _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\db_pgsql.dll library name: Import/Export - PostgreSQL tool name : List PostgreSQL Connections _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd db_pgsql 0 [-CONNECTIONS ] -CONNECTIONS: Connections Table (output) Connect to PostgreSQL _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\db_pgsql.dll library name: Import/Export - PostgreSQL tool name : Connect to PostgreSQL _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd db_pgsql 1 [-PG_HOST ] [-PG_PORT ] [-PG_NAME ] [-PG_USER ] [-PG_PWD ] -PG_HOST: Host Text Default: localhost -PG_PORT: Port Integer Minimum: 0 Default: 5432 -PG_NAME: Database Text Default: geo_test -PG_USER: User Text Default: postgres -PG_PWD: Password Text Default: postgres Disconnect from PostgreSQL _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\db_pgsql.dll library name: Import/Export - PostgreSQL tool name : Disconnect from PostgreSQL _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd db_pgsql 2 [-PG_HOST ] [-PG_PORT ] [-PG_NAME ] [-PG_USER ] [-PG_PWD ] [-TRANSACT ] -PG_HOST: Host Text -PG_PORT: Port Integer Minimum: 0 Default: 5432 -PG_NAME: Database Text -PG_USER: User Text -PG_PWD: Password Text -TRANSACT: Transactions Choice Available Choices: [0] rollback [1] commit Default: 1 Disconnect All _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\db_pgsql.dll library name: Import/Export - PostgreSQL tool name : Disconnect All _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd db_pgsql 3 [-TRANSACT ] -TRANSACT: Transactions Choice Available Choices: [0] rollback [1] commit Default: 1 Begin Transaction _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\db_pgsql.dll library name: Import/Export - PostgreSQL tool name : Begin Transaction _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd db_pgsql 4 [-PG_HOST ] [-PG_PORT ] [-PG_NAME ] [-PG_USER ] [-PG_PWD ] [-SAVEPOINT ] -PG_HOST: Host Text -PG_PORT: Port Integer Minimum: 0 Default: 5432 -PG_NAME: Database Text -PG_USER: User Text -PG_PWD: Password Text -SAVEPOINT: Save Point Text Default: SAVEPOINT_01 Commit/Rollback Transaction _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\db_pgsql.dll library name: Import/Export - PostgreSQL tool name : Commit/Rollback Transaction _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd db_pgsql 5 [-PG_HOST ] [-PG_PORT ] [-PG_NAME ] [-PG_USER ] [-PG_PWD ] [-TRANSACT ] [-SAVEPOINT ] -PG_HOST: Host Text -PG_PORT: Port Integer Minimum: 0 Default: 5432 -PG_NAME: Database Text -PG_USER: User Text -PG_PWD: Password Text -TRANSACT: Transactions Choice Available Choices: [0] rollback [1] commit Default: 1 -SAVEPOINT: Save Point Text Execute SQL _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\db_pgsql.dll library name: Import/Export - PostgreSQL tool name : Execute SQL _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd db_pgsql 6 [-PG_HOST ] [-PG_PORT ] [-PG_NAME ] [-PG_USER ] [-PG_PWD ] [-SQL ] [-OUTPUT] [-STOP] -PG_HOST: Host Text -PG_PORT: Port Integer Minimum: 0 Default: 5432 -PG_NAME: Database Text -PG_USER: User Text -PG_PWD: Password Text -SQL: SQL Statment Long text Default: CREATE TABLE myTable1 (Col1 VARCHAR(255) PRIMARY KEY, Col2 INTEGER); INSERT INTO myTable1 (Col1, Col2) VALUES('First Value', 1); DROP TABLE myTable1; -OUTPUT Show Results Boolean Default: 1 -STOP Stop on Error Boolean Default: 0 List Tables _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\db_pgsql.dll library name: Import/Export - PostgreSQL tool name : List Tables _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd db_pgsql 10 [-PG_HOST ] [-PG_PORT ] [-PG_NAME ] [-PG_USER ] [-PG_PWD ] [-TABLES ] -PG_HOST: Host Text -PG_PORT: Port Integer Minimum: 0 Default: 5432 -PG_NAME: Database Text -PG_USER: User Text -PG_PWD: Password Text -TABLES: Tables Table (output) List Table Fields _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\db_pgsql.dll library name: Import/Export - PostgreSQL tool name : List Table Fields _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd db_pgsql 11 [-PG_HOST ] [-PG_PORT ] [-PG_NAME ] [-PG_USER ] [-PG_PWD ] [-TABLE ] [-TABLES ] -PG_HOST: Host Text -PG_PORT: Port Integer Minimum: 0 Default: 5432 -PG_NAME: Database Text -PG_USER: User Text -PG_PWD: Password Text -TABLE: Field Description Table (output) -TABLES: Tables Choice Available Choices: [0] Default: 0 Import Table _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\db_pgsql.dll library name: Import/Export - PostgreSQL tool name : Import Table _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd db_pgsql 12 [-PG_HOST ] [-PG_PORT ] [-PG_NAME ] [-PG_USER ] [-PG_PWD ] [-TABLE ] [-TABLES ] -PG_HOST: Host Text -PG_PORT: Port Integer Minimum: 0 Default: 5432 -PG_NAME: Database Text -PG_USER: User Text -PG_PWD: Password Text -TABLE: Table Table (output) -TABLES: Tables Choice Available Choices: [0] Default: 0 Export Table _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\db_pgsql.dll library name: Import/Export - PostgreSQL tool name : Export Table _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd db_pgsql 13 [-PG_HOST ] [-PG_PORT ] [-PG_NAME ] [-PG_USER ] [-PG_PWD ] -TABLE [-TABLE_PK ] [-TABLE_NN ] [-TABLE_UQ ] [-NAME ] [-EXISTS ] -PG_HOST: Host Text -PG_PORT: Port Integer Minimum: 0 Default: 5432 -PG_NAME: Database Text -PG_USER: User Text -PG_PWD: Password Text -TABLE: Table Table (input) -TABLE_PK: Primary Key Table fields -TABLE_NN: Not Null Table fields -TABLE_UQ: Unique Table fields -NAME: Table Name Text -EXISTS: If table exists... Choice Available Choices: [0] abort export [1] replace existing table [2] append records, if table structure allows Default: 0 Drop Table _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\db_pgsql.dll library name: Import/Export - PostgreSQL tool name : Drop Table _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd db_pgsql 14 [-PG_HOST ] [-PG_PORT ] [-PG_NAME ] [-PG_USER ] [-PG_PWD ] [-TABLES ] -PG_HOST: Host Text -PG_PORT: Port Integer Minimum: 0 Default: 5432 -PG_NAME: Database Text -PG_USER: User Text -PG_PWD: Password Text -TABLES: Tables Choice Available Choices: [0] Default: 0 Import Table from SQL Query _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\db_pgsql.dll library name: Import/Export - PostgreSQL tool name : Import Table from SQL Query _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd db_pgsql 15 [-PG_HOST ] [-PG_PORT ] [-PG_NAME ] [-PG_USER ] [-PG_PWD ] [-TABLE ] [-TABLES ] [-FIELDS ] [-WHERE ] [-GROUP ] [-HAVING ] [-ORDER ] [-DISTINCT] -PG_HOST: Host Text -PG_PORT: Port Integer Minimum: 0 Default: 5432 -PG_NAME: Database Text -PG_USER: User Text -PG_PWD: Password Text -TABLE: Table from SQL Query Table (output) -TABLES: Tables Text -FIELDS: Fields Text Default: * -WHERE: Where Text -GROUP: Group by Text -HAVING: Having Text -ORDER: Order by Text -DISTINCT Distinct Boolean Default: 0 Import Shapes from PostGIS _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\db_pgsql.dll library name: Import/Export - PostgreSQL tool name : Import Shapes from PostGIS _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd db_pgsql 20 [-PG_HOST ] [-PG_PORT ] [-PG_NAME ] [-PG_USER ] [-PG_PWD ] [-SHAPES ] [-TABLES ] -PG_HOST: Host Text -PG_PORT: Port Integer Minimum: 0 Default: 5432 -PG_NAME: Database Text -PG_USER: User Text -PG_PWD: Password Text -SHAPES: Shapes Shapes (output) -TABLES: Tables Choice Available Choices: [0] Default: 0 Export Shapes to PostGIS _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\db_pgsql.dll library name: Import/Export - PostgreSQL tool name : Export Shapes to PostGIS _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd db_pgsql 21 [-PG_HOST ] [-PG_PORT ] [-PG_NAME ] [-PG_USER ] [-PG_PWD ] -SHAPES [-SHAPES_PK ] [-SHAPES_NN ] [-SHAPES_UQ ] [-NAME ] [-EXISTS ] [-CRS_EPSG ] -PG_HOST: Host Text -PG_PORT: Port Integer Minimum: 0 Default: 5432 -PG_NAME: Database Text -PG_USER: User Text -PG_PWD: Password Text -SHAPES: Shapes Shapes (input) -SHAPES_PK: Primary Key Table fields -SHAPES_NN: Not Null Table fields -SHAPES_UQ: Unique Table fields -NAME: Table Name Text -EXISTS: If table exists... Choice Available Choices: [0] abort export [1] replace existing table [2] append records, if table structure allows Default: 0 -CRS_EPSG: EPSG Code Integer Minimum: -1 Default: -1 Update Shapes SRID _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\db_pgsql.dll library name: Import/Export - PostgreSQL tool name : Update Shapes SRID _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd db_pgsql 22 [-PG_HOST ] [-PG_PORT ] [-PG_NAME ] [-PG_USER ] [-PG_PWD ] [-TABLES ] [-CRS_EPSG ] -PG_HOST: Host Text -PG_PORT: Port Integer Minimum: 0 Default: 5432 -PG_NAME: Database Text -PG_USER: User Text -PG_PWD: Password Text -TABLES: Tables Choice Available Choices: [0] Default: 0 -CRS_EPSG: EPSG Code Integer Minimum: -1 Default: -1 Import Raster from PostGIS _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\db_pgsql.dll library name: Import/Export - PostgreSQL tool name : Import Raster from PostGIS _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd db_pgsql 30 [-PG_HOST ] [-PG_PORT ] [-PG_NAME ] [-PG_USER ] [-PG_PWD ] [-GRIDS ] [-TABLES ] -PG_HOST: Host Text -PG_PORT: Port Integer Minimum: 0 Default: 5432 -PG_NAME: Database Text -PG_USER: User Text -PG_PWD: Password Text -GRIDS: Grids Grid list (output) -TABLES: Tables Choice Available Choices: [0] Default: 0 Export Raster to PostGIS _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\db_pgsql.dll library name: Import/Export - PostgreSQL tool name : Export Raster to PostGIS _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd db_pgsql 31 [-PG_HOST ] [-PG_PORT ] [-PG_NAME ] [-PG_USER ] [-PG_PWD ] -GRIDS [-NAME ] [-GRID_NAME] [-CRS_EPSG ] -PG_HOST: Host Text -PG_PORT: Port Integer Minimum: 0 Default: 5432 -PG_NAME: Database Text -PG_USER: User Text -PG_PWD: Password Text -GRIDS: Bands Grid list (input) -NAME: Table Name Text -GRID_NAME Add Grid Name Field Boolean Default: 1 -CRS_EPSG: EPSG Code Integer Minimum: -1 Default: -1 Update Raster SRID _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\db_pgsql.dll library name: Import/Export - PostgreSQL tool name : Update Raster SRID _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd db_pgsql 32 [-PG_HOST ] [-PG_PORT ] [-PG_NAME ] [-PG_USER ] [-PG_PWD ] [-TABLES ] [-CRS_EPSG ] -PG_HOST: Host Text -PG_PORT: Port Integer Minimum: 0 Default: 5432 -PG_NAME: Database Text -PG_USER: User Text -PG_PWD: Password Text -TABLES: Tables Choice Available Choices: [0] Default: 0 -CRS_EPSG: EPSG Code Integer Minimum: -1 Default: -1 SVG Interactive Map _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\docs_html.dll library name: Reports - HTML tool name : SVG Interactive Map _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd docs_html 1 [-FILENAME ] -LIST [-SHAPES ] -FILENAME: [FLD] SVG File File path -LIST: Shapes Layers Shapes list (input) -SHAPES: [FLD] Index Layer Shapes (optional input) Shapes Report _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\docs_pdf.dll library name: Reports - PDF tool name : Shapes Report _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd docs_pdf 0 -SHAPES [-SUBTITLE ] [-FILENAME ] [-PAPER_SIZE ] [-LAYOUT_MODE ] [-LAYOUT_BREAK ] [-COLUMNS ] [-CELL_MODE ] [-CELL_HEIGHT ] -SHAPES: Shapes Shapes (input) -SUBTITLE: Subtitle Table field -FILENAME: PDF File File path -PAPER_SIZE: Paper Format Choice Available Choices: [0] A4 Portrait [1] A4 Landscape [2] A3 Portrait [3] A3 Landscape Default: 0 -LAYOUT_MODE: Layout Choice Available Choices: [0] horizontal [1] vertical Default: 1 -LAYOUT_BREAK: Map/Table Size Ratio [] Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Maximum: 100.000000 Default: 50.000000 -COLUMNS: Columns Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 2 -CELL_MODE: Cell Sizes Choice Available Choices: [0] fit to page [1] fixed cell height Default: 0 -CELL_HEIGHT: Cell Height Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 8 Shapes Summary Report _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\docs_pdf.dll library name: Reports - PDF tool name : Shapes Summary Report _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd docs_pdf 1 -SHAPES [-FIELD ] [-TABLE ] [-PDF] [-OUTPUTPATH ] -SHAPES: Shapes Shapes (input) -FIELD: Field Table field -TABLE: Summary Table Table (output) -PDF Create PDF Docs Boolean Default: 1 -OUTPUTPATH: Folder File path Terrain Path Cross Sections _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\docs_pdf.dll library name: Reports - PDF tool name : Terrain Path Cross Sections _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd docs_pdf 2 -DEM -LINES [-SECTIONS ] [-NUMPOINTS ] [-INTERVAL ] [-STEP ] [-PDF] [-OUTPUTPATH ] [-WIDTH ] [-SLOPE ] [-THRESHOLD ] -DEM: DEM Grid (input) -LINES: Path Shapes (input) -SECTIONS: Cross Sections Shapes (output) -NUMPOINTS: Number of points Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 10 -INTERVAL: Interval Floating point Default: 10.000000 -STEP: n Integer Default: 2 -PDF Create PDF Documents Boolean Default: 1 -OUTPUTPATH: Folder for PDF Files File path -WIDTH: Road Width Floating point Default: 5.000000 -SLOPE: Side Slope Floating point Default: 0.500000 -THRESHOLD: Height Threshold Floating point Default: 0.500000 TIN Viewer Error: tool needs graphical user interface [TIN Viewer] Point Cloud Viewer Error: tool needs graphical user interface [Point Cloud Viewer] 3D Shapes Viewer Error: tool needs graphical user interface [3D Shapes Viewer] Globe Viewer for Grids Error: tool needs graphical user interface [Globe Viewer for Grids] Multiple Grids Viewer Error: tool needs graphical user interface [Multiple Grids Viewer] Bifurcation _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\garden_fractals.dll library name: Garden - Fractals tool name : Bifurcation _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd garden_fractals 0 [-TABLE ] [-ITERATIONS ] [-NVALUES ] [-SEED ] [-RANGE_MIN ] [-RANGE_MAX ] [-STEP ] -TABLE: Output Table (output) -ITERATIONS: Value Count Integer Default: 100 -NVALUES: Value Count Integer Default: 8 -SEED: Seed Value Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Maximum: 1.000000 Default: 0.660000 -RANGE_MIN: Range Value range -RANGE_MAX: Range Value range -STEP: Number of Steps Integer Minimum: 2 Default: 1000 Pythagoras' Tree _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\garden_fractals.dll library name: Garden - Fractals tool name : Pythagoras' Tree _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd garden_fractals 1 [-RESULT ] [-TYPE ] [-ANGLE ] [-MINSIZE ] [-METHOD ] [-VARRANGE_MIN ] [-VARRANGE_MAX ] -RESULT: Pythagoras' Tree Shapes (output) -TYPE: Shape Type Choice Available Choices: [0] Lines [1] Polygons Default: 1 -ANGLE: Angle [Degree] Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Maximum: 90.000000 Default: 55.000000 -MINSIZE: Minimum Size [] Floating point Minimum: 0.001000 Maximum: 100.000000 Default: 2.000000 -METHOD: Method Choice Available Choices: [0] Fixed angle [1] Constant variation range [2] Low variation for low sizes [3] High variation for low sizes Default: 0 -VARRANGE_MIN: Constant Variation Range [Degree] Value range -VARRANGE_MAX: Constant Variation Range [Degree] Value range Fractal Dimension of Grid Surface _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\garden_fractals.dll library name: Garden - Fractals tool name : Fractal Dimension of Grid Surface _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd garden_fractals 3 -INPUT [-RESULT ] [-DSIZE ] -INPUT: Input Grid (input) -RESULT: Result Table (output) -DSIZE: Scale Floating point Minimum: 1.000100 Default: 1.500000 Gaussian Landscapes _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\garden_fractals.dll library name: Garden - Fractals tool name : Gaussian Landscapes _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd garden_fractals 5 [-GRID ] [-NX ] [-NY ] [-H ] [-METHOD ] [-M ] -GRID: Grid Data Object (optional output) -NX: Width (Cells) Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 100 -NY: Height (Cells) Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 100 -H: Roughness/Smoothness Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Maximum: 1.000000 Default: 0.750000 -METHOD: Method Choice Available Choices: [0] Simple [1] Flattening Default: 0 -M: Flattening Floating point Default: 2.000000 01: My first module _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\garden_learn_to_program.dll library name: Garden - Introducing Module Programming tool name : 01: My first module _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd garden_learn_to_program 0 -INPUT [-OUTPUT ] [-FACTOR ] [-METHOD ] -INPUT: Input Grid (input) -OUTPUT: Output Grid (output) -FACTOR: Factor Floating point Default: 1.000000 -METHOD: Method Choice Available Choices: [0] Addition [1] Subtraction [2] Multiplication [3] Division Default: 0 02: Pixel by pixel operations with two grids _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\garden_learn_to_program.dll library name: Garden - Introducing Module Programming tool name : 02: Pixel by pixel operations with two grids _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd garden_learn_to_program 1 -INPUT_A -INPUT_B [-OUTPUT ] [-METHOD ] -INPUT_A: First input grid Grid (input) -INPUT_B: Second input grid Grid (input) -OUTPUT: Output Grid (output) -METHOD: Method Choice Available Choices: [0] Addition [1] Subtraction [2] Multiplication [3] Division Default: 0 03: Direct neighbours _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\garden_learn_to_program.dll library name: Garden - Introducing Module Programming tool name : 03: Direct neighbours _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd garden_learn_to_program 2 -INPUT [-OUTPUT ] [-METHOD ] -INPUT: Input grid Grid (input) -OUTPUT: Output Grid (output) -METHOD: Method Choice Available Choices: [0] Difference to left neighbour [1] Difference to left neighbour (using a while loop) [2] Slope gradient to left neighbour [%] [3] Slope gradient to left neighbour [Degree] Default: 0 04: Direct neighbours - more... _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\garden_learn_to_program.dll library name: Garden - Introducing Module Programming tool name : 04: Direct neighbours - more... _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd garden_learn_to_program 3 -INPUT [-OUTPUT ] [-METHOD ] -INPUT: Input grid Grid (input) -OUTPUT: Output Grid (output) -METHOD: Method Choice Available Choices: [0] Arithmetic mean (version 1) [1] Arithmetic mean (version 2) [2] Difference from all neighbour's mean [3] Variance (version 1) [4] Variance (version 2) [5] Standard deviation Default: 0 05: Direct neighbours - slope and aspect _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\garden_learn_to_program.dll library name: Garden - Introducing Module Programming tool name : 05: Direct neighbours - slope and aspect _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd garden_learn_to_program 4 -ELEVATION [-SLOPE ] [-ASPECT ] [-METHOD ] -ELEVATION: Input grid Grid (input) -SLOPE: Slope Grid (output) -ASPECT: Aspect Grid (output) -METHOD: Method Choice Available Choices: [0] Steepest gradient (first version) [1] Steepest gradient (second version) [2] Zevenbergen & Thorne Default: 0 06: Extended neighbourhoods _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\garden_learn_to_program.dll library name: Garden - Introducing Module Programming tool name : 06: Extended neighbourhoods _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd garden_learn_to_program 5 -INPUT [-OUTPUT ] [-RADIUS ] [-METHOD ] -INPUT: Input grid Grid (input) -OUTPUT: Output grid Grid (output) -RADIUS: Radius Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 1 -METHOD: Method Choice Available Choices: [0] Quadratic [1] Circle [2] Distance Weighted (inverse distance) Default: 0 07: Extended neighbourhoods - catchment areas (trace flow) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\garden_learn_to_program.dll library name: Garden - Introducing Module Programming tool name : 07: Extended neighbourhoods - catchment areas (trace flow) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd garden_learn_to_program 6 -ELEVATION [-AREA ] [-LENGTH ] [-STEP ] [-METHOD ] [-ONECELL] [-XCELL ] [-YCELL ] -ELEVATION: Elevation grid Grid (input) -AREA: Catchment area Grid (output) -LENGTH: Flow Path Length Grid (output) -STEP: Step Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 1 -METHOD: Method Choice Available Choices: [0] Needs less memory, but is slow [1] Needs more memory, but is quicker Default: 0 -ONECELL Single Cell Boolean Default: 0 -XCELL: X Position Integer Default: 0 -YCELL: Y Position Integer Default: 0 08: Extended neighbourhoods - catchment areas (parallel) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\garden_learn_to_program.dll library name: Garden - Introducing Module Programming tool name : 08: Extended neighbourhoods - catchment areas (parallel) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd garden_learn_to_program 7 -ELEVATION [-AREA ] [-METHOD ] -ELEVATION: Elevation grid Grid (input) -AREA: Catchment area Grid (output) -METHOD: Method Choice Available Choices: [0] D8 [1] MFD Default: 0 09: Extended neighbourhoods - catchment areas (recursive) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\garden_learn_to_program.dll library name: Garden - Introducing Module Programming tool name : 09: Extended neighbourhoods - catchment areas (recursive) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd garden_learn_to_program 8 -ELEVATION [-AREA ] -ELEVATION: Elevation grid Grid (input) -AREA: Catchment area Grid (output) 10: Dynamic Simulation - Life _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\garden_learn_to_program.dll library name: Garden - Introducing Module Programming tool name : 10: Dynamic Simulation - Life _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd garden_learn_to_program 9 [-RESULT ] [-REFRESH] [-COLORS ] -RESULT: Life Grid (output) -REFRESH Refresh Boolean Default: 1 -COLORS: Fade Color Count Integer Minimum: 3 Maximum: 255 Default: 64 11: Dynamic Simulation - Soil Nitrogen Dynamics _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\garden_learn_to_program.dll library name: Garden - Introducing Module Programming tool name : 11: Dynamic Simulation - Soil Nitrogen Dynamics _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd garden_learn_to_program 10 -DEM [-NSTORE ] [-TIME_SPAN ] [-TIME_STEP ] [-UPDATE] [-NINIT ] [-NRAIN ] -DEM: Elevation Grid (input) -NSTORE: Soil Nitrogen Grid (output) -TIME_SPAN: Time Span [a] Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 100.000000 -TIME_STEP: Time Interval [a] Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 0.100000 -UPDATE Update View Boolean Default: 1 -NINIT: Initial Nitrogen Content [kg/ha] Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 5000.000000 -NRAIN: Nitrogen in Rainfall [kg/ha/a] Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 16.000000 12: First steps with shapes _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\garden_learn_to_program.dll library name: Garden - Introducing Module Programming tool name : 12: First steps with shapes _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd garden_learn_to_program 11 -INPUT [-OUTPUT ] [-DX ] [-DY ] -INPUT: Input Shapes (input) -OUTPUT: Output Shapes (output) -DX: Translation: X Floating point Default: 10.000000 -DY: Translation: Y Floating point Default: 10.000000 13: Reprojecting a shapes layer _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\garden_learn_to_program.dll library name: Garden - Introducing Module Programming tool name : 13: Reprojecting a shapes layer _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd garden_learn_to_program 12 -INPUT [-OUTPUT ] [-METHOD ] [-TRANS_X ] [-TRANS_Y ] [-SCALE_X ] [-SCALE_Y ] [-SHEAR_X ] [-SHEAR_Y ] [-ROTAT ] -INPUT: Input Shapes (input) -OUTPUT: Output Shapes (output) -METHOD: Method Choice Available Choices: [0] Translation [1] Scaling [2] Shearing [3] Rotation [4] Combination A [5] Combination B Default: 0 -TRANS_X: X Floating point Default: 10.000000 -TRANS_Y: Y Floating point Default: 10.000000 -SCALE_X: X Floating point Default: 10.000000 -SCALE_Y: Y Floating point Default: 10.000000 -SHEAR_X: X Floating point Default: 0.500000 -SHEAR_Y: Y Floating point Default: 0.500000 -ROTAT: Rotation angle [Degree] Floating point Default: 45.000000 14: Vectorising channel lines _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\garden_learn_to_program.dll library name: Garden - Introducing Module Programming tool name : 14: Vectorising channel lines _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd garden_learn_to_program 13 -ELEVATION [-CHANNELS ] [-SHAPES ] [-THRESHOLD ] -ELEVATION: Elevation grid Grid (input) -CHANNELS: Channels (Raster) Grid (output) -SHAPES: Channels (Vector) Shapes (output) -THRESHOLD: Threshold Integer Minimum: 0 Maximum: 8 Default: 4 Import a Map via Web Map Service (WMS) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\garden_webservices.dll library name: Garden - Web Service Data Access tool name : Import a Map via Web Map Service (WMS) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd garden_webservices 0 [-MAP ] [-SERVER ] [-USERNAME ] [-PASSWORD ] -MAP: WMS Map Data Object (optional output) -SERVER: Server Text Default: -USERNAME: User Name Text -PASSWORD: Password Text Accumulated Cost (Isotropic) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_analysis.dll library name: Grid - Analysis tool name : Accumulated Cost (Isotropic) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_analysis 0 -COST -POINTS [-ACCCOST ] [-CLOSESTPT ] [-THRESHOLD ] -COST: Cost Grid Grid (input) -POINTS: Destination Points Grid (input) -ACCCOST: Accumulated Cost Grid (output) -CLOSESTPT: Closest Point Grid (output) -THRESHOLD: Threshold for different route Floating point Default: 0.000000 Accumulated Cost (Anisotropic) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_analysis.dll library name: Grid - Analysis tool name : Accumulated Cost (Anisotropic) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_analysis 1 -COST -DIRECTION -POINTS [-ACCCOST ] [-K ] [-THRESHOLD ] -COST: Cost Grid Grid (input) -DIRECTION: Direction of max cost Grid (input) -POINTS: Destination Points Grid (input) -ACCCOST: Accumulated Cost Grid (output) -K: k factor Floating point Default: 2.000000 -THRESHOLD: Threshold for different route Floating point Default: 0.000000 Least Cost Paths _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_analysis.dll library name: Grid - Analysis tool name : Least Cost Paths _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_analysis 5 -SOURCE -DEM [-VALUES ] [-POINTS ] [-LINE ] -SOURCE: Source Point(s) Shapes (input) -DEM: Accumulated cost Grid (input) -VALUES: Values Grid list (optional input) -POINTS: Profile (points) Shapes list (output) -LINE: Profile (lines) Shapes list (output) Change Vector Analysis _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_analysis.dll library name: Grid - Analysis tool name : Change Vector Analysis _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_analysis 6 -A -B [-DIST ] [-DIR ] [-ANGLE] [-C_OUT] [-C ] -A: Initial State Grid list (input) -B: Final State Grid list (input) -DIST: Distance Grid (output) -DIR: Direction Grid (output) -ANGLE Angle Calculation Boolean Default: 1 -C_OUT Output of Change Vector Boolean Default: 0 -C: Change Vector Grid list (optional output) Covered Distance _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_analysis.dll library name: Grid - Analysis tool name : Covered Distance _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_analysis 7 -INPUT [-RESULT ] -INPUT: Grids Grid list (input) -RESULT: Covered Distance Grid (output) Pattern Analysis _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_analysis.dll library name: Grid - Analysis tool name : Pattern Analysis _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_analysis 8 -INPUT [-RELATIVE ] [-DIVERSITY ] [-DOMINANCE ] [-FRAGMENTATION ] [-NDC ] [-CVN ] [-WINSIZE ] [-MAXNUMCLASS ] -INPUT: Input Grid Grid (input) -RELATIVE: Relative Richness Grid (output) -DIVERSITY: Diversity Grid (output) -DOMINANCE: Dominance Grid (output) -FRAGMENTATION: Fragmentation Grid (output) -NDC: Number of Different Classes Grid (output) -CVN: Center Versus Neighbours Grid (output) -WINSIZE: Size of Analysis Window Choice Available Choices: [0] 3 X 3 [1] 5 X 5 [2] 7 X 7 Default: 0 -MAXNUMCLASS: Max. Number of Classes Integer Default: 10 Layer of extreme value _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_analysis.dll library name: Grid - Analysis tool name : Layer of extreme value _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_analysis 9 -GRIDS [-RESULT ] [-CRITERIA ] -GRIDS: Grids Grid list (input) -RESULT: Result Grid (output) -CRITERIA: Method Choice Available Choices: [0] Maximum [1] Minimum Default: 0 Analytical Hierarchy Process _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_analysis.dll library name: Grid - Analysis tool name : Analytical Hierarchy Process _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_analysis 10 -GRIDS -TABLE [-OUTPUT ] -GRIDS: Input Grids Grid list (input) -TABLE: Pairwise Comparisons Table Table (input) -OUTPUT: Output Grid Grid (output) Ordered Weighted Averaging (OWA) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_analysis.dll library name: Grid - Analysis tool name : Ordered Weighted Averaging (OWA) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_analysis 11 -GRIDS [-WEIGHTS ] [-OUTPUT ] -GRIDS: Input Grids Grid list (input) -WEIGHTS: Weights Static table 1 Fields: - 1. [8 byte floating point number] Weight -OUTPUT: Output Grid Grid (output) Aggregation Index _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_analysis.dll library name: Grid - Analysis tool name : Aggregation Index _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_analysis 12 -INPUT [-MAXNUMCLASS ] [-RESULT ] -INPUT: Input Grid Grid (input) -MAXNUMCLASS: Max. Number of Classes Integer Default: 10 -RESULT: Result Table (output) Cross-Classification and Tabulation _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_analysis.dll library name: Grid - Analysis tool name : Cross-Classification and Tabulation _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_analysis 13 -INPUT -INPUT2 [-RESULTGRID ] [-RESULTTABLE ] [-MAXNUMCLASS ] -INPUT: Input Grid 1 Grid (input) -INPUT2: Input Grid 2 Grid (input) -RESULTGRID: Cross-Classification Grid Grid (output) -RESULTTABLE: Cross-Tabulation Table Table (output) -MAXNUMCLASS: Max. Number of Classes Integer Default: 10 Soil Texture Classification _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_analysis.dll library name: Grid - Analysis tool name : Soil Texture Classification _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_analysis 14 [-SAND ] [-SILT ] [-CLAY ] [-TEXTURE ] [-SUM ] -SAND: Sand Grid (optional input) -SILT: Silt Grid (optional input) -CLAY: Clay Grid (optional input) -TEXTURE: Soil Texture Grid (output) -SUM: Sum Grid (optional output) Fragmentation (Standard) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_analysis.dll library name: Grid - Analysis tool name : Fragmentation (Standard) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_analysis 15 -CLASSES [-DENSITY ] [-CONNECTIVITY ] [-FRAGMENTATION ] [-FRAGSTATS ] [-CLASS ] [-NEIGHBORHOOD_MIN ] [-NEIGHBORHOOD_MAX ] [-AGGREGATION ] [-BORDER] [-WEIGHT ] [-DENSITY_MIN ] [-DENSITY_INT ] [-CIRCULAR ] [-DIAGONAL] -CLASSES: Classification Grid (input) -DENSITY: Density [Percent] Grid (output) -CONNECTIVITY: Connectivity [Percent] Grid (output) -FRAGMENTATION: Fragmentation Grid (output) -FRAGSTATS: Summary Table (optional output) -CLASS: Class Identifier Integer Default: 1 -NEIGHBORHOOD_MIN: Neighborhood Value range -NEIGHBORHOOD_MAX: Neighborhood Value range -AGGREGATION: Level Aggregation Choice Available Choices: [0] average [1] multiplicative Default: 0 -BORDER Add Border Boolean Default: 0 -WEIGHT: Connectivity Weighting Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.100000 -DENSITY_MIN: Minimum Density [Percent] Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Maximum: 100.000000 Default: 10.000000 -DENSITY_INT: Minimum Density for Interior Forest [Percent] Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Maximum: 100.000000 Default: 99.000000 -CIRCULAR: Neighborhood Type Choice Available Choices: [0] square [1] circle Default: 1 -DIAGONAL Include diagonal neighbour relations Boolean Default: 1 Fragmentation (Alternative) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_analysis.dll library name: Grid - Analysis tool name : Fragmentation (Alternative) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_analysis 16 -CLASSES [-DENSITY ] [-CONNECTIVITY ] [-FRAGMENTATION ] [-FRAGSTATS ] [-CLASS ] [-NEIGHBORHOOD_MIN ] [-NEIGHBORHOOD_MAX ] [-AGGREGATION ] [-BORDER] [-WEIGHT ] [-DENSITY_MIN ] [-DENSITY_INT ] [-LEVEL_GROW ] [-DENSITY_MEAN] -CLASSES: Classification Grid (input) -DENSITY: Density [Percent] Grid (output) -CONNECTIVITY: Connectivity [Percent] Grid (output) -FRAGMENTATION: Fragmentation Grid (output) -FRAGSTATS: Summary Table (optional output) -CLASS: Class Identifier Integer Default: 1 -NEIGHBORHOOD_MIN: Neighborhood Value range -NEIGHBORHOOD_MAX: Neighborhood Value range -AGGREGATION: Level Aggregation Choice Available Choices: [0] average [1] multiplicative Default: 0 -BORDER Add Border Boolean Default: 0 -WEIGHT: Connectivity Weighting Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.100000 -DENSITY_MIN: Minimum Density [Percent] Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Maximum: 100.000000 Default: 10.000000 -DENSITY_INT: Minimum Density for Interior Forest [Percent] Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Maximum: 100.000000 Default: 99.000000 -LEVEL_GROW: Search Distance Increment Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -DENSITY_MEAN Density from Neighbourhood Boolean Default: 1 Fragmentation Classes from Density and Connectivity _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_analysis.dll library name: Grid - Analysis tool name : Fragmentation Classes from Density and Connectivity _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_analysis 17 -DENSITY -CONNECTIVITY [-FRAGMENTATION ] [-BORDER] [-WEIGHT ] [-DENSITY_MIN ] [-DENSITY_INT ] -DENSITY: Density [Percent] Grid (input) -CONNECTIVITY: Connectivity [Percent] Grid (input) -FRAGMENTATION: Fragmentation Grid (output) -BORDER Add Border Boolean Default: 0 -WEIGHT: Connectivity Weighting Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.100000 -DENSITY_MIN: Minimum Density [Percent] Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Maximum: 100.000000 Default: 10.000000 -DENSITY_INT: Minimum Density for Interior Forest [Percent] Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Maximum: 100.000000 Default: 99.000000 Accumulation Functions _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_analysis.dll library name: Grid - Analysis tool name : Accumulation Functions _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_analysis 18 -SURFACE -INPUT [-STATE_IN ] [-CONTROL ] [-CTRL_LINEAR ] [-FLUX ] [-STATE_OUT ] [-OPERATION ] [-LINEAR] [-THRES_LINEAR ] -SURFACE: Surface Grid (input) -INPUT: Input Grid (input) -STATE_IN: State t Grid (optional input) -CONTROL: Operation Control Grid (optional input) -CTRL_LINEAR: Linear Flow Control Grid Grid (optional input) -FLUX: Flux Grid (output) -STATE_OUT: State t + 1 Grid (optional output) -OPERATION: Operation Choice Available Choices: [0] accuflux [1] accucapacityflux / state [2] accufractionflux / state [3] accuthresholdflux / state [4] accutriggerflux / state Default: 0 -LINEAR Switch to Linear Flow Boolean Default: 1 -THRES_LINEAR: Threshold Linear Flow Floating point Default: 0.000000 IMCORR - Feature Tracking _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_analysis.dll library name: Grid - Analysis tool name : IMCORR - Feature Tracking _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_analysis 19 -GRID_1 -GRID_2 [-DTM_1 ] [-DTM_2 ] [-CORRPOINTS ] [-CORRLINES ] [-SEARCH_CHIPSIZE ] [-REF_CHIPSIZE ] [-GRID_SPACING ] -GRID_1: Grid 1 Grid (input) -GRID_2: Grid 2 Grid (input) -DTM_1: DTM 1 Grid (optional input) -DTM_2: DTM 2 Grid (optional input) -CORRPOINTS: Correlated Points Shapes (output) -CORRLINES: Displacement Vector Shapes (output) -SEARCH_CHIPSIZE: Search Chip Size (Cells) Choice Available Choices: [0] 16x16 [1] 32x32 [2] 64x64 [3] 128x128 [4] 256x256 Default: 2 -REF_CHIPSIZE: Reference Chip Size (Cells) Choice Available Choices: [0] 16x16 [1] 32x32 [2] 64x64 [3] 128x128 Default: 1 -GRID_SPACING: Grid Spacing (Map Units) Floating point Minimum: 0.100000 Maximum: 256.000000 Default: 10.000000 Grid Normalisation _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_calculus.dll library name: Grid - Calculus tool name : Grid Normalisation _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_calculus 0 -INPUT [-OUTPUT ] [-RANGE_MIN ] [-RANGE_MAX ] -INPUT: Grid Grid (input) -OUTPUT: Normalised Grid Grid (output) -RANGE_MIN: Target Range Value range -RANGE_MAX: Target Range Value range Grid Calculator _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_calculus.dll library name: Grid - Calculus tool name : Grid Calculator _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_calculus 1 -GRIDS [-XGRIDS ] [-RESULT ] [-FORMULA ] [-NAME ] [-FNAME] [-USE_NODATA] [-TYPE ] -GRIDS: Grids Grid list (input) -XGRIDS: Grids from different Systems Grid list (optional input) -RESULT: Result Grid (output) -FORMULA: Formula Text Default: (g1 - g2) / (g1 + g2) -NAME: Name Text Default: Calculation -FNAME Take Formula Boolean Default: 1 -USE_NODATA Use NoData Boolean Default: 0 -TYPE: Data Type Choice Available Choices: [0] bit [1] unsigned 1 byte integer [2] signed 1 byte integer [3] unsigned 2 byte integer [4] signed 2 byte integer [5] unsigned 4 byte integer [6] signed 4 byte integer [7] 4 byte floating point number [8] 8 byte floating point number Default: 7 Grid Volume _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_calculus.dll library name: Grid - Calculus tool name : Grid Volume _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_calculus 2 -GRID [-METHOD ] [-LEVEL ] -GRID: Grid Grid (input) -METHOD: Method Choice Available Choices: [0] Count Only Above Base Level [1] Count Only Below Base Level [2] Subtract Volumes Below Base Level [3] Add Volumes Below Base Level Default: 0 -LEVEL: Base Level Floating point Default: 0.000000 Grid Difference _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_calculus.dll library name: Grid - Calculus tool name : Grid Difference _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_calculus 3 -A -B [-C ] -A: A Grid (input) -B: B Grid (input) -C: Difference (A - B) Grid (output) Function _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_calculus.dll library name: Grid - Calculus tool name : Function _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_calculus 4 [-RESULT ] [-XMIN ] [-XMAX ] [-YMIN ] [-YMAX ] [-FORMUL ] -RESULT: Function Grid (output) -XMIN: xmin Floating point Default: -5.000000 -XMAX: xmax Floating point Default: 5.000000 -YMIN: ymin Floating point Default: -5.000000 -YMAX: ymax Floating point Default: 5.000000 -FORMUL: Formula Text Default: sin(x*x + y*y) Geometric Figures _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_calculus.dll library name: Grid - Calculus tool name : Geometric Figures _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_calculus 5 [-RESULT ] [-CELL_COUNT ] [-CELL_SIZE ] [-FIGURE ] [-PLANE ] -RESULT: Result Grid list (optional output) -CELL_COUNT: Cell Count Integer Minimum: 2 Default: 100 -CELL_SIZE: Cell Size Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -FIGURE: Figure Choice Available Choices: [0] Cone (up) [1] Cone (down) [2] Plane Default: 0 -PLANE: Direction of Plane [Degree] Floating point Default: 22.500000 Random Terrain Generation _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_calculus.dll library name: Grid - Calculus tool name : Random Terrain Generation _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_calculus 6 [-RADIUS ] [-ITERATIONS ] [-TARGET_TYPE ] [-TARGET_GRID ] [-USER_CELL_SIZE ] [-USER_COLS ] [-USER_ROWS ] [-GET_SYSTEM_SYSTEM_NX ] [-GET_SYSTEM_SYSTEM_NY ] [-GET_SYSTEM_SYSTEM_X ] [-GET_SYSTEM_SYSTEM_Y ] [-GET_SYSTEM_SYSTEM_D ] [-GRID_GRID ] -RADIUS: Radius (cells) Integer Default: 15 -ITERATIONS: Iterations Integer Default: 10 -TARGET_TYPE: Target Dimensions Choice Available Choices: [0] User defined [1] Grid Project [2] Grid Default: 0 -TARGET_GRID: Grid Grid list (optional output) -USER_CELL_SIZE: Grid Size Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 100.000000 -USER_COLS: Cols Integer Minimum: 0 Default: 100 -USER_ROWS: Rows Integer Minimum: 0 Default: 100 -GET_SYSTEM_SYSTEM_NX: System Grid system -GET_SYSTEM_SYSTEM_NY: System Grid system -GET_SYSTEM_SYSTEM_X: System Grid system -GET_SYSTEM_SYSTEM_Y: System Grid system -GET_SYSTEM_SYSTEM_D: System Grid system -GRID_GRID: Grid Grid (input) Random Field _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_calculus.dll library name: Grid - Calculus tool name : Random Field _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_calculus 7 [-TARGET ] [-METHOD ] [-RANGE_MIN ] [-RANGE_MAX ] [-MEAN ] [-STDDEV ] [-USER_XMIN ] [-USER_XMAX ] [-USER_YMIN ] [-USER_YMAX ] [-USER_SIZE ] [-USER_FIT ] [-USER_GRID ] [-GRID_GRID ] -TARGET: Target Grid Choice Available Choices: [0] user defined [1] grid Default: 0 -METHOD: Method Choice Available Choices: [0] Uniform [1] Gaussian Default: 1 -RANGE_MIN: Range Value range -RANGE_MAX: Range Value range -MEAN: Arithmetic Mean Floating point Default: 0.000000 -STDDEV: Standard Deviation Floating point Default: 1.000000 -USER_XMIN: Left Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_XMAX: Right Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_YMIN: Bottom Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_YMAX: Top Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_SIZE: Cellsize Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -USER_FIT: Fit Choice Available Choices: [0] nodes [1] cells Default: 0 -USER_GRID: Grid Data Object (optional output) -GRID_GRID: Grid Grid (optional input) Grids Sum _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_calculus.dll library name: Grid - Calculus tool name : Grids Sum _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_calculus 8 -GRIDS [-RESULT ] -GRIDS: Grids Grid list (input) -RESULT: Sum Grid (output) Grids Product _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_calculus.dll library name: Grid - Calculus tool name : Grids Product _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_calculus 9 -GRIDS [-RESULT ] -GRIDS: Grids Grid list (input) -RESULT: Product Grid (output) Grid Standardisation _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_calculus.dll library name: Grid - Calculus tool name : Grid Standardisation _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_calculus 10 -INPUT [-OUTPUT ] [-STRETCH ] -INPUT: Grid Grid (input) -OUTPUT: Standardised Grid Grid (output) -STRETCH: Stretch Factor Floating point Default: 1.000000 Fuzzify _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_calculus.dll library name: Grid - Calculus tool name : Fuzzify _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_calculus 11 -INPUT [-OUTPUT ] [-A ] [-B ] [-C ] [-D ] [-TYPE ] [-AUTOFIT] -INPUT: Grid Grid (input) -OUTPUT: Fuzzified Grid Grid (output) -A: A Floating point Default: 10.000000 -B: B Floating point Default: 10.000000 -C: C Floating point Default: 10.000000 -D: D Floating point Default: 10.000000 -TYPE: Membership Function Type Choice Available Choices: [0] linear [1] sigmoidal [2] j-shaped Default: 0 -AUTOFIT Adjust to Grid Boolean Default: 1 Fuzzy Intersection (AND) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_calculus.dll library name: Grid - Calculus tool name : Fuzzy Intersection (AND) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_calculus 12 -GRIDS [-AND ] [-TYPE ] -GRIDS: Grids Grid list (input) -AND: Intersection Grid (output) -TYPE: Operator Type Choice Available Choices: [0] min(a, b) (non-interactive) [1] a * b [2] max(0, a + b - 1) Default: 0 Fuzzy Union (OR) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_calculus.dll library name: Grid - Calculus tool name : Fuzzy Union (OR) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_calculus 13 -GRIDS [-OR ] [-TYPE ] -GRIDS: Grids Grid list (input) -OR: Union Grid (output) -TYPE: Operator Type Choice Available Choices: [0] max(a, b) (non-interactive) [1] a + b - a * b [2] min(1, a + b) Default: 0 Metric Conversions _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_calculus.dll library name: Grid - Calculus tool name : Metric Conversions _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_calculus 14 -GRID [-CONV ] [-CONVERSION ] -GRID: Grid Grid (input) -CONV: Converted Grid Grid (output) -CONVERSION: Conversion Choice Available Choices: [0] radians to degree [1] degree to radians [2] Celsius to Fahrenheit [3] Fahrenheit to Celsius Default: 0 Gradient Vector from Cartesian to Polar Coordinates _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_calculus.dll library name: Grid - Calculus tool name : Gradient Vector from Cartesian to Polar Coordinates _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_calculus 15 -DX -DY [-DIR ] [-LEN ] [-UNITS ] [-SYSTEM ] [-SYSTEM_ZERO ] [-SYSTEM_ORIENT ] -DX: X Component Grid (input) -DY: Y Component Grid (input) -DIR: Direction Grid (output) -LEN: Length Grid (output) -UNITS: Polar Angle Units Choice Available Choices: [0] radians [1] degree Default: 0 -SYSTEM: Polar Coordinate System Choice Available Choices: [0] mathematical [1] geographical [2] user defined Default: 1 -SYSTEM_ZERO: User defined Zero Direction Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Maximum: 360.000000 Default: 0.000000 -SYSTEM_ORIENT: User defined Orientation Choice Available Choices: [0] clockwise [1] counterclockwise Default: 0 Gradient Vector from Polar to Cartesian Coordinates _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_calculus.dll library name: Grid - Calculus tool name : Gradient Vector from Polar to Cartesian Coordinates _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_calculus 16 -DIR -LEN [-DX ] [-DY ] [-UNITS ] [-SYSTEM ] [-SYSTEM_ZERO ] [-SYSTEM_ORIENT ] -DIR: Direction Grid (input) -LEN: Length Grid (input) -DX: X Component Grid (output) -DY: Y Component Grid (output) -UNITS: Polar Angle Units Choice Available Choices: [0] radians [1] degree Default: 0 -SYSTEM: Polar Coordinate System Choice Available Choices: [0] mathematical [1] geographical [2] user defined Default: 1 -SYSTEM_ZERO: User defined Zero Direction Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Maximum: 360.000000 Default: 0.000000 -SYSTEM_ORIENT: User defined Orientation Choice Available Choices: [0] clockwise [1] counterclockwise Default: 0 Grid Division _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_calculus.dll library name: Grid - Calculus tool name : Grid Division _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_calculus 18 -A -B [-C ] -A: Dividend Grid (input) -B: Divisor Grid (input) -C: Quotient Grid (output) Spherical Harmonic Synthesis _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_calculus.dll library name: Grid - Calculus tool name : Spherical Harmonic Synthesis _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_calculus 19 [-OUTPUT_GRID ] [-FILE ] [-MINDEGREE ] [-MAXDEGREE ] [-LAT_START ] [-END_LAT ] [-LONG_START ] [-END_LONG ] [-INC ] -OUTPUT_GRID: Synthesized Grid Data Object (optional output) -FILE: File with Coefficients File path -MINDEGREE: Start Degree Integer Default: 0 -MAXDEGREE: Expansion Degree Integer Default: 180 -LAT_START: Start Latitude Floating point Default: -90.000000 -END_LAT: End Latitude Floating point Default: 90.000000 -LONG_START: Start Longitude Floating point Default: -180.000000 -END_LONG: End Longitude Floating point Default: 180.000000 -INC: Latitude / Longitude Increment Floating point Default: 1.000000 BSL _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_calculus_bsl.dll library name: Grid - Calculus BSL tool name : BSL _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_calculus_bsl 0 [-PARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM_NX ] [-PARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM_NY ] [-PARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM_X ] [-PARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM_Y ] [-PARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM_D ] [-OUTPUT ] [-BSL ] [-PROGRESS] -PARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM_NX: Grid system Grid system -PARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM_NY: Grid system Grid system -PARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM_X: Grid system Grid system -PARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM_Y: Grid system Grid system -PARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM_D: Grid system Grid system -OUTPUT: Output Grid list (optional output) -BSL: BSL Script Long text Default: Matrix R(), NIR(), NDVI, RANGE; Point p; NDVI = R; RANGE = R; foreach p in R do { NDVI[p] = (NIR[p] - R[p]) / (NIR[p] + R[p]); RANGE[p] = max8(p, R) - min8(p, R); } showMatrix(NDVI); showMatrix(RANGE); -PROGRESS Show Progress Boolean Default: 1 BSL from File _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_calculus_bsl.dll library name: Grid - Calculus BSL tool name : BSL from File _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_calculus_bsl 1 [-PARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM_NX ] [-PARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM_NY ] [-PARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM_X ] [-PARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM_Y ] [-PARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM_D ] [-OUTPUT ] [-BSL ] [-PROGRESS] -PARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM_NX: Grid system Grid system -PARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM_NY: Grid system Grid system -PARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM_X: Grid system Grid system -PARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM_Y: Grid system Grid system -PARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM_D: Grid system Grid system -OUTPUT: Output Grid list (optional output) -BSL: BSL Script File path -PROGRESS Show Progress Boolean Default: 1 Simple Filter _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_filter.dll library name: Grid - Filter tool name : Simple Filter _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_filter 0 -INPUT [-RESULT ] [-MODE ] [-METHOD ] [-RADIUS ] -INPUT: Grid Grid (input) -RESULT: Filtered Grid Grid (optional output) -MODE: Search Mode Choice Available Choices: [0] Square [1] Circle Default: 1 -METHOD: Filter Choice Available Choices: [0] Smooth [1] Sharpen [2] Edge Default: 0 -RADIUS: Radius Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 1 Gaussian Filter _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_filter.dll library name: Grid - Filter tool name : Gaussian Filter _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_filter 1 -INPUT [-RESULT ] [-SIGMA ] [-MODE ] [-RADIUS ] -INPUT: Grid Grid (input) -RESULT: Filtered Grid Grid (optional output) -SIGMA: Standard Deviation Floating point Minimum: 0.000100 Default: 1.000000 -MODE: Search Mode Choice Available Choices: [0] Square [1] Circle Default: 1 -RADIUS: Search Radius Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 2 Laplacian Filter _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_filter.dll library name: Grid - Filter tool name : Laplacian Filter _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_filter 2 -INPUT [-RESULT ] [-METHOD ] [-SIGMA ] [-RADIUS ] [-MODE ] -INPUT: Grid Grid (input) -RESULT: Filtered Grid Grid (optional output) -METHOD: Method Choice Available Choices: [0] standard kernel 1 [1] standard kernel 2 [2] Standard kernel 3 [3] user defined kernel Default: 3 -SIGMA: Standard Deviation (Percent of Radius) Floating point Minimum: 0.000010 Default: 50.000000 -RADIUS: Radius Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 3 -MODE: Search Mode Choice Available Choices: [0] square [1] circle Default: 1 Multi Direction Lee Filter _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_filter.dll library name: Grid - Filter tool name : Multi Direction Lee Filter _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_filter 3 -INPUT [-RESULT ] [-STDDEV ] [-DIR ] [-NOISE_ABS ] [-NOISE_REL ] [-WEIGHTED] [-METHOD ] -INPUT: Grid Grid (input) -RESULT: Filtered Grid Grid (output) -STDDEV: Minimum Standard Deviation Grid (optional output) -DIR: Direction of Minimum Standard Deviation Grid (optional output) -NOISE_ABS: Estimated Noise (absolute) Floating point Default: 1.000000 -NOISE_REL: Estimated Noise (relative) Floating point Default: 1.000000 -WEIGHTED Weighted Boolean Default: 1 -METHOD: Method Choice Available Choices: [0] noise variance given as absolute value [1] noise variance given relative to mean standard deviation [2] original calculation (Ringeler) Default: 1 User Defined Filter _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_filter.dll library name: Grid - Filter tool name : User Defined Filter _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_filter 4 -INPUT [-RESULT ] [-FILTER ] [-ABSOLUTE] [-FILTER_3X3 ] -INPUT: Grid Grid (input) -RESULT: Filtered Grid Grid (output) -FILTER: Filter Matrix Table (optional input) -ABSOLUTE Absolute Weighting Boolean Default: 1 -FILTER_3X3: Default Filter Matrix (3x3) Static table 3 Fields: - 1. [8 byte floating point number] 1 - 2. [8 byte floating point number] 2 - 3. [8 byte floating point number] 3 Filter Clumps _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_filter.dll library name: Grid - Filter tool name : Filter Clumps _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_filter 5 -GRID [-OUTPUT ] [-THRESHOLD ] -GRID: Input Grid Grid (input) -OUTPUT: Filtered Grid Grid (output) -THRESHOLD: Min. Size Integer Default: 10 Majority Filter _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_filter.dll library name: Grid - Filter tool name : Majority Filter _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_filter 6 -INPUT [-RESULT ] [-MODE ] [-RADIUS ] [-THRESHOLD ] -INPUT: Grid Grid (input) -RESULT: Filtered Grid Grid (optional output) -MODE: Search Mode Choice Available Choices: [0] Square [1] Circle Default: 1 -RADIUS: Radius Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 1 -THRESHOLD: Threshold [Percent] Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Maximum: 100.000000 Default: 0.000000 DTM Filter (slope-based) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_filter.dll library name: Grid - Filter tool name : DTM Filter (slope-based) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_filter 7 -INPUT [-RADIUS ] [-TERRAINSLOPE ] [-STDDEV] [-GROUND ] [-NONGROUND ] -INPUT: Grid to filter Grid (input) -RADIUS: Search Radius Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 2 -TERRAINSLOPE: Approx. Terrain Slope Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 30.000000 -STDDEV Use Confidence Interval Boolean Default: 0 -GROUND: Bare Earth Grid (output) -NONGROUND: Removed Objects Grid (output) Morphological Filter _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_filter.dll library name: Grid - Filter tool name : Morphological Filter _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_filter 8 -INPUT [-RESULT ] [-MODE ] [-RADIUS ] [-METHOD ] -INPUT: Grid Grid (input) -RESULT: Filtered Grid Grid (optional output) -MODE: Search Mode Choice Available Choices: [0] Square [1] Circle Default: 1 -RADIUS: Radius Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 1 -METHOD: Method Choice Available Choices: [0] Dilation [1] Erosion [2] Opening [3] Closing Default: 0 Rank Filter _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_filter.dll library name: Grid - Filter tool name : Rank Filter _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_filter 9 -INPUT [-RESULT ] [-MODE ] [-RADIUS ] [-RANK ] -INPUT: Grid Grid (input) -RESULT: Filtered Grid Grid (optional output) -MODE: Search Mode Choice Available Choices: [0] Square [1] Circle Default: 1 -RADIUS: Radius Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 1 -RANK: Rank [Percent] Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Maximum: 100.000000 Default: 50.000000 Mesh Denoise _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_filter.dll library name: Grid - Filter tool name : Mesh Denoise _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_filter 10 -INPUT [-OUTPUT ] [-SIGMA ] [-ITER ] [-VITER ] [-NB_CV ] [-ZONLY] -INPUT: Grid Grid (input) -OUTPUT: Denoised Grid Grid (output) -SIGMA: Threshold Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Maximum: 1.000000 Default: 0.900000 -ITER: Number of Iterations for Normal Updating Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 5 -VITER: Number of Iterations for Vertex Updating Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 50 -NB_CV: Common Edge Type of Face Neighbourhood Choice Available Choices: [0] Common Vertex [1] Common Edge Default: 0 -ZONLY Only Z-Direction Position is Updated Boolean Default: 0 Resampling Filter _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_filter.dll library name: Grid - Filter tool name : Resampling Filter _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_filter 11 -GRID [-LOPASS ] [-HIPASS ] [-SCALE ] -GRID: Grid Grid (input) -LOPASS: Low Pass Filter Grid (output) -HIPASS: High Pass Filter Grid (output) -SCALE: Scale Factor Floating point Minimum: 1.000000 Default: 10.000000 Geodesic Morphological Reconstruction _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_filter.dll library name: Grid - Filter tool name : Geodesic Morphological Reconstruction _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_filter 12 -INPUT_GRID [-OBJECT_GRID ] [-DIFFERENCE_GRID ] [-SHIFT_VALUE ] [-BORDER_YES_NO] [-BIN_YES_NO] [-THRESHOLD ] -INPUT_GRID: Input Grid Grid (input) -OBJECT_GRID: Object Grid Grid (output) -DIFFERENCE_GRID: Difference Input - Reconstruction Grid (output) -SHIFT_VALUE: Shift value Floating point Default: 5.000000 -BORDER_YES_NO Preserve 1px border Yes/No Boolean Default: 1 -BIN_YES_NO Create a binary mask Yes/No Boolean Default: 1 -THRESHOLD: Threshold Floating point Default: 1.000000 Binary Erosion-Reconstruction _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_filter.dll library name: Grid - Filter tool name : Binary Erosion-Reconstruction _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_filter 13 -INPUT_GRID [-OUTPUT_GRID ] [-RADIUS ] -INPUT_GRID: Input Grid Grid (input) -OUTPUT_GRID: Output Grid Grid (output) -RADIUS: Filter Size (Radius) Integer Default: 3 Connectivity Analysis _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_filter.dll library name: Grid - Filter tool name : Connectivity Analysis _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_filter 14 -INPUT_GRID [-FILTERED_MASK ] [-FILTER] [-SIZE ] [-SYMBOLIC_IMAGE ] [-OUTLINES ] [-BORDER_PIXEL_CENTERS] [-REMOVE_MARGINAL_REGIONS] -INPUT_GRID: Input Binary Grid Grid (input) -FILTERED_MASK: Filtered Image Grid (optional output) -FILTER Apply Filter? Boolean Default: 1 -SIZE: Filter Size (Radius) Integer Default: 3 -SYMBOLIC_IMAGE: Symbolic Image Grid (output) -OUTLINES: Outlines Shapes (output) -BORDER_PIXEL_CENTERS Pixel Centers? Boolean Default: 0 -REMOVE_MARGINAL_REGIONS Remove Border Regions? Boolean Default: 0 Sieving Classes _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_filter.dll library name: Grid - Filter tool name : Sieving Classes _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_filter 15 -INPUT [-OUTPUT ] [-MODE ] [-THRESHOLD ] [-ALL ] [-CLASS ] -INPUT: Classes Grid (input) -OUTPUT: Sieved Classes Grid (optional output) -MODE: Neighbourhood Choice Available Choices: [0] Neumann [1] Moore Default: 1 -THRESHOLD: Minimum Threshold Integer Minimum: 2 Default: 4 -ALL: Class Selection Choice Available Choices: [0] single class [1] all classes Default: 1 -CLASS: Class Identifier Floating point Default: 1.000000 Shapes to Grid _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_gridding.dll library name: Grid - Gridding tool name : Shapes to Grid _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_gridding 0 -INPUT [-FIELD ] [-OUTPUT ] [-MULTIPLE ] [-LINE_TYPE ] [-POLY_TYPE ] [-GRID_TYPE ] [-TARGET ] [-USER_XMIN ] [-USER_XMAX ] [-USER_YMIN ] [-USER_YMAX ] [-USER_SIZE ] [-USER_FIT ] [-USER_GRID ] [-USER_COUNT ] [-USER_BCOUNT] [-GRID_GRID ] [-GRID_COUNT ] -INPUT: Shapes Shapes (input) -FIELD: Attribute Table field -OUTPUT: Output Values Choice Available Choices: [0] data / no-data [1] index number [2] attribute Default: 2 -MULTIPLE: Method for Multiple Values Choice Available Choices: [0] first [1] last [2] minimum [3] maximum [4] mean Default: 1 -LINE_TYPE: Lines Choice Available Choices: [0] thin [1] thick Default: 1 -POLY_TYPE: Polygon Choice Available Choices: [0] node [1] cell Default: 1 -GRID_TYPE: Preferred Target Grid Type Choice Available Choices: [0] Integer (1 byte) [1] Integer (2 byte) [2] Integer (4 byte) [3] Floating Point (4 byte) [4] Floating Point (8 byte) Default: 3 -TARGET: Target Grid Choice Available Choices: [0] user defined [1] grid Default: 0 -USER_XMIN: Left Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_XMAX: Right Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_YMIN: Bottom Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_YMAX: Top Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_SIZE: Cellsize Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -USER_FIT: Fit Choice Available Choices: [0] nodes [1] cells Default: 0 -USER_GRID: Grid Data Object (optional output) -USER_COUNT: Number of Values Data Object (optional output) -USER_BCOUNT Number of Values Boolean Default: 0 -GRID_GRID: Grid Grid (optional input) -GRID_COUNT: Number of Values Grid (optional input) Inverse Distance Weighted _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_gridding.dll library name: Grid - Gridding tool name : Inverse Distance Weighted _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_gridding 1 -SHAPES [-FIELD ] [-TARGET ] [-SEARCH_RANGE ] [-SEARCH_RADIUS ] [-SEARCH_POINTS_ALL ] [-SEARCH_POINTS_MAX ] [-SEARCH_DIRECTION ] [-WEIGHTING ] [-WEIGHT_POWER ] [-WEIGHT_BANDWIDTH ] [-USER_XMIN ] [-USER_XMAX ] [-USER_YMIN ] [-USER_YMAX ] [-USER_SIZE ] [-USER_FIT ] [-USER_GRID ] [-GRID_GRID ] -SHAPES: Points Shapes (input) -FIELD: Attribute Table field -TARGET: Target Grid Choice Available Choices: [0] user defined [1] grid Default: 0 -SEARCH_RANGE: Search Range Choice Available Choices: [0] local [1] global Default: 0 -SEARCH_RADIUS: Maximum Search Distance Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1000.000000 -SEARCH_POINTS_ALL: Number of Points Choice Available Choices: [0] maximum number of nearest points [1] all points within search distance Default: 0 -SEARCH_POINTS_MAX: Maximum Number of Points Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 20 -SEARCH_DIRECTION: Search Direction Choice Available Choices: [0] all directions [1] quadrants Default: 0 -WEIGHTING: Distance Weighting Choice Available Choices: [0] inverse distance to a power [1] linearly decreasing within search radius [2] exponential weighting scheme [3] gaussian weighting scheme Default: 0 -WEIGHT_POWER: Power Floating point Default: 2.000000 -WEIGHT_BANDWIDTH: Bandwidth Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -USER_XMIN: Left Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_XMAX: Right Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_YMIN: Bottom Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_YMAX: Top Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_SIZE: Cellsize Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -USER_FIT: Fit Choice Available Choices: [0] nodes [1] cells Default: 0 -USER_GRID: Grid Data Object (optional output) -GRID_GRID: Grid Grid (optional input) Nearest Neighbour _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_gridding.dll library name: Grid - Gridding tool name : Nearest Neighbour _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_gridding 2 -SHAPES [-FIELD ] [-TARGET ] [-USER_XMIN ] [-USER_XMAX ] [-USER_YMIN ] [-USER_YMAX ] [-USER_SIZE ] [-USER_FIT ] [-USER_GRID ] [-GRID_GRID ] -SHAPES: Points Shapes (input) -FIELD: Attribute Table field -TARGET: Target Grid Choice Available Choices: [0] user defined [1] grid Default: 0 -USER_XMIN: Left Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_XMAX: Right Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_YMIN: Bottom Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_YMAX: Top Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_SIZE: Cellsize Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -USER_FIT: Fit Choice Available Choices: [0] nodes [1] cells Default: 0 -USER_GRID: Grid Data Object (optional output) -GRID_GRID: Grid Grid (optional input) Natural Neighbour _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_gridding.dll library name: Grid - Gridding tool name : Natural Neighbour _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_gridding 3 -SHAPES [-FIELD ] [-TARGET ] [-SIBSON] [-USER_XMIN ] [-USER_XMAX ] [-USER_YMIN ] [-USER_YMAX ] [-USER_SIZE ] [-USER_FIT ] [-USER_GRID ] [-GRID_GRID ] -SHAPES: Points Shapes (input) -FIELD: Attribute Table field -TARGET: Target Grid Choice Available Choices: [0] user defined [1] grid Default: 0 -SIBSON Sibson Boolean Default: 1 -USER_XMIN: Left Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_XMAX: Right Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_YMIN: Bottom Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_YMAX: Top Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_SIZE: Cellsize Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -USER_FIT: Fit Choice Available Choices: [0] nodes [1] cells Default: 0 -USER_GRID: Grid Data Object (optional output) -GRID_GRID: Grid Grid (optional input) Modifed Quadratic Shepard _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_gridding.dll library name: Grid - Gridding tool name : Modifed Quadratic Shepard _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_gridding 4 -SHAPES [-FIELD ] [-TARGET ] [-QUADRATIC_NEIGHBORS ] [-WEIGHTING_NEIGHBORS ] [-USER_XMIN ] [-USER_XMAX ] [-USER_YMIN ] [-USER_YMAX ] [-USER_SIZE ] [-USER_FIT ] [-USER_GRID ] [-GRID_GRID ] -SHAPES: Points Shapes (input) -FIELD: Attribute Table field -TARGET: Target Grid Choice Available Choices: [0] user defined [1] grid Default: 0 -QUADRATIC_NEIGHBORS: Quadratic Neighbors Integer Minimum: 5 Default: 13 -WEIGHTING_NEIGHBORS: Weighting Neighbors Integer Minimum: 3 Default: 19 -USER_XMIN: Left Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_XMAX: Right Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_YMIN: Bottom Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_YMAX: Top Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_SIZE: Cellsize Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -USER_FIT: Fit Choice Available Choices: [0] nodes [1] cells Default: 0 -USER_GRID: Grid Data Object (optional output) -GRID_GRID: Grid Grid (optional input) Triangulation _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_gridding.dll library name: Grid - Gridding tool name : Triangulation _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_gridding 5 -SHAPES [-FIELD ] [-TARGET ] [-USER_XMIN ] [-USER_XMAX ] [-USER_YMIN ] [-USER_YMAX ] [-USER_SIZE ] [-USER_FIT ] [-USER_GRID ] [-GRID_GRID ] -SHAPES: Points Shapes (input) -FIELD: Attribute Table field -TARGET: Target Grid Choice Available Choices: [0] user defined [1] grid Default: 0 -USER_XMIN: Left Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_XMAX: Right Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_YMIN: Bottom Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_YMAX: Top Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_SIZE: Cellsize Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -USER_FIT: Fit Choice Available Choices: [0] nodes [1] cells Default: 0 -USER_GRID: Grid Data Object (optional output) -GRID_GRID: Grid Grid (optional input) Kernel Density Estimation _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_gridding.dll library name: Grid - Gridding tool name : Kernel Density Estimation _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_gridding 6 -POINTS [-POPULATION ] [-RADIUS ] [-KERNEL ] [-TARGET ] [-USER_XMIN ] [-USER_XMAX ] [-USER_YMIN ] [-USER_YMAX ] [-USER_SIZE ] [-USER_FIT ] [-USER_GRID ] [-GRID_GRID ] -POINTS: Points Shapes (input) -POPULATION: Population Table field -RADIUS: Radius Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -KERNEL: Kernel Choice Available Choices: [0] quartic kernel [1] gaussian kernel Default: 0 -TARGET: Target Grid Choice Available Choices: [0] user defined [1] grid Default: 0 -USER_XMIN: Left Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_XMAX: Right Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_YMIN: Bottom Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_YMAX: Top Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_SIZE: Cellsize Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -USER_FIT: Fit Choice Available Choices: [0] nodes [1] cells Default: 0 -USER_GRID: Grid Data Object (optional output) -GRID_GRID: Grid Grid (optional input) Angular Distance Weighted _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_gridding.dll library name: Grid - Gridding tool name : Angular Distance Weighted _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_gridding 7 -SHAPES [-FIELD ] [-TARGET ] [-SEARCH_RANGE ] [-SEARCH_RADIUS ] [-SEARCH_POINTS_ALL ] [-SEARCH_POINTS_MAX ] [-SEARCH_DIRECTION ] [-WEIGHTING ] [-WEIGHT_POWER ] [-WEIGHT_BANDWIDTH ] [-USER_XMIN ] [-USER_XMAX ] [-USER_YMIN ] [-USER_YMAX ] [-USER_SIZE ] [-USER_FIT ] [-USER_GRID ] [-GRID_GRID ] -SHAPES: Points Shapes (input) -FIELD: Attribute Table field -TARGET: Target Grid Choice Available Choices: [0] user defined [1] grid Default: 0 -SEARCH_RANGE: Search Range Choice Available Choices: [0] local [1] global Default: 0 -SEARCH_RADIUS: Maximum Search Distance Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1000.000000 -SEARCH_POINTS_ALL: Number of Points Choice Available Choices: [0] maximum number of nearest points [1] all points within search distance Default: 0 -SEARCH_POINTS_MAX: Maximum Number of Points Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 20 -SEARCH_DIRECTION: Search Direction Choice Available Choices: [0] all directions [1] quadrants Default: 0 -WEIGHTING: Distance Weighting Choice Available Choices: [0] inverse distance to a power [1] linearly decreasing within search radius [2] exponential weighting scheme [3] gaussian weighting scheme Default: 0 -WEIGHT_POWER: Power Floating point Default: 2.000000 -WEIGHT_BANDWIDTH: Bandwidth Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -USER_XMIN: Left Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_XMAX: Right Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_YMIN: Bottom Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_YMAX: Top Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_SIZE: Cellsize Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -USER_FIT: Fit Choice Available Choices: [0] nodes [1] cells Default: 0 -USER_GRID: Grid Data Object (optional output) -GRID_GRID: Grid Grid (optional input) Thin Plate Spline (Global) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_spline.dll library name: Grid - Spline Interpolation tool name : Thin Plate Spline (Global) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_spline 0 -SHAPES [-FIELD ] [-TARGET ] [-REGULARISATION ] [-USER_XMIN ] [-USER_XMAX ] [-USER_YMIN ] [-USER_YMAX ] [-USER_SIZE ] [-USER_FIT ] [-USER_GRID ] [-GRID_GRID ] -SHAPES: Points Shapes (input) -FIELD: Attribute Table field -TARGET: Target Grid Choice Available Choices: [0] user defined [1] grid Default: 0 -REGULARISATION: Regularisation Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 0.000100 -USER_XMIN: Left Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_XMAX: Right Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_YMIN: Bottom Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_YMAX: Top Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_SIZE: Cellsize Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -USER_FIT: Fit Choice Available Choices: [0] nodes [1] cells Default: 0 -USER_GRID: Grid Data Object (optional output) -GRID_GRID: Grid Grid (optional input) Thin Plate Spline (Local) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_spline.dll library name: Grid - Spline Interpolation tool name : Thin Plate Spline (Local) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_spline 1 -SHAPES [-FIELD ] [-TARGET ] [-REGULARISATION ] [-SEARCH_RANGE ] [-SEARCH_RADIUS ] [-SEARCH_POINTS_ALL ] [-SEARCH_POINTS_MAX ] [-SEARCH_DIRECTION ] [-USER_XMIN ] [-USER_XMAX ] [-USER_YMIN ] [-USER_YMAX ] [-USER_SIZE ] [-USER_FIT ] [-USER_GRID ] [-GRID_GRID ] -SHAPES: Points Shapes (input) -FIELD: Attribute Table field -TARGET: Target Grid Choice Available Choices: [0] user defined [1] grid Default: 0 -REGULARISATION: Regularisation Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 0.000100 -SEARCH_RANGE: Search Range Choice Available Choices: [0] local [1] global Default: 0 -SEARCH_RADIUS: Maximum Search Distance Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1000.000000 -SEARCH_POINTS_ALL: Number of Points Choice Available Choices: [0] maximum number of nearest points [1] all points within search distance Default: 0 -SEARCH_POINTS_MAX: Maximum Number of Points Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 20 -SEARCH_DIRECTION: Search Direction Choice Available Choices: [0] all directions [1] quadrants Default: 0 -USER_XMIN: Left Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_XMAX: Right Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_YMIN: Bottom Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_YMAX: Top Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_SIZE: Cellsize Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -USER_FIT: Fit Choice Available Choices: [0] nodes [1] cells Default: 0 -USER_GRID: Grid Data Object (optional output) -GRID_GRID: Grid Grid (optional input) Thin Plate Spline (TIN) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_spline.dll library name: Grid - Spline Interpolation tool name : Thin Plate Spline (TIN) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_spline 2 -SHAPES [-FIELD ] [-TARGET ] [-REGULARISATION ] [-LEVEL ] [-FRAME] [-USER_XMIN ] [-USER_XMAX ] [-USER_YMIN ] [-USER_YMAX ] [-USER_SIZE ] [-USER_FIT ] [-USER_GRID ] [-GRID_GRID ] -SHAPES: Points Shapes (input) -FIELD: Attribute Table field -TARGET: Target Grid Choice Available Choices: [0] user defined [1] grid Default: 0 -REGULARISATION: Regularisation Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 0.000100 -LEVEL: Neighbourhood Choice Available Choices: [0] immediate [1] level 1 [2] level 2 Default: 1 -FRAME Add Frame Boolean Default: 1 -USER_XMIN: Left Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_XMAX: Right Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_YMIN: Bottom Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_YMAX: Top Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_SIZE: Cellsize Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -USER_FIT: Fit Choice Available Choices: [0] nodes [1] cells Default: 0 -USER_GRID: Grid Data Object (optional output) -GRID_GRID: Grid Grid (optional input) B-Spline Approximation _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_spline.dll library name: Grid - Spline Interpolation tool name : B-Spline Approximation _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_spline 3 -SHAPES [-FIELD ] [-TARGET ] [-LEVEL ] [-USER_XMIN ] [-USER_XMAX ] [-USER_YMIN ] [-USER_YMAX ] [-USER_SIZE ] [-USER_FIT ] [-USER_GRID ] [-GRID_GRID ] -SHAPES: Points Shapes (input) -FIELD: Attribute Table field -TARGET: Target Grid Choice Available Choices: [0] user defined [1] grid Default: 0 -LEVEL: Resolution Floating point Minimum: 0.001000 Default: 1.000000 -USER_XMIN: Left Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_XMAX: Right Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_YMIN: Bottom Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_YMAX: Top Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_SIZE: Cellsize Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -USER_FIT: Fit Choice Available Choices: [0] nodes [1] cells Default: 0 -USER_GRID: Grid Data Object (optional output) -GRID_GRID: Grid Grid (optional input) Multilevel B-Spline Interpolation _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_spline.dll library name: Grid - Spline Interpolation tool name : Multilevel B-Spline Interpolation _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_spline 4 -SHAPES [-FIELD ] [-TARGET ] [-METHOD ] [-EPSILON ] [-LEVEL_MAX ] [-UPDATE] [-USER_XMIN ] [-USER_XMAX ] [-USER_YMIN ] [-USER_YMAX ] [-USER_SIZE ] [-USER_FIT ] [-USER_GRID ] [-GRID_GRID ] -SHAPES: Points Shapes (input) -FIELD: Attribute Table field -TARGET: Target Grid Choice Available Choices: [0] user defined [1] grid Default: 0 -METHOD: Method Choice Available Choices: [0] without B-spline refinement [1] with B-spline refinement Default: 1 -EPSILON: Threshold Error Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 0.000100 -LEVEL_MAX: Maximum Level Integer Minimum: 1 Maximum: 14 Default: 11 -UPDATE Update View Boolean Default: 0 -USER_XMIN: Left Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_XMAX: Right Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_YMIN: Bottom Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_YMAX: Top Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_SIZE: Cellsize Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -USER_FIT: Fit Choice Available Choices: [0] nodes [1] cells Default: 0 -USER_GRID: Grid Data Object (optional output) -GRID_GRID: Grid Grid (optional input) Multilevel B-Spline Interpolation (from Grid) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_spline.dll library name: Grid - Spline Interpolation tool name : Multilevel B-Spline Interpolation (from Grid) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_spline 5 -GRIDPOINTS [-TARGET ] [-METHOD ] [-EPSILON ] [-LEVEL_MAX ] [-UPDATE] [-DATATYPE ] [-USER_XMIN ] [-USER_XMAX ] [-USER_YMIN ] [-USER_YMAX ] [-USER_SIZE ] [-USER_FIT ] [-USER_GRID ] [-GRID_GRID ] -GRIDPOINTS: Grid Grid (input) -TARGET: Target Grid Choice Available Choices: [0] user defined [1] grid Default: 0 -METHOD: Method Choice Available Choices: [0] without B-spline refinement [1] with B-spline refinement Default: 1 -EPSILON: Threshold Error Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 0.000100 -LEVEL_MAX: Maximum Level Integer Minimum: 1 Maximum: 14 Default: 11 -UPDATE Update View Boolean Default: 0 -DATATYPE: Data Type Choice Available Choices: [0] same as input grid [1] floating point Default: 1 -USER_XMIN: Left Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_XMAX: Right Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_YMIN: Bottom Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_YMAX: Top Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_SIZE: Cellsize Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -USER_FIT: Fit Choice Available Choices: [0] nodes [1] cells Default: 0 -USER_GRID: Grid Data Object (optional output) -GRID_GRID: Grid Grid (optional input) Cubic Spline Approximation _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_spline.dll library name: Grid - Spline Interpolation tool name : Cubic Spline Approximation _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_spline 6 -SHAPES [-FIELD ] [-TARGET ] [-NPMIN ] [-NPMAX ] [-NPPC ] [-K ] [-USER_XMIN ] [-USER_XMAX ] [-USER_YMIN ] [-USER_YMAX ] [-USER_SIZE ] [-USER_FIT ] [-USER_GRID ] [-GRID_GRID ] -SHAPES: Points Shapes (input) -FIELD: Attribute Table field -TARGET: Target Grid Choice Available Choices: [0] user defined [1] grid Default: 0 -NPMIN: Minimal Number of Points Integer Minimum: 0 Default: 3 -NPMAX: Maximal Number of Points Integer Minimum: 11 Maximum: 59 Default: 20 -NPPC: Points per Square Floating point Minimum: 1.000000 Default: 5.000000 -K: Tolerance Integer Minimum: 0 Default: 140 -USER_XMIN: Left Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_XMAX: Right Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_YMIN: Bottom Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_YMAX: Top Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_SIZE: Cellsize Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -USER_FIT: Fit Choice Available Choices: [0] nodes [1] cells Default: 0 -USER_GRID: Grid Data Object (optional output) -GRID_GRID: Grid Grid (optional input) Resampling _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_tools.dll library name: Grid - Tools tool name : Resampling _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_tools 0 -INPUT [-INPUT_ADD ] [-OUTPUT_ADD ] [-KEEP_TYPE] [-TARGET ] [-SCALE_UP_METHOD ] [-SCALE_DOWN_METHOD ] [-USER_XMIN ] [-USER_XMAX ] [-USER_YMIN ] [-USER_YMAX ] [-USER_SIZE ] [-USER_FIT ] [-USER_GRID ] [-GRID_GRID ] -INPUT: Grid Grid (input) -INPUT_ADD: Additional Grids Grid list (optional input) -OUTPUT_ADD: Additional Grids Grid list (optional output) -KEEP_TYPE Preserve Data Type Boolean Default: 0 -TARGET: Target Grid Choice Available Choices: [0] user defined [1] grid Default: 0 -SCALE_UP_METHOD: Interpolation Method Choice Available Choices: [0] Nearest Neighbor [1] Bilinear Interpolation [2] Inverse Distance Interpolation [3] Bicubic Spline Interpolation [4] B-Spline Interpolation [5] Mean Value [6] Mean Value (cell area weighted) [7] Minimum Value [8] Maximum Value [9] Majority Default: 6 -SCALE_DOWN_METHOD: Interpolation Method Choice Available Choices: [0] Nearest Neighbor [1] Bilinear Interpolation [2] Inverse Distance Interpolation [3] Bicubic Spline Interpolation [4] B-Spline Interpolation Default: 4 -USER_XMIN: Left Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_XMAX: Right Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_YMIN: Bottom Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_YMAX: Top Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_SIZE: Cellsize Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -USER_FIT: Fit Choice Available Choices: [0] nodes [1] cells Default: 0 -USER_GRID: Grid Data Object (optional output) -GRID_GRID: Grid Grid (optional input) Aggregate _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_tools.dll library name: Grid - Tools tool name : Aggregate _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_tools 1 -INPUT [-SIZE ] [-METHOD ] -INPUT: Grid Grid (input) -SIZE: Aggregation Size Integer Minimum: 2 Default: 2 -METHOD: Method Choice Available Choices: [0] sum [1] minimum [2] maximum Default: 0 Mosaicking _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_tools.dll library name: Grid - Tools tool name : Mosaicking _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_tools 3 -GRIDS [-TYPE ] [-INTERPOL ] [-OVERLAP ] [-BLEND_DIST ] [-MATCH ] [-TARGET ] [-USER_XMIN ] [-USER_XMAX ] [-USER_YMIN ] [-USER_YMAX ] [-USER_SIZE ] [-USER_FIT ] [-USER_GRID ] [-GRID_GRID ] -GRIDS: Input Grids Grid list (input) -TYPE: Preferred data storage type Choice Available Choices: [0] 1 bit [1] 1 byte unsigned integer [2] 1 byte signed integer [3] 2 byte unsigned integer [4] 2 byte signed integer [5] 4 byte unsigned integer [6] 4 byte signed integer [7] 4 byte floating point [8] 8 byte floating point Default: 7 -INTERPOL: Interpolation Choice Available Choices: [0] Nearest Neighbor [1] Bilinear Interpolation [2] Inverse Distance Interpolation [3] Bicubic Spline Interpolation [4] B-Spline Interpolation Default: 0 -OVERLAP: Overlapping Areas Choice Available Choices: [0] first [1] last [2] minimum [3] maximum [4] mean [5] blend boundary [6] feathering Default: 1 -BLEND_DIST: Blending Distance Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 10.000000 -MATCH: Match Choice Available Choices: [0] none [1] regression Default: 0 -TARGET: Target Grid Choice Available Choices: [0] user defined [1] existing grid or grid system Default: 0 -USER_XMIN: Left Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_XMAX: Right Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_YMIN: Bottom Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_YMAX: Top Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_SIZE: Cellsize Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -USER_FIT: Fit Choice Available Choices: [0] nodes [1] cells Default: 0 -USER_GRID: Grid Data Object (optional output) -GRID_GRID: Grid Grid (optional input) Constant Grid _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_tools.dll library name: Grid - Tools tool name : Constant Grid _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_tools 4 [-NAME ] [-CONST ] [-TYPE ] [-TARGET ] [-USER_XMIN ] [-USER_XMAX ] [-USER_YMIN ] [-USER_YMAX ] [-USER_SIZE ] [-USER_FIT ] [-USER_GRID ] [-GRID_GRID ] -NAME: Name Text Default: Constant Grid -CONST: Constant Value Floating point Default: 1.000000 -TYPE: Data Type Choice Available Choices: [0] bit [1] unsigned 1 byte integer [2] signed 1 byte integer [3] unsigned 2 byte integer [4] signed 2 byte integer [5] unsigned 8 byte integer [6] signed 8 byte integer [7] 4 byte floating point number [8] 8 byte floating point number Default: 7 -TARGET: Target Grid Choice Available Choices: [0] user defined [1] grid Default: 0 -USER_XMIN: Left Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_XMAX: Right Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_YMIN: Bottom Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_YMAX: Top Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_SIZE: Cellsize Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -USER_FIT: Fit Choice Available Choices: [0] nodes [1] cells Default: 0 -USER_GRID: Grid Data Object (optional output) -GRID_GRID: Grid Grid (optional input) Patching _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_tools.dll library name: Grid - Tools tool name : Patching _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_tools 5 -ORIGINAL -ADDITIONAL [-COMPLETED ] [-INTERPOLATION ] -ORIGINAL: Grid Grid (input) -ADDITIONAL: Patch Grid Grid (input) -COMPLETED: Completed Grid Grid (output) -INTERPOLATION: Interpolation Method Choice Available Choices: [0] Nearest Neighbor [1] Bilinear Interpolation [2] Inverse Distance Interpolation [3] Bicubic Spline Interpolation [4] B-Spline Interpolation Default: 4 Close One Cell Gaps _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_tools.dll library name: Grid - Tools tool name : Close One Cell Gaps _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_tools 6 -INPUT [-RESULT ] -INPUT: Grid Grid (input) -RESULT: Changed Grid Grid (output) Close Gaps _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_tools.dll library name: Grid - Tools tool name : Close Gaps _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_tools 7 -INPUT [-MASK ] [-RESULT ] [-THRESHOLD ] -INPUT: Grid Grid (input) -MASK: Mask Grid (optional input) -RESULT: Changed Grid Grid (optional output) -THRESHOLD: Tension Threshold Floating point Default: 0.100000 Grid Buffer _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_tools.dll library name: Grid - Tools tool name : Grid Buffer _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_tools 8 -FEATURES [-BUFFER ] [-DIST ] [-BUFFERTYPE ] -FEATURES: Features Grid Grid (input) -BUFFER: Buffer Grid Grid (output) -DIST: Distance Floating point Default: 1000.000000 -BUFFERTYPE: Buffer Distance Choice Available Choices: [0] Fixed [1] Cell value Default: 0 Threshold Buffer _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_tools.dll library name: Grid - Tools tool name : Threshold Buffer _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_tools 9 -FEATURES -VALUE [-THRESHOLDGRID ] [-BUFFER ] [-THRESHOLD ] [-THRESHOLDTYPE ] -FEATURES: Features Grid Grid (input) -VALUE: Value Grid Grid (input) -THRESHOLDGRID: Threshold Grid Grid (optional input) -BUFFER: Buffer Grid Grid (output) -THRESHOLD: Threshold Floating point Default: 0.000000 -THRESHOLDTYPE: Threshold Type Choice Available Choices: [0] Absolute [1] Relative from cell value Default: 0 Grid Proximity Buffer _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_tools.dll library name: Grid - Tools tool name : Grid Proximity Buffer _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_tools 10 -SOURCE [-DISTANCE ] [-ALLOC ] [-BUFFER ] [-DIST ] [-IVAL ] -SOURCE: Source Grid Grid (input) -DISTANCE: Distance Grid Grid (output) -ALLOC: Allocation Grid Grid (output) -BUFFER: Buffer Grid Grid (output) -DIST: Buffer distance Floating point Default: 500.000000 -IVAL: Equidistance Integer Default: 100 Convert Data Storage Type _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_tools.dll library name: Grid - Tools tool name : Convert Data Storage Type _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_tools 11 -INPUT [-OUTPUT ] [-TYPE ] -INPUT: Grid Grid (input) -OUTPUT: Converted Grid Grid (optional output) -TYPE: Data storage type Choice Available Choices: [0] bit [1] unsigned 1 byte integer [2] signed 1 byte integer [3] unsigned 2 byte integer [4] signed 2 byte integer [5] unsigned 4 byte integer [6] signed 4 byte integer [7] 4 byte floating point number [8] 8 byte floating point number Default: 0 Change Grid Values _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_tools.dll library name: Grid - Tools tool name : Change Grid Values _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_tools 12 -GRID_IN [-GRID_OUT ] [-METHOD ] [-LOOKUP ] -GRID_IN: Grid Grid (input) -GRID_OUT: Changed Grid Grid (optional output) -METHOD: Replace Condition Choice Available Choices: [0] Grid value equals low value [1] Low value < grid value < high value [2] Low value <= grid value < high value Default: 0 -LOOKUP: Lookup Table Static table 3 Fields: - 1. [8 byte floating point number] Low Value - 2. [8 byte floating point number] High Value - 3. [8 byte floating point number] Replace with Reclassify Grid Values _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_tools.dll library name: Grid - Tools tool name : Reclassify Grid Values _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_tools 15 -INPUT [-RESULT ] [-METHOD ] [-OLD ] [-NEW ] [-SOPERATOR ] [-MIN ] [-MAX ] [-RNEW ] [-ROPERATOR ] [-RETAB ] [-TOPERATOR ] [-RETAB_2 ] [-F_MIN ] [-F_MAX ] [-F_CODE ] [-NODATAOPT] [-NODATA ] [-OTHEROPT] [-OTHERS ] [-RESULT_NODATA_CHOICE ] [-RESULT_NODATA_VALUE ] -INPUT: Grid Grid (input) -RESULT: Reclassified Grid Grid (output) -METHOD: Method Choice Available Choices: [0] single [1] range [2] simple table [3] user supplied table Default: 0 -OLD: old value Floating point Default: 0.000000 -NEW: new value Floating point Default: 1.000000 -SOPERATOR: operator Choice Available Choices: [0] = [1] < [2] <= [3] >= [4] > Default: 0 -MIN: minimum value Floating point Default: 0.000000 -MAX: maximum value Floating point Default: 10.000000 -RNEW: new value Floating point Default: 5.000000 -ROPERATOR: operator Choice Available Choices: [0] <= [1] < Default: 0 -RETAB: Lookup Table Static table 3 Fields: - 1. [8 byte floating point number] minimum - 2. [8 byte floating point number] maximum - 3. [8 byte floating point number] new -TOPERATOR: operator Choice Available Choices: [0] min <= value < max [1] min <= value <= max [2] min < value <= max [3] min < value < max Default: 0 -RETAB_2: Lookup Table Table (optional input) -F_MIN: minimum value Table field -F_MAX: maximum value Table field -F_CODE: new value Table field -NODATAOPT no data values Boolean Default: 0 -NODATA: new value Floating point Default: 0.000000 -OTHEROPT other values Boolean Default: 0 -OTHERS: new value Floating point Default: 0.000000 -RESULT_NODATA_CHOICE: Assign ... Choice Available Choices: [0] NoData value of input grid [1] user defined NoData value Default: 0 -RESULT_NODATA_VALUE: NoData Value Floating point Default: -99999.000000 Crop to Data _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_tools.dll library name: Grid - Tools tool name : Crop to Data _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_tools 17 -INPUT [-OUTPUT ] -INPUT: Grids Grid list (input) -OUTPUT: Cropped Grids Grid list (output) Invert Data/No-Data _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_tools.dll library name: Grid - Tools tool name : Invert Data/No-Data _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_tools 18 -INPUT [-OUTPUT ] -INPUT: Grid Grid (input) -OUTPUT: Result Grid (output) Grid Orientation _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_tools.dll library name: Grid - Tools tool name : Grid Orientation _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_tools 19 -INPUT [-RESULT ] [-METHOD ] -INPUT: Grid Grid (input) -RESULT: Changed Grid Grid (optional output) -METHOD: Method Choice Available Choices: [0] Copy [1] Flip [2] Mirror [3] Invert Default: 0 Combine Grids _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_tools.dll library name: Grid - Tools tool name : Combine Grids _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_tools 20 -GRID1 -GRID2 [-RESULT ] [-LOOKUP ] -GRID1: Grid 1 Grid (input) -GRID2: Grid 2 Grid (input) -RESULT: Result Grid (output) -LOOKUP: LookUp Table Static table 3 Fields: - 1. [8 byte floating point number] Value in Grid 1 - 2. [8 byte floating point number] Value in Grid 2 - 3. [8 byte floating point number] Resulting Value Grid Cell Index _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_tools.dll library name: Grid - Tools tool name : Grid Cell Index _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_tools 21 -GRID [-INDEX ] [-ORDER ] -GRID: Grid Grid (input) -INDEX: Index Grid (output) -ORDER: Sorting Order Choice Available Choices: [0] ascending [1] descending Default: 0 Grids from classified grid and table _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_tools.dll library name: Grid - Tools tool name : Grids from classified grid and table _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_tools 22 -TABLE [-ID_FIELD ] -CLASSES [-GRIDS ] -TABLE: Table Table (input) -ID_FIELD: Attribute Table field -CLASSES: Classes Grid (input) -GRIDS: Grids Grid list (optional output) Create Grid System _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_tools.dll library name: Grid - Tools tool name : Create Grid System _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_tools 23 [-GRID ] [-M_EXTENT ] [-XMIN ] [-YMIN ] [-XMAX ] [-YMAX ] [-NX ] [-NY ] [-CELLSIZE ] [-ADJUST ] [-USEOFF] [-XOFFSET ] [-YOFFSET ] [-INIT ] [-SHAPESLIST ] [-GRIDLIST ] -GRID: Dummy Grid Data Object (optional output) -M_EXTENT: Set extent by Choice Available Choices: [0] xMin, yMin, NX, NY [1] xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax [2] Shape(s) [3] Grid(s) Default: 0 -XMIN: xMin Floating point Default: 0.000000 -YMIN: yMin Floating point Default: 0.000000 -XMAX: xMax Floating point Default: 100.000000 -YMAX: yMax Floating point Default: 100.000000 -NX: NX Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 10 -NY: NY Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 10 -CELLSIZE: Cellsize Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 10.000000 -ADJUST: Adjust Choice Available Choices: [0] Extent to CellSize [1] CellSize to W-E Extent [2] CellSize to S-N Extent Default: 0 -USEOFF Use Offset Boolean Default: 0 -XOFFSET: X offset Floating point Default: 0.000000 -YOFFSET: Y offset Floating point Default: 0.000000 -INIT: Initialization Value Floating point Default: 1.000000 -SHAPESLIST: Shape(s) Shapes list (optional input) -GRIDLIST: Grid(s) Grid list (optional input) Grid Masking _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_tools.dll library name: Grid - Tools tool name : Grid Masking _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_tools 24 -GRID -MASK [-MASKED ] -GRID: Grid Grid (input) -MASK: Mask Grid (input) -MASKED: Masked Grid Grid (optional output) Close Gaps with Spline _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_tools.dll library name: Grid - Tools tool name : Close Gaps with Spline _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_tools 25 -GRID [-MASK ] [-MAXGAPCELLS ] [-CLOSED ] [-MAXPOINTS ] [-LOCALPOINTS ] [-EXTENDED] [-NEIGHBOURS ] [-RADIUS ] [-RELAXATION ] -GRID: Grid Grid (input) -MASK: Mask Grid (optional input) -MAXGAPCELLS: Only Process Gaps with Less Cells Integer Minimum: 0 Default: 0 -CLOSED: Closed Gaps Grid Grid (optional output) -MAXPOINTS: Maximum Points Integer Minimum: 2 Default: 1000 -LOCALPOINTS: Number of Points for Local Interpolation Integer Minimum: 2 Default: 20 -EXTENDED Extended Neighourhood Boolean Default: 0 -NEIGHBOURS: Neighbourhood Choice Available Choices: [0] Neumann [1] Moore Default: 0 -RADIUS: Radius (Cells) Integer Minimum: 0 Default: 0 -RELAXATION: Relaxation Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 0.000000 Proximity Grid _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_tools.dll library name: Grid - Tools tool name : Proximity Grid _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_tools 26 -FEATURES [-DISTANCE ] [-DIRECTION ] [-ALLOCATION ] -FEATURES: Features Grid (input) -DISTANCE: Distance Grid (output) -DIRECTION: Direction Grid (optional output) -ALLOCATION: Allocation Grid (optional output) Tiling _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_tools.dll library name: Grid - Tools tool name : Tiling _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_tools 27 -GRID [-TILES ] [-OVERLAP ] [-OVERLAP_SYM ] [-METHOD ] [-SAVE_TILES] [-TILE_BASENAME ] [-TILE_PATH ] [-NX ] [-NY ] [-XRANGE_MIN ] [-XRANGE_MAX ] [-YRANGE_MIN ] [-YRANGE_MAX ] [-DCELL ] [-DX ] [-DY ] -GRID: Grid Grid (input) -TILES: Tiles Grid list (output) -OVERLAP: Overlapping Cells Integer Minimum: 0 Default: 0 -OVERLAP_SYM: Add Cells Choice Available Choices: [0] symmetric [1] bottom / left [2] top / right Default: 0 -METHOD: Tile Size Definition Choice Available Choices: [0] number of grid cells per tile [1] coordinates (offset, range, cell size, tile size) Default: 0 -SAVE_TILES Save Tiles to Disk Boolean Default: 0 -TILE_BASENAME: Base Name Text -TILE_PATH: Output Directory File path -NX: Number of Column Cells Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 100 -NY: Number of Row Cells Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 100 -XRANGE_MIN: Offset and Range (X) Value range -XRANGE_MAX: Offset and Range (X) Value range -YRANGE_MIN: Offset and Range (Y) Value range -YRANGE_MAX: Offset and Range (Y) Value range -DCELL: Cell Size Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -DX: Tile Size (X) Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 100.000000 -DY: Tile Size (Y) Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 100.000000 Shrink and Expand _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_tools.dll library name: Grid - Tools tool name : Shrink and Expand _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_tools 28 -INPUT [-RESULT ] [-OPERATION ] [-CIRCLE ] [-RADIUS ] [-EXPAND ] -INPUT: Grid Grid (input) -RESULT: Result Grid Grid (optional output) -OPERATION: Operation Choice Available Choices: [0] shrink [1] expand [2] shrink and expand [3] expand and shrink Default: 3 -CIRCLE: Search Mode Choice Available Choices: [0] Square [1] Circle Default: 1 -RADIUS: Radius Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 1 -EXPAND: Method Choice Available Choices: [0] minimum [1] maximum [2] mean [3] majority Default: 3 Close Gaps with Stepwise Resampling _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_tools.dll library name: Grid - Tools tool name : Close Gaps with Stepwise Resampling _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_tools 29 -INPUT [-MASK ] [-RESULT ] [-INTERPOLATION ] [-GROW ] [-PYRAMIDS] [-START ] [-START_SIZE ] -INPUT: Grid Grid (input) -MASK: Mask Grid (optional input) -RESULT: Result Grid (optional output) -INTERPOLATION: Interpolation Choice Available Choices: [0] Nearest Neighbor [1] Bilinear Interpolation [2] Inverse Distance Interpolation [3] Bicubic Spline Interpolation [4] B-Spline Interpolation Default: 4 -GROW: Grow Factor Floating point Minimum: 1.000000 Default: 2.000000 -PYRAMIDS Use Pyramids Boolean Default: 0 -START: Start Size Choice Available Choices: [0] grid cell size [1] user defined size Default: 0 -START_SIZE: User Defined Size Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 Transpose Grids _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_tools.dll library name: Grid - Tools tool name : Transpose Grids _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_tools 30 -GRIDS [-TRANSPOSED ] [-MIRROR_X] [-MIRROR_Y] -GRIDS: Grids Grid list (input) -TRANSPOSED: Transposed Grids Grid list (output) -MIRROR_X Mirror Horizontally Boolean Default: 0 -MIRROR_Y Mirror Vertically Boolean Default: 0 Clip Grids _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_tools.dll library name: Grid - Tools tool name : Clip Grids _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_tools 31 -GRIDS [-CLIPPED ] [-EXTENT ] [-GRIDSYSTEM_NX ] [-GRIDSYSTEM_NY ] [-GRIDSYSTEM_X ] [-GRIDSYSTEM_Y ] [-GRIDSYSTEM_D ] -SHAPES -POLYGONS [-XMIN ] [-XMAX ] [-YMIN ] [-YMAX ] [-NX ] [-NY ] [-BUFFER ] -GRIDS: Grids Grid list (input) -CLIPPED: Clipped Grids Grid list (output) -EXTENT: Extent Choice Available Choices: [0] user defined [1] grid system [2] shapes extent [3] polygon Default: 0 -GRIDSYSTEM_NX: Grid System Grid system -GRIDSYSTEM_NY: Grid System Grid system -GRIDSYSTEM_X: Grid System Grid system -GRIDSYSTEM_Y: Grid System Grid system -GRIDSYSTEM_D: Grid System Grid system -SHAPES: Shapes Extent Shapes (input) -POLYGONS: Polygon Shapes (input) -XMIN: Left Floating point Default: 0.000000 -XMAX: Right Floating point Default: 0.000000 -YMIN: Bottom Floating point Default: 0.000000 -YMAX: Top Floating point Default: 0.000000 -NX: Columns Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 1 -NY: Rows Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 1 -BUFFER: Buffer Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 0.000000 Color Palette Rotation _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_visualisation.dll library name: Grid - Visualisation tool name : Color Palette Rotation _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_visualisation 0 -GRID [-DIR] -GRID: Grid Grid (input) -DIR Down Boolean Default: 1 Color Blending _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_visualisation.dll library name: Grid - Visualisation tool name : Color Blending _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_visualisation 1 [-GRID ] -GRIDS [-NSTEPS ] [-LOOP] [-RANGE ] [-STDDEV ] -GRID: Grid Grid (output) -GRIDS: Grids Grid list (input) -NSTEPS: Interpolation Steps Integer Minimum: 0 Default: 0 -LOOP Loop Boolean Default: 1 -RANGE: Color Stretch Choice Available Choices: [0] fit to each grid [1] fit to overall range [2] fit to overall standard deviation Default: 3 -STDDEV: Standard Deviation Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 2.000000 Fit Color Palette to Grid Values _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_visualisation.dll library name: Grid - Visualisation tool name : Fit Color Palette to Grid Values _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_visualisation 2 -GRID [-COUNT ] [-SCALE ] [-RANGE_MIN ] [-RANGE_MAX ] -GRID: Grid Grid (input) -COUNT: Number of Colors Integer Minimum: 2 Default: 100 -SCALE: Scale Choice Available Choices: [0] Grid range [1] User defined range Default: 0 -RANGE_MIN: User defined range Value range -RANGE_MAX: User defined range Value range RGB Composite _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_visualisation.dll library name: Grid - Visualisation tool name : RGB Composite _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_visualisation 3 -GRID_R [-R_METHOD ] [-R_RANGE_MIN ] [-R_RANGE_MAX ] [-R_PERCTL_MIN ] [-R_PERCTL_MAX ] [-R_PERCENT ] -GRID_G [-G_METHOD ] [-G_RANGE_MIN ] [-G_RANGE_MAX ] [-G_PERCTL_MIN ] [-G_PERCTL_MAX ] [-G_PERCENT ] -GRID_B [-B_METHOD ] [-B_RANGE_MIN ] [-B_RANGE_MAX ] [-B_PERCTL_MIN ] [-B_PERCTL_MAX ] [-B_PERCENT ] [-GRID_A ] [-A_METHOD ] [-A_RANGE_MIN ] [-A_RANGE_MAX ] [-A_PERCTL_MIN ] [-A_PERCTL_MAX ] [-A_PERCENT ] [-GRID_RGB ] -GRID_R: Red Grid (input) -R_METHOD: Value Preparation Choice Available Choices: [0] 0 - 255 [1] Rescale to 0 - 255 [2] User defined rescale [3] Percentiles [4] Percentage of standard deviation Default: 4 -R_RANGE_MIN: Rescale Range Value range -R_RANGE_MAX: Rescale Range Value range -R_PERCTL_MIN: Percentiles Value range -R_PERCTL_MAX: Percentiles Value range -R_PERCENT: Percentage of standard deviation Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 150.000000 -GRID_G: Green Grid (input) -G_METHOD: Value Preparation Choice Available Choices: [0] 0 - 255 [1] Rescale to 0 - 255 [2] User defined rescale [3] Percentiles [4] Percentage of standard deviation Default: 4 -G_RANGE_MIN: Rescale Range Value range -G_RANGE_MAX: Rescale Range Value range -G_PERCTL_MIN: Percentiles Value range -G_PERCTL_MAX: Percentiles Value range -G_PERCENT: Percentage of standard deviation Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 150.000000 -GRID_B: Blue Grid (input) -B_METHOD: Value Preparation Choice Available Choices: [0] 0 - 255 [1] Rescale to 0 - 255 [2] User defined rescale [3] Percentiles [4] Percentage of standard deviation Default: 4 -B_RANGE_MIN: Rescale Range Value range -B_RANGE_MAX: Rescale Range Value range -B_PERCTL_MIN: Percentiles Value range -B_PERCTL_MAX: Percentiles Value range -B_PERCENT: Percentage of standard deviation Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 150.000000 -GRID_A: Transparency Grid (optional input) -A_METHOD: Value Preparation Choice Available Choices: [0] 0 - 255 [1] Rescale to 0 - 255 [2] User defined rescale [3] Percentiles [4] Percentage of standard deviation Default: 4 -A_RANGE_MIN: Rescale Range Value range -A_RANGE_MAX: Rescale Range Value range -A_PERCTL_MIN: Percentiles Value range -A_PERCTL_MAX: Percentiles Value range -A_PERCENT: Percentage of standard deviation Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 150.000000 -GRID_RGB: Composite Grid (output) Create 3D Image _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_visualisation.dll library name: Grid - Visualisation tool name : Create 3D Image _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_visualisation 4 -DEM -IMAGE [-SHAPES ] [-ZEXAGG ] [-ZEXAGG_MIN ] [-Z_ROTATE ] [-X_ROTATE ] [-X_ROTATE_LEVEL ] [-PANBREAK ] [-PROJECTION ] [-NX ] [-NY ] [-RGB ] [-RGB_Z ] -DEM: Elevation Grid (input) -IMAGE: Overlay Image Grid (input) -SHAPES: Shapes to project Shapes list (optional input) -ZEXAGG: Exaggeration Floating point Default: 1.000000 -ZEXAGG_MIN: Minimum Exaggeration [] Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Maximum: 100.000000 Default: 10.000000 -Z_ROTATE: Image Rotation [Degree] Floating point Default: 0.000000 -X_ROTATE: Local Rotation [Degree] Floating point Default: 1.000000 -X_ROTATE_LEVEL: Local Rotation Base Level Choice Available Choices: [0] Zero [1] Mean Elevation Default: 1 -PANBREAK: Panorama Break [] Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Maximum: 100.000000 Default: 70.000000 -PROJECTION: Projection Choice Available Choices: [0] Panorama [1] Circular Default: 0 -NX: 3D Image Width Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 100 -NY: 3D Image Height Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 100 -RGB: 3D Image Grid (optional output) -RGB_Z: Projected Height Grid (optional output) Color Triangle Composite _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_visualisation.dll library name: Grid - Visualisation tool name : Color Triangle Composite _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_visualisation 5 -A_GRID [-A_METHOD ] [-A_RANGE_MIN ] [-A_RANGE_MAX ] [-A_PERCTL_MIN ] [-A_PERCTL_MAX ] [-A_PERCENT ] -B_GRID [-B_METHOD ] [-B_RANGE_MIN ] [-B_RANGE_MAX ] [-B_PERCTL_MIN ] [-B_PERCTL_MAX ] [-B_PERCENT ] -C_GRID [-C_METHOD ] [-C_RANGE_MIN ] [-C_RANGE_MAX ] [-C_PERCTL_MIN ] [-C_PERCTL_MAX ] [-C_PERCENT ] [-GRID ] -A_GRID: A Grid (input) -A_METHOD: Value Preparation Choice Available Choices: [0] 0 - 1 [1] Rescale to 0 - 1 [2] User defined rescale [3] Percentiles [4] Percentage of standard deviation Default: 4 -A_RANGE_MIN: Rescale Range Value range -A_RANGE_MAX: Rescale Range Value range -A_PERCTL_MIN: Percentiles Value range -A_PERCTL_MAX: Percentiles Value range -A_PERCENT: Percentage of standard deviation Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 150.000000 -B_GRID: B Grid (input) -B_METHOD: Value Preparation Choice Available Choices: [0] 0 - 1 [1] Rescale to 0 - 1 [2] User defined rescale [3] Percentiles [4] Percentage of standard deviation Default: 4 -B_RANGE_MIN: Rescale Range Value range -B_RANGE_MAX: Rescale Range Value range -B_PERCTL_MIN: Percentiles Value range -B_PERCTL_MAX: Percentiles Value range -B_PERCENT: Percentage of standard deviation Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 150.000000 -C_GRID: C Grid (input) -C_METHOD: Value Preparation Choice Available Choices: [0] 0 - 1.0 [1] Rescale to 0 - 1.0 [2] User defined rescale [3] Percentiles [4] Percentage of standard deviation Default: 4 -C_RANGE_MIN: Rescale Range Value range -C_RANGE_MAX: Rescale Range Value range -C_PERCTL_MIN: Percentiles Value range -C_PERCTL_MAX: Percentiles Value range -C_PERCENT: Percentage of standard deviation Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 150.000000 -GRID: Composite Grid (output) Histogram Surface _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_visualisation.dll library name: Grid - Visualisation tool name : Histogram Surface _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_visualisation 6 -GRID [-HIST ] [-METHOD ] -GRID: Grid Grid (input) -HIST: Histogram Data Object (optional output) -METHOD: Method Choice Available Choices: [0] rows [1] columns [2] circle Default: 0 Aspect-Slope Grid _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\grid_visualisation.dll library name: Grid - Visualisation tool name : Aspect-Slope Grid _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd grid_visualisation 7 -ASPECT -SLOPE [-ASPECT_SLOPE ] [-LUT ] -ASPECT: Aspect Grid (input) -SLOPE: Slope Grid (input) -ASPECT_SLOPE: Aspect-Slope Grid (output) -LUT: Lookup Table Table (optional output) Supervised Classification _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\imagery_classification.dll library name: Imagery - Classification tool name : Supervised Classification _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd imagery_classification 0 -GRIDS -ROI [-ROI_ID ] -STATS [-CLASS_INFO ] [-CLASSES ] [-QUALITY ] [-STATS_SRC ] [-METHOD ] [-NORMALISE] [-THRESHOLD_DIST ] [-THRESHOLD_PROB ] [-RELATIVE_PROB ] [-THRESHOLD_ANGLE ] [-WTA_0] [-WTA_1] [-WTA_2] [-WTA_3] [-WTA_4] [-WTA_5] -GRIDS: Grids Grid list (input) -ROI: Training Areas Shapes (input) -ROI_ID: Class Identifier Table field -STATS: Class Statistics Table (input) -CLASS_INFO: Summary Table (output) -CLASSES: Classification Grid (output) -QUALITY: Quality Grid (optional output) -STATS_SRC: Get Class Statistics from... Choice Available Choices: [0] training areas [1] table Default: 0 -METHOD: Method Choice Available Choices: [0] Binary Encoding [1] Parallelepiped [2] Minimum Distance [3] Mahalanobis Distance [4] Maximum Likelihood [5] Spectral Angle Mapping [6] Winner Takes All Default: 2 -NORMALISE Normalise Boolean Default: 0 -THRESHOLD_DIST: Distance Threshold Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 0.000000 -THRESHOLD_PROB: Probability Threshold (Percent) Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Maximum: 100.000000 Default: 0.000000 -RELATIVE_PROB: Probability Reference Choice Available Choices: [0] absolute [1] relative Default: 1 -THRESHOLD_ANGLE: Spectral Angle Threshold (Degree) Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Maximum: 90.000000 Default: 0.000000 -WTA_0 Binary Encoding Boolean Default: 0 -WTA_1 Parallelepiped Boolean Default: 0 -WTA_2 Minimum Distance Boolean Default: 0 -WTA_3 Mahalanobis Distance Boolean Default: 0 -WTA_4 Maximum Likelihood Boolean Default: 0 -WTA_5 Spectral Angle Mapping Boolean Default: 0 Cluster Analysis for Grids _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\imagery_classification.dll library name: Imagery - Classification tool name : Cluster Analysis for Grids _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd imagery_classification 1 -GRIDS [-CLUSTER ] [-STATISTICS ] [-METHOD ] [-NCLUSTER ] [-NORMALISE] [-OLDVERSION] [-UPDATEVIEW] -GRIDS: Grids Grid list (input) -CLUSTER: Clusters Grid (output) -STATISTICS: Statistics Table (output) -METHOD: Method Choice Available Choices: [0] Iterative Minimum Distance (Forgy 1965) [1] Hill-Climbing (Rubin 1967) [2] Combined Minimum Distance / Hillclimbing Default: 1 -NCLUSTER: Clusters Integer Minimum: 2 Default: 10 -NORMALISE Normalise Boolean Default: 0 -OLDVERSION Old Version Boolean Default: 0 -UPDATEVIEW Update View Boolean Default: 1 Change Detection _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\imagery_classification.dll library name: Imagery - Classification tool name : Change Detection _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd imagery_classification 2 -INITIAL [-INI_LUT ] [-INI_LUT_MIN ] [-INI_LUT_MAX ] [-INI_LUT_NAM ] -FINAL [-FIN_LUT ] [-FIN_LUT_MIN ] [-FIN_LUT_MAX ] [-FIN_LUT_NAM ] [-CHANGE ] [-NOCHANGE] [-CHANGES ] [-OUTPUT ] -INITIAL: Initial State Grid (input) -INI_LUT: Look-up Table Table (optional input) -INI_LUT_MIN: Value Table field -INI_LUT_MAX: Value (Maximum) Table field -INI_LUT_NAM: Name Table field -FINAL: Final State Grid (input) -FIN_LUT: Look-up Table Table (optional input) -FIN_LUT_MIN: Value Table field -FIN_LUT_MAX: Value (Maximum) Table field -FIN_LUT_NAM: Name Table field -CHANGE: Changes Grid (output) -NOCHANGE Report Unchanged Classes Boolean Default: 1 -CHANGES: Changes Table (output) -OUTPUT: Output as... Choice Available Choices: [0] cells [1] percent [2] area Default: 0 Decision Tree _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\imagery_classification.dll library name: Imagery - Classification tool name : Decision Tree _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd imagery_classification 3 [-CLASSES ] [-ROOT_GRID ] [-ROOT_THRESHOLD ] [-ROOT_A|NAME ] [-ROOT_A|NODE] [-ROOT_B|NAME ] [-ROOT_B|NODE] -CLASSES: Decision Tree Grid (output) -ROOT_GRID: Grid Grid (input) -ROOT_THRESHOLD: Threshold Floating point Default: 0.000000 -ROOT_A|NAME: Name Text Default: A -ROOT_A|NODE Children Boolean Default: 0 -ROOT_B|NAME: Name Text Default: B -ROOT_B|NODE Children Boolean Default: 0 Supervised Classification for Polygons _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\imagery_classification.dll library name: Imagery - Classification tool name : Supervised Classification for Polygons _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd imagery_classification 4 -POLYGONS [-CLASS_ID ] [-FIELDS ] [-CLASSES ] [-CLASS_INFO ] [-METHOD ] [-NORMALISE] [-THRESHOLD_DIST ] [-THRESHOLD_ANGLE ] -POLYGONS: Polygons Shapes (input) -CLASS_ID: Class Identifier Table field -FIELDS: Attributes Table fields -CLASSES: Classification Shapes (output) -CLASS_INFO: Summary Table (output) -METHOD: Method Choice Available Choices: [0] Minimum Distance [1] Spectral Angle Mapping Default: 0 -NORMALISE Normalise Boolean Default: 0 -THRESHOLD_DIST: Distance Threshold Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 0.000000 -THRESHOLD_ANGLE: Spectral Angle Threshold (Degree) Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Maximum: 90.000000 Default: 0.000000 Morphological Filter (OpenCV) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\imagery_opencv.dll library name: Imagery - OpenCV tool name : Morphological Filter (OpenCV) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd imagery_opencv 0 -INPUT [-OUTPUT ] [-TYPE ] [-SHAPE ] [-RADIUS ] [-ITERATIONS ] -INPUT: Input Grid (input) -OUTPUT: Output Grid (output) -TYPE: Operation Choice Available Choices: [0] dilation [1] erosion [2] opening [3] closing [4] morpological gradient [5] top hat [6] black hat Default: 0 -SHAPE: Element Shape Choice Available Choices: [0] ellipse [1] rectangle [2] cross Default: 0 -RADIUS: Radius (cells) Integer Minimum: 0 Default: 1 -ITERATIONS: Iterations Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 1 Fourier Transformation (OpenCV) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\imagery_opencv.dll library name: Imagery - OpenCV tool name : Fourier Transformation (OpenCV) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd imagery_opencv 1 -INPUT [-REAL ] [-IMAG ] -INPUT: Input Grid (input) -REAL: Fourier Transformation (Real) Grid (output) -IMAG: Fourier Transformation (Imaginary) Grid (output) Single Value Decomposition (OpenCV) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\imagery_opencv.dll library name: Imagery - OpenCV tool name : Single Value Decomposition (OpenCV) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd imagery_opencv 2 -INPUT [-OUTPUT ] [-RANGE_MIN ] [-RANGE_MAX ] -INPUT: Input Grid (input) -OUTPUT: Output Grid (output) -RANGE_MIN: Range Value range -RANGE_MAX: Range Value range Neural Networks (OpenCV) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\imagery_opencv.dll library name: Imagery - OpenCV tool name : Neural Networks (OpenCV) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd imagery_opencv 3 -TRAIN_INPUT_TABLE -EVAL_INPUT_TABLE [-EVAL_OUTPUT_TABLE ] -TRAIN_INPUT_GRIDS -TRAIN_INPUT_AREAS [-TRAIN_INPUT_AREAS_CLASS_FIELD ] [-EVAL_OUTPUT_GRID_CLASSES ] [-EVAL_OUTPUT_GRID_CERTAINTY ] [-DATA_TYPE ] [-NNET_LAYER ] [-NNET_NEURONS ] [-MAX_ITER ] [-EPSILON ] [-ACTIVATION_FUNCTION ] [-ALPHA ] [-BETA ] [-TRAINING_METHOD ] [-RP_DW0 ] [-RP_DW_PLUS ] [-RP_DW_MINUS ] [-RP_DW_MIN ] [-RP_DW_MAX ] [-BP_DW_SCALE ] [-BP_MOMENT_SCALE ] [-WEIGHTS ] [-INDICES ] [-UPDATE_WEIGHTS] [-NO_INPUT_SCALE] [-NO_OUTPUT_SCALE] -TRAIN_INPUT_TABLE: Train INPUT Table (input) -EVAL_INPUT_TABLE: Prediction INPUT Table (input) -EVAL_OUTPUT_TABLE: OUTPUT Table (output) -TRAIN_INPUT_GRIDS: Train INPUT Grid list (input) -TRAIN_INPUT_AREAS: Select training areas Shapes (input) -TRAIN_INPUT_AREAS_CLASS_FIELD: Select class identifier Table field -EVAL_OUTPUT_GRID_CLASSES: OUTPUT classes Grid (output) -EVAL_OUTPUT_GRID_CERTAINTY: OUTPUT certainty Grid (optional output) -DATA_TYPE: Data type Choice Available Choices: [0] Table [1] Grid Default: 0 -NNET_LAYER: Number of layers Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 3 -NNET_NEURONS: Number of neurons Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 3 -MAX_ITER: Maximum number of iterations Integer Default: 1000 -EPSILON: Error change (epsilon) Floating point Default: 0.010000 -ACTIVATION_FUNCTION: Activation function Choice Available Choices: [0] Identity [1] Sigmoid [2] Gaussian Default: 1 -ALPHA: Alpha Floating point Default: 1.000000 -BETA: Beta Floating point Default: 1.000000 -TRAINING_METHOD: Training method Choice Available Choices: [0] Resilent propagation (RPROP) [1] Backpropagation algorithm Default: 1 -RP_DW0: Initial update value Floating point Default: 0.000000 -RP_DW_PLUS: Increase factor Floating point Minimum: 1.010000 Default: 1.200000 -RP_DW_MINUS: Decrease factor Floating point Minimum: 0.010000 Maximum: 0.990000 Default: 0.500000 -RP_DW_MIN: Update values lower limit Floating point Minimum: 0.010000 Default: 0.100000 -RP_DW_MAX: Update values upper limit Floating point Minimum: 1.010000 Default: 1.100000 -BP_DW_SCALE: Weight gradient term Floating point Default: 0.100000 -BP_MOMENT_SCALE: Moment term Floating point Default: 0.100000 -WEIGHTS: Sample weights Table (optional input) -INDICES: Indices Table (optional input) -UPDATE_WEIGHTS Update the network weights Boolean Default: 0 -NO_INPUT_SCALE No INPUT vector normalization Boolean Default: 1 -NO_OUTPUT_SCALE No OUTPUT vector normalization Boolean Default: 1 Resection (Terrestrial) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\imagery_photogrammetry.dll library name: Imagery - Photogrammetry tool name : Resection (Terrestrial) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd imagery_photogrammetry 0 -POINTS [-F ] [-W ] [-EST_OFFSETS] [-ppX ] [-ppY ] [-GIVE_DISTORTIONS] [-K1 ] [-K2 ] [-K3 ] [-Xc ] [-Yc ] [-Zc ] [-Xt ] [-Yt ] [-Zt ] [-OUTPUT FILE ] -POINTS: Measured Points (PC) Point Cloud (input) -F: Focal Length (mm) Floating point Default: 0.000000 -W: Pixel Width (um) Floating point Default: 0.000000 -EST_OFFSETS Estimate Principal Point Offsets? Boolean Default: 0 -ppX: Principal Point Offset in X (pixels) Floating point Default: 0.000000 -ppY: Principal Point Offset in Y (pixels) Floating point Default: 0.000000 -GIVE_DISTORTIONS Provide Radial Distortion Parameters? Boolean Default: 0 -K1: K1 Floating point Default: 0.000000 -K2: K2 Floating point Default: 0.000000 -K3: K3 Floating point Default: 0.000000 -Xc: X Floating point Default: 0.000000 -Yc: Y Floating point Default: 0.000000 -Zc: Z Floating point Default: 0.000000 -Xt: X Floating point Default: 0.000000 -Yt: Y Floating point Default: 0.000000 -Zt: Z Floating point Default: 0.000000 -OUTPUT FILE: Output Text File File path Colorisation (PC) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\imagery_photogrammetry.dll library name: Imagery - Photogrammetry tool name : Colorisation (PC) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd imagery_photogrammetry 1 -rgbImage -PC_IN [-GIVE_TIME] [-IMG_TIME ] [-TIME_DIFF ] [-F ] [-W ] [-ppX ] [-ppY ] [-GIVE_DISTORTIONS] [-K1 ] [-K2 ] [-K3 ] [-Xc ] [-Yc ] [-Zc ] [-omega ] [-kappa ] [-alpha ] [-PC_OUT ] -rgbImage: RGB Image Grid (input) -PC_IN: Points to be Colorised Point Cloud (input) -GIVE_TIME Provide Time stamp of Image? Boolean Default: 0 -IMG_TIME: Time stamp of Image Floating point Default: 0.000000 -TIME_DIFF: Time Difference between Image & Points Floating point Default: 0.000000 -F: Focal Length (mm) Floating point Default: 0.000000 -W: Pixel Width (um) Floating point Default: 0.000000 -ppX: Principal Point Offset in X (pixles) Floating point Default: 0.000000 -ppY: Principal Point Offset in Y (pixels) Floating point Default: 0.000000 -GIVE_DISTORTIONS Provide Radial Distortion Parameters? Boolean Default: 0 -K1: K1 Floating point Default: 0.000000 -K2: K2 Floating point Default: 0.000000 -K3: K3 Floating point Default: 0.000000 -Xc: Projection Centre - X Floating point Default: 0.000000 -Yc: Projection Centre - Y Floating point Default: 0.000000 -Zc: Projection Centre - Z Floating point Default: 0.000000 -omega: Omega Floating point Default: 0.000000 -kappa: Kappa Floating point Default: 0.000000 -alpha: Alpha Floating point Default: 0.000000 -PC_OUT: Colorised Point Cloud Point Cloud (output) Fast Region Growing Algorithm _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\imagery_rga.dll library name: Imagery - Fast Region Growing Algorithm tool name : Fast Region Growing Algorithm _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd imagery_rga 0 -INPUT -START [-REP ] [-RESULT ] [-MEAN ] -INPUT: Input Grids Grid list (input) -START: Seeds Grid Grid (input) -REP: Smooth Rep Grid (optional input) -RESULT: Segmente Grid (output) -MEAN: Mean Grid (output) Watershed Segmentation _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\imagery_segmentation.dll library name: Imagery - Segmentation tool name : Watershed Segmentation _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd imagery_segmentation 0 -GRID [-SEGMENTS ] [-SEEDS ] [-BORDERS ] [-OUTPUT ] [-DOWN ] [-JOIN ] [-THRESHOLD ] [-EDGE] [-BBORDERS] -GRID: Grid Grid (input) -SEGMENTS: Segments Grid (output) -SEEDS: Seed Points Shapes (output) -BORDERS: Borders Data Object (optional output) -OUTPUT: Output Choice Available Choices: [0] Seed Value [1] Segment ID Default: 1 -DOWN: Method Choice Available Choices: [0] Minima [1] Maxima Default: 1 -JOIN: Join Segments based on Threshold Value Choice Available Choices: [0] do not join [1] seed to saddle difference [2] seeds difference Default: 0 -THRESHOLD: Threshold Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 0.000000 -EDGE Allow Edge Pixels to be Seeds Boolean Default: 1 -BBORDERS Borders Boolean Default: 0 Grid Skeletonization _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\imagery_segmentation.dll library name: Imagery - Segmentation tool name : Grid Skeletonization _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd imagery_segmentation 1 -INPUT [-RESULT ] [-VECTOR ] [-METHOD ] [-INIT_METHOD ] [-INIT_THRESHOLD ] [-CONVERGENCE ] -INPUT: Grid Grid (input) -RESULT: Skeleton Grid (output) -VECTOR: Skeleton Shapes (optional output) -METHOD: Method Choice Available Choices: [0] Standard [1] Hilditch's Algorithm [2] Channel Skeleton Default: 0 -INIT_METHOD: Initialisation Choice Available Choices: [0] Less than [1] Greater than Default: 1 -INIT_THRESHOLD: Threshold (Init.) Floating point Default: 0.000000 -CONVERGENCE: Convergence Integer Default: 3 Seed Generation _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\imagery_segmentation.dll library name: Imagery - Segmentation tool name : Seed Generation _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd imagery_segmentation 2 -GRIDS [-SURFACE ] [-SEEDS_GRID ] [-SEEDS ] [-FACTOR ] [-TYPE_SURFACE ] [-TYPE_SEEDS ] [-TYPE_MERGE ] [-NORMALIZE] -GRIDS: Features Grid list (input) -SURFACE: Surface Grid (output) -SEEDS_GRID: Seeds Grid Grid (optional output) -SEEDS: Seeds Shapes (output) -FACTOR: Bandwidth (Cells) Floating point Minimum: 1.000000 Default: 2.000000 -TYPE_SURFACE: Type of Surface Choice Available Choices: [0] smoothed surface [1] variance (a) [2] variance (b) Default: 1 -TYPE_SEEDS: Extraction of... Choice Available Choices: [0] minima [1] maxima [2] minima and maxima Default: 0 -TYPE_MERGE: Feature Aggregation Choice Available Choices: [0] additive [1] multiplicative Default: 0 -NORMALIZE Normalized Boolean Default: 0 Simple Region Growing _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\imagery_segmentation.dll library name: Imagery - Segmentation tool name : Simple Region Growing _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd imagery_segmentation 3 -SEEDS -FEATURES [-SEGMENTS ] [-SIMILARITY ] [-TABLE ] [-METHOD ] [-NEIGHBOUR ] [-SIG_1 ] [-SIG_2 ] [-THRESHOLD ] [-REFRESH] [-LEAFSIZE ] -SEEDS: Seeds Grid (input) -FEATURES: Features Grid list (input) -SEGMENTS: Segments Grid (output) -SIMILARITY: Similarity Grid (output) -TABLE: Seeds Table (output) -METHOD: Method Choice Available Choices: [0] feature space and position [1] feature space Default: 0 -NEIGHBOUR: Neighbourhood Choice Available Choices: [0] 4 (von Neumann) [1] 8 (Moore) Default: 0 -SIG_1: Variance in Feature Space Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -SIG_2: Variance in Position Space Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -THRESHOLD: Threshold - Similarity Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 0.000000 -REFRESH Refresh Boolean Default: 0 -LEAFSIZE: Leaf Size (for Speed Optimisation) Integer Minimum: 2 Default: 256 SVM Classification _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\imagery_svm.dll library name: Imagery - SVM tool name : SVM Classification _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd imagery_svm 0 -GRIDS [-CLASSES ] [-SCALING ] [-MESSAGE] [-MODEL_SRC ] [-MODEL_LOAD ] -ROI [-ROI_ID ] [-MODEL_SAVE ] [-SVM_TYPE ] [-KERNEL_TYPE ] [-DEGREE ] [-GAMMA ] [-COEF0 ] [-COST ] [-NU ] [-EPS_SVR ] [-CACHE_SIZE ] [-EPS ] [-SHRINKING] [-PROBABILITY] [-CROSSVAL ] -GRIDS: Grids Grid list (input) -CLASSES: Classification Grid (output) -SCALING: Scaling Choice Available Choices: [0] none [1] normalize (0-1) [2] standardize Default: 2 -MESSAGE Verbose Messages Boolean Default: 0 -MODEL_SRC: Model Source Choice Available Choices: [0] create from training areas [1] restore from file Default: 0 -MODEL_LOAD: Restore Model from File File path -ROI: Training Areas Shapes (input) -ROI_ID: Class Identifier Table field -MODEL_SAVE: Store Model to File File path -SVM_TYPE: SVM Type Choice Available Choices: [0] C-SVC [1] nu-SVC [2] one-class SVM [3] epsilon-SVR [4] nu-SVR Default: 0 -KERNEL_TYPE: Kernel Type Choice Available Choices: [0] linear [1] polynomial [2] radial basis function [3] sigmoid Default: 2 -DEGREE: Degree Integer Default: 3 -GAMMA: Gamma Floating point Default: 0.000000 -COEF0: coef0 Floating point Default: 0.000000 -COST: C Floating point Default: 1.000000 -NU: nu-SVR Floating point Default: 0.500000 -EPS_SVR: SVR Epsilon Floating point Default: 0.100000 -CACHE_SIZE: Cache Size Floating point Default: 100.000000 -EPS: Epsilon Floating point Default: 0.001000 -SHRINKING Shrinking Boolean Default: 0 -PROBABILITY Probability Estimates Boolean Default: 0 -CROSSVAL: Cross Validation Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 1 Vegetation Index (Distance Based) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\imagery_tools.dll library name: Imagery - Tools tool name : Vegetation Index (Distance Based) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd imagery_tools 0 -RED -NIR [-PVI0 ] [-PVI1 ] [-PVI2 ] [-PVI3 ] [-TSAVI ] [-ATSAVI ] [-INTERCEPT ] [-SLOPE ] -RED: Red Reflectance Grid (input) -NIR: Near Infrared Reflectance Grid (input) -PVI0: Perpendicular Vegetation Index (Richardson and Wiegand, 1977) Grid (optional output) -PVI1: Perpendicular Vegetation Index (Perry and Lautenschlager, 1984) Grid (optional output) -PVI2: Perpendicular Vegetation Index (Walther and Shabaani) Grid (optional output) -PVI3: Perpendicular Vegetation Index (Qi, et al., 1994) Grid (optional output) -TSAVI: Transformed Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (Baret et al. 1989) Grid (optional output) -ATSAVI: Transformed Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (Baret and Guyot, 1991) Grid (optional output) -INTERCEPT: Intercept of Soil Line Floating point Default: 0.000000 -SLOPE: Slope of Soil Line Floating point Default: 0.500000 Vegetation Index (Slope Based) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\imagery_tools.dll library name: Imagery - Tools tool name : Vegetation Index (Slope Based) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd imagery_tools 1 -RED -NIR [-DVI ] [-NDVI ] [-RVI ] [-NRVI ] [-TVI ] [-CTVI ] [-TTVI ] [-SAVI ] [-SOIL ] -RED: Red Reflectance Grid (input) -NIR: Near Infrared Reflectance Grid (input) -DVI: Difference Vegetation Index Grid (optional output) -NDVI: Normalized Difference Vegetation Index Grid (optional output) -RVI: Ratio Vegetation Index Grid (optional output) -NRVI: Normalized Ratio Vegetation Index Grid (optional output) -TVI: Transformed Vegetation Index Grid (optional output) -CTVI: Corrected Transformed Vegetation Index Grid (optional output) -TTVI: Thiam's Transformed Vegetation Index Grid (optional output) -SAVI: Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index Grid (optional output) -SOIL: Soil Adjustment Factor Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Maximum: 1.000000 Default: 0.500000 Enhanced Vegetation Index _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\imagery_tools.dll library name: Imagery - Tools tool name : Enhanced Vegetation Index _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd imagery_tools 2 [-BLUE ] -RED -NIR [-EVI ] [-GAIN ] [-L ] [-CBLUE ] [-CRED ] -BLUE: Blue Reflectance Grid (optional input) -RED: Red Reflectance Grid (input) -NIR: Near Infrared Reflectance Grid (input) -EVI: Enhanced Vegetation Index Grid (output) -GAIN: Gain Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 2.500000 -L: Canopy Background Adjustment Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -CBLUE: Aerosol Resistance Coefficient (Blue) Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 7.500000 -CRED: Aerosol Resistance Coefficient (Red) Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 6.000000 Tasseled Cap Transformation _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\imagery_tools.dll library name: Imagery - Tools tool name : Tasseled Cap Transformation _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd imagery_tools 3 [-BLUE ] -RED -GREEN -NIR -MIR1 -MIR2 [-BRIGHTNESS ] [-GREENNESS ] [-WETNESS ] -BLUE: Blue (TM 1) Grid (optional input) -RED: Red (TM 2) Grid (input) -GREEN: Green (TM 3) Grid (input) -NIR: Near Infrared (TM 4) Grid (input) -MIR1: Mid Infrared (TM 5) Grid (input) -MIR2: Mid Infrared (TM 7) Grid (input) -BRIGHTNESS: Brightness Grid (output) -GREENNESS: Greenness Grid (output) -WETNESS: Wetness Grid (output) IHS Sharpening _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\imagery_tools.dll library name: Imagery - Tools tool name : IHS Sharpening _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd imagery_tools 4 -R -G -B -PAN [-R_SHARP ] [-G_SHARP ] [-B_SHARP ] [-SHARPEN ] [-RESAMPLING ] [-PAN_MATCH ] -R: Red Grid (input) -G: Green Grid (input) -B: Blue Grid (input) -PAN: Panchromatic Channel Grid (input) -R_SHARP: Red Grid (output) -G_SHARP: Green Grid (output) -B_SHARP: Blue Grid (output) -SHARPEN: Sharpend Channels Grid list (output) -RESAMPLING: Resampling Choice Available Choices: [0] nearest neighbour [1] bilinear [2] cubic convolution Default: 2 -PAN_MATCH: Panchromatic Channel Matching Choice Available Choices: [0] normalized [1] standardized Default: 0 Colour Normalized Brovey Sharpening _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\imagery_tools.dll library name: Imagery - Tools tool name : Colour Normalized Brovey Sharpening _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd imagery_tools 5 -R -G -B -PAN [-R_SHARP ] [-G_SHARP ] [-B_SHARP ] [-SHARPEN ] [-RESAMPLING ] -R: Red Grid (input) -G: Green Grid (input) -B: Blue Grid (input) -PAN: Panchromatic Channel Grid (input) -R_SHARP: Red Grid (output) -G_SHARP: Green Grid (output) -B_SHARP: Blue Grid (output) -SHARPEN: Sharpend Channels Grid list (output) -RESAMPLING: Resampling Choice Available Choices: [0] nearest neighbour [1] bilinear [2] cubic convolution Default: 2 Colour Normalized Spectral Sharpening _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\imagery_tools.dll library name: Imagery - Tools tool name : Colour Normalized Spectral Sharpening _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd imagery_tools 6 -GRIDS -PAN [-SHARPEN ] [-RESAMPLING ] -GRIDS: Original Channels Grid list (input) -PAN: Panchromatic Channel Grid (input) -SHARPEN: Sharpend Channels Grid list (output) -RESAMPLING: Resampling Choice Available Choices: [0] nearest neighbour [1] bilinear [2] cubic convolution Default: 2 Principle Components Based Image Sharpening _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\imagery_tools.dll library name: Imagery - Tools tool name : Principle Components Based Image Sharpening _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd imagery_tools 7 -GRIDS -PAN [-SHARPEN ] [-METHOD ] [-RESAMPLING ] [-PAN_MATCH ] -GRIDS: Original Channels Grid list (input) -PAN: Panchromatic Channel Grid (input) -SHARPEN: Sharpend Channels Grid list (output) -METHOD: Method Choice Available Choices: [0] correlation matrix [1] variance-covariance matrix [2] sums-of-squares-and-cross-products matrix Default: 1 -RESAMPLING: Resampling Choice Available Choices: [0] nearest neighbour [1] bilinear [2] cubic convolution Default: 2 -PAN_MATCH: Panchromatic Channel Matching Choice Available Choices: [0] normalized [1] standardized Default: 0 Top of Atmosphere Reflectance _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\imagery_tools.dll library name: Imagery - Tools tool name : Top of Atmosphere Reflectance _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd imagery_tools 8 [-DN_10 ] [-DN_20 ] [-DN_30 ] [-DN_40 ] [-DN_50 ] [-DN_70 ] [-RF_10 ] [-RF_20 ] [-RF_30 ] [-RF_40 ] [-RF_50 ] [-RF_70 ] [-DN_60 ] [-DN_61 ] [-DN_62 ] [-RF_60 ] [-RF_61 ] [-RF_62 ] [-DN_80 ] [-RF_80 ] [-METAFILE ] [-SENSOR ] [-DATE_ACQU ] [-DATE_PROD ] [-SUN_HGT ] [-AS_RAD] [-AC_METHOD ] [-AC_DO_CELLS ] [-AC_RAYLEIGH ] [-AC_SUN_RAD ] [-ETM_GAIN_10 ] [-ETM_GAIN_20 ] [-ETM_GAIN_30 ] [-ETM_GAIN_40 ] [-ETM_GAIN_50 ] [-ETM_GAIN_61 ] [-ETM_GAIN_62 ] [-ETM_GAIN_70 ] [-ETM_GAIN_80 ] -DN_10: DN Band10 Grid (optional input) -DN_20: DN Band20 Grid (optional input) -DN_30: DN Band30 Grid (optional input) -DN_40: DN Band40 Grid (optional input) -DN_50: DN Band50 Grid (optional input) -DN_70: DN Band70 Grid (optional input) -RF_10: Reflectance Band10 Grid (optional output) -RF_20: Reflectance Band20 Grid (optional output) -RF_30: Reflectance Band30 Grid (optional output) -RF_40: Reflectance Band40 Grid (optional output) -RF_50: Reflectance Band50 Grid (optional output) -RF_70: Reflectance Band70 Grid (optional output) -DN_60: DN Band60 Grid (optional input) -DN_61: DN Band61 Grid (optional input) -DN_62: DN Band62 Grid (optional input) -RF_60: Reflectance Band60 Grid (optional output) -RF_61: Reflectance Band61 Grid (optional output) -RF_62: Reflectance Band62 Grid (optional output) -DN_80: DN Band80 Grid (optional input) -RF_80: Reflectance Band80 Grid (optional output) -METAFILE: Metadata File File path -SENSOR: Spacecraft Sensor Choice Available Choices: [0] Landsat-1 MSS [1] Landsat-2 MSS [2] Landsat-3 MSS [3] Landsat-4 MSS [4] Landsat-5 MSS [5] Landsat-4 TM [6] Landsat-5 TM [7] Landsat-7 ETM+ Default: 7 -DATE_ACQU: Image Acquisition Date Text Default: 2001-01-01 -DATE_PROD: Image Creation Date Text Default: 2001-01-01 -SUN_HGT: Suns's Height Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Maximum: 90.000000 Default: 45.000000 -AS_RAD At-Sensor Radiance Boolean Default: 0 -AC_METHOD: Atmospheric Correction Choice Available Choices: [0] uncorrected [1] corrected [2] dos1 [3] dos2 [4] dos2b [5] dos3 [6] dos4 Default: 0 -AC_DO_CELLS: Minimum Number of Dark Object Cells Integer Minimum: 0 Default: 1000 -AC_RAYLEIGH: Rayleigh Scattering Floating point Default: 0.000000 -AC_SUN_RAD: Solar Radiance Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Maximum: 100.000000 Default: 1.000000 -ETM_GAIN_10: Band 1 Choice Available Choices: [0] low [1] high Default: 1 -ETM_GAIN_20: Band 2 Choice Available Choices: [0] low [1] high Default: 1 -ETM_GAIN_30: Band 3 Choice Available Choices: [0] low [1] high Default: 1 -ETM_GAIN_40: Band 4 Choice Available Choices: [0] low [1] high Default: 1 -ETM_GAIN_50: Band 5 Choice Available Choices: [0] low [1] high Default: 1 -ETM_GAIN_61: Band 61 Choice Available Choices: [0] low [1] high Default: 0 -ETM_GAIN_62: Band 62 Choice Available Choices: [0] low [1] high Default: 1 -ETM_GAIN_70: Band 7 Choice Available Choices: [0] low [1] high Default: 1 -ETM_GAIN_80: Band 8 Choice Available Choices: [0] low [1] high Default: 0 Automated Cloud Cover Assessment _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\imagery_tools.dll library name: Imagery - Tools tool name : Automated Cloud Cover Assessment _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd imagery_tools 9 -BAND2 -BAND3 -BAND4 -BAND5 -BAND6 [-CLOUD ] [-FILTER] [-B56C ] [-B45R ] [-CSIG] [-PASS2] [-SHADOW] -BAND2: Landsat Band 2 Grid (input) -BAND3: Landsat Band 3 Grid (input) -BAND4: Landsat Band 4 Grid (input) -BAND5: Landsat Band 5 Grid (input) -BAND6: Landsat Band 6 Grid (input) -CLOUD: Cloud Cover Grid (output) -FILTER Apply post-processing filter to remove small holes Boolean Default: 1 -B56C: B56 Composite (step 6) Floating point Default: 225.000000 -B45R: B45 Ratio: Desert detection (step 10) Floating point Default: 1.000000 -CSIG Always use cloud signature (step 14) Boolean Default: 1 -PASS2 Bypass second-pass processing, and merge warm (not ambiguous) and cold clouds Boolean Default: 1 -SHADOW Include a category for cloud shadows Boolean Default: 1 Smoothing (ViGrA) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\imagery_vigra.dll library name: Imagery - ViGrA tool name : Smoothing (ViGrA) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd imagery_vigra 0 -INPUT [-OUTPUT ] [-TYPE ] [-SCALE ] [-EDGE ] -INPUT: Input Grid (input) -OUTPUT: Output Grid (output) -TYPE: Type of smoothing Choice Available Choices: [0] exponential [1] nonlinear [2] gaussian Default: 0 -SCALE: Size of smoothing filter Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 2.000000 -EDGE: Edge threshold for nonlinear smoothing Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 Edge Detection (ViGrA) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\imagery_vigra.dll library name: Imagery - ViGrA tool name : Edge Detection (ViGrA) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd imagery_vigra 1 -INPUT [-OUTPUT ] [-TYPE ] [-SCALE ] [-THRESHOLD ] -INPUT: Input Grid (input) -OUTPUT: Edges Grid (output) -TYPE: Detector type Choice Available Choices: [0] Canny [1] Shen-Castan Default: 0 -SCALE: Operator scale Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -THRESHOLD: Gradient threshold Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 Morphological Filter (ViGrA) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\imagery_vigra.dll library name: Imagery - ViGrA tool name : Morphological Filter (ViGrA) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd imagery_vigra 2 -INPUT [-OUTPUT ] [-TYPE ] [-RADIUS ] [-RANK ] [-RESCALE] -INPUT: Input Grid (input) -OUTPUT: Output Grid (output) -TYPE: Operation Choice Available Choices: [0] Dilation [1] Erosion [2] Median [3] User defined rank Default: 0 -RADIUS: Radius (cells) Integer Minimum: 0 Default: 1 -RANK: User defined rank Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Maximum: 1.000000 Default: 0.500000 -RESCALE Rescale Values (0-255) Boolean Default: 1 Distance (ViGrA) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\imagery_vigra.dll library name: Imagery - ViGrA tool name : Distance (ViGrA) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd imagery_vigra 3 -INPUT [-OUTPUT ] [-NORM ] -INPUT: Features Grid (input) -OUTPUT: Distance Grid (output) -NORM: Type of distance calculation Choice Available Choices: [0] Chessboard [1] Manhattan [2] Euclidean Default: 0 Watershed Segmentation (ViGrA) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\imagery_vigra.dll library name: Imagery - ViGrA tool name : Watershed Segmentation (ViGrA) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd imagery_vigra 4 -INPUT [-OUTPUT ] [-SCALE ] [-RGB] [-EDGES] -INPUT: Input Grid (input) -OUTPUT: Segmentation Grid (output) -SCALE: Width of gradient filter Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -RGB RGB coded data Boolean Default: 0 -EDGES Edges Boolean Default: 0 Fourier Transform (ViGrA) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\imagery_vigra.dll library name: Imagery - ViGrA tool name : Fourier Transform (ViGrA) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd imagery_vigra 5 -INPUT [-REAL ] [-IMAG ] [-CENTER] -INPUT: Input Grid (input) -REAL: Real Grid (output) -IMAG: Imaginary Grid (output) -CENTER Centered Boolean Default: 1 Fourier Transform Inverse (ViGrA) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\imagery_vigra.dll library name: Imagery - ViGrA tool name : Fourier Transform Inverse (ViGrA) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd imagery_vigra 6 -REAL -IMAG [-OUTPUT ] [-CENTER] -REAL: Real Grid (input) -IMAG: Imaginary Grid (input) -OUTPUT: Output Grid (output) -CENTER Centered Boolean Default: 1 Fourier Transform (Real, ViGrA) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\imagery_vigra.dll library name: Imagery - ViGrA tool name : Fourier Transform (Real, ViGrA) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd imagery_vigra 7 -INPUT [-OUTPUT ] -INPUT: Input Grid (input) -OUTPUT: Output Grid (output) Fourier Filter (ViGrA) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\imagery_vigra.dll library name: Imagery - ViGrA tool name : Fourier Filter (ViGrA) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd imagery_vigra 8 -INPUT [-OUTPUT ] [-SCALE ] [-POWER ] [-RANGE_MIN ] [-RANGE_MAX ] [-FILTER ] -INPUT: Input Grid (input) -OUTPUT: Output Grid (output) -SCALE: Size of smoothing filter Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 2.000000 -POWER: Power Floating point Default: 0.500000 -RANGE_MIN: Range Value range -RANGE_MAX: Range Value range -FILTER: Filter Choice Available Choices: [0] gaussian [1] power of distance [2] include range [3] exclude range Default: 0 Random Forest (ViGrA) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\imagery_vigra.dll library name: Imagery - ViGrA tool name : Random Forest (ViGrA) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd imagery_vigra 9 -FEATURES [-CLASSES ] [-PROBABILITY ] [-BPROBABILITIES] [-PROBABILITIES ] [-RF_IMPORT ] -TRAINING [-FIELD ] [-LABEL_AS_ID] [-RF_EXPORT ] [-RF_TREE_COUNT ] [-RF_TREE_SAMPLES ] [-RF_REPLACE] [-RF_SPLIT_MIN_SIZE ] [-RF_NODE_FEATURES ] [-RF_STRATIFICATION ] -FEATURES: Features Grid list (input) -CLASSES: Random Forest Classification Grid (output) -PROBABILITY: Prediction Probability Grid (optional output) -BPROBABILITIES Feature Probabilities Boolean Default: 0 -PROBABILITIES: Feature Probabilities Grid list (output) -RF_IMPORT: Import from File File path -TRAINING: Training Areas Shapes (input) -FIELD: Label Field Table field -LABEL_AS_ID Use Label as Identifier Boolean Default: 0 -RF_EXPORT: Export to File File path -RF_TREE_COUNT: Tree Count Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 32 -RF_TREE_SAMPLES: Samples per Tree Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Maximum: 1.000000 Default: 1.000000 -RF_REPLACE Sample with Replacement Boolean Default: 1 -RF_SPLIT_MIN_SIZE: Minimum Node Split Size Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 1 -RF_NODE_FEATURES: Features per Node Choice Available Choices: [0] logarithmic [1] square root [2] all Default: 1 -RF_STRATIFICATION: Stratification Choice Available Choices: [0] none [1] equal [2] proportional Default: 0 Import ESRI E00 File _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\io_esri_e00.dll library name: Import/Export - ESRI E00 tool name : Import ESRI E00 File _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd io_esri_e00 0 [-TABLES ] [-SHAPES ] [-GRIDS ] [-TABLE ] [-FILE ] [-BBND] [-BTIC] [-BTABLES] -TABLES: Tables Table list (optional output) -SHAPES: Shapes Shapes list (optional output) -GRIDS: Grids Grid list (optional output) -TABLE: Table Data Object (optional output) -FILE: File File path -BBND Import Extents Boolean Default: 0 -BTIC Import Tick Points Boolean Default: 0 -BTABLES Import Tables Boolean Default: 0 GDAL: Import Raster _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\io_gdal.dll library name: Import/Export - GDAL/OGR tool name : GDAL: Import Raster _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd io_gdal 0 [-GRIDS ] [-FILES ] [-TRANSFORM] [-INTERPOL ] -GRIDS: Grids Grid list (output) -FILES: Files File path -TRANSFORM Transformation Boolean Default: 1 -INTERPOL: Interpolation Choice Available Choices: [0] Nearest Neighbor [1] Bilinear Interpolation [2] Inverse Distance Interpolation [3] Bicubic Spline Interpolation [4] B-Spline Interpolation Default: 4 GDAL: Export Raster _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\io_gdal.dll library name: Import/Export - GDAL/OGR tool name : GDAL: Export Raster _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd io_gdal 1 -GRIDS [-FILE ] [-FORMAT ] [-TYPE ] [-SET_NODATA] [-NODATA ] [-OPTIONS ] -GRIDS: Grid(s) Grid list (input) -FILE: File File path -FORMAT: Format Choice Available Choices: [0] Flexible Image Transport System [1] HDF4 Dataset [2] Network Common Data Format [3] Virtual Raster [4] GeoTIFF [5] National Imagery Transmission Format [6] Erdas Imagine Images (.img) [7] ELAS [8] In Memory Raster [9] MS Windows Device Independent Bitmap [10] PCIDSK Database File [11] ILWIS Raster Map [12] SGI Image File Format 1.0 [13] Leveller heightfield [14] Terragen heightfield [15] USGS Astrogeology ISIS cube (Version 2) [16] ERMapper .ers Labelled [17] Raster Matrix Format [18] Idrisi Raster A.1 [19] Intergraph Raster [20] Golden Software Binary Grid (.grd) [21] Golden Software 7 Binary Grid (.grd) [22] Portable Pixmap Format (netpbm) [23] ENVI .hdr Labelled [24] ESRI .hdr Labelled [25] PCI .aux Labelled [26] Vexcel MFF Raster [27] Vexcel MFF2 (HKV) Raster [28] VTP .bt (Binary Terrain) 1.3 Format [29] Erdas .LAN/.GIS [30] Image Data and Analysis [31] NOAA Vertical Datum .GTX [32] NTv2 Datum Grid Shift [33] CTable2 Datum Grid Shift [34] KOLOR Raw [35] ARC Digitized Raster Graphics [36] SAGA GIS Binary Grid (.sdat) Default: 0 -TYPE: Data Type Choice Available Choices: [0] match input data [1] 8 bit unsigned integer [2] 16 bit unsigned integer [3] 16 bit signed integer [4] 32 bit unsigned integer [5] 32 bit signed integer [6] 32 bit floating point [7] 64 bit floating point Default: 0 -SET_NODATA Set Custom NoData Boolean Default: 0 -NODATA: NoData Value Floating point Default: 0.000000 -OPTIONS: Creation Options Text GDAL: Export Raster to GeoTIFF _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\io_gdal.dll library name: Import/Export - GDAL/OGR tool name : GDAL: Export Raster to GeoTIFF _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd io_gdal 2 -GRIDS [-FILE ] [-OPTIONS ] -GRIDS: Grid(s) Grid list (input) -FILE: File File path -OPTIONS: Creation Options Text OGR: Import Vector Data _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\io_gdal.dll library name: Import/Export - GDAL/OGR tool name : OGR: Import Vector Data _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd io_gdal 3 [-SHAPES ] [-FILES ] [-GEOM_TYPE ] -SHAPES: Shapes Shapes list (output) -FILES: Files File path -GEOM_TYPE: Geometry Type Choice Available Choices: [0] automatic [1] wkbPoint [2] wkbPoint25D [3] wkbMultiPoint [4] wkbMultiPoint25D [5] wkbLineString [6] wkbLineString25D [7] wkbMultiLineString [8] wkbMultiLineString25D [9] wkbPolygon [10] wkbPolygon25D [11] wkbMultiPolygon [12] wkbMultiPolygon25D [13] wkbGeometryCollection [14] wkbGeometryCollection25D Default: 0 OGR: Export Vector Data _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\io_gdal.dll library name: Import/Export - GDAL/OGR tool name : OGR: Export Vector Data _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd io_gdal 4 -SHAPES [-FILE ] [-FORMAT ] -SHAPES: Shapes Shapes (input) -FILE: File File path -FORMAT: Format Choice Available Choices: [0] ESRI Shapefile [1] MapInfo File [2] UK .NTF [3] SDTS [4] TIGER [5] S57 [6] DGN [7] VRT [8] REC [9] Memory [10] BNA [11] CSV [12] NAS [13] GML [14] GPX [15] LIBKML [16] KML [17] GeoJSON [18] Interlis 1 [19] Interlis 2 [20] GMT [21] GPKG [22] SQLite [23] ODBC [24] WAsP [25] PGeo [26] MSSQLSpatial [27] PostgreSQL [28] MySQL [29] PCIDSK [30] OpenFileGDB [31] XPlane [32] AVCBin [33] AVCE00 [34] DXF [35] Geoconcept [36] GeoRSS [37] GPSTrackMaker [38] VFK [39] PGDump [40] OSM [41] GPSBabel [42] SUA [43] OpenAir [44] PDS [45] WFS [46] HTF [47] AeronavFAA [48] Geomedia [49] EDIGEO [50] GFT [51] GME [52] SVG [53] CouchDB [54] Idrisi [55] ARCGEN [56] SEGUKOOA [57] SEGY [58] ODS [59] XLSX [60] ElasticSearch [61] PDF [62] Walk [63] CartoDB [64] SXF Default: 0 OGR: Export Shapes to KML _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\io_gdal.dll library name: Import/Export - GDAL/OGR tool name : OGR: Export Shapes to KML _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd io_gdal 5 -SHAPES [-FILE ] -SHAPES: Shapes Shapes (input) -FILE: File File path GDAL: Import NetCDF _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\io_gdal.dll library name: Import/Export - GDAL/OGR tool name : GDAL: Import NetCDF _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd io_gdal 6 [-GRIDS ] [-FILE ] [-SAVE_FILE] [-SAVE_PATH ] -GRIDS: Grids Grid list (output) -FILE: File File path -SAVE_FILE Save to File Boolean Default: 0 -SAVE_PATH: Save to Path File path GPX to shapefile _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\io_gps.dll library name: Import GPS Data tool name : GPX to shapefile _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd io_gps 0 [-BASEPATH ] [-FILE ] [-TRACKPOINTS] [-WAYPOINTS] [-ROUTES] [-ADD] -BASEPATH: Gpx2shp path File path -FILE: GPX file File path -TRACKPOINTS Convert track points Boolean Default: 1 -WAYPOINTS Convert way points Boolean Default: 1 -ROUTES Convert routes Boolean Default: 1 -ADD Load shapefile Boolean Default: 1 GPSBabel _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\io_gps.dll library name: Import GPS Data tool name : GPSBabel _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd io_gps 1 [-BASEPATH ] [-INPUT ] [-FORMATIN ] [-OUTPUT ] [-FORMATOUT ] -BASEPATH: GPSBabel path File path -INPUT: Input file File path -FORMATIN: Input format Choice Available Choices: [0] .loc [1] GPSman [2] GPX XML [3] Magellan protocol [4] Magellan Mapsend [5] Garmin PCX5 [6] Garmin Mapsource [7] gpsutil [8] U.S. Census Bureau Tiger Mapping Service [9] Comma separated values [10] Delorme Topo USA4/XMap Conduit [11] Navitrak DNA marker format [12] MS PocketStreets 2002 Pushpin [13] Cetus for Palm/OS [14] GPSPilot Tracker for Palm/OS [15] Magellan NAV Companion for PalmOS [16] Garmin serial protocol [17] MapTech Exchange Format [18] Holux (gm-100) .wpo Format [19] OziExplorer Waypoint [20] National Geographic Topo .tpg [21] TopoMapPro Places File Default: 0 -OUTPUT: Output file File path -FORMATOUT: Output format Choice Available Choices: [0] .loc [1] GPSman [2] GPX XML [3] Magellan protocol [4] Magellan Mapsend [5] Garmin PCX5 [6] Garmin Mapsource [7] gpsutil [8] U.S. Census Bureau Tiger Mapping Service [9] Comma separated values [10] Delorme Topo USA4/XMap Conduit [11] Navitrak DNA marker format [12] MS PocketStreets 2002 Pushpin [13] Cetus for Palm/OS [14] GPSPilot Tracker for Palm/OS [15] Magellan NAV Companion for PalmOS [16] Garmin serial protocol [17] MapTech Exchange Format [18] Holux (gm-100) .wpo Format [19] OziExplorer Waypoint [20] National Geographic Topo .tpg [21] TopoMapPro Places File Default: 0 Export ESRI Arc/Info Grid _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\io_grid.dll library name: Import/Export - Grids tool name : Export ESRI Arc/Info Grid _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd io_grid 0 -GRID [-FILE ] [-FORMAT ] [-GEOREF ] [-PREC ] [-DECSEP ] -GRID: Grid Grid (input) -FILE: File File path -FORMAT: Format Choice Available Choices: [0] binary [1] ASCII Default: 1 -GEOREF: Geo-Reference Choice Available Choices: [0] corner [1] center Default: 0 -PREC: ASCII Precision Integer Minimum: -1 Default: 4 -DECSEP: ASCII Decimal Separator Choice Available Choices: [0] point (.) [1] comma (,) Default: 0 Import ESRI Arc/Info Grid _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\io_grid.dll library name: Import/Export - Grids tool name : Import ESRI Arc/Info Grid _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd io_grid 1 [-GRID ] [-FILE ] [-GRID_TYPE ] [-NODATA ] [-NODATA_VAL ] -GRID: Grid Data Object (optional output) -FILE: File File path -GRID_TYPE: Target Grid Type Choice Available Choices: [0] Integer (2 byte) [1] Integer (4 byte) [2] Floating Point (4 byte) [3] Floating Point (8 byte) Default: 2 -NODATA: NoData Value Choice Available Choices: [0] Input File's NoData Value [1] User Defined NoData Value Default: 0 -NODATA_VAL: User Defined NoData Value Floating point Default: -99999.000000 Export Surfer Grid _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\io_grid.dll library name: Import/Export - Grids tool name : Export Surfer Grid _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd io_grid 2 -GRID [-FILE ] [-FORMAT ] [-NODATA] -GRID: Grid Grid (input) -FILE: File File path -FORMAT: Format Choice Available Choices: [0] binary [1] ASCII Default: 0 -NODATA Use Surfer's No-Data Value Boolean Default: 0 Import Surfer Grid _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\io_grid.dll library name: Import/Export - Grids tool name : Import Surfer Grid _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd io_grid 3 [-GRID ] [-FILE ] [-NODATA ] [-NODATA_VAL ] -GRID: Grid Data Object (optional output) -FILE: File File path -NODATA: No Data Value Choice Available Choices: [0] Surfer's No Data Value [1] User Defined Default: 0 -NODATA_VAL: User Defined No Data Value Floating point Default: -99999.000000 Import Binary Raw Data _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\io_grid.dll library name: Import/Export - Grids tool name : Import Binary Raw Data _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd io_grid 4 [-GRID ] [-FILE_DATA ] [-NX ] [-NY ] [-DXY ] [-XMIN ] [-YMIN ] [-UNIT ] [-ZFACTOR ] [-NODATA ] [-DATA_OFFSET ] [-LINE_OFFSET ] [-LINE_ENDSET ] [-DATA_TYPE ] [-BYTEORDER_BIG ] [-TOPDOWN ] -GRID: Grid Data Object (optional output) -FILE_DATA: Raw Data File File path -NX: Cell Count (X) Integer Default: 1 -NY: Cell Count (Y) Integer Default: 1 -DXY: Cell Size Floating point Default: 1.000000 -XMIN: Left Border (X) Floating point Default: 0.000000 -YMIN: Lower Border (Y) Floating point Default: 0.000000 -UNIT: Unit Name Text -ZFACTOR: Z Multiplier Floating point Default: 1.000000 -NODATA: No Data Value Floating point Default: -99999.000000 -DATA_OFFSET: Data Offset (Bytes) Integer Default: 0 -LINE_OFFSET: Line Offset (Bytes) Integer Default: 0 -LINE_ENDSET: Line Endset (Bytes) Integer Default: 0 -DATA_TYPE: Data Type Choice Available Choices: [0] 1 Byte Integer (unsigned) [1] 1 Byte Integer (signed) [2] 2 Byte Integer (unsigned) [3] 2 Byte Integer (signed) [4] 4 Byte Integer (unsigned) [5] 4 Byte Integer (signed) [6] 4 Byte Floating Point [7] 8 Byte Floating Point Default: 0 -BYTEORDER_BIG: Byte Order Choice Available Choices: [0] Little Endian (Intel) [1] Big Endian (Motorola) Default: 0 -TOPDOWN: Line Order Choice Available Choices: [0] Bottom to Top [1] Top to Bottom Default: 0 Export Grid to XYZ _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\io_grid.dll library name: Import/Export - Grids tool name : Export Grid to XYZ _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd io_grid 5 -GRIDS [-FILENAME ] [-CAPTION] [-EX_NODATA] -GRIDS: Grids Grid list (input) -FILENAME: File Name File path -CAPTION Write Field Names Boolean Default: 1 -EX_NODATA Exclude NoData Cells Boolean Default: 0 Import Grid from XYZ _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\io_grid.dll library name: Import/Export - Grids tool name : Import Grid from XYZ _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd io_grid 6 [-GRID ] [-COUNT ] [-FILENAME ] [-CAPTION] [-CELLSIZE ] [-SEPARATOR ] -GRID: Grid Data Object (optional output) -COUNT: Count Data Object (optional output) -FILENAME: File Name File path -CAPTION Has Field Names Boolean Default: 1 -CELLSIZE: Target Cellsize Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -SEPARATOR: Separator Choice Available Choices: [0] space [1] tabulator [2] , [3] ; Default: 1 Import USGS SRTM Grid _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\io_grid.dll library name: Import/Export - Grids tool name : Import USGS SRTM Grid _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd io_grid 7 [-GRIDS ] [-FILE ] [-RESOLUTION ] -GRIDS: Grids Grid list (optional output) -FILE: Files File path -RESOLUTION: Resolution Choice Available Choices: [0] 1 arc-second [1] 3 arc-second Default: 1 Import MOLA Grid (MEGDR) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\io_grid.dll library name: Import/Export - Grids tool name : Import MOLA Grid (MEGDR) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd io_grid 8 [-GRID ] [-FILE ] [-TYPE ] [-ORIENT ] -GRID: Grid Data Object (optional output) -FILE: File File path -TYPE: Grid Type Choice Available Choices: [0] 2 byte integer [1] 4 byte floating point Default: 1 -ORIENT: Orientation Choice Available Choices: [0] normal [1] down under Default: 1 Import SRTM30 DEM _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\io_grid.dll library name: Import/Export - Grids tool name : Import SRTM30 DEM _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd io_grid 9 [-GRID ] [-PATH ] [-XMIN ] [-XMAX ] [-YMIN ] [-YMAX ] [-TILE_PATH ] -GRID: Grid Data Object (optional output) -PATH: Path File path -XMIN: West [] Integer Default: 60 -XMAX: East [] Integer Default: 120 -YMIN: South [] Integer Default: 20 -YMAX: North [] Integer Default: 50 -TILE_PATH: Select file File path Export True Color Bitmap _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\io_grid.dll library name: Import/Export - Grids tool name : Export True Color Bitmap _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd io_grid 10 -IMAGE [-FILE ] -IMAGE: Image Grid Grid (input) -FILE: File File path Import Erdas LAN/GIS _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\io_grid.dll library name: Import/Export - Grids tool name : Import Erdas LAN/GIS _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd io_grid 11 [-GRIDS ] [-FILE ] -GRIDS: Grids Grid list (optional output) -FILE: File File path Import Grid from Table _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\io_grid.dll library name: Import/Export - Grids tool name : Import Grid from Table _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd io_grid 12 [-GRID ] [-FILE_DATA ] [-DXY ] [-XMIN ] [-YMIN ] [-UNIT ] [-ZFACTOR ] [-NODATA ] [-DATA_TYPE ] [-TOPDOWN ] -GRID: Grid Data Object (optional output) -FILE_DATA: Table File path -DXY: Cell Size Floating point Default: 1.000000 -XMIN: Left Border (X) Floating point Default: 0.000000 -YMIN: Lower Border (Y) Floating point Default: 0.000000 -UNIT: Unit Name Text -ZFACTOR: Z Multiplier Floating point Default: 1.000000 -NODATA: No Data Value Floating point Default: -99999.000000 -DATA_TYPE: Data Type Choice Available Choices: [0] 1 Byte Integer (unsigned) [1] 1 Byte Integer (signed) [2] 2 Byte Integer (unsigned) [3] 2 Byte Integer (signed) [4] 4 Byte Integer (unsigned) [5] 4 Byte Integer (signed) [6] 4 Byte Floating Point [7] 8 Byte Floating Point Default: 0 -TOPDOWN: Line Order Choice Available Choices: [0] Bottom to Top [1] Top to Bottom Default: 0 Import WRF Geogrid Binary Format _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\io_grid.dll library name: Import/Export - Grids tool name : Import WRF Geogrid Binary Format _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd io_grid 13 [-GRIDS ] [-FILE ] -GRIDS: Grids Grid list (output) -FILE: File File path Export WRF Geogrid Binary Format _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\io_grid.dll library name: Import/Export - Grids tool name : Export WRF Geogrid Binary Format _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd io_grid 14 -GRIDS [-FILE ] [-DATATYPE ] [-TYPE ] [-MISSING ] [-SCALE ] [-UNITS ] [-DESCRIPTION ] [-MMINLU ] [-TILE_BDR ] [-PROJECTION ] [-SDTLON ] [-TRUELAT1 ] [-TRUELAT2 ] [-ISWATER ] [-ISLAKE ] [-ISICE ] [-ISURBAN ] [-ISOILWATER ] -GRIDS: Grids Grid list (input) -FILE: Directory File path -DATATYPE: Data Type Choice Available Choices: [0] 1 byte unsigned [1] 1 byte signed [2] 2 byte unsigned [3] 2 byte signed [4] 4 byte unsigned [5] 4 byte signed Default: 0 -TYPE: Type Choice Available Choices: [0] categorical [1] continuous Default: 0 -MISSING: Missing Value Floating point Default: -99999.000000 -SCALE: Scale Factor Floating point Default: 1.000000 -UNITS: Units Text -DESCRIPTION: Description Text -MMINLU: Look Up Section Text Default: USGS -TILE_BDR: Halo Width Integer Minimum: 0 Default: 0 -PROJECTION: Projection Choice Available Choices: [0] lambert [1] polar [2] mercator [3] regular_ll [4] albers_nad83 [5] polar_wgs84 Default: 3 -SDTLON: Standard Longitude Floating point Default: 0.000000 -TRUELAT1: True Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -TRUELAT2: True Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 35.000000 -ISWATER: Water Integer Default: 16 -ISLAKE: Lake Integer Default: -1 -ISICE: Ice Integer Default: 24 -ISURBAN: Urban Integer Default: 1 -ISOILWATER: Soil Water Integer Default: 14 Import GRIB2 record _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\io_grid_grib2.dll library name: Import/Export - GRIB Files tool name : Import GRIB2 record _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd io_grid_grib2 0 [-OUT_GRID ] [-FILE ] -OUT_GRID: Grid Data Object (optional output) -FILE: File File path Export Image (bmp, jpg, pcx, png, tif) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\io_grid_image.dll library name: Import/Export - Images tool name : Export Image (bmp, jpg, pcx, png, tif) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd io_grid_image 0 -GRID [-SHADE ] [-FILE ] [-FILE_KML] [-COLOURING ] [-COL_PALETTE ] [-COL_COUNT ] [-COL_REVERT] [-STDDEV ] [-STRETCH_MIN ] [-STRETCH_MAX ] [-LUT ] [-SHADE_BRIGHT_MIN ] [-SHADE_BRIGHT_MAX ] -GRID: Grid Grid (input) -SHADE: Shade Grid (optional input) -FILE: Image File File path -FILE_KML Create KML File Boolean Default: 1 -COLOURING: Colouring Choice Available Choices: [0] stretch to grid's standard deviation [1] stretch to grid's value range [2] stretch to specified value range [3] lookup table [4] rgb coded values Default: 0 -COL_PALETTE: Color Palette Choice Available Choices: [0] DEFAULT [1] DEFAULT_BRIGHT [2] BLACK_WHITE [3] BLACK_RED [4] BLACK_GREEN [5] BLACK_BLUE [6] WHITE_RED [7] WHITE_GREEN [8] WHITE_BLUE [9] YELLOW_RED [10] YELLOW_GREEN [11] YELLOW_BLUE [12] RED_GREEN [13] RED_BLUE [14] GREEN_BLUE [15] RED_GREY_BLUE [16] RED_GREY_GREEN [17] GREEN_GREY_BLUE [18] RED_GREEN_BLUE [19] RED_BLUE_GREEN [20] GREEN_RED_BLUE [21] RAINBOW [22] NEON [23] TOPOGRAPHY [24] ASPECT_1 [25] ASPECT_2 [26] ASPECT_3 Default: 0 -COL_COUNT: Number of Colors Integer Default: 100 -COL_REVERT Revert Palette Boolean Default: 0 -STDDEV: Standard Deviation Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 2.000000 -STRETCH_MIN: Stretch to Value Range Value range -STRETCH_MAX: Stretch to Value Range Value range -LUT: Lookup Table Table (optional input) -SHADE_BRIGHT_MIN: Shade Brightness Value range -SHADE_BRIGHT_MAX: Shade Brightness Value range Import Image (bmp, jpg, png, tif, gif, pnm, xpm) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\io_grid_image.dll library name: Import/Export - Images tool name : Import Image (bmp, jpg, png, tif, gif, pnm, xpm) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd io_grid_image 1 [-OUT_GRID ] [-OUT_RED ] [-OUT_GREEN ] [-OUT_BLUE ] [-FILE ] [-METHOD ] -OUT_GRID: Image Data Object (optional output) -OUT_RED: Image (Red Channel) Data Object (optional output) -OUT_GREEN: Image (Green Channel) Data Object (optional output) -OUT_BLUE: Image (Blue Channel) Data Object (optional output) -FILE: Image File File path -METHOD: Options Choice Available Choices: [0] Standard [1] Split Channels [2] Enforce True Color Default: 2 Export Grid to KML _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\io_grid_image.dll library name: Import/Export - Images tool name : Export Grid to KML _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd io_grid_image 2 -GRID [-SHADE ] [-FILE ] [-COLOURING ] [-COL_PALETTE ] [-COL_COUNT ] [-COL_REVERT] [-STDDEV ] [-STRETCH_MIN ] [-STRETCH_MAX ] [-LUT ] [-INTERPOL] [-SHADE_BRIGHT_MIN ] [-SHADE_BRIGHT_MAX ] -GRID: Grid Grid (input) -SHADE: Shade Grid (optional input) -FILE: Image File File path -COLOURING: Colouring Choice Available Choices: [0] stretch to grid's standard deviation [1] stretch to grid's value range [2] stretch to specified value range [3] lookup table [4] rgb coded values Default: 0 -COL_PALETTE: Color Palette Choice Available Choices: [0] DEFAULT [1] DEFAULT_BRIGHT [2] BLACK_WHITE [3] BLACK_RED [4] BLACK_GREEN [5] BLACK_BLUE [6] WHITE_RED [7] WHITE_GREEN [8] WHITE_BLUE [9] YELLOW_RED [10] YELLOW_GREEN [11] YELLOW_BLUE [12] RED_GREEN [13] RED_BLUE [14] GREEN_BLUE [15] RED_GREY_BLUE [16] RED_GREY_GREEN [17] GREEN_GREY_BLUE [18] RED_GREEN_BLUE [19] RED_BLUE_GREEN [20] GREEN_RED_BLUE [21] RAINBOW [22] NEON [23] TOPOGRAPHY [24] ASPECT_1 [25] ASPECT_2 [26] ASPECT_3 Default: 0 -COL_COUNT: Number of Colors Integer Default: 100 -COL_REVERT Revert Palette Boolean Default: 0 -STDDEV: Standard Deviation Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 2.000000 -STRETCH_MIN: Stretch to Value Range Value range -STRETCH_MAX: Stretch to Value Range Value range -LUT: Lookup Table Table (optional input) -INTERPOL Interpolation Boolean Default: 1 -SHADE_BRIGHT_MIN: Shade Brightness Value range -SHADE_BRIGHT_MAX: Shade Brightness Value range Export GStat Shapes _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\io_shapes.dll library name: Import/Export - Shapes tool name : Export GStat Shapes _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd io_shapes 0 -SHAPES [-FILENAME ] -SHAPES: Shapes Shapes (input) -FILENAME: File File path Import GStat Shapes _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\io_shapes.dll library name: Import/Export - Shapes tool name : Import GStat Shapes _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd io_shapes 1 [-SHAPES ] [-FILENAME ] -SHAPES: Shapes Shapes (output) -FILENAME: File File path Export Shapes to XYZ _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\io_shapes.dll library name: Import/Export - Shapes tool name : Export Shapes to XYZ _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd io_shapes 2 -SHAPES [-FIELD ] [-HEADER] [-SEPARATE ] [-FILENAME ] -SHAPES: Shapes Shapes (input) -FIELD: Attribute Table field -HEADER Save Table Header Boolean Default: 1 -SEPARATE: Separate Line/Polygon Points Choice Available Choices: [0] none [1] * [2] number of points Default: 0 -FILENAME: File File path Import Shapes from XYZ _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\io_shapes.dll library name: Import/Export - Shapes tool name : Import Shapes from XYZ _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd io_shapes 3 [-SHAPES ] [-X_FIELD ] [-Y_FIELD ] [-FILENAME ] -SHAPES: Points Shapes (output) -X_FIELD: X Column Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 1 -Y_FIELD: Y Column Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 2 -FILENAME: File File path Export Shapes to Generate _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\io_shapes.dll library name: Import/Export - Shapes tool name : Export Shapes to Generate _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd io_shapes 4 -SHAPES [-FIELD ] [-FILENAME ] -SHAPES: Shapes Shapes (input) -FIELD: Attribute Table field -FILENAME: File File path Export Surfer Blanking File _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\io_shapes.dll library name: Import/Export - Shapes tool name : Export Surfer Blanking File _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd io_shapes 5 -SHAPES [-NAME ] [-DESC ] [-ZVAL ] [-BNAME] [-BDESC] [-BZVAL] [-FILE ] -SHAPES: Shapes Shapes (input) -NAME: Name Table field -DESC: Description Table field -ZVAL: z values Table field -BNAME Export names Boolean Default: 0 -BDESC Export descriptions Boolean Default: 0 -BZVAL Export z values Boolean Default: 0 -FILE: File File path Import Surfer Blanking Files _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\io_shapes.dll library name: Import/Export - Shapes tool name : Import Surfer Blanking Files _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd io_shapes 6 [-SHAPES ] [-TABLE ] [-FILE ] [-TYPE ] -SHAPES: Shapes Shapes (output) -TABLE: Look up table (Points) Table (optional output) -FILE: File File path -TYPE: Shape Type Choice Available Choices: [0] points [1] lines [2] polygons Default: 1 Export Atlas Boundary File _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\io_shapes.dll library name: Import/Export - Shapes tool name : Export Atlas Boundary File _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd io_shapes 7 -SHAPES [-PNAME ] [-SNAME ] [-FILE ] -SHAPES: Shapes Shapes (input) -PNAME: Primary Name Table field -SNAME: Secondary Name Table field -FILE: File File path Import Atlas Boundary File _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\io_shapes.dll library name: Import/Export - Shapes tool name : Import Atlas Boundary File _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd io_shapes 8 [-FILE ] -FILE: File File path Export WASP terrain map file _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\io_shapes.dll library name: Import/Export - Shapes tool name : Export WASP terrain map file _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd io_shapes 9 -SHAPES [-ELEVATION ] [-FILE ] -SHAPES: Contour Lines Shapes (input) -ELEVATION: Map File Table field -FILE: File Name File path Import WASP terrain map file _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\io_shapes.dll library name: Import/Export - Shapes tool name : Import WASP terrain map file _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd io_shapes 10 [-SHAPES ] [-FILE ] [-METHOD ] -SHAPES: Contour Lines Shapes (output) -FILE: File Name File path -METHOD: Input Specification Choice Available Choices: [0] elevation [1] roughness [2] elevation and roughness Default: 0 Import Stereo Lithography File (STL) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\io_shapes.dll library name: Import/Export - Shapes tool name : Import Stereo Lithography File (STL) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd io_shapes 11 [-POINTS ] [-SHAPES ] [-GRID ] [-FILE ] [-METHOD ] [-METHOD_RASTER ] [-GRID_NX ] [-GRID_CELL ] [-ROT_X ] [-ROT_Y ] [-ROT_Z ] -POINTS: Point Cloud Data Object (optional output) -SHAPES: Shapes Data Object (optional output) -GRID: Grid Data Object (optional output) -FILE: File File path -METHOD: Target Choice Available Choices: [0] point cloud [1] point cloud (centered) [2] points [3] raster Default: 3 -METHOD_RASTER: Raster Dimension Choice Available Choices: [0] Raster Resolution (Pixels X) [1] Raster Resolution (Pixel Size) Default: 0 -GRID_NX: Raster Resolution (Pixels X) Integer Minimum: 10 Default: 2000 -GRID_CELL: Raster Resolution (Pixels Size) Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -ROT_X: X Axis Floating point Default: 0.000000 -ROT_Y: Y Axis Floating point Default: 0.000000 -ROT_Z: Z Axis Floating point Default: 0.000000 Export TIN to Stereo Lithography File (STL) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\io_shapes.dll library name: Import/Export - Shapes tool name : Export TIN to Stereo Lithography File (STL) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd io_shapes 12 -TIN [-ZFIELD ] [-FILE ] [-BINARY ] -TIN: TIN TIN (input) -ZFIELD: Z Attribute Table field -FILE: File File path -BINARY: Output Type Choice Available Choices: [0] ASCII [1] binary Default: 1 Import GPX _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\io_shapes.dll library name: Import/Export - Shapes tool name : Import GPX _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd io_shapes 13 [-SHAPES ] [-FILE ] [-TIME] -SHAPES: GPX Import Shapes list (optional output) -FILE: File File path -TIME Time Stamp without date Boolean Default: 1 Export GPX _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\io_shapes.dll library name: Import/Export - Shapes tool name : Export GPX _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd io_shapes 14 -SHAPES [-FILE ] [-ELE ] [-NAME ] [-CMT ] [-DESC ] -SHAPES: Shapes Shapes (input) -FILE: File File path -ELE: Elevation Table field -NAME: Name Table field -CMT: Comment Table field -DESC: Description Table field Import Point Cloud from Shape File _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\io_shapes.dll library name: Import/Export - Shapes tool name : Import Point Cloud from Shape File _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd io_shapes 15 [-POINTS ] [-FILE ] -POINTS: Point Cloud Data Object (optional output) -FILE: File File path Import Point Cloud from Text File _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\io_shapes.dll library name: Import/Export - Shapes tool name : Import Point Cloud from Text File _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd io_shapes 16 [-POINTS ] [-FILE ] [-XFIELD ] [-YFIELD ] [-ZFIELD ] [-FIELDS ] [-FIELDNAMES ] [-FIELDTYPES ] [-SKIP_HEADER] [-FIELDSEP ] -POINTS: Point Cloud Data Object (optional output) -FILE: Text File File path -XFIELD: X is Column ... Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 1 -YFIELD: Y is Column ... Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 2 -ZFIELD: Z is Column ... Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 3 -FIELDS: Fields Text -FIELDNAMES: Field Names Text -FIELDTYPES: Field Types Text -SKIP_HEADER Skip first line Boolean Default: 0 -FIELDSEP: Field Separator Choice Available Choices: [0] tabulator [1] space [2] comma Default: 0 Export Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) File _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\io_shapes.dll library name: Import/Export - Shapes tool name : Export Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) File _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd io_shapes 17 -SHAPES [-FILE ] -SHAPES: Shapes Shapes list (input) -FILE: File File path Export Point Cloud to Text File _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\io_shapes.dll library name: Import/Export - Shapes tool name : Export Point Cloud to Text File _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd io_shapes 18 -POINTS [-FILE ] [-WRITE_HEADER] [-FIELDSEP ] [-FIELDS ] [-PRECISIONS ] -POINTS: Point Cloud Point Cloud (input) -FILE: Text File File path -WRITE_HEADER Write Header Boolean Default: 0 -FIELDSEP: Field Separator Choice Available Choices: [0] tabulator [1] space [2] comma Default: 0 -FIELDS: Fields Text -PRECISIONS: Precisions Text Import Simple Features from Well Known Text _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\io_shapes.dll library name: Import/Export - Shapes tool name : Import Simple Features from Well Known Text _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd io_shapes 19 [-SHAPES ] [-FILE ] -SHAPES: WKT Import Shapes list (optional output) -FILE: File File path Export Simple Features to Well Known Text _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\io_shapes.dll library name: Import/Export - Shapes tool name : Export Simple Features to Well Known Text _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd io_shapes 20 -SHAPES [-FILE ] -SHAPES: Shapes Shapes (input) -FILE: File File path Import DXF Files _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\io_shapes_dxf.dll library name: Import/Export - DXF tool name : Import DXF Files _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd io_shapes_dxf 0 [-SHAPES ] [-TABLES ] [-FILE ] [-FILTER ] [-DCIRCLE ] -SHAPES: Shapes Shapes list (optional output) -TABLES: Tables Shapes list (optional output) -FILE: File File path -FILTER: Import Filter Choice Available Choices: [0] all entities [1] only entities with layer definition [2] only entities without layer definition Default: 1 -DCIRCLE: Circle Point Distance [Degree] Floating point Minimum: 0.010000 Maximum: 45.000000 Default: 5.000000 Export LAS Files _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\io_shapes_las.dll library name: Import/Export - LAS tool name : Export LAS Files _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd io_shapes_las 0 -POINTS [-T ] [-i ] [-a ] [-r ] [-n ] [-c ] [-u ] [-R ] [-G ] [-B ] [-e ] [-d ] [-p ] [-RGB ] [-OFF_X ] [-OFF_Y ] [-OFF_Z ] [-SCALE_X ] [-SCALE_Y ] [-SCALE_Z ] [-FORMAT ] [-FILE ] -POINTS: Point Cloud Point Cloud (input) -T: gps-time Table field -i: intensity Table field -a: scan angle Table field -r: number of the return Table field -n: number of returns of given pulse Table field -c: classification Table field -u: user data Table field -R: red channel color Table field -G: green channel color Table field -B: blue channel color Table field -e: edge of flight line flag Table field -d: direction of scan flag Table field -p: point source ID Table field -RGB: SAGA RGB color Table field -OFF_X: Offset X Floating point Default: 0.000000 -OFF_Y: Offset Y Floating point Default: 0.000000 -OFF_Z: Offset Z Floating point Default: 0.000000 -SCALE_X: Scale X Floating point Default: 0.001000 -SCALE_Y: Scale Y Floating point Default: 0.001000 -SCALE_Z: Scale Z Floating point Default: 0.001000 -FORMAT: Point Data Record Format Choice Available Choices: [0] 0 [1] 1 [2] 2 [3] 3 Default: 3 -FILE: Output File File path Import LAS Files _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\io_shapes_las.dll library name: Import/Export - LAS tool name : Import LAS Files _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd io_shapes_las 1 [-FILES ] [-POINTS ] [-T] [-i] [-a] [-r] [-c] [-u] [-n] [-R] [-G] [-B] [-e] [-d] [-p] [-C] [-VALID] [-RGB_RANGE ] -FILES: Input Files File path -POINTS: Point Clouds Point Cloud list (output) -T gps-time Boolean Default: 0 -i intensity Boolean Default: 0 -a scan angle Boolean Default: 0 -r number of the return Boolean Default: 0 -c classification Boolean Default: 0 -u user data Boolean Default: 0 -n number of returns of given pulse Boolean Default: 0 -R red channel color Boolean Default: 0 -G green channel color Boolean Default: 0 -B blue channel color Boolean Default: 0 -e edge of flight line flag Boolean Default: 0 -d direction of scan flag Boolean Default: 0 -p point source ID Boolean Default: 0 -C rgb color Boolean Default: 0 -VALID Check Point Validity Boolean Default: 0 -RGB_RANGE: R,G,B value range Choice Available Choices: [0] 16 bit [1] 8 bit Default: 0 LAS Info _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\io_shapes_las.dll library name: Import/Export - LAS tool name : LAS Info _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd io_shapes_las 2 [-FILE ] [-HEADER] -FILE: LAS File File path -HEADER Only Header Info Boolean Default: 0 Export Text Table _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\io_table.dll library name: Import/Export - Tables tool name : Export Text Table _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd io_table 0 -TABLE [-HEADLINE] [-STRQUOTA] [-SEPARATOR ] [-SEP_OTHER ] [-FILENAME ] -TABLE: Table Table (input) -HEADLINE Save Headline Boolean Default: 1 -STRQUOTA Strings in Quota Boolean Default: 1 -SEPARATOR: Separator Choice Available Choices: [0] tabulator [1] ; [2] , [3] space [4] other Default: 0 -SEP_OTHER: other Text Default: * -FILENAME: File File path Import Text Table _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\io_table.dll library name: Import/Export - Tables tool name : Import Text Table _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd io_table 1 [-TABLE ] [-HEADLINE] [-SEPARATOR ] [-SEP_OTHER ] [-FILENAME ] -TABLE: Table Table (output) -HEADLINE File contains headline Boolean Default: 1 -SEPARATOR: Separator Choice Available Choices: [0] tabulator [1] ; [2] , [3] space [4] other Default: 0 -SEP_OTHER: Separator (other) Text Default: * -FILENAME: File File path Import Text Table with Numbers only _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\io_table.dll library name: Import/Export - Tables tool name : Import Text Table with Numbers only _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd io_table 2 [-TABLE ] [-HEADLINE] [-SEPARATOR ] [-SEP_OTHER ] [-FILENAME ] -TABLE: Table Table (output) -HEADLINE File contains headline Boolean Default: 0 -SEPARATOR: Separator Choice Available Choices: [0] tabulator [1] ; [2] , [3] other Default: 0 -SEP_OTHER: Separator (other) Text Default: * -FILENAME: File File path Import Text Table (Fixed Column Sizes) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\io_table.dll library name: Import/Export - Tables tool name : Import Text Table (Fixed Column Sizes) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd io_table 3 [-TABLE ] [-HEADLINE] [-FIELDDEF ] [-NFIELDS ] [-LIST ] [-FILENAME ] -TABLE: Table Table (output) -HEADLINE File contains headline Boolean Default: 1 -FIELDDEF: Field Definition Choice Available Choices: [0] mark breaks in first line [1] specify fields with type [2] from list Default: 2 -NFIELDS: Number of Fields Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 1 -LIST: List Static table 3 Fields: - 1. [string] Name - 2. [signed 4 byte integer] Size - 3. [unsigned 1 byte integer] Numeric -FILENAME: File File path Create Virtual Point Cloud Dataset _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\io_virtual.dll library name: Import/Export - Virtual tool name : Create Virtual Point Cloud Dataset _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd io_virtual 0 [-FILES ] [-FILENAME ] [-METHOD_PATHS ] -FILES: Input Files File path -FILENAME: Filename File path -METHOD_PATHS: File Paths Choice Available Choices: [0] absolute [1] relative Default: 1 Get Subset from Virtual Point Cloud _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\io_virtual.dll library name: Import/Export - Virtual tool name : Get Subset from Virtual Point Cloud _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd io_virtual 1 [-FILENAME ] [-PC_OUT ] [-AOI_SHP ] [-AOI_GRID ] [-AOI_XRANGE_MIN ] [-AOI_XRANGE_MAX ] [-AOI_YRANGE_MIN ] [-AOI_YRANGE_MAX ] [-AOI_ADD_OVERLAP] [-OVERLAP ] -FILENAME: Filename File path -PC_OUT: Point Cloud Point Cloud (output) -AOI_SHP: Shape Shapes (optional input) -AOI_GRID: Grid Grid (optional input) -AOI_XRANGE_MIN: X-Extent Value range -AOI_XRANGE_MAX: X-Extent Value range -AOI_YRANGE_MIN: Y-Extent Value range -AOI_YRANGE_MAX: Y-Extent Value range -AOI_ADD_OVERLAP Add Overlap Boolean Default: 0 -OVERLAP: Overlap Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 50.000000 Create Tileshape from Virtual Point Cloud _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\io_virtual.dll library name: Import/Export - Virtual tool name : Create Tileshape from Virtual Point Cloud _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd io_virtual 2 [-FILENAME ] [-TILE_SHP ] -FILENAME: Filename File path -TILE_SHP: Tileshape Shapes (output) Rectify Grid _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\pj_georeference.dll library name: Projection - Georeferencing tool name : Rectify Grid _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd pj_georeference 1 -REF_SOURCE [-REF_TARGET ] [-XFIELD ] [-YFIELD ] [-METHOD ] [-ORDER ] -GRID [-INTERPOLATION ] [-TARGET_TYPE ] [-GET_USER_XMIN ] [-GET_USER_XMAX ] [-GET_USER_YMIN ] [-GET_USER_YMAX ] [-GET_USER_SIZE ] [-GET_USER_FIT ] [-GET_USER_GRID ] [-GET_GRID_GRID ] [-GET_POINTS_POINTS ] -REF_SOURCE: Reference Points (Origin) Shapes (input) -REF_TARGET: Reference Points (Projection) Shapes (optional input) -XFIELD: x Position Table field -YFIELD: y Position Table field -METHOD: Method Choice Available Choices: [0] Automatic [1] Triangulation [2] Spline [3] Affine [4] 1st Order Polynomial [5] 2nd Order Polynomial [6] 3rd Order Polynomial [7] Polynomial, Order Default: 0 -ORDER: Polynomial Order Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 3 -GRID: Grid Grid (input) -INTERPOLATION: Interpolation Choice Available Choices: [0] nearest neigbhour [1] bilinear [2] inverse distance [3] bicubic spline [4] B-spline Default: 4 -TARGET_TYPE: Target Choice Available Choices: [0] user defined [1] grid or grid system [2] points from grid nodes Default: 0 -GET_USER_XMIN: Left Floating point Default: 0.000000 -GET_USER_XMAX: Right Floating point Default: 0.000000 -GET_USER_YMIN: Bottom Floating point Default: 0.000000 -GET_USER_YMAX: Top Floating point Default: 0.000000 -GET_USER_SIZE: Cellsize Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -GET_USER_FIT: Fit Choice Available Choices: [0] nodes [1] cells Default: 0 -GET_USER_GRID: Grid Data Object (optional output) -GET_GRID_GRID: Grid Grid (optional input) -GET_POINTS_POINTS: Grid Nodes Shapes (output) Warping Shapes _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\pj_georeference.dll library name: Projection - Georeferencing tool name : Warping Shapes _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd pj_georeference 2 -REF_SOURCE [-REF_TARGET ] [-XFIELD ] [-YFIELD ] [-METHOD ] [-ORDER ] -INPUT [-OUTPUT ] -REF_SOURCE: Reference Points (Origin) Shapes (input) -REF_TARGET: Reference Points (Projection) Shapes (optional input) -XFIELD: x Position Table field -YFIELD: y Position Table field -METHOD: Method Choice Available Choices: [0] Automatic [1] Triangulation [2] Spline [3] Affine [4] 1st Order Polynomial [5] 2nd Order Polynomial [6] 3rd Order Polynomial [7] Polynomial, Order Default: 0 -ORDER: Polynomial Order Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 3 -INPUT: Input Shapes (input) -OUTPUT: Output Shapes (output) Direct Georeferencing of Airborne Photographs _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\pj_georeference.dll library name: Projection - Georeferencing tool name : Direct Georeferencing of Airborne Photographs _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd pj_georeference 4 -INPUT [-OUTPUT ] [-EXTENT ] [-X ] [-Y ] [-Z ] [-ORIENTATION ] [-OMEGA ] [-PHI ] [-KAPPA ] [-KAPPA_OFF ] [-CFL ] [-PXSIZE ] [-ZREF ] [-DEM ] [-INTERPOLATION ] [-DATA_TYPE ] [-TARGET_TYPE ] [-USER_XMIN ] [-USER_XMAX ] [-USER_YMIN ] [-USER_YMAX ] [-USER_SIZE ] [-USER_FIT ] [-SYSTEM_SYSTEM_NX ] [-SYSTEM_SYSTEM_NY ] [-SYSTEM_SYSTEM_X ] [-SYSTEM_SYSTEM_Y ] [-SYSTEM_SYSTEM_D ] -INPUT: Unreferenced Grids Grid list (input) -OUTPUT: Referenced Grids Grid list (output) -EXTENT: Extent Shapes (optional output) -X: X Floating point Default: 0.000000 -Y: Y Floating point Default: 0.000000 -Z: Flying Height Floating point Default: 1000.000000 -ORIENTATION: Orientation Choice Available Choices: [0] BLUH [1] PATB Default: 0 -OMEGA: Omega [degree] Floating point Default: 0.000000 -PHI: Phi [degree] Floating point Default: 0.000000 -KAPPA: Kappa [degree] Floating point Default: 0.000000 -KAPPA_OFF: Kappa Offset [degree] Floating point Default: 90.000000 -CFL: Focal Length [mm] Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 80.000000 -PXSIZE: CCD Physical Pixel Size [micron] Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 5.200000 -ZREF: Reference Height Floating point Default: 0.000000 -DEM: Elevation Grid (optional input) -INTERPOLATION: Interpolation Choice Available Choices: [0] Nearest Neigbhor [1] Bilinear Interpolation [2] Inverse Distance Interpolation [3] Bicubic Spline Interpolation [4] B-Spline Interpolation Default: 4 -DATA_TYPE: Data Storage Type Choice Available Choices: [0] 1 byte unsigned integer [1] 1 byte signed integer [2] 2 byte unsigned integer [3] 2 byte signed integer [4] 4 byte unsigned integer [5] 4 byte signed integer [6] 4 byte floating point [7] 8 byte floating point [8] same as original Default: 8 -TARGET_TYPE: Target Choice Available Choices: [0] user defined grid system [1] existing grid system Default: 0 -USER_XMIN: Left Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_XMAX: Right Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_YMIN: Bottom Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_YMAX: Top Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_SIZE: Cellsize Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -USER_FIT: Fit Choice Available Choices: [0] nodes [1] cells Default: 0 -SYSTEM_SYSTEM_NX: Grid System Grid system -SYSTEM_SYSTEM_NY: Grid System Grid system -SYSTEM_SYSTEM_X: Grid System Grid system -SYSTEM_SYSTEM_Y: Grid System Grid system -SYSTEM_SYSTEM_D: Grid System Grid system Define Georeference for Grids _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\pj_georeference.dll library name: Projection - Georeferencing tool name : Define Georeference for Grids _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd pj_georeference 5 -GRIDS [-REFERENCED ] [-DEFINITION ] [-SIZE ] [-XMIN ] [-YMIN ] [-XMAX ] [-YMAX ] -GRIDS: Grids Grid list (input) -REFERENCED: Referenced Grids Grid list (output) -DEFINITION: Definition Choice Available Choices: [0] cellsize and lower left center coordinates [1] cellsize and lower left corner coordinates [2] cellsize and upper left center coordinates [3] cellsize and upper left corner coordinates [4] lower left and upper right center coordinates [5] lower left and upper right corner coordinates Default: 0 -SIZE: Cellsize Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -XMIN: Left Floating point Default: 0.000000 -YMIN: Lower Floating point Default: 0.000000 -XMAX: Right Floating point Default: 0.000000 -YMAX: Upper Floating point Default: 0.000000 GeoTrans (Shapes) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\pj_geotrans.dll library name: Projection - GeoTRANS tool name : GeoTrans (Shapes) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd pj_geotrans 0 [-DATA_ELLIPSOID ] [-DATA_DATUM_7 ] [-DATA_DATUM_3 ] [-DATA_GEOID ] -SOURCE [-TARGET ] [-PROJECTION_SOURCE_DATUM ] [-PROJECTION_TARGET_DATUM ] [-PROJECTION_SOURCE_PROJECTION ] [-PROJECTION_TARGET_PROJECTION ] -DATA_ELLIPSOID: Ellipsoids File path -DATA_DATUM_7: Datums (7 Parameters) File path -DATA_DATUM_3: Datums (3 Parameters) File path -DATA_GEOID: Geoid File path -SOURCE: Source Shapes (input) -TARGET: Target Shapes (output) -PROJECTION_SOURCE_DATUM: Source Datum Choice Available Choices: [0] [not set] Default: 0 -PROJECTION_TARGET_DATUM: Target Datum Choice Available Choices: [0] [not set] Default: 0 -PROJECTION_SOURCE_PROJECTION: Source Projection Choice Available Choices: [0] [not set] Default: 0 -PROJECTION_TARGET_PROJECTION: Target Projection Choice Available Choices: [0] [not set] Default: 0 GeoTrans (Grid) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\pj_geotrans.dll library name: Projection - GeoTRANS tool name : GeoTrans (Grid) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd pj_geotrans 1 [-DATA_ELLIPSOID ] [-DATA_DATUM_7 ] [-DATA_DATUM_3 ] [-DATA_GEOID ] [-OUT_GRID ] [-OUT_X ] [-OUT_Y ] [-OUT_SHAPES ] -SOURCE [-CREATE_XY] [-INTERPOLATION ] [-TARGET_TYPE ] [-PROJECTION_SOURCE_DATUM ] [-PROJECTION_TARGET_DATUM ] [-PROJECTION_SOURCE_PROJECTION ] [-PROJECTION_TARGET_PROJECTION ] [-GET_USER_XMIN ] [-GET_USER_XMAX ] [-GET_USER_YMIN ] [-GET_USER_YMAX ] [-GET_USER_SIZE ] [-GET_USER_FIT ] [-GET_USER_GRID ] [-GET_GRID_GRID ] [-GET_SHAPES_SHAPES ] -DATA_ELLIPSOID: Ellipsoids File path -DATA_DATUM_7: Datums (7 Parameters) File path -DATA_DATUM_3: Datums (3 Parameters) File path -DATA_GEOID: Geoid File path -OUT_GRID: Grid Data Object (optional output) -OUT_X: X Coordinates Data Object (optional output) -OUT_Y: Y Coordinates Data Object (optional output) -OUT_SHAPES: Shapes Data Object (optional output) -SOURCE: Source Grid (input) -CREATE_XY Create X/Y Grids Boolean Default: 0 -INTERPOLATION: Grid Interpolation Choice Available Choices: [0] Nearest Neigbhor [1] Bilinear Interpolation [2] Inverse Distance Interpolation [3] Bicubic Spline Interpolation [4] B-Spline Interpolation Default: 4 -TARGET_TYPE: Target Choice Available Choices: [0] user defined [1] grid [2] shapes Default: 0 -PROJECTION_SOURCE_DATUM: Source Datum Choice Available Choices: [0] [not set] Default: 0 -PROJECTION_TARGET_DATUM: Target Datum Choice Available Choices: [0] [not set] Default: 0 -PROJECTION_SOURCE_PROJECTION: Source Projection Choice Available Choices: [0] [not set] Default: 0 -PROJECTION_TARGET_PROJECTION: Target Projection Choice Available Choices: [0] [not set] Default: 0 -GET_USER_XMIN: Left Floating point Default: 0.000000 -GET_USER_XMAX: Right Floating point Default: 0.000000 -GET_USER_YMIN: Bottom Floating point Default: 0.000000 -GET_USER_YMAX: Top Floating point Default: 0.000000 -GET_USER_SIZE: Cellsize Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -GET_USER_FIT: Fit Choice Available Choices: [0] nodes [1] cells Default: 0 -GET_USER_GRID: Grid Data Object (optional output) -GET_GRID_GRID: Grid Grid (optional input) -GET_SHAPES_SHAPES: Shapes Shapes (output) Set Coordinate Reference System _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\pj_proj4.dll library name: Projection - Proj.4 tool name : Set Coordinate Reference System _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd pj_proj4 0 [-CRS_METHOD ] [-CRS_PROJ4 ] [-CRS_FILE ] [-CRS_EPSG ] [-PRECISE] [-GRIDS ] [-SHAPES ] -CRS_METHOD: Get CRS Definition from... Choice Available Choices: [0] Proj4 Parameters [1] EPSG Code [2] Well Known Text File Default: 0 -CRS_PROJ4: Proj4 Parameters Long text -CRS_FILE: Well Known Text File File path -CRS_EPSG: EPSG Code Integer Minimum: -1 Maximum: 99999 Default: -1 -PRECISE Precise Datum Conversion Boolean Default: 0 -GRIDS: Grids Grid list (optional input) -SHAPES: Shapes Shapes list (optional input) Coordinate Transformation (Shapes List) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\pj_proj4.dll library name: Projection - Proj.4 tool name : Coordinate Transformation (Shapes List) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd pj_proj4 1 [-CRS_METHOD ] [-CRS_PROJ4 ] [-CRS_FILE ] [-CRS_EPSG ] [-PRECISE] -SOURCE [-TARGET ] -CRS_METHOD: Get CRS Definition from... Choice Available Choices: [0] Proj4 Parameters [1] EPSG Code [2] Well Known Text File Default: 0 -CRS_PROJ4: Proj4 Parameters Long text -CRS_FILE: Well Known Text File File path -CRS_EPSG: EPSG Code Integer Minimum: -1 Maximum: 99999 Default: -1 -PRECISE Precise Datum Conversion Boolean Default: 0 -SOURCE: Source Shapes list (input) -TARGET: Target Shapes list (optional output) Coordinate Transformation (Shapes) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\pj_proj4.dll library name: Projection - Proj.4 tool name : Coordinate Transformation (Shapes) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd pj_proj4 2 [-CRS_METHOD ] [-CRS_PROJ4 ] [-CRS_FILE ] [-CRS_EPSG ] [-PRECISE] -SOURCE [-TARGET ] -CRS_METHOD: Get CRS Definition from... Choice Available Choices: [0] Proj4 Parameters [1] EPSG Code [2] Well Known Text File Default: 0 -CRS_PROJ4: Proj4 Parameters Long text -CRS_FILE: Well Known Text File File path -CRS_EPSG: EPSG Code Integer Minimum: -1 Maximum: 99999 Default: -1 -PRECISE Precise Datum Conversion Boolean Default: 0 -SOURCE: Source Shapes (input) -TARGET: Target Shapes (output) Coordinate Transformation (Grid List) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\pj_proj4.dll library name: Projection - Proj.4 tool name : Coordinate Transformation (Grid List) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd pj_proj4 3 [-CRS_METHOD ] [-CRS_PROJ4 ] [-CRS_FILE ] [-CRS_EPSG ] [-PRECISE] -SOURCE [-TARGET ] [-CREATE_XY] [-OUT_X ] [-OUT_Y ] [-INTERPOLATION ] [-TARGET_TYPE ] [-TARGET_AREA] [-GET_USER_XMIN ] [-GET_USER_XMAX ] [-GET_USER_YMIN ] [-GET_USER_YMAX ] [-GET_USER_SIZE ] [-GET_USER_FIT ] [-GET_SYSTEM_SYSTEM_NX ] [-GET_SYSTEM_SYSTEM_NY ] [-GET_SYSTEM_SYSTEM_X ] [-GET_SYSTEM_SYSTEM_Y ] [-GET_SYSTEM_SYSTEM_D ] [-POINTS_POINTS ] -CRS_METHOD: Get CRS Definition from... Choice Available Choices: [0] Proj4 Parameters [1] EPSG Code [2] Well Known Text File Default: 0 -CRS_PROJ4: Proj4 Parameters Long text -CRS_FILE: Well Known Text File File path -CRS_EPSG: EPSG Code Integer Minimum: -1 Maximum: 99999 Default: -1 -PRECISE Precise Datum Conversion Boolean Default: 0 -SOURCE: Source Grid list (input) -TARGET: Target Grid list (optional output) -CREATE_XY Create X/Y Grids Boolean Default: 0 -OUT_X: X Coordinates Data Object (optional output) -OUT_Y: Y Coordinates Data Object (optional output) -INTERPOLATION: Interpolation Choice Available Choices: [0] Nearest Neigbhor [1] Bilinear Interpolation [2] Inverse Distance Interpolation [3] Bicubic Spline Interpolation [4] B-Spline Interpolation Default: 4 -TARGET_TYPE: Target Choice Available Choices: [0] user defined grid system [1] existing grid system [2] points Default: 0 -TARGET_AREA Use Target Area Polygon Boolean Default: 0 -GET_USER_XMIN: Left Floating point Default: 0.000000 -GET_USER_XMAX: Right Floating point Default: 0.000000 -GET_USER_YMIN: Bottom Floating point Default: 0.000000 -GET_USER_YMAX: Top Floating point Default: 0.000000 -GET_USER_SIZE: Cellsize Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -GET_USER_FIT: Fit Choice Available Choices: [0] nodes [1] cells Default: 0 -GET_SYSTEM_SYSTEM_NX: Grid System Grid system -GET_SYSTEM_SYSTEM_NY: Grid System Grid system -GET_SYSTEM_SYSTEM_X: Grid System Grid system -GET_SYSTEM_SYSTEM_Y: Grid System Grid system -GET_SYSTEM_SYSTEM_D: Grid System Grid system -POINTS_POINTS: Points Shapes (output) Coordinate Transformation (Grid) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\pj_proj4.dll library name: Projection - Proj.4 tool name : Coordinate Transformation (Grid) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd pj_proj4 4 [-CRS_METHOD ] [-CRS_PROJ4 ] [-CRS_FILE ] [-CRS_EPSG ] [-PRECISE] -SOURCE [-CREATE_XY] [-OUT_X ] [-OUT_Y ] [-INTERPOLATION ] [-TARGET_TYPE ] [-TARGET_AREA] [-GET_USER_XMIN ] [-GET_USER_XMAX ] [-GET_USER_YMIN ] [-GET_USER_YMAX ] [-GET_USER_SIZE ] [-GET_USER_FIT ] [-GET_USER_GRID ] [-GET_GRID_GRID ] [-POINTS_POINTS ] -CRS_METHOD: Get CRS Definition from... Choice Available Choices: [0] Proj4 Parameters [1] EPSG Code [2] Well Known Text File Default: 0 -CRS_PROJ4: Proj4 Parameters Long text -CRS_FILE: Well Known Text File File path -CRS_EPSG: EPSG Code Integer Minimum: -1 Maximum: 99999 Default: -1 -PRECISE Precise Datum Conversion Boolean Default: 0 -SOURCE: Source Grid (input) -CREATE_XY Create X/Y Grids Boolean Default: 0 -OUT_X: X Coordinates Data Object (optional output) -OUT_Y: Y Coordinates Data Object (optional output) -INTERPOLATION: Interpolation Choice Available Choices: [0] Nearest Neigbhor [1] Bilinear Interpolation [2] Inverse Distance Interpolation [3] Bicubic Spline Interpolation [4] B-Spline Interpolation Default: 4 -TARGET_TYPE: Target Choice Available Choices: [0] user defined grid system [1] existing grid system [2] points Default: 0 -TARGET_AREA Use Target Area Polygon Boolean Default: 0 -GET_USER_XMIN: Left Floating point Default: 0.000000 -GET_USER_XMAX: Right Floating point Default: 0.000000 -GET_USER_YMIN: Bottom Floating point Default: 0.000000 -GET_USER_YMAX: Top Floating point Default: 0.000000 -GET_USER_SIZE: Cellsize Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -GET_USER_FIT: Fit Choice Available Choices: [0] nodes [1] cells Default: 0 -GET_USER_GRID: Grid Data Object (optional output) -GET_GRID_GRID: Grid Grid (optional input) -POINTS_POINTS: Points Shapes (output) Proj.4 (Command Line Arguments, Shapes) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\pj_proj4.dll library name: Projection - Proj.4 tool name : Proj.4 (Command Line Arguments, Shapes) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd pj_proj4 5 [-SOURCE_PROJ ] [-TARGET_PROJ ] -SOURCE [-TARGET ] -SOURCE_PROJ: Source Projection Parameters Text Default: +proj=tmerc +datum=potsdam +lon_0=9 +x_0=3500000 -TARGET_PROJ: Target Projection Parameters Text Default: +proj=tmerc +datum=potsdam +lon_0=12 +x_0=4500000 -SOURCE: Source Shapes (input) -TARGET: Target Shapes (output) Proj.4 (Dialog, Shapes) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\pj_proj4.dll library name: Projection - Proj.4 tool name : Proj.4 (Dialog, Shapes) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd pj_proj4 6 [-SOURCE_PROJ_PROJ_TYPE ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_DATUM_DEF ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_DATUM ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_DATUM_GRID ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_ELLIPSOID ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_ELLPS_PREDEF ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_ELLPS_A ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_ELLPS_B ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_ELLPS_F ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_ELLPS_RF ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_ELLPS_E ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_ELLPS_ES ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_DATUM_SHIFT ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_DS_DX ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_DS_DY ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_DS_DZ ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_DS_RX ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_DS_RY ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_DS_RZ ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_DS_SC ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_LON_0 ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_LAT_0 ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_X_0 ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_Y_0 ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_K_0 ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_UNIT ] [-TARGET_PROJ_PROJ_TYPE ] [-TARGET_PROJ_DATUM_DEF ] [-TARGET_PROJ_DATUM ] [-TARGET_PROJ_DATUM_GRID ] [-TARGET_PROJ_ELLIPSOID ] [-TARGET_PROJ_ELLPS_PREDEF ] [-TARGET_PROJ_ELLPS_A ] [-TARGET_PROJ_ELLPS_B ] [-TARGET_PROJ_ELLPS_F ] [-TARGET_PROJ_ELLPS_RF ] [-TARGET_PROJ_ELLPS_E ] [-TARGET_PROJ_ELLPS_ES ] [-TARGET_PROJ_DATUM_SHIFT ] [-TARGET_PROJ_DS_DX ] [-TARGET_PROJ_DS_DY ] [-TARGET_PROJ_DS_DZ ] [-TARGET_PROJ_DS_RX ] [-TARGET_PROJ_DS_RY ] [-TARGET_PROJ_DS_RZ ] [-TARGET_PROJ_DS_SC ] [-TARGET_PROJ_LON_0 ] [-TARGET_PROJ_LAT_0 ] [-TARGET_PROJ_X_0 ] [-TARGET_PROJ_Y_0 ] [-TARGET_PROJ_K_0 ] [-TARGET_PROJ_UNIT ] -SOURCE [-TARGET ] [-aea_lat_1 ] [-aea_lat_2 ] [-aeqd_guam] [-airy_lat_b ] [-airy_no_cut] [-bonne_lat_1 ] [-cea_lat_ts ] [-chamb_lat_1 ] [-chamb_lon_1 ] [-chamb_lat_2 ] [-chamb_lon_2 ] [-chamb_lat_3 ] [-chamb_lon_3 ] [-eqc_lat_ts ] [-eqdc_lat_1 ] [-eqdc_lat_2 ] [-euler_lat_1 ] [-euler_lat_2 ] [-gn_sinu_m ] [-gn_sinu_n ] [-hammer_W ] [-hammer_M ] [-imw_p_lat_1 ] [-imw_p_lat_2 ] [-labrd_azi ] [-lagrng_lat_1 ] [-lagrng_W ] [-lcc_lat_1 ] [-lcc_lat_2 ] [-leac_lat_1 ] [-leac_south] [-lsat_lsat ] [-lsat_path ] [-merc_lat_ts ] [-murd1_lat_1 ] [-murd1_lat_2 ] [-murd2_lat_1 ] [-murd2_lat_2 ] [-murd3_lat_1 ] [-murd3_lat_2 ] [-nsper_h ] [-ob_tran_o_lat_p ] [-ob_tran_o_lon_p ] [-ocea_lat_1 ] [-ocea_lon_1 ] [-ocea_lat_2 ] [-ocea_lon_2 ] [-oea_m ] [-oea_n ] [-oea_theta ] [-omerc_lat_1 ] [-omerc_lon_1 ] [-omerc_lat_2 ] [-omerc_lon_2 ] [-pconic_lat_1 ] [-pconic_lat_2 ] [-rpoly_lat_ts ] [-stere_lat_ts ] [-tissot_lat_1 ] [-tissot_lat_2 ] [-tpeqd_lat_1 ] [-tpeqd_lon_1 ] [-tpeqd_lat_2 ] [-tpeqd_lon_2 ] [-tpers_tilt ] [-tpers_azi ] [-tpers_h ] [-ups_south] [-urm5_n ] [-urm5_q ] [-urm5_alphi ] [-urmfps_n ] [-utm_zone ] [-utm_south] [-vitk1_lat_1 ] [-vitk1_lat_2 ] [-wag3_lat_ts ] [-wink1_lat_ts ] [-wink2_lat_1 ] [-wintri_lat_1 ] [-aea_lat_1 ] [-aea_lat_2 ] [-aeqd_guam] [-airy_lat_b ] [-airy_no_cut] [-bonne_lat_1 ] [-cea_lat_ts ] [-chamb_lat_1 ] [-chamb_lon_1 ] [-chamb_lat_2 ] [-chamb_lon_2 ] [-chamb_lat_3 ] [-chamb_lon_3 ] [-eqc_lat_ts ] [-eqdc_lat_1 ] [-eqdc_lat_2 ] [-euler_lat_1 ] [-euler_lat_2 ] [-gn_sinu_m ] [-gn_sinu_n ] [-hammer_W ] [-hammer_M ] [-imw_p_lat_1 ] [-imw_p_lat_2 ] [-labrd_azi ] [-lagrng_lat_1 ] [-lagrng_W ] [-lcc_lat_1 ] [-lcc_lat_2 ] [-leac_lat_1 ] [-leac_south] [-lsat_lsat ] [-lsat_path ] [-merc_lat_ts ] [-murd1_lat_1 ] [-murd1_lat_2 ] [-murd2_lat_1 ] [-murd2_lat_2 ] [-murd3_lat_1 ] [-murd3_lat_2 ] [-nsper_h ] [-ob_tran_o_lat_p ] [-ob_tran_o_lon_p ] [-ocea_lat_1 ] [-ocea_lon_1 ] [-ocea_lat_2 ] [-ocea_lon_2 ] [-oea_m ] [-oea_n ] [-oea_theta ] [-omerc_lat_1 ] [-omerc_lon_1 ] [-omerc_lat_2 ] [-omerc_lon_2 ] [-pconic_lat_1 ] [-pconic_lat_2 ] [-rpoly_lat_ts ] [-stere_lat_ts ] [-tissot_lat_1 ] [-tissot_lat_2 ] [-tpeqd_lat_1 ] [-tpeqd_lon_1 ] [-tpeqd_lat_2 ] [-tpeqd_lon_2 ] [-tpers_tilt ] [-tpers_azi ] [-tpers_h ] [-ups_south] [-urm5_n ] [-urm5_q ] [-urm5_alphi ] [-urmfps_n ] [-utm_zone ] [-utm_south] [-vitk1_lat_1 ] [-vitk1_lat_2 ] [-wag3_lat_ts ] [-wink1_lat_ts ] [-wink2_lat_1 ] [-wintri_lat_1 ] -SOURCE_PROJ_PROJ_TYPE: Projection Type Choice Available Choices: [0] Albers Equal Area [1] Azimuthal Equidistant [2] Airy [3] Aitoff [4] Mod. Stererographics of Alaska [5] Apian Globular I [6] August Epicycloidal [7] Bacon Globular [8] Bipolar conic of western hemisphere [9] Boggs Eumorphic [10] Bonne (Werner lat_1=90) [11] Cassini [12] Central Cylindrical [13] Equal Area Cylindrical [14] Chamberlin Trimetric [15] Collignon [16] Craster Parabolic (Putnins P4) [17] Denoyer Semi-Elliptical [18] Eckert I [19] Eckert II [20] Eckert III [21] Eckert IV [22] Eckert V [23] Eckert VI [24] Equidistant Cylindrical (Plate Caree) [25] Equidistant Conic [26] Euler [27] Extended Transverse Mercator [28] Fahey [29] Foucaut [30] Foucaut Sinusoidal [31] Gall (Gall Stereographic) [32] Geocentric [33] Geostationary Satellite View [34] Ginsburg VIII (TsNIIGAiK) [35] General Sinusoidal Series [36] Gnomonic [37] Goode Homolosine [38] Mod. Stererographics of 48 U.S. [39] Mod. Stererographics of 50 U.S. [40] Hammer & Eckert-Greifendorff [41] Hatano Asymmetrical Equal Area [42] HEALPix [43] rHEALPix [44] Interrupted Goode Homolosine [45] International Map of the World Polyconic [46] Icosahedral Snyder Equal Area [47] Kavraisky V [48] Kavraisky VII [49] Krovak [50] Laborde [51] Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area [52] Lagrange [53] Larrivee [54] Laskowski [55] Lat/long (Geodetic) [56] Lat/long (Geodetic alias) [57] Lat/long (Geodetic alias) [58] Lat/long (Geodetic alias) [59] Lambert Conformal Conic [60] Lambert Conformal Conic Alternative [61] Lambert Equal Area Conic [62] Lee Oblated Stereographic [63] Loximuthal [64] Space oblique for LANDSAT [65] McBryde-Thomas Flat-Polar Sine (No. 1) [66] McBryde-Thomas Flat-Pole Sine (No. 2) [67] McBride-Thomas Flat-Polar Parabolic [68] McBryde-Thomas Flat-Polar Quartic [69] McBryde-Thomas Flat-Polar Sinusoidal [70] Mercator [71] Miller Oblated Stereographic [72] Miller Cylindrical [73] Mollweide [74] Murdoch I [75] Murdoch II [76] Murdoch III [77] Natural Earth [78] Nell [79] Nell-Hammer [80] Nicolosi Globular [81] Near-sided perspective [82] New Zealand Map Grid [83] General Oblique Transformation [84] Oblique Cylindrical Equal Area [85] Oblated Equal Area [86] Oblique Mercator [87] Ortelius Oval [88] Orthographic [89] Perspective Conic [90] Polyconic (American) [91] Putnins P1 [92] Putnins P2 [93] Putnins P3 [94] Putnins P3' [95] Putnins P4' [96] Putnins P5 [97] Putnins P5' [98] Putnins P6 [99] Putnins P6' [100] Quartic Authalic [101] Robinson [102] Roussilhe Stereographic [103] Rectangular Polyconic [104] Sinusoidal (Sanson-Flamsteed) [105] Swiss. Obl. Mercator [106] Stereographic [107] Oblique Stereographic Alternative [108] Gauss-Schreiber Transverse Mercator (aka Gauss-Laborde Reunion) [109] Transverse Central Cylindrical [110] Transverse Cylindrical Equal Area [111] Tissot [112] Transverse Mercator [113] Two Point Equidistant [114] Tilted perspective [115] Universal Polar Stereographic [116] Urmaev V [117] Urmaev Flat-Polar Sinusoidal [118] Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) [119] van der Grinten (I) [120] van der Grinten II [121] van der Grinten III [122] van der Grinten IV [123] Vitkovsky I [124] Wagner I (Kavraisky VI) [125] Wagner II [126] Wagner III [127] Wagner IV [128] Wagner V [129] Wagner VI [130] Wagner VII [131] Werenskiold I [132] Winkel I [133] Winkel II [134] Winkel Tripel Default: 0 -SOURCE_PROJ_DATUM_DEF: Datum Definition Choice Available Choices: [0] Predefined Datum [1] User Defined Datum Default: 0 -SOURCE_PROJ_DATUM: Predefined Datum Choice Available Choices: [0] [WGS84] [1] [GGRS87] Greek_Geodetic_Reference_System_1987 [2] [NAD83] North_American_Datum_1983 [3] [NAD27] North_American_Datum_1927 [4] [potsdam] Potsdam Rauenberg 1950 DHDN [5] [carthage] Carthage 1934 Tunisia [6] [hermannskogel] Hermannskogel [7] [ire65] Ireland 1965 [8] [nzgd49] New Zealand Geodetic Datum 1949 [9] [OSGB36] Airy 1830 Default: 0 -SOURCE_PROJ_DATUM_GRID: Datum Shift Grid File File path -SOURCE_PROJ_ELLIPSOID: Ellipsoid Definition Choice Available Choices: [0] Predefined Standard Ellipsoids [1] Semimajor Axis and Semiminor Axis [2] Semimajor Axis and Flattening [3] Semimajor Axis and Reciprocal Flattening [4] Semimajor Axis and Eccentricity [5] Semimajor Axis and Eccentricity Squared Default: 0 -SOURCE_PROJ_ELLPS_PREDEF: Predefined Standard Ellipsoids Choice Available Choices: [0] [MERIT] MERIT 1983 (a=6378137.0, rf=298.257) [1] [SGS85] Soviet Geodetic System 85 (a=6378136.0, rf=298.257) [2] [GRS80] GRS 1980(IUGG, 1980) (a=6378137.0, rf=298.257222101) [3] [IAU76] IAU 1976 (a=6378140.0, rf=298.257) [4] [airy] Airy 1830 (a=6377563.396, b=6356256.910) [5] [APL4.9] Appl. Physics. 1965 (a=6378137.0., rf=298.25) [6] [NWL9D] Naval Weapons Lab., 1965 (a=6378145.0., rf=298.25) [7] [mod_airy] Modified Airy (a=6377340.189, b=6356034.446) [8] [andrae] Andrae 1876 (Den., Iclnd.) (a=6377104.43, rf=300.0) [9] [aust_SA] Australian Natl & S. Amer. 1969 (a=6378160.0, rf=298.25) [10] [GRS67] GRS 67(IUGG 1967) (a=6378160.0, rf=298.2471674270) [11] [bessel] Bessel 1841 (a=6377397.155, rf=299.1528128) [12] [bess_nam] Bessel 1841 (Namibia) (a=6377483.865, rf=299.1528128) [13] [clrk66] Clarke 1866 (a=6378206.4, b=6356583.8) [14] [clrk80] Clarke 1880 mod. (a=6378249.145, rf=293.4663) [15] [CPM] Comm. des Poids et Mesures 1799 (a=6375738.7, rf=334.29) [16] [delmbr] Delambre 1810 (Belgium) (a=6376428., rf=311.5) [17] [engelis] Engelis 1985 (a=6378136.05, rf=298.2566) [18] [evrst30] Everest 1830 (a=6377276.345, rf=300.8017) [19] [evrst48] Everest 1948 (a=6377304.063, rf=300.8017) [20] [evrst56] Everest 1956 (a=6377301.243, rf=300.8017) [21] [evrst69] Everest 1969 (a=6377295.664, rf=300.8017) [22] [evrstSS] Everest (Sabah & Sarawak) (a=6377298.556, rf=300.8017) [23] [fschr60] Fischer (Mercury Datum) 1960 (a=6378166., rf=298.3) [24] [fschr60m] Modified Fischer 1960 (a=6378155., rf=298.3) [25] [fschr68] Fischer 1968 (a=6378150., rf=298.3) [26] [helmert] Helmert 1906 (a=6378200., rf=298.3) [27] [hough] Hough (a=6378270.0, rf=297.) [28] [intl] International 1909 (Hayford) (a=6378388.0, rf=297.) [29] [krass] Krassovsky, 1942 (a=6378245.0, rf=298.3) [30] [kaula] Kaula 1961 (a=6378163., rf=298.24) [31] [lerch] Lerch 1979 (a=6378139., rf=298.257) [32] [mprts] Maupertius 1738 (a=6397300., rf=191.) [33] [new_intl] New International 1967 (a=6378157.5, b=6356772.2) [34] [plessis] Plessis 1817 (France) (a=6376523., b=6355863.) [35] [SEasia] Southeast Asia (a=6378155.0, b=6356773.3205) [36] [walbeck] Walbeck (a=6376896.0, b=6355834.8467) [37] [WGS60] WGS 60 (a=6378165.0, rf=298.3) [38] [WGS66] WGS 66 (a=6378145.0, rf=298.25) [39] [WGS72] WGS 72 (a=6378135.0, rf=298.26) [40] [WGS84] WGS 84 (a=6378137.0, rf=298.257223563) [41] [sphere] Normal Sphere (r=6370997) (a=6370997.0, b=6370997.0) Default: 0 -SOURCE_PROJ_ELLPS_A: Semimajor Axis (a) Floating point Default: 6377397.160000 -SOURCE_PROJ_ELLPS_B: Semiminor Axis (b) Floating point Default: 6356078.760000 -SOURCE_PROJ_ELLPS_F: Flattening (f) Floating point Default: 0.003343 -SOURCE_PROJ_ELLPS_RF: Reciprocal Flattening (rf) Floating point Default: 299.149897 -SOURCE_PROJ_ELLPS_E: Eccentricity (e) Floating point Default: 9003939.789875 -SOURCE_PROJ_ELLPS_ES: Squared Eccentricity (es) Floating point Default: 81070931739699.203000 -SOURCE_PROJ_DATUM_SHIFT: Datum Shift Choice Available Choices: [0] none [1] 3 parameters (translation only) [2] 7 parameters [3] Datum Shift Grid Default: 0 -SOURCE_PROJ_DS_DX: Translation X Floating point Default: 0.000000 -SOURCE_PROJ_DS_DY: Translation Y Floating point Default: 0.000000 -SOURCE_PROJ_DS_DZ: Translation Z Floating point Default: 0.000000 -SOURCE_PROJ_DS_RX: Rotation X Floating point Default: 0.000000 -SOURCE_PROJ_DS_RY: Rotation Y Floating point Default: 0.000000 -SOURCE_PROJ_DS_RZ: Rotation Z Floating point Default: 0.000000 -SOURCE_PROJ_DS_SC: Scaling Floating point Default: 1.000000 -SOURCE_PROJ_LON_0: Central Meridian Floating point Default: 0.000000 -SOURCE_PROJ_LAT_0: Central Parallel Floating point Default: 0.000000 -SOURCE_PROJ_X_0: False Easting Floating point Default: 0.000000 -SOURCE_PROJ_Y_0: False Northing Floating point Default: 0.000000 -SOURCE_PROJ_K_0: Scale Factor Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -SOURCE_PROJ_UNIT: Unit Choice Available Choices: [0] Kilometer (1000.) [1] Meter (1.) [2] Decimeter (1/10) [3] Centimeter (1/100) [4] Millimeter (1/1000) [5] International Nautical Mile (1852.0) [6] International Inch (0.0254) [7] International Foot (0.3048) [8] International Yard (0.9144) [9] International Statute Mile (1609.344) [10] International Fathom (1.8288) [11] International Chain (20.1168) [12] International Link (0.201168) [13] U.S. Surveyor's Inch (1./39.37) [14] U.S. Surveyor's Foot (0.304800609601219) [15] U.S. Surveyor's Yard (0.914401828803658) [16] U.S. Surveyor's Chain (20.11684023368047) [17] U.S. Surveyor's Statute Mile (1609.347218694437) [18] Indian Yard (0.91439523) [19] Indian Foot (0.30479841) [20] Indian Chain (20.11669506) Default: 1 -TARGET_PROJ_PROJ_TYPE: Projection Type Choice Available Choices: [0] Albers Equal Area [1] Azimuthal Equidistant [2] Airy [3] Aitoff [4] Mod. Stererographics of Alaska [5] Apian Globular I [6] August Epicycloidal [7] Bacon Globular [8] Bipolar conic of western hemisphere [9] Boggs Eumorphic [10] Bonne (Werner lat_1=90) [11] Cassini [12] Central Cylindrical [13] Equal Area Cylindrical [14] Chamberlin Trimetric [15] Collignon [16] Craster Parabolic (Putnins P4) [17] Denoyer Semi-Elliptical [18] Eckert I [19] Eckert II [20] Eckert III [21] Eckert IV [22] Eckert V [23] Eckert VI [24] Equidistant Cylindrical (Plate Caree) [25] Equidistant Conic [26] Euler [27] Extended Transverse Mercator [28] Fahey [29] Foucaut [30] Foucaut Sinusoidal [31] Gall (Gall Stereographic) [32] Geocentric [33] Geostationary Satellite View [34] Ginsburg VIII (TsNIIGAiK) [35] General Sinusoidal Series [36] Gnomonic [37] Goode Homolosine [38] Mod. Stererographics of 48 U.S. [39] Mod. Stererographics of 50 U.S. [40] Hammer & Eckert-Greifendorff [41] Hatano Asymmetrical Equal Area [42] HEALPix [43] rHEALPix [44] Interrupted Goode Homolosine [45] International Map of the World Polyconic [46] Icosahedral Snyder Equal Area [47] Kavraisky V [48] Kavraisky VII [49] Krovak [50] Laborde [51] Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area [52] Lagrange [53] Larrivee [54] Laskowski [55] Lat/long (Geodetic) [56] Lat/long (Geodetic alias) [57] Lat/long (Geodetic alias) [58] Lat/long (Geodetic alias) [59] Lambert Conformal Conic [60] Lambert Conformal Conic Alternative [61] Lambert Equal Area Conic [62] Lee Oblated Stereographic [63] Loximuthal [64] Space oblique for LANDSAT [65] McBryde-Thomas Flat-Polar Sine (No. 1) [66] McBryde-Thomas Flat-Pole Sine (No. 2) [67] McBride-Thomas Flat-Polar Parabolic [68] McBryde-Thomas Flat-Polar Quartic [69] McBryde-Thomas Flat-Polar Sinusoidal [70] Mercator [71] Miller Oblated Stereographic [72] Miller Cylindrical [73] Mollweide [74] Murdoch I [75] Murdoch II [76] Murdoch III [77] Natural Earth [78] Nell [79] Nell-Hammer [80] Nicolosi Globular [81] Near-sided perspective [82] New Zealand Map Grid [83] General Oblique Transformation [84] Oblique Cylindrical Equal Area [85] Oblated Equal Area [86] Oblique Mercator [87] Ortelius Oval [88] Orthographic [89] Perspective Conic [90] Polyconic (American) [91] Putnins P1 [92] Putnins P2 [93] Putnins P3 [94] Putnins P3' [95] Putnins P4' [96] Putnins P5 [97] Putnins P5' [98] Putnins P6 [99] Putnins P6' [100] Quartic Authalic [101] Robinson [102] Roussilhe Stereographic [103] Rectangular Polyconic [104] Sinusoidal (Sanson-Flamsteed) [105] Swiss. Obl. Mercator [106] Stereographic [107] Oblique Stereographic Alternative [108] Gauss-Schreiber Transverse Mercator (aka Gauss-Laborde Reunion) [109] Transverse Central Cylindrical [110] Transverse Cylindrical Equal Area [111] Tissot [112] Transverse Mercator [113] Two Point Equidistant [114] Tilted perspective [115] Universal Polar Stereographic [116] Urmaev V [117] Urmaev Flat-Polar Sinusoidal [118] Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) [119] van der Grinten (I) [120] van der Grinten II [121] van der Grinten III [122] van der Grinten IV [123] Vitkovsky I [124] Wagner I (Kavraisky VI) [125] Wagner II [126] Wagner III [127] Wagner IV [128] Wagner V [129] Wagner VI [130] Wagner VII [131] Werenskiold I [132] Winkel I [133] Winkel II [134] Winkel Tripel Default: 0 -TARGET_PROJ_DATUM_DEF: Datum Definition Choice Available Choices: [0] Predefined Datum [1] User Defined Datum Default: 0 -TARGET_PROJ_DATUM: Predefined Datum Choice Available Choices: [0] [WGS84] [1] [GGRS87] Greek_Geodetic_Reference_System_1987 [2] [NAD83] North_American_Datum_1983 [3] [NAD27] North_American_Datum_1927 [4] [potsdam] Potsdam Rauenberg 1950 DHDN [5] [carthage] Carthage 1934 Tunisia [6] [hermannskogel] Hermannskogel [7] [ire65] Ireland 1965 [8] [nzgd49] New Zealand Geodetic Datum 1949 [9] [OSGB36] Airy 1830 Default: 0 -TARGET_PROJ_DATUM_GRID: Datum Shift Grid File File path -TARGET_PROJ_ELLIPSOID: Ellipsoid Definition Choice Available Choices: [0] Predefined Standard Ellipsoids [1] Semimajor Axis and Semiminor Axis [2] Semimajor Axis and Flattening [3] Semimajor Axis and Reciprocal Flattening [4] Semimajor Axis and Eccentricity [5] Semimajor Axis and Eccentricity Squared Default: 0 -TARGET_PROJ_ELLPS_PREDEF: Predefined Standard Ellipsoids Choice Available Choices: [0] [MERIT] MERIT 1983 (a=6378137.0, rf=298.257) [1] [SGS85] Soviet Geodetic System 85 (a=6378136.0, rf=298.257) [2] [GRS80] GRS 1980(IUGG, 1980) (a=6378137.0, rf=298.257222101) [3] [IAU76] IAU 1976 (a=6378140.0, rf=298.257) [4] [airy] Airy 1830 (a=6377563.396, b=6356256.910) [5] [APL4.9] Appl. Physics. 1965 (a=6378137.0., rf=298.25) [6] [NWL9D] Naval Weapons Lab., 1965 (a=6378145.0., rf=298.25) [7] [mod_airy] Modified Airy (a=6377340.189, b=6356034.446) [8] [andrae] Andrae 1876 (Den., Iclnd.) (a=6377104.43, rf=300.0) [9] [aust_SA] Australian Natl & S. Amer. 1969 (a=6378160.0, rf=298.25) [10] [GRS67] GRS 67(IUGG 1967) (a=6378160.0, rf=298.2471674270) [11] [bessel] Bessel 1841 (a=6377397.155, rf=299.1528128) [12] [bess_nam] Bessel 1841 (Namibia) (a=6377483.865, rf=299.1528128) [13] [clrk66] Clarke 1866 (a=6378206.4, b=6356583.8) [14] [clrk80] Clarke 1880 mod. (a=6378249.145, rf=293.4663) [15] [CPM] Comm. des Poids et Mesures 1799 (a=6375738.7, rf=334.29) [16] [delmbr] Delambre 1810 (Belgium) (a=6376428., rf=311.5) [17] [engelis] Engelis 1985 (a=6378136.05, rf=298.2566) [18] [evrst30] Everest 1830 (a=6377276.345, rf=300.8017) [19] [evrst48] Everest 1948 (a=6377304.063, rf=300.8017) [20] [evrst56] Everest 1956 (a=6377301.243, rf=300.8017) [21] [evrst69] Everest 1969 (a=6377295.664, rf=300.8017) [22] [evrstSS] Everest (Sabah & Sarawak) (a=6377298.556, rf=300.8017) [23] [fschr60] Fischer (Mercury Datum) 1960 (a=6378166., rf=298.3) [24] [fschr60m] Modified Fischer 1960 (a=6378155., rf=298.3) [25] [fschr68] Fischer 1968 (a=6378150., rf=298.3) [26] [helmert] Helmert 1906 (a=6378200., rf=298.3) [27] [hough] Hough (a=6378270.0, rf=297.) [28] [intl] International 1909 (Hayford) (a=6378388.0, rf=297.) [29] [krass] Krassovsky, 1942 (a=6378245.0, rf=298.3) [30] [kaula] Kaula 1961 (a=6378163., rf=298.24) [31] [lerch] Lerch 1979 (a=6378139., rf=298.257) [32] [mprts] Maupertius 1738 (a=6397300., rf=191.) [33] [new_intl] New International 1967 (a=6378157.5, b=6356772.2) [34] [plessis] Plessis 1817 (France) (a=6376523., b=6355863.) [35] [SEasia] Southeast Asia (a=6378155.0, b=6356773.3205) [36] [walbeck] Walbeck (a=6376896.0, b=6355834.8467) [37] [WGS60] WGS 60 (a=6378165.0, rf=298.3) [38] [WGS66] WGS 66 (a=6378145.0, rf=298.25) [39] [WGS72] WGS 72 (a=6378135.0, rf=298.26) [40] [WGS84] WGS 84 (a=6378137.0, rf=298.257223563) [41] [sphere] Normal Sphere (r=6370997) (a=6370997.0, b=6370997.0) Default: 0 -TARGET_PROJ_ELLPS_A: Semimajor Axis (a) Floating point Default: 6377397.160000 -TARGET_PROJ_ELLPS_B: Semiminor Axis (b) Floating point Default: 6356078.760000 -TARGET_PROJ_ELLPS_F: Flattening (f) Floating point Default: 0.003343 -TARGET_PROJ_ELLPS_RF: Reciprocal Flattening (rf) Floating point Default: 299.149897 -TARGET_PROJ_ELLPS_E: Eccentricity (e) Floating point Default: 9003939.789875 -TARGET_PROJ_ELLPS_ES: Squared Eccentricity (es) Floating point Default: 81070931739699.203000 -TARGET_PROJ_DATUM_SHIFT: Datum Shift Choice Available Choices: [0] none [1] 3 parameters (translation only) [2] 7 parameters [3] Datum Shift Grid Default: 0 -TARGET_PROJ_DS_DX: Translation X Floating point Default: 0.000000 -TARGET_PROJ_DS_DY: Translation Y Floating point Default: 0.000000 -TARGET_PROJ_DS_DZ: Translation Z Floating point Default: 0.000000 -TARGET_PROJ_DS_RX: Rotation X Floating point Default: 0.000000 -TARGET_PROJ_DS_RY: Rotation Y Floating point Default: 0.000000 -TARGET_PROJ_DS_RZ: Rotation Z Floating point Default: 0.000000 -TARGET_PROJ_DS_SC: Scaling Floating point Default: 1.000000 -TARGET_PROJ_LON_0: Central Meridian Floating point Default: 0.000000 -TARGET_PROJ_LAT_0: Central Parallel Floating point Default: 0.000000 -TARGET_PROJ_X_0: False Easting Floating point Default: 0.000000 -TARGET_PROJ_Y_0: False Northing Floating point Default: 0.000000 -TARGET_PROJ_K_0: Scale Factor Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -TARGET_PROJ_UNIT: Unit Choice Available Choices: [0] Kilometer (1000.) [1] Meter (1.) [2] Decimeter (1/10) [3] Centimeter (1/100) [4] Millimeter (1/1000) [5] International Nautical Mile (1852.0) [6] International Inch (0.0254) [7] International Foot (0.3048) [8] International Yard (0.9144) [9] International Statute Mile (1609.344) [10] International Fathom (1.8288) [11] International Chain (20.1168) [12] International Link (0.201168) [13] U.S. Surveyor's Inch (1./39.37) [14] U.S. Surveyor's Foot (0.304800609601219) [15] U.S. Surveyor's Yard (0.914401828803658) [16] U.S. Surveyor's Chain (20.11684023368047) [17] U.S. Surveyor's Statute Mile (1609.347218694437) [18] Indian Yard (0.91439523) [19] Indian Foot (0.30479841) [20] Indian Chain (20.11669506) Default: 1 -SOURCE: Source Shapes (input) -TARGET: Target Shapes (output) -aea_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -aea_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -aeqd_guam guam Boolean Default: 1 -airy_lat_b: Latitude B Floating point Default: 45.000000 -airy_no_cut No Cut Boolean Default: 1 -bonne_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -cea_lat_ts: True Scale Latitude Floating point Default: 0.000000 -chamb_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 30.000000 -chamb_lon_1: Longitude 1 Floating point Default: -20.000000 -chamb_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 40.000000 -chamb_lon_2: Longitude 2 Floating point Default: 0.000000 -chamb_lat_3: Latitude 3 Floating point Default: 50.000000 -chamb_lon_3: Longitude 3 Floating point Default: 20.000000 -eqc_lat_ts: True Scale Latitude Floating point Default: 0.000000 -eqdc_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -eqdc_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -euler_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -euler_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -gn_sinu_m: m Floating point Default: 0.500000 -gn_sinu_n: n Floating point Default: 1.785398 -hammer_W: W Floating point Default: 0.500000 -hammer_M: M Floating point Default: 1.000000 -imw_p_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -imw_p_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -labrd_azi: Azimuth Floating point Default: 19.000000 -lagrng_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 0.000000 -lagrng_W: W Floating point Default: 2.000000 -lcc_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -lcc_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -leac_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -leac_south South Boolean Default: 0 -lsat_lsat: Landsat Integer Default: 1 -lsat_path: Path Integer Default: 1 -merc_lat_ts: True Scale Latitude Floating point Default: 0.000000 -murd1_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -murd1_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -murd2_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -murd2_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -murd3_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -murd3_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -nsper_h: Height of view point Floating point Default: 1.000000 -ob_tran_o_lat_p: Latitude Pole Floating point Default: 40.000000 -ob_tran_o_lon_p: Longitude Pole Floating point Default: 40.000000 -ocea_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 40.000000 -ocea_lon_1: Longitude 1 Floating point Default: -20.000000 -ocea_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 50.000000 -ocea_lon_2: Longitude 2 Floating point Default: 20.000000 -oea_m: m Floating point Default: 1.000000 -oea_n: n Floating point Default: 1.000000 -oea_theta: theta Floating point Default: 45.000000 -omerc_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 40.000000 -omerc_lon_1: Longitude 1 Floating point Default: -20.000000 -omerc_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 50.000000 -omerc_lon_2: Longitude 2 Floating point Default: 20.000000 -pconic_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -pconic_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -rpoly_lat_ts: True Scale Latitude Floating point Default: 45.000000 -stere_lat_ts: True Scale Latitude Floating point Default: 45.000000 -tissot_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -tissot_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -tpeqd_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 40.000000 -tpeqd_lon_1: Longitude 1 Floating point Default: -20.000000 -tpeqd_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 50.000000 -tpeqd_lon_2: Longitude 2 Floating point Default: 20.000000 -tpers_tilt: Tilt Floating point Default: 45.000000 -tpers_azi: Azimuth Floating point Default: 45.000000 -tpers_h: h Floating point Default: 1000.000000 -ups_south South Boolean Default: 1 -urm5_n: n Floating point Default: 1.000000 -urm5_q: q Floating point Default: 1.000000 -urm5_alphi: alphi Floating point Default: 45.000000 -urmfps_n: n Floating point Default: 1.000000 -utm_zone: Zone Integer Default: 32 -utm_south South Boolean Default: 0 -vitk1_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -vitk1_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -wag3_lat_ts: True Scale Latitude Floating point Default: 45.000000 -wink1_lat_ts: True Scale Latitude Floating point Default: 45.000000 -wink2_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 40.000000 -wintri_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 40.000000 -aea_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -aea_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -aeqd_guam guam Boolean Default: 1 -airy_lat_b: Latitude B Floating point Default: 45.000000 -airy_no_cut No Cut Boolean Default: 1 -bonne_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -cea_lat_ts: True Scale Latitude Floating point Default: 0.000000 -chamb_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 30.000000 -chamb_lon_1: Longitude 1 Floating point Default: -20.000000 -chamb_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 40.000000 -chamb_lon_2: Longitude 2 Floating point Default: 0.000000 -chamb_lat_3: Latitude 3 Floating point Default: 50.000000 -chamb_lon_3: Longitude 3 Floating point Default: 20.000000 -eqc_lat_ts: True Scale Latitude Floating point Default: 0.000000 -eqdc_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -eqdc_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -euler_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -euler_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -gn_sinu_m: m Floating point Default: 0.500000 -gn_sinu_n: n Floating point Default: 1.785398 -hammer_W: W Floating point Default: 0.500000 -hammer_M: M Floating point Default: 1.000000 -imw_p_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -imw_p_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -labrd_azi: Azimuth Floating point Default: 19.000000 -lagrng_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 0.000000 -lagrng_W: W Floating point Default: 2.000000 -lcc_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -lcc_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -leac_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -leac_south South Boolean Default: 0 -lsat_lsat: Landsat Integer Default: 1 -lsat_path: Path Integer Default: 1 -merc_lat_ts: True Scale Latitude Floating point Default: 0.000000 -murd1_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -murd1_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -murd2_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -murd2_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -murd3_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -murd3_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -nsper_h: Height of view point Floating point Default: 1.000000 -ob_tran_o_lat_p: Latitude Pole Floating point Default: 40.000000 -ob_tran_o_lon_p: Longitude Pole Floating point Default: 40.000000 -ocea_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 40.000000 -ocea_lon_1: Longitude 1 Floating point Default: -20.000000 -ocea_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 50.000000 -ocea_lon_2: Longitude 2 Floating point Default: 20.000000 -oea_m: m Floating point Default: 1.000000 -oea_n: n Floating point Default: 1.000000 -oea_theta: theta Floating point Default: 45.000000 -omerc_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 40.000000 -omerc_lon_1: Longitude 1 Floating point Default: -20.000000 -omerc_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 50.000000 -omerc_lon_2: Longitude 2 Floating point Default: 20.000000 -pconic_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -pconic_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -rpoly_lat_ts: True Scale Latitude Floating point Default: 45.000000 -stere_lat_ts: True Scale Latitude Floating point Default: 45.000000 -tissot_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -tissot_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -tpeqd_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 40.000000 -tpeqd_lon_1: Longitude 1 Floating point Default: -20.000000 -tpeqd_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 50.000000 -tpeqd_lon_2: Longitude 2 Floating point Default: 20.000000 -tpers_tilt: Tilt Floating point Default: 45.000000 -tpers_azi: Azimuth Floating point Default: 45.000000 -tpers_h: h Floating point Default: 1000.000000 -ups_south South Boolean Default: 1 -urm5_n: n Floating point Default: 1.000000 -urm5_q: q Floating point Default: 1.000000 -urm5_alphi: alphi Floating point Default: 45.000000 -urmfps_n: n Floating point Default: 1.000000 -utm_zone: Zone Integer Default: 32 -utm_south South Boolean Default: 0 -vitk1_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -vitk1_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -wag3_lat_ts: True Scale Latitude Floating point Default: 45.000000 -wink1_lat_ts: True Scale Latitude Floating point Default: 45.000000 -wink2_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 40.000000 -wintri_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 40.000000 Proj.4 (Command Line Arguments, Grid) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\pj_proj4.dll library name: Projection - Proj.4 tool name : Proj.4 (Command Line Arguments, Grid) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd pj_proj4 7 [-SOURCE_PROJ ] [-TARGET_PROJ ] -SOURCE [-SHAPES ] [-CREATE_XY] [-OUT_X ] [-OUT_Y ] [-INTERPOLATION ] [-TARGET_TYPE ] [-GET_USER_XMIN ] [-GET_USER_XMAX ] [-GET_USER_YMIN ] [-GET_USER_YMAX ] [-GET_USER_SIZE ] [-GET_USER_FIT ] [-GET_USER_GRID ] [-GET_GRID_GRID ] [-GET_SHAPES_SHAPES ] -SOURCE_PROJ: Source Projection Parameters Text Default: +proj=tmerc +datum=potsdam +lon_0=9 +x_0=3500000 -TARGET_PROJ: Target Projection Parameters Text Default: +proj=tmerc +datum=potsdam +lon_0=12 +x_0=4500000 -SOURCE: Source Grid (input) -SHAPES: Shapes Data Object (optional output) -CREATE_XY Create X/Y Grids Boolean Default: 0 -OUT_X: X Coordinates Data Object (optional output) -OUT_Y: Y Coordinates Data Object (optional output) -INTERPOLATION: Interpolation Choice Available Choices: [0] Nearest Neigbhor [1] Bilinear Interpolation [2] Inverse Distance Interpolation [3] Bicubic Spline Interpolation [4] B-Spline Interpolation Default: 4 -TARGET_TYPE: Target Choice Available Choices: [0] user defined [1] grid [2] shapes Default: 0 -GET_USER_XMIN: Left Floating point Default: 0.000000 -GET_USER_XMAX: Right Floating point Default: 0.000000 -GET_USER_YMIN: Bottom Floating point Default: 0.000000 -GET_USER_YMAX: Top Floating point Default: 0.000000 -GET_USER_SIZE: Cellsize Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -GET_USER_FIT: Fit Choice Available Choices: [0] nodes [1] cells Default: 0 -GET_USER_GRID: Grid Data Object (optional output) -GET_GRID_GRID: Grid Grid (optional input) -GET_SHAPES_SHAPES: Shapes Shapes (output) Proj.4 (Dialog, Grid) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\pj_proj4.dll library name: Projection - Proj.4 tool name : Proj.4 (Dialog, Grid) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd pj_proj4 8 [-SOURCE_PROJ_PROJ_TYPE ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_DATUM_DEF ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_DATUM ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_DATUM_GRID ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_ELLIPSOID ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_ELLPS_PREDEF ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_ELLPS_A ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_ELLPS_B ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_ELLPS_F ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_ELLPS_RF ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_ELLPS_E ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_ELLPS_ES ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_DATUM_SHIFT ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_DS_DX ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_DS_DY ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_DS_DZ ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_DS_RX ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_DS_RY ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_DS_RZ ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_DS_SC ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_LON_0 ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_LAT_0 ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_X_0 ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_Y_0 ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_K_0 ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_UNIT ] [-TARGET_PROJ_PROJ_TYPE ] [-TARGET_PROJ_DATUM_DEF ] [-TARGET_PROJ_DATUM ] [-TARGET_PROJ_DATUM_GRID ] [-TARGET_PROJ_ELLIPSOID ] [-TARGET_PROJ_ELLPS_PREDEF ] [-TARGET_PROJ_ELLPS_A ] [-TARGET_PROJ_ELLPS_B ] [-TARGET_PROJ_ELLPS_F ] [-TARGET_PROJ_ELLPS_RF ] [-TARGET_PROJ_ELLPS_E ] [-TARGET_PROJ_ELLPS_ES ] [-TARGET_PROJ_DATUM_SHIFT ] [-TARGET_PROJ_DS_DX ] [-TARGET_PROJ_DS_DY ] [-TARGET_PROJ_DS_DZ ] [-TARGET_PROJ_DS_RX ] [-TARGET_PROJ_DS_RY ] [-TARGET_PROJ_DS_RZ ] [-TARGET_PROJ_DS_SC ] [-TARGET_PROJ_LON_0 ] [-TARGET_PROJ_LAT_0 ] [-TARGET_PROJ_X_0 ] [-TARGET_PROJ_Y_0 ] [-TARGET_PROJ_K_0 ] [-TARGET_PROJ_UNIT ] -SOURCE [-SHAPES ] [-CREATE_XY] [-OUT_X ] [-OUT_Y ] [-INTERPOLATION ] [-TARGET_TYPE ] [-aea_lat_1 ] [-aea_lat_2 ] [-aeqd_guam] [-airy_lat_b ] [-airy_no_cut] [-bonne_lat_1 ] [-cea_lat_ts ] [-chamb_lat_1 ] [-chamb_lon_1 ] [-chamb_lat_2 ] [-chamb_lon_2 ] [-chamb_lat_3 ] [-chamb_lon_3 ] [-eqc_lat_ts ] [-eqdc_lat_1 ] [-eqdc_lat_2 ] [-euler_lat_1 ] [-euler_lat_2 ] [-gn_sinu_m ] [-gn_sinu_n ] [-hammer_W ] [-hammer_M ] [-imw_p_lat_1 ] [-imw_p_lat_2 ] [-labrd_azi ] [-lagrng_lat_1 ] [-lagrng_W ] [-lcc_lat_1 ] [-lcc_lat_2 ] [-leac_lat_1 ] [-leac_south] [-lsat_lsat ] [-lsat_path ] [-merc_lat_ts ] [-murd1_lat_1 ] [-murd1_lat_2 ] [-murd2_lat_1 ] [-murd2_lat_2 ] [-murd3_lat_1 ] [-murd3_lat_2 ] [-nsper_h ] [-ob_tran_o_lat_p ] [-ob_tran_o_lon_p ] [-ocea_lat_1 ] [-ocea_lon_1 ] [-ocea_lat_2 ] [-ocea_lon_2 ] [-oea_m ] [-oea_n ] [-oea_theta ] [-omerc_lat_1 ] [-omerc_lon_1 ] [-omerc_lat_2 ] [-omerc_lon_2 ] [-pconic_lat_1 ] [-pconic_lat_2 ] [-rpoly_lat_ts ] [-stere_lat_ts ] [-tissot_lat_1 ] [-tissot_lat_2 ] [-tpeqd_lat_1 ] [-tpeqd_lon_1 ] [-tpeqd_lat_2 ] [-tpeqd_lon_2 ] [-tpers_tilt ] [-tpers_azi ] [-tpers_h ] [-ups_south] [-urm5_n ] [-urm5_q ] [-urm5_alphi ] [-urmfps_n ] [-utm_zone ] [-utm_south] [-vitk1_lat_1 ] [-vitk1_lat_2 ] [-wag3_lat_ts ] [-wink1_lat_ts ] [-wink2_lat_1 ] [-wintri_lat_1 ] [-aea_lat_1 ] [-aea_lat_2 ] [-aeqd_guam] [-airy_lat_b ] [-airy_no_cut] [-bonne_lat_1 ] [-cea_lat_ts ] [-chamb_lat_1 ] [-chamb_lon_1 ] [-chamb_lat_2 ] [-chamb_lon_2 ] [-chamb_lat_3 ] [-chamb_lon_3 ] [-eqc_lat_ts ] [-eqdc_lat_1 ] [-eqdc_lat_2 ] [-euler_lat_1 ] [-euler_lat_2 ] [-gn_sinu_m ] [-gn_sinu_n ] [-hammer_W ] [-hammer_M ] [-imw_p_lat_1 ] [-imw_p_lat_2 ] [-labrd_azi ] [-lagrng_lat_1 ] [-lagrng_W ] [-lcc_lat_1 ] [-lcc_lat_2 ] [-leac_lat_1 ] [-leac_south] [-lsat_lsat ] [-lsat_path ] [-merc_lat_ts ] [-murd1_lat_1 ] [-murd1_lat_2 ] [-murd2_lat_1 ] [-murd2_lat_2 ] [-murd3_lat_1 ] [-murd3_lat_2 ] [-nsper_h ] [-ob_tran_o_lat_p ] [-ob_tran_o_lon_p ] [-ocea_lat_1 ] [-ocea_lon_1 ] [-ocea_lat_2 ] [-ocea_lon_2 ] [-oea_m ] [-oea_n ] [-oea_theta ] [-omerc_lat_1 ] [-omerc_lon_1 ] [-omerc_lat_2 ] [-omerc_lon_2 ] [-pconic_lat_1 ] [-pconic_lat_2 ] [-rpoly_lat_ts ] [-stere_lat_ts ] [-tissot_lat_1 ] [-tissot_lat_2 ] [-tpeqd_lat_1 ] [-tpeqd_lon_1 ] [-tpeqd_lat_2 ] [-tpeqd_lon_2 ] [-tpers_tilt ] [-tpers_azi ] [-tpers_h ] [-ups_south] [-urm5_n ] [-urm5_q ] [-urm5_alphi ] [-urmfps_n ] [-utm_zone ] [-utm_south] [-vitk1_lat_1 ] [-vitk1_lat_2 ] [-wag3_lat_ts ] [-wink1_lat_ts ] [-wink2_lat_1 ] [-wintri_lat_1 ] [-GET_USER_XMIN ] [-GET_USER_XMAX ] [-GET_USER_YMIN ] [-GET_USER_YMAX ] [-GET_USER_SIZE ] [-GET_USER_FIT ] [-GET_USER_GRID ] [-GET_GRID_GRID ] [-GET_SHAPES_SHAPES ] -SOURCE_PROJ_PROJ_TYPE: Projection Type Choice Available Choices: [0] Albers Equal Area [1] Azimuthal Equidistant [2] Airy [3] Aitoff [4] Mod. Stererographics of Alaska [5] Apian Globular I [6] August Epicycloidal [7] Bacon Globular [8] Bipolar conic of western hemisphere [9] Boggs Eumorphic [10] Bonne (Werner lat_1=90) [11] Cassini [12] Central Cylindrical [13] Equal Area Cylindrical [14] Chamberlin Trimetric [15] Collignon [16] Craster Parabolic (Putnins P4) [17] Denoyer Semi-Elliptical [18] Eckert I [19] Eckert II [20] Eckert III [21] Eckert IV [22] Eckert V [23] Eckert VI [24] Equidistant Cylindrical (Plate Caree) [25] Equidistant Conic [26] Euler [27] Extended Transverse Mercator [28] Fahey [29] Foucaut [30] Foucaut Sinusoidal [31] Gall (Gall Stereographic) [32] Geocentric [33] Geostationary Satellite View [34] Ginsburg VIII (TsNIIGAiK) [35] General Sinusoidal Series [36] Gnomonic [37] Goode Homolosine [38] Mod. Stererographics of 48 U.S. [39] Mod. Stererographics of 50 U.S. [40] Hammer & Eckert-Greifendorff [41] Hatano Asymmetrical Equal Area [42] HEALPix [43] rHEALPix [44] Interrupted Goode Homolosine [45] International Map of the World Polyconic [46] Icosahedral Snyder Equal Area [47] Kavraisky V [48] Kavraisky VII [49] Krovak [50] Laborde [51] Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area [52] Lagrange [53] Larrivee [54] Laskowski [55] Lat/long (Geodetic) [56] Lat/long (Geodetic alias) [57] Lat/long (Geodetic alias) [58] Lat/long (Geodetic alias) [59] Lambert Conformal Conic [60] Lambert Conformal Conic Alternative [61] Lambert Equal Area Conic [62] Lee Oblated Stereographic [63] Loximuthal [64] Space oblique for LANDSAT [65] McBryde-Thomas Flat-Polar Sine (No. 1) [66] McBryde-Thomas Flat-Pole Sine (No. 2) [67] McBride-Thomas Flat-Polar Parabolic [68] McBryde-Thomas Flat-Polar Quartic [69] McBryde-Thomas Flat-Polar Sinusoidal [70] Mercator [71] Miller Oblated Stereographic [72] Miller Cylindrical [73] Mollweide [74] Murdoch I [75] Murdoch II [76] Murdoch III [77] Natural Earth [78] Nell [79] Nell-Hammer [80] Nicolosi Globular [81] Near-sided perspective [82] New Zealand Map Grid [83] General Oblique Transformation [84] Oblique Cylindrical Equal Area [85] Oblated Equal Area [86] Oblique Mercator [87] Ortelius Oval [88] Orthographic [89] Perspective Conic [90] Polyconic (American) [91] Putnins P1 [92] Putnins P2 [93] Putnins P3 [94] Putnins P3' [95] Putnins P4' [96] Putnins P5 [97] Putnins P5' [98] Putnins P6 [99] Putnins P6' [100] Quartic Authalic [101] Robinson [102] Roussilhe Stereographic [103] Rectangular Polyconic [104] Sinusoidal (Sanson-Flamsteed) [105] Swiss. Obl. Mercator [106] Stereographic [107] Oblique Stereographic Alternative [108] Gauss-Schreiber Transverse Mercator (aka Gauss-Laborde Reunion) [109] Transverse Central Cylindrical [110] Transverse Cylindrical Equal Area [111] Tissot [112] Transverse Mercator [113] Two Point Equidistant [114] Tilted perspective [115] Universal Polar Stereographic [116] Urmaev V [117] Urmaev Flat-Polar Sinusoidal [118] Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) [119] van der Grinten (I) [120] van der Grinten II [121] van der Grinten III [122] van der Grinten IV [123] Vitkovsky I [124] Wagner I (Kavraisky VI) [125] Wagner II [126] Wagner III [127] Wagner IV [128] Wagner V [129] Wagner VI [130] Wagner VII [131] Werenskiold I [132] Winkel I [133] Winkel II [134] Winkel Tripel Default: 0 -SOURCE_PROJ_DATUM_DEF: Datum Definition Choice Available Choices: [0] Predefined Datum [1] User Defined Datum Default: 0 -SOURCE_PROJ_DATUM: Predefined Datum Choice Available Choices: [0] [WGS84] [1] [GGRS87] Greek_Geodetic_Reference_System_1987 [2] [NAD83] North_American_Datum_1983 [3] [NAD27] North_American_Datum_1927 [4] [potsdam] Potsdam Rauenberg 1950 DHDN [5] [carthage] Carthage 1934 Tunisia [6] [hermannskogel] Hermannskogel [7] [ire65] Ireland 1965 [8] [nzgd49] New Zealand Geodetic Datum 1949 [9] [OSGB36] Airy 1830 Default: 0 -SOURCE_PROJ_DATUM_GRID: Datum Shift Grid File File path -SOURCE_PROJ_ELLIPSOID: Ellipsoid Definition Choice Available Choices: [0] Predefined Standard Ellipsoids [1] Semimajor Axis and Semiminor Axis [2] Semimajor Axis and Flattening [3] Semimajor Axis and Reciprocal Flattening [4] Semimajor Axis and Eccentricity [5] Semimajor Axis and Eccentricity Squared Default: 0 -SOURCE_PROJ_ELLPS_PREDEF: Predefined Standard Ellipsoids Choice Available Choices: [0] [MERIT] MERIT 1983 (a=6378137.0, rf=298.257) [1] [SGS85] Soviet Geodetic System 85 (a=6378136.0, rf=298.257) [2] [GRS80] GRS 1980(IUGG, 1980) (a=6378137.0, rf=298.257222101) [3] [IAU76] IAU 1976 (a=6378140.0, rf=298.257) [4] [airy] Airy 1830 (a=6377563.396, b=6356256.910) [5] [APL4.9] Appl. Physics. 1965 (a=6378137.0., rf=298.25) [6] [NWL9D] Naval Weapons Lab., 1965 (a=6378145.0., rf=298.25) [7] [mod_airy] Modified Airy (a=6377340.189, b=6356034.446) [8] [andrae] Andrae 1876 (Den., Iclnd.) (a=6377104.43, rf=300.0) [9] [aust_SA] Australian Natl & S. Amer. 1969 (a=6378160.0, rf=298.25) [10] [GRS67] GRS 67(IUGG 1967) (a=6378160.0, rf=298.2471674270) [11] [bessel] Bessel 1841 (a=6377397.155, rf=299.1528128) [12] [bess_nam] Bessel 1841 (Namibia) (a=6377483.865, rf=299.1528128) [13] [clrk66] Clarke 1866 (a=6378206.4, b=6356583.8) [14] [clrk80] Clarke 1880 mod. (a=6378249.145, rf=293.4663) [15] [CPM] Comm. des Poids et Mesures 1799 (a=6375738.7, rf=334.29) [16] [delmbr] Delambre 1810 (Belgium) (a=6376428., rf=311.5) [17] [engelis] Engelis 1985 (a=6378136.05, rf=298.2566) [18] [evrst30] Everest 1830 (a=6377276.345, rf=300.8017) [19] [evrst48] Everest 1948 (a=6377304.063, rf=300.8017) [20] [evrst56] Everest 1956 (a=6377301.243, rf=300.8017) [21] [evrst69] Everest 1969 (a=6377295.664, rf=300.8017) [22] [evrstSS] Everest (Sabah & Sarawak) (a=6377298.556, rf=300.8017) [23] [fschr60] Fischer (Mercury Datum) 1960 (a=6378166., rf=298.3) [24] [fschr60m] Modified Fischer 1960 (a=6378155., rf=298.3) [25] [fschr68] Fischer 1968 (a=6378150., rf=298.3) [26] [helmert] Helmert 1906 (a=6378200., rf=298.3) [27] [hough] Hough (a=6378270.0, rf=297.) [28] [intl] International 1909 (Hayford) (a=6378388.0, rf=297.) [29] [krass] Krassovsky, 1942 (a=6378245.0, rf=298.3) [30] [kaula] Kaula 1961 (a=6378163., rf=298.24) [31] [lerch] Lerch 1979 (a=6378139., rf=298.257) [32] [mprts] Maupertius 1738 (a=6397300., rf=191.) [33] [new_intl] New International 1967 (a=6378157.5, b=6356772.2) [34] [plessis] Plessis 1817 (France) (a=6376523., b=6355863.) [35] [SEasia] Southeast Asia (a=6378155.0, b=6356773.3205) [36] [walbeck] Walbeck (a=6376896.0, b=6355834.8467) [37] [WGS60] WGS 60 (a=6378165.0, rf=298.3) [38] [WGS66] WGS 66 (a=6378145.0, rf=298.25) [39] [WGS72] WGS 72 (a=6378135.0, rf=298.26) [40] [WGS84] WGS 84 (a=6378137.0, rf=298.257223563) [41] [sphere] Normal Sphere (r=6370997) (a=6370997.0, b=6370997.0) Default: 0 -SOURCE_PROJ_ELLPS_A: Semimajor Axis (a) Floating point Default: 6377397.160000 -SOURCE_PROJ_ELLPS_B: Semiminor Axis (b) Floating point Default: 6356078.760000 -SOURCE_PROJ_ELLPS_F: Flattening (f) Floating point Default: 0.003343 -SOURCE_PROJ_ELLPS_RF: Reciprocal Flattening (rf) Floating point Default: 299.149897 -SOURCE_PROJ_ELLPS_E: Eccentricity (e) Floating point Default: 9003939.789875 -SOURCE_PROJ_ELLPS_ES: Squared Eccentricity (es) Floating point Default: 81070931739699.203000 -SOURCE_PROJ_DATUM_SHIFT: Datum Shift Choice Available Choices: [0] none [1] 3 parameters (translation only) [2] 7 parameters [3] Datum Shift Grid Default: 0 -SOURCE_PROJ_DS_DX: Translation X Floating point Default: 0.000000 -SOURCE_PROJ_DS_DY: Translation Y Floating point Default: 0.000000 -SOURCE_PROJ_DS_DZ: Translation Z Floating point Default: 0.000000 -SOURCE_PROJ_DS_RX: Rotation X Floating point Default: 0.000000 -SOURCE_PROJ_DS_RY: Rotation Y Floating point Default: 0.000000 -SOURCE_PROJ_DS_RZ: Rotation Z Floating point Default: 0.000000 -SOURCE_PROJ_DS_SC: Scaling Floating point Default: 1.000000 -SOURCE_PROJ_LON_0: Central Meridian Floating point Default: 0.000000 -SOURCE_PROJ_LAT_0: Central Parallel Floating point Default: 0.000000 -SOURCE_PROJ_X_0: False Easting Floating point Default: 0.000000 -SOURCE_PROJ_Y_0: False Northing Floating point Default: 0.000000 -SOURCE_PROJ_K_0: Scale Factor Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -SOURCE_PROJ_UNIT: Unit Choice Available Choices: [0] Kilometer (1000.) [1] Meter (1.) [2] Decimeter (1/10) [3] Centimeter (1/100) [4] Millimeter (1/1000) [5] International Nautical Mile (1852.0) [6] International Inch (0.0254) [7] International Foot (0.3048) [8] International Yard (0.9144) [9] International Statute Mile (1609.344) [10] International Fathom (1.8288) [11] International Chain (20.1168) [12] International Link (0.201168) [13] U.S. Surveyor's Inch (1./39.37) [14] U.S. Surveyor's Foot (0.304800609601219) [15] U.S. Surveyor's Yard (0.914401828803658) [16] U.S. Surveyor's Chain (20.11684023368047) [17] U.S. Surveyor's Statute Mile (1609.347218694437) [18] Indian Yard (0.91439523) [19] Indian Foot (0.30479841) [20] Indian Chain (20.11669506) Default: 1 -TARGET_PROJ_PROJ_TYPE: Projection Type Choice Available Choices: [0] Albers Equal Area [1] Azimuthal Equidistant [2] Airy [3] Aitoff [4] Mod. Stererographics of Alaska [5] Apian Globular I [6] August Epicycloidal [7] Bacon Globular [8] Bipolar conic of western hemisphere [9] Boggs Eumorphic [10] Bonne (Werner lat_1=90) [11] Cassini [12] Central Cylindrical [13] Equal Area Cylindrical [14] Chamberlin Trimetric [15] Collignon [16] Craster Parabolic (Putnins P4) [17] Denoyer Semi-Elliptical [18] Eckert I [19] Eckert II [20] Eckert III [21] Eckert IV [22] Eckert V [23] Eckert VI [24] Equidistant Cylindrical (Plate Caree) [25] Equidistant Conic [26] Euler [27] Extended Transverse Mercator [28] Fahey [29] Foucaut [30] Foucaut Sinusoidal [31] Gall (Gall Stereographic) [32] Geocentric [33] Geostationary Satellite View [34] Ginsburg VIII (TsNIIGAiK) [35] General Sinusoidal Series [36] Gnomonic [37] Goode Homolosine [38] Mod. Stererographics of 48 U.S. [39] Mod. Stererographics of 50 U.S. [40] Hammer & Eckert-Greifendorff [41] Hatano Asymmetrical Equal Area [42] HEALPix [43] rHEALPix [44] Interrupted Goode Homolosine [45] International Map of the World Polyconic [46] Icosahedral Snyder Equal Area [47] Kavraisky V [48] Kavraisky VII [49] Krovak [50] Laborde [51] Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area [52] Lagrange [53] Larrivee [54] Laskowski [55] Lat/long (Geodetic) [56] Lat/long (Geodetic alias) [57] Lat/long (Geodetic alias) [58] Lat/long (Geodetic alias) [59] Lambert Conformal Conic [60] Lambert Conformal Conic Alternative [61] Lambert Equal Area Conic [62] Lee Oblated Stereographic [63] Loximuthal [64] Space oblique for LANDSAT [65] McBryde-Thomas Flat-Polar Sine (No. 1) [66] McBryde-Thomas Flat-Pole Sine (No. 2) [67] McBride-Thomas Flat-Polar Parabolic [68] McBryde-Thomas Flat-Polar Quartic [69] McBryde-Thomas Flat-Polar Sinusoidal [70] Mercator [71] Miller Oblated Stereographic [72] Miller Cylindrical [73] Mollweide [74] Murdoch I [75] Murdoch II [76] Murdoch III [77] Natural Earth [78] Nell [79] Nell-Hammer [80] Nicolosi Globular [81] Near-sided perspective [82] New Zealand Map Grid [83] General Oblique Transformation [84] Oblique Cylindrical Equal Area [85] Oblated Equal Area [86] Oblique Mercator [87] Ortelius Oval [88] Orthographic [89] Perspective Conic [90] Polyconic (American) [91] Putnins P1 [92] Putnins P2 [93] Putnins P3 [94] Putnins P3' [95] Putnins P4' [96] Putnins P5 [97] Putnins P5' [98] Putnins P6 [99] Putnins P6' [100] Quartic Authalic [101] Robinson [102] Roussilhe Stereographic [103] Rectangular Polyconic [104] Sinusoidal (Sanson-Flamsteed) [105] Swiss. Obl. Mercator [106] Stereographic [107] Oblique Stereographic Alternative [108] Gauss-Schreiber Transverse Mercator (aka Gauss-Laborde Reunion) [109] Transverse Central Cylindrical [110] Transverse Cylindrical Equal Area [111] Tissot [112] Transverse Mercator [113] Two Point Equidistant [114] Tilted perspective [115] Universal Polar Stereographic [116] Urmaev V [117] Urmaev Flat-Polar Sinusoidal [118] Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) [119] van der Grinten (I) [120] van der Grinten II [121] van der Grinten III [122] van der Grinten IV [123] Vitkovsky I [124] Wagner I (Kavraisky VI) [125] Wagner II [126] Wagner III [127] Wagner IV [128] Wagner V [129] Wagner VI [130] Wagner VII [131] Werenskiold I [132] Winkel I [133] Winkel II [134] Winkel Tripel Default: 0 -TARGET_PROJ_DATUM_DEF: Datum Definition Choice Available Choices: [0] Predefined Datum [1] User Defined Datum Default: 0 -TARGET_PROJ_DATUM: Predefined Datum Choice Available Choices: [0] [WGS84] [1] [GGRS87] Greek_Geodetic_Reference_System_1987 [2] [NAD83] North_American_Datum_1983 [3] [NAD27] North_American_Datum_1927 [4] [potsdam] Potsdam Rauenberg 1950 DHDN [5] [carthage] Carthage 1934 Tunisia [6] [hermannskogel] Hermannskogel [7] [ire65] Ireland 1965 [8] [nzgd49] New Zealand Geodetic Datum 1949 [9] [OSGB36] Airy 1830 Default: 0 -TARGET_PROJ_DATUM_GRID: Datum Shift Grid File File path -TARGET_PROJ_ELLIPSOID: Ellipsoid Definition Choice Available Choices: [0] Predefined Standard Ellipsoids [1] Semimajor Axis and Semiminor Axis [2] Semimajor Axis and Flattening [3] Semimajor Axis and Reciprocal Flattening [4] Semimajor Axis and Eccentricity [5] Semimajor Axis and Eccentricity Squared Default: 0 -TARGET_PROJ_ELLPS_PREDEF: Predefined Standard Ellipsoids Choice Available Choices: [0] [MERIT] MERIT 1983 (a=6378137.0, rf=298.257) [1] [SGS85] Soviet Geodetic System 85 (a=6378136.0, rf=298.257) [2] [GRS80] GRS 1980(IUGG, 1980) (a=6378137.0, rf=298.257222101) [3] [IAU76] IAU 1976 (a=6378140.0, rf=298.257) [4] [airy] Airy 1830 (a=6377563.396, b=6356256.910) [5] [APL4.9] Appl. Physics. 1965 (a=6378137.0., rf=298.25) [6] [NWL9D] Naval Weapons Lab., 1965 (a=6378145.0., rf=298.25) [7] [mod_airy] Modified Airy (a=6377340.189, b=6356034.446) [8] [andrae] Andrae 1876 (Den., Iclnd.) (a=6377104.43, rf=300.0) [9] [aust_SA] Australian Natl & S. Amer. 1969 (a=6378160.0, rf=298.25) [10] [GRS67] GRS 67(IUGG 1967) (a=6378160.0, rf=298.2471674270) [11] [bessel] Bessel 1841 (a=6377397.155, rf=299.1528128) [12] [bess_nam] Bessel 1841 (Namibia) (a=6377483.865, rf=299.1528128) [13] [clrk66] Clarke 1866 (a=6378206.4, b=6356583.8) [14] [clrk80] Clarke 1880 mod. (a=6378249.145, rf=293.4663) [15] [CPM] Comm. des Poids et Mesures 1799 (a=6375738.7, rf=334.29) [16] [delmbr] Delambre 1810 (Belgium) (a=6376428., rf=311.5) [17] [engelis] Engelis 1985 (a=6378136.05, rf=298.2566) [18] [evrst30] Everest 1830 (a=6377276.345, rf=300.8017) [19] [evrst48] Everest 1948 (a=6377304.063, rf=300.8017) [20] [evrst56] Everest 1956 (a=6377301.243, rf=300.8017) [21] [evrst69] Everest 1969 (a=6377295.664, rf=300.8017) [22] [evrstSS] Everest (Sabah & Sarawak) (a=6377298.556, rf=300.8017) [23] [fschr60] Fischer (Mercury Datum) 1960 (a=6378166., rf=298.3) [24] [fschr60m] Modified Fischer 1960 (a=6378155., rf=298.3) [25] [fschr68] Fischer 1968 (a=6378150., rf=298.3) [26] [helmert] Helmert 1906 (a=6378200., rf=298.3) [27] [hough] Hough (a=6378270.0, rf=297.) [28] [intl] International 1909 (Hayford) (a=6378388.0, rf=297.) [29] [krass] Krassovsky, 1942 (a=6378245.0, rf=298.3) [30] [kaula] Kaula 1961 (a=6378163., rf=298.24) [31] [lerch] Lerch 1979 (a=6378139., rf=298.257) [32] [mprts] Maupertius 1738 (a=6397300., rf=191.) [33] [new_intl] New International 1967 (a=6378157.5, b=6356772.2) [34] [plessis] Plessis 1817 (France) (a=6376523., b=6355863.) [35] [SEasia] Southeast Asia (a=6378155.0, b=6356773.3205) [36] [walbeck] Walbeck (a=6376896.0, b=6355834.8467) [37] [WGS60] WGS 60 (a=6378165.0, rf=298.3) [38] [WGS66] WGS 66 (a=6378145.0, rf=298.25) [39] [WGS72] WGS 72 (a=6378135.0, rf=298.26) [40] [WGS84] WGS 84 (a=6378137.0, rf=298.257223563) [41] [sphere] Normal Sphere (r=6370997) (a=6370997.0, b=6370997.0) Default: 0 -TARGET_PROJ_ELLPS_A: Semimajor Axis (a) Floating point Default: 6377397.160000 -TARGET_PROJ_ELLPS_B: Semiminor Axis (b) Floating point Default: 6356078.760000 -TARGET_PROJ_ELLPS_F: Flattening (f) Floating point Default: 0.003343 -TARGET_PROJ_ELLPS_RF: Reciprocal Flattening (rf) Floating point Default: 299.149897 -TARGET_PROJ_ELLPS_E: Eccentricity (e) Floating point Default: 9003939.789875 -TARGET_PROJ_ELLPS_ES: Squared Eccentricity (es) Floating point Default: 81070931739699.203000 -TARGET_PROJ_DATUM_SHIFT: Datum Shift Choice Available Choices: [0] none [1] 3 parameters (translation only) [2] 7 parameters [3] Datum Shift Grid Default: 0 -TARGET_PROJ_DS_DX: Translation X Floating point Default: 0.000000 -TARGET_PROJ_DS_DY: Translation Y Floating point Default: 0.000000 -TARGET_PROJ_DS_DZ: Translation Z Floating point Default: 0.000000 -TARGET_PROJ_DS_RX: Rotation X Floating point Default: 0.000000 -TARGET_PROJ_DS_RY: Rotation Y Floating point Default: 0.000000 -TARGET_PROJ_DS_RZ: Rotation Z Floating point Default: 0.000000 -TARGET_PROJ_DS_SC: Scaling Floating point Default: 1.000000 -TARGET_PROJ_LON_0: Central Meridian Floating point Default: 0.000000 -TARGET_PROJ_LAT_0: Central Parallel Floating point Default: 0.000000 -TARGET_PROJ_X_0: False Easting Floating point Default: 0.000000 -TARGET_PROJ_Y_0: False Northing Floating point Default: 0.000000 -TARGET_PROJ_K_0: Scale Factor Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -TARGET_PROJ_UNIT: Unit Choice Available Choices: [0] Kilometer (1000.) [1] Meter (1.) [2] Decimeter (1/10) [3] Centimeter (1/100) [4] Millimeter (1/1000) [5] International Nautical Mile (1852.0) [6] International Inch (0.0254) [7] International Foot (0.3048) [8] International Yard (0.9144) [9] International Statute Mile (1609.344) [10] International Fathom (1.8288) [11] International Chain (20.1168) [12] International Link (0.201168) [13] U.S. Surveyor's Inch (1./39.37) [14] U.S. Surveyor's Foot (0.304800609601219) [15] U.S. Surveyor's Yard (0.914401828803658) [16] U.S. Surveyor's Chain (20.11684023368047) [17] U.S. Surveyor's Statute Mile (1609.347218694437) [18] Indian Yard (0.91439523) [19] Indian Foot (0.30479841) [20] Indian Chain (20.11669506) Default: 1 -SOURCE: Source Grid (input) -SHAPES: Shapes Data Object (optional output) -CREATE_XY Create X/Y Grids Boolean Default: 0 -OUT_X: X Coordinates Data Object (optional output) -OUT_Y: Y Coordinates Data Object (optional output) -INTERPOLATION: Interpolation Choice Available Choices: [0] Nearest Neigbhor [1] Bilinear Interpolation [2] Inverse Distance Interpolation [3] Bicubic Spline Interpolation [4] B-Spline Interpolation Default: 4 -TARGET_TYPE: Target Choice Available Choices: [0] user defined [1] grid [2] shapes Default: 0 -aea_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -aea_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -aeqd_guam guam Boolean Default: 1 -airy_lat_b: Latitude B Floating point Default: 45.000000 -airy_no_cut No Cut Boolean Default: 1 -bonne_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -cea_lat_ts: True Scale Latitude Floating point Default: 0.000000 -chamb_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 30.000000 -chamb_lon_1: Longitude 1 Floating point Default: -20.000000 -chamb_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 40.000000 -chamb_lon_2: Longitude 2 Floating point Default: 0.000000 -chamb_lat_3: Latitude 3 Floating point Default: 50.000000 -chamb_lon_3: Longitude 3 Floating point Default: 20.000000 -eqc_lat_ts: True Scale Latitude Floating point Default: 0.000000 -eqdc_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -eqdc_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -euler_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -euler_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -gn_sinu_m: m Floating point Default: 0.500000 -gn_sinu_n: n Floating point Default: 1.785398 -hammer_W: W Floating point Default: 0.500000 -hammer_M: M Floating point Default: 1.000000 -imw_p_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -imw_p_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -labrd_azi: Azimuth Floating point Default: 19.000000 -lagrng_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 0.000000 -lagrng_W: W Floating point Default: 2.000000 -lcc_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -lcc_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -leac_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -leac_south South Boolean Default: 0 -lsat_lsat: Landsat Integer Default: 1 -lsat_path: Path Integer Default: 1 -merc_lat_ts: True Scale Latitude Floating point Default: 0.000000 -murd1_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -murd1_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -murd2_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -murd2_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -murd3_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -murd3_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -nsper_h: Height of view point Floating point Default: 1.000000 -ob_tran_o_lat_p: Latitude Pole Floating point Default: 40.000000 -ob_tran_o_lon_p: Longitude Pole Floating point Default: 40.000000 -ocea_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 40.000000 -ocea_lon_1: Longitude 1 Floating point Default: -20.000000 -ocea_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 50.000000 -ocea_lon_2: Longitude 2 Floating point Default: 20.000000 -oea_m: m Floating point Default: 1.000000 -oea_n: n Floating point Default: 1.000000 -oea_theta: theta Floating point Default: 45.000000 -omerc_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 40.000000 -omerc_lon_1: Longitude 1 Floating point Default: -20.000000 -omerc_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 50.000000 -omerc_lon_2: Longitude 2 Floating point Default: 20.000000 -pconic_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -pconic_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -rpoly_lat_ts: True Scale Latitude Floating point Default: 45.000000 -stere_lat_ts: True Scale Latitude Floating point Default: 45.000000 -tissot_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -tissot_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -tpeqd_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 40.000000 -tpeqd_lon_1: Longitude 1 Floating point Default: -20.000000 -tpeqd_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 50.000000 -tpeqd_lon_2: Longitude 2 Floating point Default: 20.000000 -tpers_tilt: Tilt Floating point Default: 45.000000 -tpers_azi: Azimuth Floating point Default: 45.000000 -tpers_h: h Floating point Default: 1000.000000 -ups_south South Boolean Default: 1 -urm5_n: n Floating point Default: 1.000000 -urm5_q: q Floating point Default: 1.000000 -urm5_alphi: alphi Floating point Default: 45.000000 -urmfps_n: n Floating point Default: 1.000000 -utm_zone: Zone Integer Default: 32 -utm_south South Boolean Default: 0 -vitk1_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -vitk1_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -wag3_lat_ts: True Scale Latitude Floating point Default: 45.000000 -wink1_lat_ts: True Scale Latitude Floating point Default: 45.000000 -wink2_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 40.000000 -wintri_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 40.000000 -aea_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -aea_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -aeqd_guam guam Boolean Default: 1 -airy_lat_b: Latitude B Floating point Default: 45.000000 -airy_no_cut No Cut Boolean Default: 1 -bonne_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -cea_lat_ts: True Scale Latitude Floating point Default: 0.000000 -chamb_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 30.000000 -chamb_lon_1: Longitude 1 Floating point Default: -20.000000 -chamb_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 40.000000 -chamb_lon_2: Longitude 2 Floating point Default: 0.000000 -chamb_lat_3: Latitude 3 Floating point Default: 50.000000 -chamb_lon_3: Longitude 3 Floating point Default: 20.000000 -eqc_lat_ts: True Scale Latitude Floating point Default: 0.000000 -eqdc_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -eqdc_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -euler_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -euler_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -gn_sinu_m: m Floating point Default: 0.500000 -gn_sinu_n: n Floating point Default: 1.785398 -hammer_W: W Floating point Default: 0.500000 -hammer_M: M Floating point Default: 1.000000 -imw_p_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -imw_p_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -labrd_azi: Azimuth Floating point Default: 19.000000 -lagrng_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 0.000000 -lagrng_W: W Floating point Default: 2.000000 -lcc_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -lcc_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -leac_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -leac_south South Boolean Default: 0 -lsat_lsat: Landsat Integer Default: 1 -lsat_path: Path Integer Default: 1 -merc_lat_ts: True Scale Latitude Floating point Default: 0.000000 -murd1_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -murd1_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -murd2_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -murd2_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -murd3_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -murd3_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -nsper_h: Height of view point Floating point Default: 1.000000 -ob_tran_o_lat_p: Latitude Pole Floating point Default: 40.000000 -ob_tran_o_lon_p: Longitude Pole Floating point Default: 40.000000 -ocea_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 40.000000 -ocea_lon_1: Longitude 1 Floating point Default: -20.000000 -ocea_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 50.000000 -ocea_lon_2: Longitude 2 Floating point Default: 20.000000 -oea_m: m Floating point Default: 1.000000 -oea_n: n Floating point Default: 1.000000 -oea_theta: theta Floating point Default: 45.000000 -omerc_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 40.000000 -omerc_lon_1: Longitude 1 Floating point Default: -20.000000 -omerc_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 50.000000 -omerc_lon_2: Longitude 2 Floating point Default: 20.000000 -pconic_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -pconic_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -rpoly_lat_ts: True Scale Latitude Floating point Default: 45.000000 -stere_lat_ts: True Scale Latitude Floating point Default: 45.000000 -tissot_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -tissot_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -tpeqd_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 40.000000 -tpeqd_lon_1: Longitude 1 Floating point Default: -20.000000 -tpeqd_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 50.000000 -tpeqd_lon_2: Longitude 2 Floating point Default: 20.000000 -tpers_tilt: Tilt Floating point Default: 45.000000 -tpers_azi: Azimuth Floating point Default: 45.000000 -tpers_h: h Floating point Default: 1000.000000 -ups_south South Boolean Default: 1 -urm5_n: n Floating point Default: 1.000000 -urm5_q: q Floating point Default: 1.000000 -urm5_alphi: alphi Floating point Default: 45.000000 -urmfps_n: n Floating point Default: 1.000000 -utm_zone: Zone Integer Default: 32 -utm_south South Boolean Default: 0 -vitk1_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -vitk1_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -wag3_lat_ts: True Scale Latitude Floating point Default: 45.000000 -wink1_lat_ts: True Scale Latitude Floating point Default: 45.000000 -wink2_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 40.000000 -wintri_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 40.000000 -GET_USER_XMIN: Left Floating point Default: 0.000000 -GET_USER_XMAX: Right Floating point Default: 0.000000 -GET_USER_YMIN: Bottom Floating point Default: 0.000000 -GET_USER_YMAX: Top Floating point Default: 0.000000 -GET_USER_SIZE: Cellsize Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -GET_USER_FIT: Fit Choice Available Choices: [0] nodes [1] cells Default: 0 -GET_USER_GRID: Grid Data Object (optional output) -GET_GRID_GRID: Grid Grid (optional input) -GET_SHAPES_SHAPES: Shapes Shapes (output) Proj.4 (Command Line Arguments, List of Shapes Layers) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\pj_proj4.dll library name: Projection - Proj.4 tool name : Proj.4 (Command Line Arguments, List of Shapes Layers) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd pj_proj4 9 [-SOURCE_PROJ ] [-TARGET_PROJ ] -SOURCE [-TARGET ] -SOURCE_PROJ: Source Projection Parameters Text Default: +proj=tmerc +datum=potsdam +lon_0=9 +x_0=3500000 -TARGET_PROJ: Target Projection Parameters Text Default: +proj=tmerc +datum=potsdam +lon_0=12 +x_0=4500000 -SOURCE: Source Shapes list (input) -TARGET: Target Shapes list (optional output) Proj.4 (Dialog, List of Shapes Layers) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\pj_proj4.dll library name: Projection - Proj.4 tool name : Proj.4 (Dialog, List of Shapes Layers) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd pj_proj4 10 [-SOURCE_PROJ_PROJ_TYPE ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_DATUM_DEF ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_DATUM ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_DATUM_GRID ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_ELLIPSOID ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_ELLPS_PREDEF ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_ELLPS_A ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_ELLPS_B ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_ELLPS_F ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_ELLPS_RF ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_ELLPS_E ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_ELLPS_ES ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_DATUM_SHIFT ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_DS_DX ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_DS_DY ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_DS_DZ ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_DS_RX ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_DS_RY ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_DS_RZ ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_DS_SC ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_LON_0 ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_LAT_0 ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_X_0 ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_Y_0 ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_K_0 ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_UNIT ] [-TARGET_PROJ_PROJ_TYPE ] [-TARGET_PROJ_DATUM_DEF ] [-TARGET_PROJ_DATUM ] [-TARGET_PROJ_DATUM_GRID ] [-TARGET_PROJ_ELLIPSOID ] [-TARGET_PROJ_ELLPS_PREDEF ] [-TARGET_PROJ_ELLPS_A ] [-TARGET_PROJ_ELLPS_B ] [-TARGET_PROJ_ELLPS_F ] [-TARGET_PROJ_ELLPS_RF ] [-TARGET_PROJ_ELLPS_E ] [-TARGET_PROJ_ELLPS_ES ] [-TARGET_PROJ_DATUM_SHIFT ] [-TARGET_PROJ_DS_DX ] [-TARGET_PROJ_DS_DY ] [-TARGET_PROJ_DS_DZ ] [-TARGET_PROJ_DS_RX ] [-TARGET_PROJ_DS_RY ] [-TARGET_PROJ_DS_RZ ] [-TARGET_PROJ_DS_SC ] [-TARGET_PROJ_LON_0 ] [-TARGET_PROJ_LAT_0 ] [-TARGET_PROJ_X_0 ] [-TARGET_PROJ_Y_0 ] [-TARGET_PROJ_K_0 ] [-TARGET_PROJ_UNIT ] -SOURCE [-TARGET ] [-aea_lat_1 ] [-aea_lat_2 ] [-aeqd_guam] [-airy_lat_b ] [-airy_no_cut] [-bonne_lat_1 ] [-cea_lat_ts ] [-chamb_lat_1 ] [-chamb_lon_1 ] [-chamb_lat_2 ] [-chamb_lon_2 ] [-chamb_lat_3 ] [-chamb_lon_3 ] [-eqc_lat_ts ] [-eqdc_lat_1 ] [-eqdc_lat_2 ] [-euler_lat_1 ] [-euler_lat_2 ] [-gn_sinu_m ] [-gn_sinu_n ] [-hammer_W ] [-hammer_M ] [-imw_p_lat_1 ] [-imw_p_lat_2 ] [-labrd_azi ] [-lagrng_lat_1 ] [-lagrng_W ] [-lcc_lat_1 ] [-lcc_lat_2 ] [-leac_lat_1 ] [-leac_south] [-lsat_lsat ] [-lsat_path ] [-merc_lat_ts ] [-murd1_lat_1 ] [-murd1_lat_2 ] [-murd2_lat_1 ] [-murd2_lat_2 ] [-murd3_lat_1 ] [-murd3_lat_2 ] [-nsper_h ] [-ob_tran_o_lat_p ] [-ob_tran_o_lon_p ] [-ocea_lat_1 ] [-ocea_lon_1 ] [-ocea_lat_2 ] [-ocea_lon_2 ] [-oea_m ] [-oea_n ] [-oea_theta ] [-omerc_lat_1 ] [-omerc_lon_1 ] [-omerc_lat_2 ] [-omerc_lon_2 ] [-pconic_lat_1 ] [-pconic_lat_2 ] [-rpoly_lat_ts ] [-stere_lat_ts ] [-tissot_lat_1 ] [-tissot_lat_2 ] [-tpeqd_lat_1 ] [-tpeqd_lon_1 ] [-tpeqd_lat_2 ] [-tpeqd_lon_2 ] [-tpers_tilt ] [-tpers_azi ] [-tpers_h ] [-ups_south] [-urm5_n ] [-urm5_q ] [-urm5_alphi ] [-urmfps_n ] [-utm_zone ] [-utm_south] [-vitk1_lat_1 ] [-vitk1_lat_2 ] [-wag3_lat_ts ] [-wink1_lat_ts ] [-wink2_lat_1 ] [-wintri_lat_1 ] [-aea_lat_1 ] [-aea_lat_2 ] [-aeqd_guam] [-airy_lat_b ] [-airy_no_cut] [-bonne_lat_1 ] [-cea_lat_ts ] [-chamb_lat_1 ] [-chamb_lon_1 ] [-chamb_lat_2 ] [-chamb_lon_2 ] [-chamb_lat_3 ] [-chamb_lon_3 ] [-eqc_lat_ts ] [-eqdc_lat_1 ] [-eqdc_lat_2 ] [-euler_lat_1 ] [-euler_lat_2 ] [-gn_sinu_m ] [-gn_sinu_n ] [-hammer_W ] [-hammer_M ] [-imw_p_lat_1 ] [-imw_p_lat_2 ] [-labrd_azi ] [-lagrng_lat_1 ] [-lagrng_W ] [-lcc_lat_1 ] [-lcc_lat_2 ] [-leac_lat_1 ] [-leac_south] [-lsat_lsat ] [-lsat_path ] [-merc_lat_ts ] [-murd1_lat_1 ] [-murd1_lat_2 ] [-murd2_lat_1 ] [-murd2_lat_2 ] [-murd3_lat_1 ] [-murd3_lat_2 ] [-nsper_h ] [-ob_tran_o_lat_p ] [-ob_tran_o_lon_p ] [-ocea_lat_1 ] [-ocea_lon_1 ] [-ocea_lat_2 ] [-ocea_lon_2 ] [-oea_m ] [-oea_n ] [-oea_theta ] [-omerc_lat_1 ] [-omerc_lon_1 ] [-omerc_lat_2 ] [-omerc_lon_2 ] [-pconic_lat_1 ] [-pconic_lat_2 ] [-rpoly_lat_ts ] [-stere_lat_ts ] [-tissot_lat_1 ] [-tissot_lat_2 ] [-tpeqd_lat_1 ] [-tpeqd_lon_1 ] [-tpeqd_lat_2 ] [-tpeqd_lon_2 ] [-tpers_tilt ] [-tpers_azi ] [-tpers_h ] [-ups_south] [-urm5_n ] [-urm5_q ] [-urm5_alphi ] [-urmfps_n ] [-utm_zone ] [-utm_south] [-vitk1_lat_1 ] [-vitk1_lat_2 ] [-wag3_lat_ts ] [-wink1_lat_ts ] [-wink2_lat_1 ] [-wintri_lat_1 ] -SOURCE_PROJ_PROJ_TYPE: Projection Type Choice Available Choices: [0] Albers Equal Area [1] Azimuthal Equidistant [2] Airy [3] Aitoff [4] Mod. Stererographics of Alaska [5] Apian Globular I [6] August Epicycloidal [7] Bacon Globular [8] Bipolar conic of western hemisphere [9] Boggs Eumorphic [10] Bonne (Werner lat_1=90) [11] Cassini [12] Central Cylindrical [13] Equal Area Cylindrical [14] Chamberlin Trimetric [15] Collignon [16] Craster Parabolic (Putnins P4) [17] Denoyer Semi-Elliptical [18] Eckert I [19] Eckert II [20] Eckert III [21] Eckert IV [22] Eckert V [23] Eckert VI [24] Equidistant Cylindrical (Plate Caree) [25] Equidistant Conic [26] Euler [27] Extended Transverse Mercator [28] Fahey [29] Foucaut [30] Foucaut Sinusoidal [31] Gall (Gall Stereographic) [32] Geocentric [33] Geostationary Satellite View [34] Ginsburg VIII (TsNIIGAiK) [35] General Sinusoidal Series [36] Gnomonic [37] Goode Homolosine [38] Mod. Stererographics of 48 U.S. [39] Mod. Stererographics of 50 U.S. [40] Hammer & Eckert-Greifendorff [41] Hatano Asymmetrical Equal Area [42] HEALPix [43] rHEALPix [44] Interrupted Goode Homolosine [45] International Map of the World Polyconic [46] Icosahedral Snyder Equal Area [47] Kavraisky V [48] Kavraisky VII [49] Krovak [50] Laborde [51] Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area [52] Lagrange [53] Larrivee [54] Laskowski [55] Lat/long (Geodetic) [56] Lat/long (Geodetic alias) [57] Lat/long (Geodetic alias) [58] Lat/long (Geodetic alias) [59] Lambert Conformal Conic [60] Lambert Conformal Conic Alternative [61] Lambert Equal Area Conic [62] Lee Oblated Stereographic [63] Loximuthal [64] Space oblique for LANDSAT [65] McBryde-Thomas Flat-Polar Sine (No. 1) [66] McBryde-Thomas Flat-Pole Sine (No. 2) [67] McBride-Thomas Flat-Polar Parabolic [68] McBryde-Thomas Flat-Polar Quartic [69] McBryde-Thomas Flat-Polar Sinusoidal [70] Mercator [71] Miller Oblated Stereographic [72] Miller Cylindrical [73] Mollweide [74] Murdoch I [75] Murdoch II [76] Murdoch III [77] Natural Earth [78] Nell [79] Nell-Hammer [80] Nicolosi Globular [81] Near-sided perspective [82] New Zealand Map Grid [83] General Oblique Transformation [84] Oblique Cylindrical Equal Area [85] Oblated Equal Area [86] Oblique Mercator [87] Ortelius Oval [88] Orthographic [89] Perspective Conic [90] Polyconic (American) [91] Putnins P1 [92] Putnins P2 [93] Putnins P3 [94] Putnins P3' [95] Putnins P4' [96] Putnins P5 [97] Putnins P5' [98] Putnins P6 [99] Putnins P6' [100] Quartic Authalic [101] Robinson [102] Roussilhe Stereographic [103] Rectangular Polyconic [104] Sinusoidal (Sanson-Flamsteed) [105] Swiss. Obl. Mercator [106] Stereographic [107] Oblique Stereographic Alternative [108] Gauss-Schreiber Transverse Mercator (aka Gauss-Laborde Reunion) [109] Transverse Central Cylindrical [110] Transverse Cylindrical Equal Area [111] Tissot [112] Transverse Mercator [113] Two Point Equidistant [114] Tilted perspective [115] Universal Polar Stereographic [116] Urmaev V [117] Urmaev Flat-Polar Sinusoidal [118] Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) [119] van der Grinten (I) [120] van der Grinten II [121] van der Grinten III [122] van der Grinten IV [123] Vitkovsky I [124] Wagner I (Kavraisky VI) [125] Wagner II [126] Wagner III [127] Wagner IV [128] Wagner V [129] Wagner VI [130] Wagner VII [131] Werenskiold I [132] Winkel I [133] Winkel II [134] Winkel Tripel Default: 0 -SOURCE_PROJ_DATUM_DEF: Datum Definition Choice Available Choices: [0] Predefined Datum [1] User Defined Datum Default: 0 -SOURCE_PROJ_DATUM: Predefined Datum Choice Available Choices: [0] [WGS84] [1] [GGRS87] Greek_Geodetic_Reference_System_1987 [2] [NAD83] North_American_Datum_1983 [3] [NAD27] North_American_Datum_1927 [4] [potsdam] Potsdam Rauenberg 1950 DHDN [5] [carthage] Carthage 1934 Tunisia [6] [hermannskogel] Hermannskogel [7] [ire65] Ireland 1965 [8] [nzgd49] New Zealand Geodetic Datum 1949 [9] [OSGB36] Airy 1830 Default: 0 -SOURCE_PROJ_DATUM_GRID: Datum Shift Grid File File path -SOURCE_PROJ_ELLIPSOID: Ellipsoid Definition Choice Available Choices: [0] Predefined Standard Ellipsoids [1] Semimajor Axis and Semiminor Axis [2] Semimajor Axis and Flattening [3] Semimajor Axis and Reciprocal Flattening [4] Semimajor Axis and Eccentricity [5] Semimajor Axis and Eccentricity Squared Default: 0 -SOURCE_PROJ_ELLPS_PREDEF: Predefined Standard Ellipsoids Choice Available Choices: [0] [MERIT] MERIT 1983 (a=6378137.0, rf=298.257) [1] [SGS85] Soviet Geodetic System 85 (a=6378136.0, rf=298.257) [2] [GRS80] GRS 1980(IUGG, 1980) (a=6378137.0, rf=298.257222101) [3] [IAU76] IAU 1976 (a=6378140.0, rf=298.257) [4] [airy] Airy 1830 (a=6377563.396, b=6356256.910) [5] [APL4.9] Appl. Physics. 1965 (a=6378137.0., rf=298.25) [6] [NWL9D] Naval Weapons Lab., 1965 (a=6378145.0., rf=298.25) [7] [mod_airy] Modified Airy (a=6377340.189, b=6356034.446) [8] [andrae] Andrae 1876 (Den., Iclnd.) (a=6377104.43, rf=300.0) [9] [aust_SA] Australian Natl & S. Amer. 1969 (a=6378160.0, rf=298.25) [10] [GRS67] GRS 67(IUGG 1967) (a=6378160.0, rf=298.2471674270) [11] [bessel] Bessel 1841 (a=6377397.155, rf=299.1528128) [12] [bess_nam] Bessel 1841 (Namibia) (a=6377483.865, rf=299.1528128) [13] [clrk66] Clarke 1866 (a=6378206.4, b=6356583.8) [14] [clrk80] Clarke 1880 mod. (a=6378249.145, rf=293.4663) [15] [CPM] Comm. des Poids et Mesures 1799 (a=6375738.7, rf=334.29) [16] [delmbr] Delambre 1810 (Belgium) (a=6376428., rf=311.5) [17] [engelis] Engelis 1985 (a=6378136.05, rf=298.2566) [18] [evrst30] Everest 1830 (a=6377276.345, rf=300.8017) [19] [evrst48] Everest 1948 (a=6377304.063, rf=300.8017) [20] [evrst56] Everest 1956 (a=6377301.243, rf=300.8017) [21] [evrst69] Everest 1969 (a=6377295.664, rf=300.8017) [22] [evrstSS] Everest (Sabah & Sarawak) (a=6377298.556, rf=300.8017) [23] [fschr60] Fischer (Mercury Datum) 1960 (a=6378166., rf=298.3) [24] [fschr60m] Modified Fischer 1960 (a=6378155., rf=298.3) [25] [fschr68] Fischer 1968 (a=6378150., rf=298.3) [26] [helmert] Helmert 1906 (a=6378200., rf=298.3) [27] [hough] Hough (a=6378270.0, rf=297.) [28] [intl] International 1909 (Hayford) (a=6378388.0, rf=297.) [29] [krass] Krassovsky, 1942 (a=6378245.0, rf=298.3) [30] [kaula] Kaula 1961 (a=6378163., rf=298.24) [31] [lerch] Lerch 1979 (a=6378139., rf=298.257) [32] [mprts] Maupertius 1738 (a=6397300., rf=191.) [33] [new_intl] New International 1967 (a=6378157.5, b=6356772.2) [34] [plessis] Plessis 1817 (France) (a=6376523., b=6355863.) [35] [SEasia] Southeast Asia (a=6378155.0, b=6356773.3205) [36] [walbeck] Walbeck (a=6376896.0, b=6355834.8467) [37] [WGS60] WGS 60 (a=6378165.0, rf=298.3) [38] [WGS66] WGS 66 (a=6378145.0, rf=298.25) [39] [WGS72] WGS 72 (a=6378135.0, rf=298.26) [40] [WGS84] WGS 84 (a=6378137.0, rf=298.257223563) [41] [sphere] Normal Sphere (r=6370997) (a=6370997.0, b=6370997.0) Default: 0 -SOURCE_PROJ_ELLPS_A: Semimajor Axis (a) Floating point Default: 6377397.160000 -SOURCE_PROJ_ELLPS_B: Semiminor Axis (b) Floating point Default: 6356078.760000 -SOURCE_PROJ_ELLPS_F: Flattening (f) Floating point Default: 0.003343 -SOURCE_PROJ_ELLPS_RF: Reciprocal Flattening (rf) Floating point Default: 299.149897 -SOURCE_PROJ_ELLPS_E: Eccentricity (e) Floating point Default: 9003939.789875 -SOURCE_PROJ_ELLPS_ES: Squared Eccentricity (es) Floating point Default: 81070931739699.203000 -SOURCE_PROJ_DATUM_SHIFT: Datum Shift Choice Available Choices: [0] none [1] 3 parameters (translation only) [2] 7 parameters [3] Datum Shift Grid Default: 0 -SOURCE_PROJ_DS_DX: Translation X Floating point Default: 0.000000 -SOURCE_PROJ_DS_DY: Translation Y Floating point Default: 0.000000 -SOURCE_PROJ_DS_DZ: Translation Z Floating point Default: 0.000000 -SOURCE_PROJ_DS_RX: Rotation X Floating point Default: 0.000000 -SOURCE_PROJ_DS_RY: Rotation Y Floating point Default: 0.000000 -SOURCE_PROJ_DS_RZ: Rotation Z Floating point Default: 0.000000 -SOURCE_PROJ_DS_SC: Scaling Floating point Default: 1.000000 -SOURCE_PROJ_LON_0: Central Meridian Floating point Default: 0.000000 -SOURCE_PROJ_LAT_0: Central Parallel Floating point Default: 0.000000 -SOURCE_PROJ_X_0: False Easting Floating point Default: 0.000000 -SOURCE_PROJ_Y_0: False Northing Floating point Default: 0.000000 -SOURCE_PROJ_K_0: Scale Factor Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -SOURCE_PROJ_UNIT: Unit Choice Available Choices: [0] Kilometer (1000.) [1] Meter (1.) [2] Decimeter (1/10) [3] Centimeter (1/100) [4] Millimeter (1/1000) [5] International Nautical Mile (1852.0) [6] International Inch (0.0254) [7] International Foot (0.3048) [8] International Yard (0.9144) [9] International Statute Mile (1609.344) [10] International Fathom (1.8288) [11] International Chain (20.1168) [12] International Link (0.201168) [13] U.S. Surveyor's Inch (1./39.37) [14] U.S. Surveyor's Foot (0.304800609601219) [15] U.S. Surveyor's Yard (0.914401828803658) [16] U.S. Surveyor's Chain (20.11684023368047) [17] U.S. Surveyor's Statute Mile (1609.347218694437) [18] Indian Yard (0.91439523) [19] Indian Foot (0.30479841) [20] Indian Chain (20.11669506) Default: 1 -TARGET_PROJ_PROJ_TYPE: Projection Type Choice Available Choices: [0] Albers Equal Area [1] Azimuthal Equidistant [2] Airy [3] Aitoff [4] Mod. Stererographics of Alaska [5] Apian Globular I [6] August Epicycloidal [7] Bacon Globular [8] Bipolar conic of western hemisphere [9] Boggs Eumorphic [10] Bonne (Werner lat_1=90) [11] Cassini [12] Central Cylindrical [13] Equal Area Cylindrical [14] Chamberlin Trimetric [15] Collignon [16] Craster Parabolic (Putnins P4) [17] Denoyer Semi-Elliptical [18] Eckert I [19] Eckert II [20] Eckert III [21] Eckert IV [22] Eckert V [23] Eckert VI [24] Equidistant Cylindrical (Plate Caree) [25] Equidistant Conic [26] Euler [27] Extended Transverse Mercator [28] Fahey [29] Foucaut [30] Foucaut Sinusoidal [31] Gall (Gall Stereographic) [32] Geocentric [33] Geostationary Satellite View [34] Ginsburg VIII (TsNIIGAiK) [35] General Sinusoidal Series [36] Gnomonic [37] Goode Homolosine [38] Mod. Stererographics of 48 U.S. [39] Mod. Stererographics of 50 U.S. [40] Hammer & Eckert-Greifendorff [41] Hatano Asymmetrical Equal Area [42] HEALPix [43] rHEALPix [44] Interrupted Goode Homolosine [45] International Map of the World Polyconic [46] Icosahedral Snyder Equal Area [47] Kavraisky V [48] Kavraisky VII [49] Krovak [50] Laborde [51] Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area [52] Lagrange [53] Larrivee [54] Laskowski [55] Lat/long (Geodetic) [56] Lat/long (Geodetic alias) [57] Lat/long (Geodetic alias) [58] Lat/long (Geodetic alias) [59] Lambert Conformal Conic [60] Lambert Conformal Conic Alternative [61] Lambert Equal Area Conic [62] Lee Oblated Stereographic [63] Loximuthal [64] Space oblique for LANDSAT [65] McBryde-Thomas Flat-Polar Sine (No. 1) [66] McBryde-Thomas Flat-Pole Sine (No. 2) [67] McBride-Thomas Flat-Polar Parabolic [68] McBryde-Thomas Flat-Polar Quartic [69] McBryde-Thomas Flat-Polar Sinusoidal [70] Mercator [71] Miller Oblated Stereographic [72] Miller Cylindrical [73] Mollweide [74] Murdoch I [75] Murdoch II [76] Murdoch III [77] Natural Earth [78] Nell [79] Nell-Hammer [80] Nicolosi Globular [81] Near-sided perspective [82] New Zealand Map Grid [83] General Oblique Transformation [84] Oblique Cylindrical Equal Area [85] Oblated Equal Area [86] Oblique Mercator [87] Ortelius Oval [88] Orthographic [89] Perspective Conic [90] Polyconic (American) [91] Putnins P1 [92] Putnins P2 [93] Putnins P3 [94] Putnins P3' [95] Putnins P4' [96] Putnins P5 [97] Putnins P5' [98] Putnins P6 [99] Putnins P6' [100] Quartic Authalic [101] Robinson [102] Roussilhe Stereographic [103] Rectangular Polyconic [104] Sinusoidal (Sanson-Flamsteed) [105] Swiss. Obl. Mercator [106] Stereographic [107] Oblique Stereographic Alternative [108] Gauss-Schreiber Transverse Mercator (aka Gauss-Laborde Reunion) [109] Transverse Central Cylindrical [110] Transverse Cylindrical Equal Area [111] Tissot [112] Transverse Mercator [113] Two Point Equidistant [114] Tilted perspective [115] Universal Polar Stereographic [116] Urmaev V [117] Urmaev Flat-Polar Sinusoidal [118] Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) [119] van der Grinten (I) [120] van der Grinten II [121] van der Grinten III [122] van der Grinten IV [123] Vitkovsky I [124] Wagner I (Kavraisky VI) [125] Wagner II [126] Wagner III [127] Wagner IV [128] Wagner V [129] Wagner VI [130] Wagner VII [131] Werenskiold I [132] Winkel I [133] Winkel II [134] Winkel Tripel Default: 0 -TARGET_PROJ_DATUM_DEF: Datum Definition Choice Available Choices: [0] Predefined Datum [1] User Defined Datum Default: 0 -TARGET_PROJ_DATUM: Predefined Datum Choice Available Choices: [0] [WGS84] [1] [GGRS87] Greek_Geodetic_Reference_System_1987 [2] [NAD83] North_American_Datum_1983 [3] [NAD27] North_American_Datum_1927 [4] [potsdam] Potsdam Rauenberg 1950 DHDN [5] [carthage] Carthage 1934 Tunisia [6] [hermannskogel] Hermannskogel [7] [ire65] Ireland 1965 [8] [nzgd49] New Zealand Geodetic Datum 1949 [9] [OSGB36] Airy 1830 Default: 0 -TARGET_PROJ_DATUM_GRID: Datum Shift Grid File File path -TARGET_PROJ_ELLIPSOID: Ellipsoid Definition Choice Available Choices: [0] Predefined Standard Ellipsoids [1] Semimajor Axis and Semiminor Axis [2] Semimajor Axis and Flattening [3] Semimajor Axis and Reciprocal Flattening [4] Semimajor Axis and Eccentricity [5] Semimajor Axis and Eccentricity Squared Default: 0 -TARGET_PROJ_ELLPS_PREDEF: Predefined Standard Ellipsoids Choice Available Choices: [0] [MERIT] MERIT 1983 (a=6378137.0, rf=298.257) [1] [SGS85] Soviet Geodetic System 85 (a=6378136.0, rf=298.257) [2] [GRS80] GRS 1980(IUGG, 1980) (a=6378137.0, rf=298.257222101) [3] [IAU76] IAU 1976 (a=6378140.0, rf=298.257) [4] [airy] Airy 1830 (a=6377563.396, b=6356256.910) [5] [APL4.9] Appl. Physics. 1965 (a=6378137.0., rf=298.25) [6] [NWL9D] Naval Weapons Lab., 1965 (a=6378145.0., rf=298.25) [7] [mod_airy] Modified Airy (a=6377340.189, b=6356034.446) [8] [andrae] Andrae 1876 (Den., Iclnd.) (a=6377104.43, rf=300.0) [9] [aust_SA] Australian Natl & S. Amer. 1969 (a=6378160.0, rf=298.25) [10] [GRS67] GRS 67(IUGG 1967) (a=6378160.0, rf=298.2471674270) [11] [bessel] Bessel 1841 (a=6377397.155, rf=299.1528128) [12] [bess_nam] Bessel 1841 (Namibia) (a=6377483.865, rf=299.1528128) [13] [clrk66] Clarke 1866 (a=6378206.4, b=6356583.8) [14] [clrk80] Clarke 1880 mod. (a=6378249.145, rf=293.4663) [15] [CPM] Comm. des Poids et Mesures 1799 (a=6375738.7, rf=334.29) [16] [delmbr] Delambre 1810 (Belgium) (a=6376428., rf=311.5) [17] [engelis] Engelis 1985 (a=6378136.05, rf=298.2566) [18] [evrst30] Everest 1830 (a=6377276.345, rf=300.8017) [19] [evrst48] Everest 1948 (a=6377304.063, rf=300.8017) [20] [evrst56] Everest 1956 (a=6377301.243, rf=300.8017) [21] [evrst69] Everest 1969 (a=6377295.664, rf=300.8017) [22] [evrstSS] Everest (Sabah & Sarawak) (a=6377298.556, rf=300.8017) [23] [fschr60] Fischer (Mercury Datum) 1960 (a=6378166., rf=298.3) [24] [fschr60m] Modified Fischer 1960 (a=6378155., rf=298.3) [25] [fschr68] Fischer 1968 (a=6378150., rf=298.3) [26] [helmert] Helmert 1906 (a=6378200., rf=298.3) [27] [hough] Hough (a=6378270.0, rf=297.) [28] [intl] International 1909 (Hayford) (a=6378388.0, rf=297.) [29] [krass] Krassovsky, 1942 (a=6378245.0, rf=298.3) [30] [kaula] Kaula 1961 (a=6378163., rf=298.24) [31] [lerch] Lerch 1979 (a=6378139., rf=298.257) [32] [mprts] Maupertius 1738 (a=6397300., rf=191.) [33] [new_intl] New International 1967 (a=6378157.5, b=6356772.2) [34] [plessis] Plessis 1817 (France) (a=6376523., b=6355863.) [35] [SEasia] Southeast Asia (a=6378155.0, b=6356773.3205) [36] [walbeck] Walbeck (a=6376896.0, b=6355834.8467) [37] [WGS60] WGS 60 (a=6378165.0, rf=298.3) [38] [WGS66] WGS 66 (a=6378145.0, rf=298.25) [39] [WGS72] WGS 72 (a=6378135.0, rf=298.26) [40] [WGS84] WGS 84 (a=6378137.0, rf=298.257223563) [41] [sphere] Normal Sphere (r=6370997) (a=6370997.0, b=6370997.0) Default: 0 -TARGET_PROJ_ELLPS_A: Semimajor Axis (a) Floating point Default: 6377397.160000 -TARGET_PROJ_ELLPS_B: Semiminor Axis (b) Floating point Default: 6356078.760000 -TARGET_PROJ_ELLPS_F: Flattening (f) Floating point Default: 0.003343 -TARGET_PROJ_ELLPS_RF: Reciprocal Flattening (rf) Floating point Default: 299.149897 -TARGET_PROJ_ELLPS_E: Eccentricity (e) Floating point Default: 9003939.789875 -TARGET_PROJ_ELLPS_ES: Squared Eccentricity (es) Floating point Default: 81070931739699.203000 -TARGET_PROJ_DATUM_SHIFT: Datum Shift Choice Available Choices: [0] none [1] 3 parameters (translation only) [2] 7 parameters [3] Datum Shift Grid Default: 0 -TARGET_PROJ_DS_DX: Translation X Floating point Default: 0.000000 -TARGET_PROJ_DS_DY: Translation Y Floating point Default: 0.000000 -TARGET_PROJ_DS_DZ: Translation Z Floating point Default: 0.000000 -TARGET_PROJ_DS_RX: Rotation X Floating point Default: 0.000000 -TARGET_PROJ_DS_RY: Rotation Y Floating point Default: 0.000000 -TARGET_PROJ_DS_RZ: Rotation Z Floating point Default: 0.000000 -TARGET_PROJ_DS_SC: Scaling Floating point Default: 1.000000 -TARGET_PROJ_LON_0: Central Meridian Floating point Default: 0.000000 -TARGET_PROJ_LAT_0: Central Parallel Floating point Default: 0.000000 -TARGET_PROJ_X_0: False Easting Floating point Default: 0.000000 -TARGET_PROJ_Y_0: False Northing Floating point Default: 0.000000 -TARGET_PROJ_K_0: Scale Factor Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -TARGET_PROJ_UNIT: Unit Choice Available Choices: [0] Kilometer (1000.) [1] Meter (1.) [2] Decimeter (1/10) [3] Centimeter (1/100) [4] Millimeter (1/1000) [5] International Nautical Mile (1852.0) [6] International Inch (0.0254) [7] International Foot (0.3048) [8] International Yard (0.9144) [9] International Statute Mile (1609.344) [10] International Fathom (1.8288) [11] International Chain (20.1168) [12] International Link (0.201168) [13] U.S. Surveyor's Inch (1./39.37) [14] U.S. Surveyor's Foot (0.304800609601219) [15] U.S. Surveyor's Yard (0.914401828803658) [16] U.S. Surveyor's Chain (20.11684023368047) [17] U.S. Surveyor's Statute Mile (1609.347218694437) [18] Indian Yard (0.91439523) [19] Indian Foot (0.30479841) [20] Indian Chain (20.11669506) Default: 1 -SOURCE: Source Shapes list (input) -TARGET: Target Shapes list (optional output) -aea_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -aea_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -aeqd_guam guam Boolean Default: 1 -airy_lat_b: Latitude B Floating point Default: 45.000000 -airy_no_cut No Cut Boolean Default: 1 -bonne_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -cea_lat_ts: True Scale Latitude Floating point Default: 0.000000 -chamb_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 30.000000 -chamb_lon_1: Longitude 1 Floating point Default: -20.000000 -chamb_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 40.000000 -chamb_lon_2: Longitude 2 Floating point Default: 0.000000 -chamb_lat_3: Latitude 3 Floating point Default: 50.000000 -chamb_lon_3: Longitude 3 Floating point Default: 20.000000 -eqc_lat_ts: True Scale Latitude Floating point Default: 0.000000 -eqdc_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -eqdc_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -euler_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -euler_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -gn_sinu_m: m Floating point Default: 0.500000 -gn_sinu_n: n Floating point Default: 1.785398 -hammer_W: W Floating point Default: 0.500000 -hammer_M: M Floating point Default: 1.000000 -imw_p_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -imw_p_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -labrd_azi: Azimuth Floating point Default: 19.000000 -lagrng_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 0.000000 -lagrng_W: W Floating point Default: 2.000000 -lcc_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -lcc_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -leac_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -leac_south South Boolean Default: 0 -lsat_lsat: Landsat Integer Default: 1 -lsat_path: Path Integer Default: 1 -merc_lat_ts: True Scale Latitude Floating point Default: 0.000000 -murd1_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -murd1_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -murd2_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -murd2_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -murd3_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -murd3_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -nsper_h: Height of view point Floating point Default: 1.000000 -ob_tran_o_lat_p: Latitude Pole Floating point Default: 40.000000 -ob_tran_o_lon_p: Longitude Pole Floating point Default: 40.000000 -ocea_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 40.000000 -ocea_lon_1: Longitude 1 Floating point Default: -20.000000 -ocea_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 50.000000 -ocea_lon_2: Longitude 2 Floating point Default: 20.000000 -oea_m: m Floating point Default: 1.000000 -oea_n: n Floating point Default: 1.000000 -oea_theta: theta Floating point Default: 45.000000 -omerc_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 40.000000 -omerc_lon_1: Longitude 1 Floating point Default: -20.000000 -omerc_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 50.000000 -omerc_lon_2: Longitude 2 Floating point Default: 20.000000 -pconic_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -pconic_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -rpoly_lat_ts: True Scale Latitude Floating point Default: 45.000000 -stere_lat_ts: True Scale Latitude Floating point Default: 45.000000 -tissot_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -tissot_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -tpeqd_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 40.000000 -tpeqd_lon_1: Longitude 1 Floating point Default: -20.000000 -tpeqd_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 50.000000 -tpeqd_lon_2: Longitude 2 Floating point Default: 20.000000 -tpers_tilt: Tilt Floating point Default: 45.000000 -tpers_azi: Azimuth Floating point Default: 45.000000 -tpers_h: h Floating point Default: 1000.000000 -ups_south South Boolean Default: 1 -urm5_n: n Floating point Default: 1.000000 -urm5_q: q Floating point Default: 1.000000 -urm5_alphi: alphi Floating point Default: 45.000000 -urmfps_n: n Floating point Default: 1.000000 -utm_zone: Zone Integer Default: 32 -utm_south South Boolean Default: 0 -vitk1_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -vitk1_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -wag3_lat_ts: True Scale Latitude Floating point Default: 45.000000 -wink1_lat_ts: True Scale Latitude Floating point Default: 45.000000 -wink2_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 40.000000 -wintri_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 40.000000 -aea_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -aea_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -aeqd_guam guam Boolean Default: 1 -airy_lat_b: Latitude B Floating point Default: 45.000000 -airy_no_cut No Cut Boolean Default: 1 -bonne_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -cea_lat_ts: True Scale Latitude Floating point Default: 0.000000 -chamb_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 30.000000 -chamb_lon_1: Longitude 1 Floating point Default: -20.000000 -chamb_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 40.000000 -chamb_lon_2: Longitude 2 Floating point Default: 0.000000 -chamb_lat_3: Latitude 3 Floating point Default: 50.000000 -chamb_lon_3: Longitude 3 Floating point Default: 20.000000 -eqc_lat_ts: True Scale Latitude Floating point Default: 0.000000 -eqdc_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -eqdc_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -euler_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -euler_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -gn_sinu_m: m Floating point Default: 0.500000 -gn_sinu_n: n Floating point Default: 1.785398 -hammer_W: W Floating point Default: 0.500000 -hammer_M: M Floating point Default: 1.000000 -imw_p_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -imw_p_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -labrd_azi: Azimuth Floating point Default: 19.000000 -lagrng_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 0.000000 -lagrng_W: W Floating point Default: 2.000000 -lcc_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -lcc_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -leac_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -leac_south South Boolean Default: 0 -lsat_lsat: Landsat Integer Default: 1 -lsat_path: Path Integer Default: 1 -merc_lat_ts: True Scale Latitude Floating point Default: 0.000000 -murd1_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -murd1_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -murd2_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -murd2_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -murd3_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -murd3_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -nsper_h: Height of view point Floating point Default: 1.000000 -ob_tran_o_lat_p: Latitude Pole Floating point Default: 40.000000 -ob_tran_o_lon_p: Longitude Pole Floating point Default: 40.000000 -ocea_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 40.000000 -ocea_lon_1: Longitude 1 Floating point Default: -20.000000 -ocea_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 50.000000 -ocea_lon_2: Longitude 2 Floating point Default: 20.000000 -oea_m: m Floating point Default: 1.000000 -oea_n: n Floating point Default: 1.000000 -oea_theta: theta Floating point Default: 45.000000 -omerc_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 40.000000 -omerc_lon_1: Longitude 1 Floating point Default: -20.000000 -omerc_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 50.000000 -omerc_lon_2: Longitude 2 Floating point Default: 20.000000 -pconic_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -pconic_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -rpoly_lat_ts: True Scale Latitude Floating point Default: 45.000000 -stere_lat_ts: True Scale Latitude Floating point Default: 45.000000 -tissot_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -tissot_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -tpeqd_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 40.000000 -tpeqd_lon_1: Longitude 1 Floating point Default: -20.000000 -tpeqd_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 50.000000 -tpeqd_lon_2: Longitude 2 Floating point Default: 20.000000 -tpers_tilt: Tilt Floating point Default: 45.000000 -tpers_azi: Azimuth Floating point Default: 45.000000 -tpers_h: h Floating point Default: 1000.000000 -ups_south South Boolean Default: 1 -urm5_n: n Floating point Default: 1.000000 -urm5_q: q Floating point Default: 1.000000 -urm5_alphi: alphi Floating point Default: 45.000000 -urmfps_n: n Floating point Default: 1.000000 -utm_zone: Zone Integer Default: 32 -utm_south South Boolean Default: 0 -vitk1_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -vitk1_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -wag3_lat_ts: True Scale Latitude Floating point Default: 45.000000 -wink1_lat_ts: True Scale Latitude Floating point Default: 45.000000 -wink2_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 40.000000 -wintri_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 40.000000 Proj.4 (Command Line Arguments, List of Grids) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\pj_proj4.dll library name: Projection - Proj.4 tool name : Proj.4 (Command Line Arguments, List of Grids) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd pj_proj4 11 [-SOURCE_PROJ ] [-TARGET_PROJ ] -SOURCE [-TARGET ] [-SHAPES ] [-CREATE_XY] [-OUT_X ] [-OUT_Y ] [-INTERPOLATION ] [-TARGET_TYPE ] [-GET_USER_XMIN ] [-GET_USER_XMAX ] [-GET_USER_YMIN ] [-GET_USER_YMAX ] [-GET_USER_SIZE ] [-GET_USER_FIT ] [-GET_SYSTEM_SYSTEM_NX ] [-GET_SYSTEM_SYSTEM_NY ] [-GET_SYSTEM_SYSTEM_X ] [-GET_SYSTEM_SYSTEM_Y ] [-GET_SYSTEM_SYSTEM_D ] [-GET_SHAPES_SHAPES ] -SOURCE_PROJ: Source Projection Parameters Text Default: +proj=tmerc +datum=potsdam +lon_0=9 +x_0=3500000 -TARGET_PROJ: Target Projection Parameters Text Default: +proj=tmerc +datum=potsdam +lon_0=12 +x_0=4500000 -SOURCE: Source Grid list (input) -TARGET: Target Grid list (optional output) -SHAPES: Shapes Data Object (optional output) -CREATE_XY Create X/Y Grids Boolean Default: 0 -OUT_X: X Coordinates Data Object (optional output) -OUT_Y: Y Coordinates Data Object (optional output) -INTERPOLATION: Interpolation Choice Available Choices: [0] Nearest Neigbhor [1] Bilinear Interpolation [2] Inverse Distance Interpolation [3] Bicubic Spline Interpolation [4] B-Spline Interpolation Default: 4 -TARGET_TYPE: Target Choice Available Choices: [0] user defined [1] grid [2] shapes Default: 0 -GET_USER_XMIN: Left Floating point Default: 0.000000 -GET_USER_XMAX: Right Floating point Default: 0.000000 -GET_USER_YMIN: Bottom Floating point Default: 0.000000 -GET_USER_YMAX: Top Floating point Default: 0.000000 -GET_USER_SIZE: Cellsize Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -GET_USER_FIT: Fit Choice Available Choices: [0] nodes [1] cells Default: 0 -GET_SYSTEM_SYSTEM_NX: System Grid system -GET_SYSTEM_SYSTEM_NY: System Grid system -GET_SYSTEM_SYSTEM_X: System Grid system -GET_SYSTEM_SYSTEM_Y: System Grid system -GET_SYSTEM_SYSTEM_D: System Grid system -GET_SHAPES_SHAPES: Shapes Shapes (output) Proj.4 (Dialog, List of Grids) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\pj_proj4.dll library name: Projection - Proj.4 tool name : Proj.4 (Dialog, List of Grids) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd pj_proj4 12 [-SOURCE_PROJ_PROJ_TYPE ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_DATUM_DEF ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_DATUM ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_DATUM_GRID ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_ELLIPSOID ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_ELLPS_PREDEF ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_ELLPS_A ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_ELLPS_B ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_ELLPS_F ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_ELLPS_RF ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_ELLPS_E ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_ELLPS_ES ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_DATUM_SHIFT ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_DS_DX ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_DS_DY ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_DS_DZ ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_DS_RX ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_DS_RY ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_DS_RZ ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_DS_SC ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_LON_0 ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_LAT_0 ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_X_0 ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_Y_0 ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_K_0 ] [-SOURCE_PROJ_UNIT ] [-TARGET_PROJ_PROJ_TYPE ] [-TARGET_PROJ_DATUM_DEF ] [-TARGET_PROJ_DATUM ] [-TARGET_PROJ_DATUM_GRID ] [-TARGET_PROJ_ELLIPSOID ] [-TARGET_PROJ_ELLPS_PREDEF ] [-TARGET_PROJ_ELLPS_A ] [-TARGET_PROJ_ELLPS_B ] [-TARGET_PROJ_ELLPS_F ] [-TARGET_PROJ_ELLPS_RF ] [-TARGET_PROJ_ELLPS_E ] [-TARGET_PROJ_ELLPS_ES ] [-TARGET_PROJ_DATUM_SHIFT ] [-TARGET_PROJ_DS_DX ] [-TARGET_PROJ_DS_DY ] [-TARGET_PROJ_DS_DZ ] [-TARGET_PROJ_DS_RX ] [-TARGET_PROJ_DS_RY ] [-TARGET_PROJ_DS_RZ ] [-TARGET_PROJ_DS_SC ] [-TARGET_PROJ_LON_0 ] [-TARGET_PROJ_LAT_0 ] [-TARGET_PROJ_X_0 ] [-TARGET_PROJ_Y_0 ] [-TARGET_PROJ_K_0 ] [-TARGET_PROJ_UNIT ] -SOURCE [-TARGET ] [-SHAPES ] [-CREATE_XY] [-OUT_X ] [-OUT_Y ] [-INTERPOLATION ] [-TARGET_TYPE ] [-aea_lat_1 ] [-aea_lat_2 ] [-aeqd_guam] [-airy_lat_b ] [-airy_no_cut] [-bonne_lat_1 ] [-cea_lat_ts ] [-chamb_lat_1 ] [-chamb_lon_1 ] [-chamb_lat_2 ] [-chamb_lon_2 ] [-chamb_lat_3 ] [-chamb_lon_3 ] [-eqc_lat_ts ] [-eqdc_lat_1 ] [-eqdc_lat_2 ] [-euler_lat_1 ] [-euler_lat_2 ] [-gn_sinu_m ] [-gn_sinu_n ] [-hammer_W ] [-hammer_M ] [-imw_p_lat_1 ] [-imw_p_lat_2 ] [-labrd_azi ] [-lagrng_lat_1 ] [-lagrng_W ] [-lcc_lat_1 ] [-lcc_lat_2 ] [-leac_lat_1 ] [-leac_south] [-lsat_lsat ] [-lsat_path ] [-merc_lat_ts ] [-murd1_lat_1 ] [-murd1_lat_2 ] [-murd2_lat_1 ] [-murd2_lat_2 ] [-murd3_lat_1 ] [-murd3_lat_2 ] [-nsper_h ] [-ob_tran_o_lat_p ] [-ob_tran_o_lon_p ] [-ocea_lat_1 ] [-ocea_lon_1 ] [-ocea_lat_2 ] [-ocea_lon_2 ] [-oea_m ] [-oea_n ] [-oea_theta ] [-omerc_lat_1 ] [-omerc_lon_1 ] [-omerc_lat_2 ] [-omerc_lon_2 ] [-pconic_lat_1 ] [-pconic_lat_2 ] [-rpoly_lat_ts ] [-stere_lat_ts ] [-tissot_lat_1 ] [-tissot_lat_2 ] [-tpeqd_lat_1 ] [-tpeqd_lon_1 ] [-tpeqd_lat_2 ] [-tpeqd_lon_2 ] [-tpers_tilt ] [-tpers_azi ] [-tpers_h ] [-ups_south] [-urm5_n ] [-urm5_q ] [-urm5_alphi ] [-urmfps_n ] [-utm_zone ] [-utm_south] [-vitk1_lat_1 ] [-vitk1_lat_2 ] [-wag3_lat_ts ] [-wink1_lat_ts ] [-wink2_lat_1 ] [-wintri_lat_1 ] [-aea_lat_1 ] [-aea_lat_2 ] [-aeqd_guam] [-airy_lat_b ] [-airy_no_cut] [-bonne_lat_1 ] [-cea_lat_ts ] [-chamb_lat_1 ] [-chamb_lon_1 ] [-chamb_lat_2 ] [-chamb_lon_2 ] [-chamb_lat_3 ] [-chamb_lon_3 ] [-eqc_lat_ts ] [-eqdc_lat_1 ] [-eqdc_lat_2 ] [-euler_lat_1 ] [-euler_lat_2 ] [-gn_sinu_m ] [-gn_sinu_n ] [-hammer_W ] [-hammer_M ] [-imw_p_lat_1 ] [-imw_p_lat_2 ] [-labrd_azi ] [-lagrng_lat_1 ] [-lagrng_W ] [-lcc_lat_1 ] [-lcc_lat_2 ] [-leac_lat_1 ] [-leac_south] [-lsat_lsat ] [-lsat_path ] [-merc_lat_ts ] [-murd1_lat_1 ] [-murd1_lat_2 ] [-murd2_lat_1 ] [-murd2_lat_2 ] [-murd3_lat_1 ] [-murd3_lat_2 ] [-nsper_h ] [-ob_tran_o_lat_p ] [-ob_tran_o_lon_p ] [-ocea_lat_1 ] [-ocea_lon_1 ] [-ocea_lat_2 ] [-ocea_lon_2 ] [-oea_m ] [-oea_n ] [-oea_theta ] [-omerc_lat_1 ] [-omerc_lon_1 ] [-omerc_lat_2 ] [-omerc_lon_2 ] [-pconic_lat_1 ] [-pconic_lat_2 ] [-rpoly_lat_ts ] [-stere_lat_ts ] [-tissot_lat_1 ] [-tissot_lat_2 ] [-tpeqd_lat_1 ] [-tpeqd_lon_1 ] [-tpeqd_lat_2 ] [-tpeqd_lon_2 ] [-tpers_tilt ] [-tpers_azi ] [-tpers_h ] [-ups_south] [-urm5_n ] [-urm5_q ] [-urm5_alphi ] [-urmfps_n ] [-utm_zone ] [-utm_south] [-vitk1_lat_1 ] [-vitk1_lat_2 ] [-wag3_lat_ts ] [-wink1_lat_ts ] [-wink2_lat_1 ] [-wintri_lat_1 ] [-GET_USER_XMIN ] [-GET_USER_XMAX ] [-GET_USER_YMIN ] [-GET_USER_YMAX ] [-GET_USER_SIZE ] [-GET_USER_FIT ] [-GET_SYSTEM_SYSTEM_NX ] [-GET_SYSTEM_SYSTEM_NY ] [-GET_SYSTEM_SYSTEM_X ] [-GET_SYSTEM_SYSTEM_Y ] [-GET_SYSTEM_SYSTEM_D ] [-GET_SHAPES_SHAPES ] -SOURCE_PROJ_PROJ_TYPE: Projection Type Choice Available Choices: [0] Albers Equal Area [1] Azimuthal Equidistant [2] Airy [3] Aitoff [4] Mod. Stererographics of Alaska [5] Apian Globular I [6] August Epicycloidal [7] Bacon Globular [8] Bipolar conic of western hemisphere [9] Boggs Eumorphic [10] Bonne (Werner lat_1=90) [11] Cassini [12] Central Cylindrical [13] Equal Area Cylindrical [14] Chamberlin Trimetric [15] Collignon [16] Craster Parabolic (Putnins P4) [17] Denoyer Semi-Elliptical [18] Eckert I [19] Eckert II [20] Eckert III [21] Eckert IV [22] Eckert V [23] Eckert VI [24] Equidistant Cylindrical (Plate Caree) [25] Equidistant Conic [26] Euler [27] Extended Transverse Mercator [28] Fahey [29] Foucaut [30] Foucaut Sinusoidal [31] Gall (Gall Stereographic) [32] Geocentric [33] Geostationary Satellite View [34] Ginsburg VIII (TsNIIGAiK) [35] General Sinusoidal Series [36] Gnomonic [37] Goode Homolosine [38] Mod. Stererographics of 48 U.S. [39] Mod. Stererographics of 50 U.S. [40] Hammer & Eckert-Greifendorff [41] Hatano Asymmetrical Equal Area [42] HEALPix [43] rHEALPix [44] Interrupted Goode Homolosine [45] International Map of the World Polyconic [46] Icosahedral Snyder Equal Area [47] Kavraisky V [48] Kavraisky VII [49] Krovak [50] Laborde [51] Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area [52] Lagrange [53] Larrivee [54] Laskowski [55] Lat/long (Geodetic) [56] Lat/long (Geodetic alias) [57] Lat/long (Geodetic alias) [58] Lat/long (Geodetic alias) [59] Lambert Conformal Conic [60] Lambert Conformal Conic Alternative [61] Lambert Equal Area Conic [62] Lee Oblated Stereographic [63] Loximuthal [64] Space oblique for LANDSAT [65] McBryde-Thomas Flat-Polar Sine (No. 1) [66] McBryde-Thomas Flat-Pole Sine (No. 2) [67] McBride-Thomas Flat-Polar Parabolic [68] McBryde-Thomas Flat-Polar Quartic [69] McBryde-Thomas Flat-Polar Sinusoidal [70] Mercator [71] Miller Oblated Stereographic [72] Miller Cylindrical [73] Mollweide [74] Murdoch I [75] Murdoch II [76] Murdoch III [77] Natural Earth [78] Nell [79] Nell-Hammer [80] Nicolosi Globular [81] Near-sided perspective [82] New Zealand Map Grid [83] General Oblique Transformation [84] Oblique Cylindrical Equal Area [85] Oblated Equal Area [86] Oblique Mercator [87] Ortelius Oval [88] Orthographic [89] Perspective Conic [90] Polyconic (American) [91] Putnins P1 [92] Putnins P2 [93] Putnins P3 [94] Putnins P3' [95] Putnins P4' [96] Putnins P5 [97] Putnins P5' [98] Putnins P6 [99] Putnins P6' [100] Quartic Authalic [101] Robinson [102] Roussilhe Stereographic [103] Rectangular Polyconic [104] Sinusoidal (Sanson-Flamsteed) [105] Swiss. Obl. Mercator [106] Stereographic [107] Oblique Stereographic Alternative [108] Gauss-Schreiber Transverse Mercator (aka Gauss-Laborde Reunion) [109] Transverse Central Cylindrical [110] Transverse Cylindrical Equal Area [111] Tissot [112] Transverse Mercator [113] Two Point Equidistant [114] Tilted perspective [115] Universal Polar Stereographic [116] Urmaev V [117] Urmaev Flat-Polar Sinusoidal [118] Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) [119] van der Grinten (I) [120] van der Grinten II [121] van der Grinten III [122] van der Grinten IV [123] Vitkovsky I [124] Wagner I (Kavraisky VI) [125] Wagner II [126] Wagner III [127] Wagner IV [128] Wagner V [129] Wagner VI [130] Wagner VII [131] Werenskiold I [132] Winkel I [133] Winkel II [134] Winkel Tripel Default: 0 -SOURCE_PROJ_DATUM_DEF: Datum Definition Choice Available Choices: [0] Predefined Datum [1] User Defined Datum Default: 0 -SOURCE_PROJ_DATUM: Predefined Datum Choice Available Choices: [0] [WGS84] [1] [GGRS87] Greek_Geodetic_Reference_System_1987 [2] [NAD83] North_American_Datum_1983 [3] [NAD27] North_American_Datum_1927 [4] [potsdam] Potsdam Rauenberg 1950 DHDN [5] [carthage] Carthage 1934 Tunisia [6] [hermannskogel] Hermannskogel [7] [ire65] Ireland 1965 [8] [nzgd49] New Zealand Geodetic Datum 1949 [9] [OSGB36] Airy 1830 Default: 0 -SOURCE_PROJ_DATUM_GRID: Datum Shift Grid File File path -SOURCE_PROJ_ELLIPSOID: Ellipsoid Definition Choice Available Choices: [0] Predefined Standard Ellipsoids [1] Semimajor Axis and Semiminor Axis [2] Semimajor Axis and Flattening [3] Semimajor Axis and Reciprocal Flattening [4] Semimajor Axis and Eccentricity [5] Semimajor Axis and Eccentricity Squared Default: 0 -SOURCE_PROJ_ELLPS_PREDEF: Predefined Standard Ellipsoids Choice Available Choices: [0] [MERIT] MERIT 1983 (a=6378137.0, rf=298.257) [1] [SGS85] Soviet Geodetic System 85 (a=6378136.0, rf=298.257) [2] [GRS80] GRS 1980(IUGG, 1980) (a=6378137.0, rf=298.257222101) [3] [IAU76] IAU 1976 (a=6378140.0, rf=298.257) [4] [airy] Airy 1830 (a=6377563.396, b=6356256.910) [5] [APL4.9] Appl. Physics. 1965 (a=6378137.0., rf=298.25) [6] [NWL9D] Naval Weapons Lab., 1965 (a=6378145.0., rf=298.25) [7] [mod_airy] Modified Airy (a=6377340.189, b=6356034.446) [8] [andrae] Andrae 1876 (Den., Iclnd.) (a=6377104.43, rf=300.0) [9] [aust_SA] Australian Natl & S. Amer. 1969 (a=6378160.0, rf=298.25) [10] [GRS67] GRS 67(IUGG 1967) (a=6378160.0, rf=298.2471674270) [11] [bessel] Bessel 1841 (a=6377397.155, rf=299.1528128) [12] [bess_nam] Bessel 1841 (Namibia) (a=6377483.865, rf=299.1528128) [13] [clrk66] Clarke 1866 (a=6378206.4, b=6356583.8) [14] [clrk80] Clarke 1880 mod. (a=6378249.145, rf=293.4663) [15] [CPM] Comm. des Poids et Mesures 1799 (a=6375738.7, rf=334.29) [16] [delmbr] Delambre 1810 (Belgium) (a=6376428., rf=311.5) [17] [engelis] Engelis 1985 (a=6378136.05, rf=298.2566) [18] [evrst30] Everest 1830 (a=6377276.345, rf=300.8017) [19] [evrst48] Everest 1948 (a=6377304.063, rf=300.8017) [20] [evrst56] Everest 1956 (a=6377301.243, rf=300.8017) [21] [evrst69] Everest 1969 (a=6377295.664, rf=300.8017) [22] [evrstSS] Everest (Sabah & Sarawak) (a=6377298.556, rf=300.8017) [23] [fschr60] Fischer (Mercury Datum) 1960 (a=6378166., rf=298.3) [24] [fschr60m] Modified Fischer 1960 (a=6378155., rf=298.3) [25] [fschr68] Fischer 1968 (a=6378150., rf=298.3) [26] [helmert] Helmert 1906 (a=6378200., rf=298.3) [27] [hough] Hough (a=6378270.0, rf=297.) [28] [intl] International 1909 (Hayford) (a=6378388.0, rf=297.) [29] [krass] Krassovsky, 1942 (a=6378245.0, rf=298.3) [30] [kaula] Kaula 1961 (a=6378163., rf=298.24) [31] [lerch] Lerch 1979 (a=6378139., rf=298.257) [32] [mprts] Maupertius 1738 (a=6397300., rf=191.) [33] [new_intl] New International 1967 (a=6378157.5, b=6356772.2) [34] [plessis] Plessis 1817 (France) (a=6376523., b=6355863.) [35] [SEasia] Southeast Asia (a=6378155.0, b=6356773.3205) [36] [walbeck] Walbeck (a=6376896.0, b=6355834.8467) [37] [WGS60] WGS 60 (a=6378165.0, rf=298.3) [38] [WGS66] WGS 66 (a=6378145.0, rf=298.25) [39] [WGS72] WGS 72 (a=6378135.0, rf=298.26) [40] [WGS84] WGS 84 (a=6378137.0, rf=298.257223563) [41] [sphere] Normal Sphere (r=6370997) (a=6370997.0, b=6370997.0) Default: 0 -SOURCE_PROJ_ELLPS_A: Semimajor Axis (a) Floating point Default: 6377397.160000 -SOURCE_PROJ_ELLPS_B: Semiminor Axis (b) Floating point Default: 6356078.760000 -SOURCE_PROJ_ELLPS_F: Flattening (f) Floating point Default: 0.003343 -SOURCE_PROJ_ELLPS_RF: Reciprocal Flattening (rf) Floating point Default: 299.149897 -SOURCE_PROJ_ELLPS_E: Eccentricity (e) Floating point Default: 9003939.789875 -SOURCE_PROJ_ELLPS_ES: Squared Eccentricity (es) Floating point Default: 81070931739699.203000 -SOURCE_PROJ_DATUM_SHIFT: Datum Shift Choice Available Choices: [0] none [1] 3 parameters (translation only) [2] 7 parameters [3] Datum Shift Grid Default: 0 -SOURCE_PROJ_DS_DX: Translation X Floating point Default: 0.000000 -SOURCE_PROJ_DS_DY: Translation Y Floating point Default: 0.000000 -SOURCE_PROJ_DS_DZ: Translation Z Floating point Default: 0.000000 -SOURCE_PROJ_DS_RX: Rotation X Floating point Default: 0.000000 -SOURCE_PROJ_DS_RY: Rotation Y Floating point Default: 0.000000 -SOURCE_PROJ_DS_RZ: Rotation Z Floating point Default: 0.000000 -SOURCE_PROJ_DS_SC: Scaling Floating point Default: 1.000000 -SOURCE_PROJ_LON_0: Central Meridian Floating point Default: 0.000000 -SOURCE_PROJ_LAT_0: Central Parallel Floating point Default: 0.000000 -SOURCE_PROJ_X_0: False Easting Floating point Default: 0.000000 -SOURCE_PROJ_Y_0: False Northing Floating point Default: 0.000000 -SOURCE_PROJ_K_0: Scale Factor Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -SOURCE_PROJ_UNIT: Unit Choice Available Choices: [0] Kilometer (1000.) [1] Meter (1.) [2] Decimeter (1/10) [3] Centimeter (1/100) [4] Millimeter (1/1000) [5] International Nautical Mile (1852.0) [6] International Inch (0.0254) [7] International Foot (0.3048) [8] International Yard (0.9144) [9] International Statute Mile (1609.344) [10] International Fathom (1.8288) [11] International Chain (20.1168) [12] International Link (0.201168) [13] U.S. Surveyor's Inch (1./39.37) [14] U.S. Surveyor's Foot (0.304800609601219) [15] U.S. Surveyor's Yard (0.914401828803658) [16] U.S. Surveyor's Chain (20.11684023368047) [17] U.S. Surveyor's Statute Mile (1609.347218694437) [18] Indian Yard (0.91439523) [19] Indian Foot (0.30479841) [20] Indian Chain (20.11669506) Default: 1 -TARGET_PROJ_PROJ_TYPE: Projection Type Choice Available Choices: [0] Albers Equal Area [1] Azimuthal Equidistant [2] Airy [3] Aitoff [4] Mod. Stererographics of Alaska [5] Apian Globular I [6] August Epicycloidal [7] Bacon Globular [8] Bipolar conic of western hemisphere [9] Boggs Eumorphic [10] Bonne (Werner lat_1=90) [11] Cassini [12] Central Cylindrical [13] Equal Area Cylindrical [14] Chamberlin Trimetric [15] Collignon [16] Craster Parabolic (Putnins P4) [17] Denoyer Semi-Elliptical [18] Eckert I [19] Eckert II [20] Eckert III [21] Eckert IV [22] Eckert V [23] Eckert VI [24] Equidistant Cylindrical (Plate Caree) [25] Equidistant Conic [26] Euler [27] Extended Transverse Mercator [28] Fahey [29] Foucaut [30] Foucaut Sinusoidal [31] Gall (Gall Stereographic) [32] Geocentric [33] Geostationary Satellite View [34] Ginsburg VIII (TsNIIGAiK) [35] General Sinusoidal Series [36] Gnomonic [37] Goode Homolosine [38] Mod. Stererographics of 48 U.S. [39] Mod. Stererographics of 50 U.S. [40] Hammer & Eckert-Greifendorff [41] Hatano Asymmetrical Equal Area [42] HEALPix [43] rHEALPix [44] Interrupted Goode Homolosine [45] International Map of the World Polyconic [46] Icosahedral Snyder Equal Area [47] Kavraisky V [48] Kavraisky VII [49] Krovak [50] Laborde [51] Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area [52] Lagrange [53] Larrivee [54] Laskowski [55] Lat/long (Geodetic) [56] Lat/long (Geodetic alias) [57] Lat/long (Geodetic alias) [58] Lat/long (Geodetic alias) [59] Lambert Conformal Conic [60] Lambert Conformal Conic Alternative [61] Lambert Equal Area Conic [62] Lee Oblated Stereographic [63] Loximuthal [64] Space oblique for LANDSAT [65] McBryde-Thomas Flat-Polar Sine (No. 1) [66] McBryde-Thomas Flat-Pole Sine (No. 2) [67] McBride-Thomas Flat-Polar Parabolic [68] McBryde-Thomas Flat-Polar Quartic [69] McBryde-Thomas Flat-Polar Sinusoidal [70] Mercator [71] Miller Oblated Stereographic [72] Miller Cylindrical [73] Mollweide [74] Murdoch I [75] Murdoch II [76] Murdoch III [77] Natural Earth [78] Nell [79] Nell-Hammer [80] Nicolosi Globular [81] Near-sided perspective [82] New Zealand Map Grid [83] General Oblique Transformation [84] Oblique Cylindrical Equal Area [85] Oblated Equal Area [86] Oblique Mercator [87] Ortelius Oval [88] Orthographic [89] Perspective Conic [90] Polyconic (American) [91] Putnins P1 [92] Putnins P2 [93] Putnins P3 [94] Putnins P3' [95] Putnins P4' [96] Putnins P5 [97] Putnins P5' [98] Putnins P6 [99] Putnins P6' [100] Quartic Authalic [101] Robinson [102] Roussilhe Stereographic [103] Rectangular Polyconic [104] Sinusoidal (Sanson-Flamsteed) [105] Swiss. Obl. Mercator [106] Stereographic [107] Oblique Stereographic Alternative [108] Gauss-Schreiber Transverse Mercator (aka Gauss-Laborde Reunion) [109] Transverse Central Cylindrical [110] Transverse Cylindrical Equal Area [111] Tissot [112] Transverse Mercator [113] Two Point Equidistant [114] Tilted perspective [115] Universal Polar Stereographic [116] Urmaev V [117] Urmaev Flat-Polar Sinusoidal [118] Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) [119] van der Grinten (I) [120] van der Grinten II [121] van der Grinten III [122] van der Grinten IV [123] Vitkovsky I [124] Wagner I (Kavraisky VI) [125] Wagner II [126] Wagner III [127] Wagner IV [128] Wagner V [129] Wagner VI [130] Wagner VII [131] Werenskiold I [132] Winkel I [133] Winkel II [134] Winkel Tripel Default: 0 -TARGET_PROJ_DATUM_DEF: Datum Definition Choice Available Choices: [0] Predefined Datum [1] User Defined Datum Default: 0 -TARGET_PROJ_DATUM: Predefined Datum Choice Available Choices: [0] [WGS84] [1] [GGRS87] Greek_Geodetic_Reference_System_1987 [2] [NAD83] North_American_Datum_1983 [3] [NAD27] North_American_Datum_1927 [4] [potsdam] Potsdam Rauenberg 1950 DHDN [5] [carthage] Carthage 1934 Tunisia [6] [hermannskogel] Hermannskogel [7] [ire65] Ireland 1965 [8] [nzgd49] New Zealand Geodetic Datum 1949 [9] [OSGB36] Airy 1830 Default: 0 -TARGET_PROJ_DATUM_GRID: Datum Shift Grid File File path -TARGET_PROJ_ELLIPSOID: Ellipsoid Definition Choice Available Choices: [0] Predefined Standard Ellipsoids [1] Semimajor Axis and Semiminor Axis [2] Semimajor Axis and Flattening [3] Semimajor Axis and Reciprocal Flattening [4] Semimajor Axis and Eccentricity [5] Semimajor Axis and Eccentricity Squared Default: 0 -TARGET_PROJ_ELLPS_PREDEF: Predefined Standard Ellipsoids Choice Available Choices: [0] [MERIT] MERIT 1983 (a=6378137.0, rf=298.257) [1] [SGS85] Soviet Geodetic System 85 (a=6378136.0, rf=298.257) [2] [GRS80] GRS 1980(IUGG, 1980) (a=6378137.0, rf=298.257222101) [3] [IAU76] IAU 1976 (a=6378140.0, rf=298.257) [4] [airy] Airy 1830 (a=6377563.396, b=6356256.910) [5] [APL4.9] Appl. Physics. 1965 (a=6378137.0., rf=298.25) [6] [NWL9D] Naval Weapons Lab., 1965 (a=6378145.0., rf=298.25) [7] [mod_airy] Modified Airy (a=6377340.189, b=6356034.446) [8] [andrae] Andrae 1876 (Den., Iclnd.) (a=6377104.43, rf=300.0) [9] [aust_SA] Australian Natl & S. Amer. 1969 (a=6378160.0, rf=298.25) [10] [GRS67] GRS 67(IUGG 1967) (a=6378160.0, rf=298.2471674270) [11] [bessel] Bessel 1841 (a=6377397.155, rf=299.1528128) [12] [bess_nam] Bessel 1841 (Namibia) (a=6377483.865, rf=299.1528128) [13] [clrk66] Clarke 1866 (a=6378206.4, b=6356583.8) [14] [clrk80] Clarke 1880 mod. (a=6378249.145, rf=293.4663) [15] [CPM] Comm. des Poids et Mesures 1799 (a=6375738.7, rf=334.29) [16] [delmbr] Delambre 1810 (Belgium) (a=6376428., rf=311.5) [17] [engelis] Engelis 1985 (a=6378136.05, rf=298.2566) [18] [evrst30] Everest 1830 (a=6377276.345, rf=300.8017) [19] [evrst48] Everest 1948 (a=6377304.063, rf=300.8017) [20] [evrst56] Everest 1956 (a=6377301.243, rf=300.8017) [21] [evrst69] Everest 1969 (a=6377295.664, rf=300.8017) [22] [evrstSS] Everest (Sabah & Sarawak) (a=6377298.556, rf=300.8017) [23] [fschr60] Fischer (Mercury Datum) 1960 (a=6378166., rf=298.3) [24] [fschr60m] Modified Fischer 1960 (a=6378155., rf=298.3) [25] [fschr68] Fischer 1968 (a=6378150., rf=298.3) [26] [helmert] Helmert 1906 (a=6378200., rf=298.3) [27] [hough] Hough (a=6378270.0, rf=297.) [28] [intl] International 1909 (Hayford) (a=6378388.0, rf=297.) [29] [krass] Krassovsky, 1942 (a=6378245.0, rf=298.3) [30] [kaula] Kaula 1961 (a=6378163., rf=298.24) [31] [lerch] Lerch 1979 (a=6378139., rf=298.257) [32] [mprts] Maupertius 1738 (a=6397300., rf=191.) [33] [new_intl] New International 1967 (a=6378157.5, b=6356772.2) [34] [plessis] Plessis 1817 (France) (a=6376523., b=6355863.) [35] [SEasia] Southeast Asia (a=6378155.0, b=6356773.3205) [36] [walbeck] Walbeck (a=6376896.0, b=6355834.8467) [37] [WGS60] WGS 60 (a=6378165.0, rf=298.3) [38] [WGS66] WGS 66 (a=6378145.0, rf=298.25) [39] [WGS72] WGS 72 (a=6378135.0, rf=298.26) [40] [WGS84] WGS 84 (a=6378137.0, rf=298.257223563) [41] [sphere] Normal Sphere (r=6370997) (a=6370997.0, b=6370997.0) Default: 0 -TARGET_PROJ_ELLPS_A: Semimajor Axis (a) Floating point Default: 6377397.160000 -TARGET_PROJ_ELLPS_B: Semiminor Axis (b) Floating point Default: 6356078.760000 -TARGET_PROJ_ELLPS_F: Flattening (f) Floating point Default: 0.003343 -TARGET_PROJ_ELLPS_RF: Reciprocal Flattening (rf) Floating point Default: 299.149897 -TARGET_PROJ_ELLPS_E: Eccentricity (e) Floating point Default: 9003939.789875 -TARGET_PROJ_ELLPS_ES: Squared Eccentricity (es) Floating point Default: 81070931739699.203000 -TARGET_PROJ_DATUM_SHIFT: Datum Shift Choice Available Choices: [0] none [1] 3 parameters (translation only) [2] 7 parameters [3] Datum Shift Grid Default: 0 -TARGET_PROJ_DS_DX: Translation X Floating point Default: 0.000000 -TARGET_PROJ_DS_DY: Translation Y Floating point Default: 0.000000 -TARGET_PROJ_DS_DZ: Translation Z Floating point Default: 0.000000 -TARGET_PROJ_DS_RX: Rotation X Floating point Default: 0.000000 -TARGET_PROJ_DS_RY: Rotation Y Floating point Default: 0.000000 -TARGET_PROJ_DS_RZ: Rotation Z Floating point Default: 0.000000 -TARGET_PROJ_DS_SC: Scaling Floating point Default: 1.000000 -TARGET_PROJ_LON_0: Central Meridian Floating point Default: 0.000000 -TARGET_PROJ_LAT_0: Central Parallel Floating point Default: 0.000000 -TARGET_PROJ_X_0: False Easting Floating point Default: 0.000000 -TARGET_PROJ_Y_0: False Northing Floating point Default: 0.000000 -TARGET_PROJ_K_0: Scale Factor Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -TARGET_PROJ_UNIT: Unit Choice Available Choices: [0] Kilometer (1000.) [1] Meter (1.) [2] Decimeter (1/10) [3] Centimeter (1/100) [4] Millimeter (1/1000) [5] International Nautical Mile (1852.0) [6] International Inch (0.0254) [7] International Foot (0.3048) [8] International Yard (0.9144) [9] International Statute Mile (1609.344) [10] International Fathom (1.8288) [11] International Chain (20.1168) [12] International Link (0.201168) [13] U.S. Surveyor's Inch (1./39.37) [14] U.S. Surveyor's Foot (0.304800609601219) [15] U.S. Surveyor's Yard (0.914401828803658) [16] U.S. Surveyor's Chain (20.11684023368047) [17] U.S. Surveyor's Statute Mile (1609.347218694437) [18] Indian Yard (0.91439523) [19] Indian Foot (0.30479841) [20] Indian Chain (20.11669506) Default: 1 -SOURCE: Source Grid list (input) -TARGET: Target Grid list (optional output) -SHAPES: Shapes Data Object (optional output) -CREATE_XY Create X/Y Grids Boolean Default: 0 -OUT_X: X Coordinates Data Object (optional output) -OUT_Y: Y Coordinates Data Object (optional output) -INTERPOLATION: Interpolation Choice Available Choices: [0] Nearest Neigbhor [1] Bilinear Interpolation [2] Inverse Distance Interpolation [3] Bicubic Spline Interpolation [4] B-Spline Interpolation Default: 4 -TARGET_TYPE: Target Choice Available Choices: [0] user defined [1] grid [2] shapes Default: 0 -aea_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -aea_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -aeqd_guam guam Boolean Default: 1 -airy_lat_b: Latitude B Floating point Default: 45.000000 -airy_no_cut No Cut Boolean Default: 1 -bonne_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -cea_lat_ts: True Scale Latitude Floating point Default: 0.000000 -chamb_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 30.000000 -chamb_lon_1: Longitude 1 Floating point Default: -20.000000 -chamb_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 40.000000 -chamb_lon_2: Longitude 2 Floating point Default: 0.000000 -chamb_lat_3: Latitude 3 Floating point Default: 50.000000 -chamb_lon_3: Longitude 3 Floating point Default: 20.000000 -eqc_lat_ts: True Scale Latitude Floating point Default: 0.000000 -eqdc_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -eqdc_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -euler_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -euler_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -gn_sinu_m: m Floating point Default: 0.500000 -gn_sinu_n: n Floating point Default: 1.785398 -hammer_W: W Floating point Default: 0.500000 -hammer_M: M Floating point Default: 1.000000 -imw_p_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -imw_p_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -labrd_azi: Azimuth Floating point Default: 19.000000 -lagrng_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 0.000000 -lagrng_W: W Floating point Default: 2.000000 -lcc_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -lcc_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -leac_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -leac_south South Boolean Default: 0 -lsat_lsat: Landsat Integer Default: 1 -lsat_path: Path Integer Default: 1 -merc_lat_ts: True Scale Latitude Floating point Default: 0.000000 -murd1_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -murd1_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -murd2_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -murd2_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -murd3_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -murd3_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -nsper_h: Height of view point Floating point Default: 1.000000 -ob_tran_o_lat_p: Latitude Pole Floating point Default: 40.000000 -ob_tran_o_lon_p: Longitude Pole Floating point Default: 40.000000 -ocea_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 40.000000 -ocea_lon_1: Longitude 1 Floating point Default: -20.000000 -ocea_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 50.000000 -ocea_lon_2: Longitude 2 Floating point Default: 20.000000 -oea_m: m Floating point Default: 1.000000 -oea_n: n Floating point Default: 1.000000 -oea_theta: theta Floating point Default: 45.000000 -omerc_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 40.000000 -omerc_lon_1: Longitude 1 Floating point Default: -20.000000 -omerc_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 50.000000 -omerc_lon_2: Longitude 2 Floating point Default: 20.000000 -pconic_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -pconic_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -rpoly_lat_ts: True Scale Latitude Floating point Default: 45.000000 -stere_lat_ts: True Scale Latitude Floating point Default: 45.000000 -tissot_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -tissot_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -tpeqd_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 40.000000 -tpeqd_lon_1: Longitude 1 Floating point Default: -20.000000 -tpeqd_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 50.000000 -tpeqd_lon_2: Longitude 2 Floating point Default: 20.000000 -tpers_tilt: Tilt Floating point Default: 45.000000 -tpers_azi: Azimuth Floating point Default: 45.000000 -tpers_h: h Floating point Default: 1000.000000 -ups_south South Boolean Default: 1 -urm5_n: n Floating point Default: 1.000000 -urm5_q: q Floating point Default: 1.000000 -urm5_alphi: alphi Floating point Default: 45.000000 -urmfps_n: n Floating point Default: 1.000000 -utm_zone: Zone Integer Default: 32 -utm_south South Boolean Default: 0 -vitk1_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -vitk1_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -wag3_lat_ts: True Scale Latitude Floating point Default: 45.000000 -wink1_lat_ts: True Scale Latitude Floating point Default: 45.000000 -wink2_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 40.000000 -wintri_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 40.000000 -aea_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -aea_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -aeqd_guam guam Boolean Default: 1 -airy_lat_b: Latitude B Floating point Default: 45.000000 -airy_no_cut No Cut Boolean Default: 1 -bonne_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -cea_lat_ts: True Scale Latitude Floating point Default: 0.000000 -chamb_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 30.000000 -chamb_lon_1: Longitude 1 Floating point Default: -20.000000 -chamb_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 40.000000 -chamb_lon_2: Longitude 2 Floating point Default: 0.000000 -chamb_lat_3: Latitude 3 Floating point Default: 50.000000 -chamb_lon_3: Longitude 3 Floating point Default: 20.000000 -eqc_lat_ts: True Scale Latitude Floating point Default: 0.000000 -eqdc_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -eqdc_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -euler_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -euler_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -gn_sinu_m: m Floating point Default: 0.500000 -gn_sinu_n: n Floating point Default: 1.785398 -hammer_W: W Floating point Default: 0.500000 -hammer_M: M Floating point Default: 1.000000 -imw_p_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -imw_p_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -labrd_azi: Azimuth Floating point Default: 19.000000 -lagrng_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 0.000000 -lagrng_W: W Floating point Default: 2.000000 -lcc_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -lcc_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -leac_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -leac_south South Boolean Default: 0 -lsat_lsat: Landsat Integer Default: 1 -lsat_path: Path Integer Default: 1 -merc_lat_ts: True Scale Latitude Floating point Default: 0.000000 -murd1_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -murd1_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -murd2_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -murd2_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -murd3_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -murd3_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -nsper_h: Height of view point Floating point Default: 1.000000 -ob_tran_o_lat_p: Latitude Pole Floating point Default: 40.000000 -ob_tran_o_lon_p: Longitude Pole Floating point Default: 40.000000 -ocea_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 40.000000 -ocea_lon_1: Longitude 1 Floating point Default: -20.000000 -ocea_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 50.000000 -ocea_lon_2: Longitude 2 Floating point Default: 20.000000 -oea_m: m Floating point Default: 1.000000 -oea_n: n Floating point Default: 1.000000 -oea_theta: theta Floating point Default: 45.000000 -omerc_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 40.000000 -omerc_lon_1: Longitude 1 Floating point Default: -20.000000 -omerc_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 50.000000 -omerc_lon_2: Longitude 2 Floating point Default: 20.000000 -pconic_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -pconic_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -rpoly_lat_ts: True Scale Latitude Floating point Default: 45.000000 -stere_lat_ts: True Scale Latitude Floating point Default: 45.000000 -tissot_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -tissot_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -tpeqd_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 40.000000 -tpeqd_lon_1: Longitude 1 Floating point Default: -20.000000 -tpeqd_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 50.000000 -tpeqd_lon_2: Longitude 2 Floating point Default: 20.000000 -tpers_tilt: Tilt Floating point Default: 45.000000 -tpers_azi: Azimuth Floating point Default: 45.000000 -tpers_h: h Floating point Default: 1000.000000 -ups_south South Boolean Default: 1 -urm5_n: n Floating point Default: 1.000000 -urm5_q: q Floating point Default: 1.000000 -urm5_alphi: alphi Floating point Default: 45.000000 -urmfps_n: n Floating point Default: 1.000000 -utm_zone: Zone Integer Default: 32 -utm_south South Boolean Default: 0 -vitk1_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 33.000000 -vitk1_lat_2: Latitude 2 Floating point Default: 45.000000 -wag3_lat_ts: True Scale Latitude Floating point Default: 45.000000 -wink1_lat_ts: True Scale Latitude Floating point Default: 45.000000 -wink2_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 40.000000 -wintri_lat_1: Latitude 1 Floating point Default: 40.000000 -GET_USER_XMIN: Left Floating point Default: 0.000000 -GET_USER_XMAX: Right Floating point Default: 0.000000 -GET_USER_YMIN: Bottom Floating point Default: 0.000000 -GET_USER_YMAX: Top Floating point Default: 0.000000 -GET_USER_SIZE: Cellsize Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -GET_USER_FIT: Fit Choice Available Choices: [0] nodes [1] cells Default: 0 -GET_SYSTEM_SYSTEM_NX: System Grid system -GET_SYSTEM_SYSTEM_NY: System Grid system -GET_SYSTEM_SYSTEM_X: System Grid system -GET_SYSTEM_SYSTEM_Y: System Grid system -GET_SYSTEM_SYSTEM_D: System Grid system -GET_SHAPES_SHAPES: Shapes Shapes (output) Change Longitudinal Range for Grids _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\pj_proj4.dll library name: Projection - Proj.4 tool name : Change Longitudinal Range for Grids _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd pj_proj4 13 -INPUT [-OUTPUT ] [-DIRECTION ] -INPUT: Input Grid list (input) -OUTPUT: Output Grid list (optional output) -DIRECTION: Direction Choice Available Choices: [0] 0 - 360 >> -180 - 180 [1] -180 - 180 >> 0 - 360 Default: 0 Latitude/Longitude Graticule _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\pj_proj4.dll library name: Projection - Proj.4 tool name : Latitude/Longitude Graticule _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd pj_proj4 14 [-CRS_METHOD ] [-CRS_PROJ4 ] [-CRS_FILE ] [-CRS_EPSG ] [-PRECISE] [-GRATICULE ] [-COORDS ] [-XMIN ] [-XMAX ] [-YMIN ] [-YMAX ] [-INTERVAL ] [-FIXED ] [-FITTED ] [-RESOLUTION ] -CRS_METHOD: Get CRS Definition from... Choice Available Choices: [0] Proj4 Parameters [1] EPSG Code [2] Well Known Text File Default: 0 -CRS_PROJ4: Proj4 Parameters Long text -CRS_FILE: Well Known Text File File path -CRS_EPSG: EPSG Code Integer Minimum: -1 Maximum: 99999 Default: -1 -PRECISE Precise Datum Conversion Boolean Default: 0 -GRATICULE: Graticule Shapes (output) -COORDS: Frame Coordinates Shapes (optional output) -XMIN: Minimum Floating point Default: 0.000000 -XMAX: Maximum Floating point Default: 0.000000 -YMIN: Minimum Floating point Default: 0.000000 -YMAX: Maximum Floating point Default: 0.000000 -INTERVAL: Interval Choice Available Choices: [0] fixed interval [1] fitted interval Default: 0 -FIXED: Fixed Interval (Degree) Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -FITTED: Number of Intervals Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 10 -RESOLUTION: Minimum Resolution (Degree) Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 0.500000 Coordinate Reference System Picker _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\pj_proj4.dll library name: Projection - Proj.4 tool name : Coordinate Reference System Picker _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd pj_proj4 15 [-CRS_METHOD ] [-CRS_PROJ4 ] [-CRS_FILE ] [-CRS_EPSG ] [-PRECISE] -CRS_METHOD: Get CRS Definition from... Choice Available Choices: [0] Proj4 Parameters [1] EPSG Code [2] Well Known Text File Default: 0 -CRS_PROJ4: Proj4 Parameters Long text -CRS_FILE: Well Known Text File File path -CRS_EPSG: EPSG Code Integer Minimum: -1 Maximum: 99999 Default: -1 -PRECISE Precise Datum Conversion Boolean Default: 0 Tissot's Indicatrix _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\pj_proj4.dll library name: Projection - Proj.4 tool name : Tissot's Indicatrix _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd pj_proj4 16 [-CRS_METHOD ] [-CRS_PROJ4 ] [-CRS_FILE ] [-CRS_EPSG ] [-PRECISE] [-TARGET ] [-NY ] [-NX ] [-SCALE ] -CRS_METHOD: Get CRS Definition from... Choice Available Choices: [0] Proj4 Parameters [1] EPSG Code [2] Well Known Text File Default: 0 -CRS_PROJ4: Proj4 Parameters Long text -CRS_FILE: Well Known Text File File path -CRS_EPSG: EPSG Code Integer Minimum: -1 Maximum: 99999 Default: -1 -PRECISE Precise Datum Conversion Boolean Default: 0 -TARGET: Indicatrix Shapes (output) -NY: Number in Latitudinal Direction Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 5 -NX: Number in Meridional Direction Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 11 -SCALE: Size Floating point Minimum: 1.000000 Default: 25.000000 Point Cloud Cutter _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\pointcloud_tools.dll library name: Shapes - Point Clouds tool name : Point Cloud Cutter _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd pointcloud_tools 0 -POINTS [-CUT ] [-AREA ] [-INVERSE] [-USER_XMIN ] [-USER_XMAX ] [-USER_YMIN ] [-USER_YMAX ] [-GRID_GRID_NX ] [-GRID_GRID_NY ] [-GRID_GRID_X ] [-GRID_GRID_Y ] [-GRID_GRID_D ] [-EXTENT_EXTENT ] [-POLYGONS_POLYGONS ] -POINTS: Points Point Cloud (input) -CUT: Cut Point Cloud (output) -AREA: Choose Cut from ... Choice Available Choices: [0] User Defined Extent [1] Grid System Extent [2] Shapes Extent [3] Polygons Default: 0 -INVERSE Inverse Boolean Default: 0 -USER_XMIN: Left Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_XMAX: Right Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_YMIN: Bottom Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_YMAX: Top Floating point Default: 0.000000 -GRID_GRID_NX: Grid System Grid system -GRID_GRID_NY: Grid System Grid system -GRID_GRID_X: Grid System Grid system -GRID_GRID_Y: Grid System Grid system -GRID_GRID_D: Grid System Grid system -EXTENT_EXTENT: Shapes Extent Shapes (optional input) -POLYGONS_POLYGONS: Polygons Shapes (optional input) Point Cloud from Grid Points _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\pointcloud_tools.dll library name: Shapes - Point Clouds tool name : Point Cloud from Grid Points _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd pointcloud_tools 2 -GRID [-GRIDS ] [-POINTS ] -GRID: Z Value Grid (input) -GRIDS: Additional Values Grid list (optional input) -POINTS: Points Point Cloud (output) Point Cloud from Shapes _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\pointcloud_tools.dll library name: Shapes - Point Clouds tool name : Point Cloud from Shapes _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd pointcloud_tools 3 -SHAPES [-ZFIELD ] [-POINTS ] [-OUTPUT ] -SHAPES: Shapes Shapes (input) -ZFIELD: Z Value Table field -POINTS: Points Point Cloud (output) -OUTPUT: Output Choice Available Choices: [0] only z [1] all attributes Default: 0 Point Cloud to Grid _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\pointcloud_tools.dll library name: Shapes - Point Clouds tool name : Point Cloud to Grid _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd pointcloud_tools 4 -POINTS [-GRID ] [-COUNT ] [-GRIDS ] [-OUTPUT ] [-AGGREGATION ] [-CELLSIZE ] -POINTS: Points Point Cloud (input) -GRID: Z Value Data Object (optional output) -COUNT: Number of Points in Cell Data Object (optional output) -GRIDS: Attributes Grid list (optional output) -OUTPUT: Output Choice Available Choices: [0] only z [1] all attributes Default: 0 -AGGREGATION: Aggregation Choice Available Choices: [0] first value [1] last value [2] mean value [3] lowest z [4] highest z Default: 0 -CELLSIZE: Cellsize Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 Point Cloud to Shapes _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\pointcloud_tools.dll library name: Shapes - Point Clouds tool name : Point Cloud to Shapes _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd pointcloud_tools 5 -POINTS [-SHAPES ] -POINTS: Points Point Cloud (input) -SHAPES: Shapes Shapes (output) Point Cloud Reclassifier / Subset Extractor _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\pointcloud_tools.dll library name: Shapes - Point Clouds tool name : Point Cloud Reclassifier / Subset Extractor _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd pointcloud_tools 6 -INPUT [-ATTRIB ] [-RESULT ] [-MODE ] [-CREATE_ATTRIB] [-METHOD ] [-OLD ] [-NEW ] [-SOPERATOR ] [-MIN ] [-MAX ] [-RNEW ] [-ROPERATOR ] [-RETAB ] [-TOPERATOR ] [-RETAB_2 ] [-F_MIN ] [-F_MAX ] [-F_CODE ] [-NODATAOPT] [-NODATA ] [-OTHEROPT] [-OTHERS ] -INPUT: Point Cloud Point Cloud (input) -ATTRIB: Attribute Table field -RESULT: Result Point Cloud (output) -MODE: Mode of operation Choice Available Choices: [0] Reclassify [1] Extract Subset Default: 0 -CREATE_ATTRIB Create new Attribute Boolean Default: 0 -METHOD: Method Choice Available Choices: [0] single [1] range [2] simple table [3] user supplied table Default: 0 -OLD: old value Floating point Default: 0.000000 -NEW: new value Floating point Default: 1.000000 -SOPERATOR: operator Choice Available Choices: [0] = [1] < [2] <= [3] >= [4] > Default: 0 -MIN: minimum value Floating point Default: 0.000000 -MAX: maximum value Floating point Default: 10.000000 -RNEW: new value Floating point Default: 5.000000 -ROPERATOR: operator Choice Available Choices: [0] <= [1] < Default: 0 -RETAB: Lookup Table Static table 3 Fields: - 1. [8 byte floating point number] minimum - 2. [8 byte floating point number] maximum - 3. [8 byte floating point number] new -TOPERATOR: operator Choice Available Choices: [0] min <= value < max [1] min <= value <= max [2] min < value <= max [3] min < value < max Default: 0 -RETAB_2: Lookup Table Table (optional input) -F_MIN: minimum value Table field -F_MAX: maximum value Table field -F_CODE: new value Table field -NODATAOPT no data values Boolean Default: 0 -NODATA: new value Floating point Default: 0.000000 -OTHEROPT other values Boolean Default: 0 -OTHERS: new value Floating point Default: 0.000000 Drop Point Cloud Attributes _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\pointcloud_tools.dll library name: Shapes - Point Clouds tool name : Drop Point Cloud Attributes _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd pointcloud_tools 7 -INPUT [-OUTPUT ] [-FIELDS ] -INPUT: Input Point Cloud (input) -OUTPUT: Output Point Cloud (optional output) -FIELDS: Fields Text Transform Point Cloud _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\pointcloud_tools.dll library name: Shapes - Point Clouds tool name : Transform Point Cloud _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd pointcloud_tools 8 -IN [-OUT ] [-DX ] [-DY ] [-DZ ] [-ANGLEX ] [-ANGLEY ] [-ANGLEZ ] [-SCALEX ] [-SCALEY ] [-SCALEZ ] [-ANCHORX ] [-ANCHORY ] [-ANCHORZ ] -IN: Input Point Cloud (input) -OUT: Output Point Cloud (output) -DX: dX Floating point Default: 0.000000 -DY: dY Floating point Default: 0.000000 -DZ: dZ Floating point Default: 0.000000 -ANGLEX: Angle X Floating point Default: 0.000000 -ANGLEY: Angle Y Floating point Default: 0.000000 -ANGLEZ: Angle Z Floating point Default: 0.000000 -SCALEX: Scale Factor X Floating point Default: 1.000000 -SCALEY: Scale Factor Y Floating point Default: 1.000000 -SCALEZ: Scale Factor Z Floating point Default: 1.000000 -ANCHORX: X Floating point Default: 0.000000 -ANCHORY: Y Floating point Default: 0.000000 -ANCHORZ: Z Floating point Default: 0.000000 Point Cloud Thinning (simple) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\pointcloud_tools.dll library name: Shapes - Point Clouds tool name : Point Cloud Thinning (simple) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd pointcloud_tools 9 -INPUT [-RESULT ] [-STEP ] -INPUT: Input Point Cloud (input) -RESULT: Result Point Cloud (output) -STEP: Stepwidth Integer Minimum: 2 Default: 2 Point Cloud Attribute Calculator _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\pointcloud_tools.dll library name: Shapes - Point Clouds tool name : Point Cloud Attribute Calculator _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd pointcloud_tools 10 -PC_IN [-PC_OUT ] [-FORMULA ] [-NAME ] [-TYPE ] [-USE_NODATA] -PC_IN: Point Cloud Point Cloud (input) -PC_OUT: Result Point Cloud (optional output) -FORMULA: Formula Text Default: f1+f2 -NAME: Output Field Name Text Default: Calculation -TYPE: Field data type Choice Available Choices: [0] 1 bit [1] 1 byte unsigned integer [2] 1 byte signed integer [3] 2 byte unsigned integer [4] 2 byte signed integer [5] 4 byte unsigned integer [6] 4 byte signed integer [7] 4 byte floating point [8] 8 byte floating point Default: 7 -USE_NODATA Use NoData Boolean Default: 0 Cluster Analysis for Point Clouds _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\pointcloud_tools.dll library name: Shapes - Point Clouds tool name : Cluster Analysis for Point Clouds _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd pointcloud_tools 11 -PC_IN [-PC_OUT ] [-STATISTICS ] [-METHOD ] [-NCLUSTER ] [-NORMALISE] [-ATTR_FIELDS ] -PC_IN: Point Cloud Point Cloud (input) -PC_OUT: Result Point Cloud (output) -STATISTICS: Statistics Table (output) -METHOD: Method Choice Available Choices: [0] Iterative Minimum Distance (Forgy 1965) [1] Hill-Climbing (Rubin 1967) [2] Combined Minimum Distance / Hillclimbing Default: 1 -NCLUSTER: Clusters Integer Minimum: 2 Default: 10 -NORMALISE Normalise Boolean Default: 1 -ATTR_FIELDS: Attribute Fields Text Merge Point Clouds _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\pointcloud_tools.dll library name: Shapes - Point Clouds tool name : Merge Point Clouds _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd pointcloud_tools 12 -PC_IN -PC_LAYERS [-PC_OUT ] [-ADD_IDENTIFIER] -PC_IN: Main Point Cloud Point Cloud (input) -PC_LAYERS: Additional Point Clouds Point Cloud list (input) -PC_OUT: Merged Point Cloud Point Cloud (output) -ADD_IDENTIFIER Add Identifier Boolean Default: 0 Point Cloud Viewer _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\pointcloud_viewer.dll library name: Shapes - Point Clouds Viewer tool name : Point Cloud Viewer _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd pointcloud_viewer 0 -POINTS -POINTS: Points Point Cloud (input) Add Grid Values to Points _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_grid.dll library name: Shapes - Grid tool name : Add Grid Values to Points _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_grid 0 -SHAPES -GRIDS [-RESULT ] [-INTERPOL ] -SHAPES: Points Shapes (input) -GRIDS: Grids Grid list (input) -RESULT: Result Shapes (optional output) -INTERPOL: Interpolation Choice Available Choices: [0] Nearest Neighbor [1] Bilinear Interpolation [2] Inverse Distance Interpolation [3] Bicubic Spline Interpolation [4] B-Spline Interpolation Default: 4 Add Grid Values to Shapes _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_grid.dll library name: Shapes - Grid tool name : Add Grid Values to Shapes _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_grid 1 -SHAPES -GRIDS [-RESULT ] [-INTERPOL ] -SHAPES: Shapes Shapes (input) -GRIDS: Grids Grid list (input) -RESULT: Result Shapes (optional output) -INTERPOL: Interpolation Choice Available Choices: [0] Nearest Neighbor [1] Bilinear Interpolation [2] Inverse Distance Interpolation [3] Bicubic Spline Interpolation [4] B-Spline Interpolation Default: 4 Grid Statistics for Polygons _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_grid.dll library name: Shapes - Grid tool name : Grid Statistics for Polygons _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_grid 2 -GRIDS -POLYGONS [-METHOD ] [-NAMING ] [-RESULT ] [-COUNT] [-MIN] [-MAX] [-RANGE] [-SUM] [-MEAN] [-VAR] [-STDDEV] [-QUANTILE ] -GRIDS: Grids Grid list (input) -POLYGONS: Polygons Shapes (input) -METHOD: Method Choice Available Choices: [0] standard [1] shape wise, supports overlapping polygons Default: 0 -NAMING: Field Naming Choice Available Choices: [0] grid number [1] grid name Default: 1 -RESULT: Statistics Shapes (optional output) -COUNT Number of Cells Boolean Default: 1 -MIN Minimum Boolean Default: 1 -MAX Maximum Boolean Default: 1 -RANGE Range Boolean Default: 1 -SUM Sum Boolean Default: 1 -MEAN Mean Boolean Default: 1 -VAR Variance Boolean Default: 1 -STDDEV Standard Deviation Boolean Default: 1 -QUANTILE: Quantile Integer Minimum: 0 Maximum: 50 Default: 0 Grid Values to Points _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_grid.dll library name: Shapes - Grid tool name : Grid Values to Points _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_grid 3 -GRIDS [-POLYGONS ] [-SHAPES ] [-NODATA] [-TYPE ] -GRIDS: Grids Grid list (input) -POLYGONS: Polygons Shapes (optional input) -SHAPES: Shapes Shapes (output) -NODATA Exclude NoData Cells Boolean Default: 1 -TYPE: Type Choice Available Choices: [0] nodes [1] cells Default: 0 Grid Values to Points (randomly) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_grid.dll library name: Shapes - Grid tool name : Grid Values to Points (randomly) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_grid 4 -GRID [-FREQ ] [-POINTS ] -GRID: Grid Grid (input) -FREQ: Frequency Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 100 -POINTS: Points Shapes (output) Contour Lines from Grid _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_grid.dll library name: Shapes - Grid tool name : Contour Lines from Grid _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_grid 5 -INPUT [-CONTOUR ] [-OUTPUT_FORMAT ] [-ZMIN ] [-ZMAX ] [-ZSTEP ] -INPUT: Grid Grid (input) -CONTOUR: Contour Lines Shapes (output) -OUTPUT_FORMAT: Output Format Choice Available Choices: [0] 2D Shapefile [1] 3D Shapefile Default: 0 -ZMIN: Minimum Contour Value Floating point Default: 0.000000 -ZMAX: Maximum Contour Value Floating point Default: 10000.000000 -ZSTEP: Equidistance Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 10.000000 Vectorising Grid Classes _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_grid.dll library name: Shapes - Grid tool name : Vectorising Grid Classes _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_grid 6 -GRID [-POLYGONS ] [-CLASS_ALL ] [-CLASS_ID ] [-SPLIT ] -GRID: Grid Grid (input) -POLYGONS: Polygons Shapes (output) -CLASS_ALL: Class Selection Choice Available Choices: [0] one single class specified by class identifier [1] all classes Default: 1 -CLASS_ID: Class Identifier Floating point Default: 1.000000 -SPLIT: Vectorised class as... Choice Available Choices: [0] one single (multi-)polygon object [1] each island as separated polygon Default: 0 Clip Grid with Polygon _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_grid.dll library name: Shapes - Grid tool name : Clip Grid with Polygon _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_grid 7 [-OUTPUT ] -INPUT -POLYGONS [-NODATA] -OUTPUT: Output Grid list (output) -INPUT: Input Grid list (input) -POLYGONS: Polygons Shapes (input) -NODATA Exclude No-Data Area Boolean Default: 0 Local Minima and Maxima _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_grid.dll library name: Shapes - Grid tool name : Local Minima and Maxima _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_grid 9 -GRID [-MINIMA ] [-MAXIMA ] -GRID: Grid Grid (input) -MINIMA: Minima Shapes (output) -MAXIMA: Maxima Shapes (output) Grid System Extent _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_grid.dll library name: Shapes - Grid tool name : Grid System Extent _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_grid 10 [-PARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM_NX ] [-PARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM_NY ] [-PARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM_X ] [-PARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM_Y ] [-PARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM_D ] [-SHAPES ] [-CELLS ] -PARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM_NX: Grid system Grid system -PARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM_NY: Grid system Grid system -PARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM_X: Grid system Grid system -PARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM_Y: Grid system Grid system -PARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM_D: Grid system Grid system -SHAPES: Extent Shapes (output) -CELLS: Border Choice Available Choices: [0] grid cells [1] grid nodes Default: 0 Clip Grid with Rectangle _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_grid.dll library name: Shapes - Grid tool name : Clip Grid with Rectangle _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_grid 11 -INPUT -SHAPES [-BORDER ] [-OUTPUT ] -INPUT: Input Grid (input) -SHAPES: Extent Shapes (input) -BORDER: Border Choice Available Choices: [0] grid cells [1] grid nodes [2] align to grid system Default: 0 -OUTPUT: Output Data Object (optional output) Gradient Vectors from Surface _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_grid.dll library name: Shapes - Grid tool name : Gradient Vectors from Surface _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_grid 15 -SURFACE [-VECTORS ] [-STEP ] [-SIZE_MIN ] [-SIZE_MAX ] [-AGGR ] [-STYLE ] -SURFACE: Surface Grid (input) -VECTORS: Gradient Vectors Shapes (output) -STEP: Step Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 1 -SIZE_MIN: Size Range Value range -SIZE_MAX: Size Range Value range -AGGR: Aggregation Choice Available Choices: [0] nearest neighbour [1] mean value Default: 1 -STYLE: Style Choice Available Choices: [0] simple line [1] arrow [2] arrow (centered to cell) Default: 2 Gradient Vectors from Direction and Length _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_grid.dll library name: Shapes - Grid tool name : Gradient Vectors from Direction and Length _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_grid 16 -DIR -LEN [-VECTORS ] [-STEP ] [-SIZE_MIN ] [-SIZE_MAX ] [-AGGR ] [-STYLE ] -DIR: Direction Grid (input) -LEN: Length Grid (input) -VECTORS: Gradient Vectors Shapes (output) -STEP: Step Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 1 -SIZE_MIN: Size Range Value range -SIZE_MAX: Size Range Value range -AGGR: Aggregation Choice Available Choices: [0] nearest neighbour [1] mean value Default: 1 -STYLE: Style Choice Available Choices: [0] simple line [1] arrow [2] arrow (centered to cell) Default: 2 Gradient Vectors from Directional Components _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_grid.dll library name: Shapes - Grid tool name : Gradient Vectors from Directional Components _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_grid 17 -X -Y [-VECTORS ] [-STEP ] [-SIZE_MIN ] [-SIZE_MAX ] [-AGGR ] [-STYLE ] -X: X Component Grid (input) -Y: Y Component Grid (input) -VECTORS: Gradient Vectors Shapes (output) -STEP: Step Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 1 -SIZE_MIN: Size Range Value range -SIZE_MAX: Size Range Value range -AGGR: Aggregation Choice Available Choices: [0] nearest neighbour [1] mean value Default: 1 -STYLE: Style Choice Available Choices: [0] simple line [1] arrow [2] arrow (centered to cell) Default: 2 Convert Polygons to Lines _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_lines.dll library name: Shapes - Lines tool name : Convert Polygons to Lines _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_lines 0 -POLYGONS [-LINES ] -POLYGONS: Polygons Shapes (input) -LINES: Lines Shapes (output) Convert Points to Line(s) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_lines.dll library name: Shapes - Lines tool name : Convert Points to Line(s) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_lines 1 [-LINES ] -POINTS [-ORDER ] [-SEPARATE ] [-ELEVATION ] -LINES: Lines Shapes (output) -POINTS: Points Shapes (input) -ORDER: Order by... Table field -SEPARATE: Separate by... Table field -ELEVATION: Elevation Table field Line Properties _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_lines.dll library name: Shapes - Lines tool name : Line Properties _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_lines 2 -LINES [-OUTPUT ] [-BPARTS] [-BPOINTS] [-BLENGTH] -LINES: Lines Shapes (input) -OUTPUT: Lines with Property Attributes Shapes (optional output) -BPARTS Number of Parts Boolean Default: 0 -BPOINTS Number of Vertices Boolean Default: 0 -BLENGTH Length Boolean Default: 1 Line-Polygon Intersection _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_lines.dll library name: Shapes - Lines tool name : Line-Polygon Intersection _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_lines 3 -LINES -POLYGONS [-INTERSECT ] [-METHOD ] -LINES: Lines Shapes (input) -POLYGONS: Polygons Shapes (input) -INTERSECT: Intersection Shapes (output) -METHOD: Output Choice Available Choices: [0] one multi-line per polygon [1] keep original line attributes Default: 1 Line Simplification _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_lines.dll library name: Shapes - Lines tool name : Line Simplification _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_lines 4 -LINES [-OUTPUT ] [-TOLERANCE ] -LINES: Lines Shapes (input) -OUTPUT: Simplified Lines Shapes (optional output) -TOLERANCE: Tolerance Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 Line Dissolve _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_lines.dll library name: Shapes - Lines tool name : Line Dissolve _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_lines 5 -LINES [-FIELD_1 ] [-FIELD_2 ] [-FIELD_3 ] [-DISSOLVED ] [-ALL ] -LINES: Lines Shapes (input) -FIELD_1: 1. Attribute Table field -FIELD_2: 2. Attribute Table field -FIELD_3: 3. Attribute Table field -DISSOLVED: Dissolved Lines Shapes (output) -ALL: Dissolve... Choice Available Choices: [0] lines with same attribute value(s) [1] all lines Default: 0 Split Lines with Lines _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_lines.dll library name: Shapes - Lines tool name : Split Lines with Lines _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_lines 6 -LINES -SPLIT [-INTERSECT ] [-OUTPUT ] -LINES: Lines Shapes (input) -SPLIT: Split Features Shapes (input) -INTERSECT: Intersection Shapes (output) -OUTPUT: Output Choice Available Choices: [0] polylines [1] separate lines Default: 1 Convert Table to Points _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_points.dll library name: Shapes - Points tool name : Convert Table to Points _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_points 0 [-POINTS ] -TABLE [-X ] [-Y ] [-Z ] -POINTS: Points Shapes (output) -TABLE: Table Table (input) -X: X Table field -Y: Y Table field -Z: Z Table field Count Points in Polygons _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_points.dll library name: Shapes - Points tool name : Count Points in Polygons _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_points 1 -POINTS -POLYGONS -POINTS: Points Shapes (input) -POLYGONS: Polygons Shapes (input) Create Point Grid _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_points.dll library name: Shapes - Points tool name : Create Point Grid _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_points 2 [-POINTS ] [-X_EXTENT_MIN ] [-X_EXTENT_MAX ] [-Y_EXTENT_MIN ] [-Y_EXTENT_MAX ] [-DIST ] -POINTS: Point Grid Shapes (output) -X_EXTENT_MIN: X-Extent Value range -X_EXTENT_MAX: X-Extent Value range -Y_EXTENT_MIN: Y-Extent Value range -Y_EXTENT_MAX: Y-Extent Value range -DIST: Distance Floating point Default: 100.000000 Point Distances _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_points.dll library name: Shapes - Points tool name : Point Distances _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_points 3 -POINTS [-ID_POINTS ] [-NEAR ] [-ID_NEAR ] [-DISTANCES ] [-FORMAT ] [-MAX_DIST ] -POINTS: Points Shapes (input) -ID_POINTS: Identifier Table field -NEAR: Near Points Shapes (optional input) -ID_NEAR: Identifier Table field -DISTANCES: Distances Table (output) -FORMAT: Output Format Choice Available Choices: [0] complete input times near points matrix [1] each pair with a single record Default: 1 -MAX_DIST: Maximum Distance Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 0.000000 Fit N Points to shape _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_points.dll library name: Shapes - Points tool name : Fit N Points to shape _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_points 4 [-POINTS ] -SHAPES [-NUMPOINTS ] -POINTS: Points Shapes (output) -SHAPES: Shapes Shapes (input) -NUMPOINTS: Number of points Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 100 Convert Lines to Points _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_points.dll library name: Shapes - Points tool name : Convert Lines to Points _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_points 5 -LINES [-POINTS ] [-ADD] [-DIST ] [-ADD_POINT_ORDER] -LINES: Lines Shapes (input) -POINTS: Points Shapes (output) -ADD Insert Additional Points Boolean Default: 0 -DIST: Insert Distance Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 100.000000 -ADD_POINT_ORDER Add Point Order Boolean Default: 0 Add Coordinates to points _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_points.dll library name: Shapes - Points tool name : Add Coordinates to points _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_points 6 -INPUT [-OUTPUT ] -INPUT: Points Shapes (input) -OUTPUT: Output Shapes (optional output) Remove Duplicate Points _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_points.dll library name: Shapes - Points tool name : Remove Duplicate Points _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_points 7 -POINTS [-FIELD ] [-RESULT ] [-METHOD ] [-NUMERIC ] -POINTS: Points Shapes (input) -FIELD: Attribute Table field -RESULT: Result Shapes (optional output) -METHOD: Point to Keep Choice Available Choices: [0] first point [1] last point [2] point with minimum attribute value [3] point with maximum attribute value Default: 0 -NUMERIC: Numeric Attribute Values Choice Available Choices: [0] take value from the point to be kept [1] minimum value of all duplicates [2] maximum value of all duplicates [3] mean value of all duplicates Default: 0 Clip Points with Polygons _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_points.dll library name: Shapes - Points tool name : Clip Points with Polygons _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_points 8 -POINTS -POLYGONS [-FIELD ] [-CLIPS ] [-METHOD ] -POINTS: Points Shapes (input) -POLYGONS: Polygons Shapes (input) -FIELD: Add Attribute to Clipped Points Table field -CLIPS: Clipped Points Shapes list (output) -METHOD: Clipping Options Choice Available Choices: [0] one layer for all points [1] separate layer for each polygon Default: 0 Separate points by direction _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_points.dll library name: Shapes - Points tool name : Separate points by direction _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_points 9 [-OUTPUT ] -POINTS [-DIRECTIONS ] [-TOLERANCE ] -OUTPUT: Ouput Shapes list (output) -POINTS: Points Shapes (input) -DIRECTIONS: Number of Directions Floating point Minimum: 2.000000 Default: 4.000000 -TOLERANCE: Tolerance (Degree) Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 5.000000 Add Polygon Attributes to Points _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_points.dll library name: Shapes - Points tool name : Add Polygon Attributes to Points _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_points 10 -INPUT [-OUTPUT ] -POLYGONS [-FIELDS ] -INPUT: Points Shapes (input) -OUTPUT: Result Shapes (optional output) -POLYGONS: Polygons Shapes (input) -FIELDS: Attributes Table fields Points Filter _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_points.dll library name: Shapes - Points tool name : Points Filter _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_points 11 -POINTS [-FIELD ] [-FILTER ] [-RADIUS ] [-MINNUM ] [-MAXNUM ] [-QUADRANTS] [-METHOD ] [-TOLERANCE ] [-PERCENT ] -POINTS: Points Shapes (input) -FIELD: Attribute Table field -FILTER: Filtered Points Shapes (optional output) -RADIUS: Radius Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -MINNUM: Minimum Number of Points Integer Minimum: 0 Default: 0 -MAXNUM: Maximum Number of Points Integer Minimum: 0 Default: 0 -QUADRANTS Quadrants Boolean Default: 0 -METHOD: Filter Criterion Choice Available Choices: [0] keep maxima (with tolerance) [1] keep minima (with tolerance) [2] remove maxima (with tolerance) [3] remove minima (with tolerance) [4] remove below percentile [5] remove above percentile Default: 0 -TOLERANCE: Tolerance Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 0.000000 -PERCENT: Percentile Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Maximum: 100.000000 Default: 50.000000 Convex Hull _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_points.dll library name: Shapes - Points tool name : Convex Hull _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_points 12 -SHAPES [-HULLS ] [-BOXES ] [-POLYPOINTS ] -SHAPES: Points Shapes (input) -HULLS: Convex Hull Shapes (output) -BOXES: Minimum Bounding Box Shapes (optional output) -POLYPOINTS: Hull Construction Choice Available Choices: [0] one hull for all shapes [1] one hull per shape [2] one hull per shape part Default: 1 Points Thinning _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_points.dll library name: Shapes - Points tool name : Points Thinning _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_points 14 -POINTS [-FIELD ] [-THINNED ] [-RESOLUTION ] -POINTS: Points Shapes (input) -FIELD: Attribute Table field -THINNED: Thinned Points Shapes (output) -RESOLUTION: Resolution Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 Convert Multipoints to Points _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_points.dll library name: Shapes - Points tool name : Convert Multipoints to Points _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_points 15 -MULTIPOINTS [-POINTS ] -MULTIPOINTS: Multipoints Shapes (input) -POINTS: Points Shapes (output) Thiessen Polygons _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_points.dll library name: Shapes - Points tool name : Thiessen Polygons _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_points 16 -POINTS [-POLYGONS ] [-FRAME ] -POINTS: Points Shapes (input) -POLYGONS: Polygons Shapes (output) -FRAME: Frame Size Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 10.000000 Aggregate Point Observations _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_points.dll library name: Shapes - Points tool name : Aggregate Point Observations _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_points 17 -REFERENCE [-REFERENCE_ID ] -OBSERVATIONS [-X ] [-Y ] [-TRACK ] [-DATE ] [-TIME ] [-PARAMETER ] [-AGGREGATED ] [-TIME_SPAN ] [-FIX_TIME ] [-OFF_TIME ] [-EPS_TIME ] [-EPS_SPACE ] [-VERBOSE] [-POLAR] -REFERENCE: Reference Points Shapes (input) -REFERENCE_ID: ID Table field -OBSERVATIONS: Observations Table (input) -X: X Table field -Y: Y Table field -TRACK: Track Table field -DATE: Date Table field -TIME: Time Table field -PARAMETER: Parameter Table field -AGGREGATED: Aggregated Table (output) -TIME_SPAN: Time Span Aggregation Choice Available Choices: [0] ignore [1] floating [2] fixed Default: 1 -FIX_TIME: Fixed Time Span (minutes) Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 20.000000 -OFF_TIME: Fixed Time Span Offset (minutes) Floating point Default: -10.000000 -EPS_TIME: Maximum Time Span (Seconds) Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 60.000000 -EPS_SPACE: Maximum Distance Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 100.000000 -VERBOSE Verbose Boolean Default: 0 -POLAR Polar Coordinates Boolean Default: 0 Snap Points to Points _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_points.dll library name: Shapes - Points tool name : Snap Points to Points _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_points 18 -INPUT -SNAP [-OUTPUT ] [-MOVES ] [-DISTANCE ] -INPUT: Points Shapes (input) -SNAP: Snap Features Shapes (input) -OUTPUT: Result Shapes (optional output) -MOVES: Moves Shapes (optional output) -DISTANCE: Search Distance Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 0.000000 Snap Points to Lines _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_points.dll library name: Shapes - Points tool name : Snap Points to Lines _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_points 19 -INPUT -SNAP [-OUTPUT ] [-MOVES ] [-DISTANCE ] -INPUT: Points Shapes (input) -SNAP: Snap Features Shapes (input) -OUTPUT: Result Shapes (optional output) -MOVES: Moves Shapes (optional output) -DISTANCE: Search Distance Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 0.000000 Snap Points to Grid _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_points.dll library name: Shapes - Points tool name : Snap Points to Grid _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_points 20 -INPUT -GRID [-OUTPUT ] [-MOVES ] [-DISTANCE ] [-SHAPE ] [-EXTREME ] -INPUT: Points Shapes (input) -GRID: Grid Grid (input) -OUTPUT: Result Shapes (optional output) -MOVES: Moves Shapes (optional output) -DISTANCE: Search Distance (Map Units) Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 0.000000 -SHAPE: Search Shape Choice Available Choices: [0] circle [1] square Default: 0 -EXTREME: Extreme Choice Available Choices: [0] minimum [1] maximum Default: 1 Polygon Centroids _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_polygons.dll library name: Shapes - Polygons tool name : Polygon Centroids _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_polygons 1 -POLYGONS [-CENTROIDS ] [-METHOD] -POLYGONS: Polygons Shapes (input) -CENTROIDS: Centroids Shapes (output) -METHOD Centroids for each part Boolean Default: 0 Polygon Properties _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_polygons.dll library name: Shapes - Polygons tool name : Polygon Properties _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_polygons 2 -POLYGONS [-OUTPUT ] [-BPARTS] [-BPOINTS] [-BLENGTH] [-BAREA] -POLYGONS: Polygons Shapes (input) -OUTPUT: Polygons with Property Attributes Shapes (optional output) -BPARTS Number of Parts Boolean Default: 0 -BPOINTS Number of Vertices Boolean Default: 0 -BLENGTH Perimeter Boolean Default: 1 -BAREA Area Boolean Default: 1 Convert Lines to Polygons _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_polygons.dll library name: Shapes - Polygons tool name : Convert Lines to Polygons _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_polygons 3 [-POLYGONS ] -LINES [-SINGLE] -POLYGONS: Polygons Shapes (output) -LINES: Lines Shapes (input) -SINGLE Create Single Multipart Polygon Boolean Default: 0 Point Statistics for Polygons _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_polygons.dll library name: Shapes - Polygons tool name : Point Statistics for Polygons _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_polygons 4 -POINTS [-FIELDS ] -POLYGONS [-STATISTICS ] [-SUM] [-AVG] [-VAR] [-DEV] [-MIN] [-MAX] [-NUM] [-FIELD_NAME ] -POINTS: Points Shapes (input) -FIELDS: Attributes Table fields -POLYGONS: Polygons Shapes (input) -STATISTICS: Statistics Shapes (optional output) -SUM Sum Boolean Default: 0 -AVG Mean Boolean Default: 1 -VAR Variance Boolean Default: 0 -DEV Deviation Boolean Default: 0 -MIN Minimum Boolean Default: 0 -MAX Maximum Boolean Default: 0 -NUM Count Boolean Default: 0 -FIELD_NAME: Field Naming Choice Available Choices: [0] variable type + original name [1] original name + variable type [2] original name [3] variable type Default: 0 Polygon Dissolve _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_polygons.dll library name: Shapes - Polygons tool name : Polygon Dissolve _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_polygons 5 -POLYGONS [-FIELD_1 ] [-FIELD_2 ] [-FIELD_3 ] [-DISSOLVED ] [-BND_KEEP] [-STAT_FIELDS ] [-STAT_SUM] [-STAT_AVG] [-STAT_MIN] [-STAT_MAX] [-STAT_RNG] [-STAT_DEV] [-STAT_VAR] [-STAT_LST] [-STAT_NUM] [-STAT_NAMING ] -POLYGONS: Polygons Shapes (input) -FIELD_1: 1. Attribute Table field -FIELD_2: 2. Attribute Table field -FIELD_3: 3. Attribute Table field -DISSOLVED: Dissolved Polygons Shapes (output) -BND_KEEP Keep Boundaries Boolean Default: 0 -STAT_FIELDS: Statistics Table fields -STAT_SUM Sum Boolean Default: 0 -STAT_AVG Mean Boolean Default: 1 -STAT_MIN Minimum Boolean Default: 0 -STAT_MAX Maximum Boolean Default: 0 -STAT_RNG Range Boolean Default: 0 -STAT_DEV Deviation Boolean Default: 0 -STAT_VAR Variance Boolean Default: 0 -STAT_LST Listing Boolean Default: 0 -STAT_NUM Count Boolean Default: 0 -STAT_NAMING: Field Naming Choice Available Choices: [0] variable type + original name [1] original name + variable type [2] original name [3] variable type Default: 0 Convert Polygon/Line Vertices to Points _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_polygons.dll library name: Shapes - Polygons tool name : Convert Polygon/Line Vertices to Points _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_polygons 6 -SHAPES [-POINTS ] -SHAPES: Shapes Shapes (input) -POINTS: Points Shapes (output) Polygon Shape Indices _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_polygons.dll library name: Shapes - Polygons tool name : Polygon Shape Indices _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_polygons 7 -SHAPES [-INDEX ] -SHAPES: Shapes Shapes (input) -INDEX: Shape Index Shapes (optional output) Polygon-Line Intersection _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_polygons.dll library name: Shapes - Polygons tool name : Polygon-Line Intersection _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_polygons 8 -POLYGONS -LINES [-INTERSECT ] -POLYGONS: Polygons Shapes (input) -LINES: Lines Shapes (input) -INTERSECT: Intersection Shapes (output) Polygons to Edges and Nodes _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_polygons.dll library name: Shapes - Polygons tool name : Polygons to Edges and Nodes _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_polygons 9 -POLYGONS [-EDGES ] [-NODES ] -POLYGONS: Polygons Shapes (input) -EDGES: Edges Shapes (output) -NODES: Nodes Shapes (output) Polygon Parts to Separate Polygons _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_polygons.dll library name: Shapes - Polygons tool name : Polygon Parts to Separate Polygons _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_polygons 10 -POLYGONS [-PARTS ] [-LAKES] -POLYGONS: Polygons Shapes (input) -PARTS: Polygon Parts Shapes (output) -LAKES Ignore Lakes Boolean Default: 0 Polygon Clipping _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_polygons.dll library name: Shapes - Polygons tool name : Polygon Clipping _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_polygons 11 -CLIP -S_INPUT [-S_OUTPUT ] -M_INPUT [-M_OUTPUT ] [-DISSOLVE] [-MULTIPLE] -CLIP: Clip Features Shapes (input) -S_INPUT: Input Features Shapes (input) -S_OUTPUT: Output Features Shapes (output) -M_INPUT: Input Features Shapes list (input) -M_OUTPUT: Output Features Shapes list (output) -DISSOLVE Dissolve Clip Features Boolean Default: 1 -MULTIPLE Multiple Input Features Boolean Default: 1 Polygon Self-Intersection _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_polygons.dll library name: Shapes - Polygons tool name : Polygon Self-Intersection _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_polygons 12 -POLYGONS [-ID ] [-INTERSECT ] -POLYGONS: Polygons Shapes (input) -ID: Identifier Table field -INTERSECT: Intersection Shapes (optional output) Intersect _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_polygons.dll library name: Shapes - Polygons tool name : Intersect _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_polygons 14 -A -B [-RESULT ] [-SPLIT] -A: Layer A Shapes (input) -B: Layer B Shapes (input) -RESULT: Intersect Shapes (output) -SPLIT Split Parts Boolean Default: 1 Difference _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_polygons.dll library name: Shapes - Polygons tool name : Difference _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_polygons 15 -A -B [-RESULT ] [-SPLIT] -A: Layer A Shapes (input) -B: Layer B Shapes (input) -RESULT: Difference Shapes (output) -SPLIT Split Parts Boolean Default: 1 Symmetrical Difference _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_polygons.dll library name: Shapes - Polygons tool name : Symmetrical Difference _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_polygons 16 -A -B [-RESULT ] [-SPLIT] -A: Layer A Shapes (input) -B: Layer B Shapes (input) -RESULT: Symmetrical Difference Shapes (output) -SPLIT Split Parts Boolean Default: 1 Union _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_polygons.dll library name: Shapes - Polygons tool name : Union _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_polygons 17 -A -B [-RESULT ] [-SPLIT] -A: Layer A Shapes (input) -B: Layer B Shapes (input) -RESULT: Union Shapes (output) -SPLIT Split Parts Boolean Default: 1 Update _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_polygons.dll library name: Shapes - Polygons tool name : Update _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_polygons 18 -A -B [-RESULT ] [-SPLIT] -A: Layer A Shapes (input) -B: Layer B Shapes (input) -RESULT: Update Shapes (output) -SPLIT Split Parts Boolean Default: 1 Identity _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_polygons.dll library name: Shapes - Polygons tool name : Identity _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_polygons 19 -A -B [-RESULT ] [-SPLIT] -A: Layer A Shapes (input) -B: Layer B Shapes (input) -RESULT: Identity Shapes (output) -SPLIT Split Parts Boolean Default: 1 Add Point Attributes to Polygons _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_polygons.dll library name: Shapes - Polygons tool name : Add Point Attributes to Polygons _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_polygons 20 -INPUT -POINTS [-FIELDS ] [-OUTPUT ] [-ADD_LOCATION_INFO] -INPUT: Polygons Shapes (input) -POINTS: Points Shapes (input) -FIELDS: Attributes Table fields -OUTPUT: Result Shapes (optional output) -ADD_LOCATION_INFO Add Location Info Boolean Default: 0 Flatten Polygon Layer _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_polygons.dll library name: Shapes - Polygons tool name : Flatten Polygon Layer _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_polygons 21 -INPUT [-OUTPUT ] -INPUT: Input Shapes (input) -OUTPUT: Output Shapes (optional output) Create New Shapes Layer _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_tools.dll library name: Shapes - Tools tool name : Create New Shapes Layer _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_tools 0 [-SHAPES ] [-NAME ] [-TYPE ] [-VERTEX ] [-NFIELDS ] [-FIELDS_NAME000 ] [-FIELDS_TYPE000 ] [-FIELDS_NAME001 ] [-FIELDS_TYPE001 ] -SHAPES: Shapes Data Object (optional output) -NAME: Name Text Default: New Shapes Layer -TYPE: Shape Type Choice Available Choices: [0] Point [1] Multipoint [2] Lines [3] Polygon Default: 0 -VERTEX: Vertex Type Choice Available Choices: [0] x, y [1] x, y, z [2] x, y, z, m Default: 0 -NFIELDS: Number of Attributes Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 2 -FIELDS_NAME000: Name Text Default: Name -FIELDS_TYPE000: Type Choice Available Choices: [0] character string [1] 1 byte integer [2] 2 byte integer [3] 4 byte integer [4] 4 byte floating point [5] 8 byte floating point [6] color (rgb) Default: 0 -FIELDS_NAME001: Name Text Default: Name -FIELDS_TYPE001: Type Choice Available Choices: [0] character string [1] 1 byte integer [2] 2 byte integer [3] 4 byte integer [4] 4 byte floating point [5] 8 byte floating point [6] color (rgb) Default: 0 Merge Layers _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_tools.dll library name: Shapes - Tools tool name : Merge Layers _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_tools 2 -INPUT [-MERGED ] [-SRCINFO] [-MATCH] -INPUT: Layers Shapes list (input) -MERGED: Merged Layer Shapes (output) -SRCINFO Add Source Information Boolean Default: 1 -MATCH Match Fields by Name Boolean Default: 1 Select by Attributes... (Numerical Expression) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_tools.dll library name: Shapes - Tools tool name : Select by Attributes... (Numerical Expression) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_tools 3 -SHAPES [-FIELD ] [-EXPRESSION ] [-METHOD ] -SHAPES: Shapes Shapes (input) -FIELD: Attribute Table field -EXPRESSION: Expression Text Default: a > 0 -METHOD: Method Choice Available Choices: [0] new selection [1] add to current selection [2] select from current selection [3] remove from current selection Default: 0 Select by Attributes... (String Expression) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_tools.dll library name: Shapes - Tools tool name : Select by Attributes... (String Expression) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_tools 4 -SHAPES [-FIELD ] [-EXPRESSION ] [-CASE] [-COMPARE ] [-METHOD ] -SHAPES: Shapes Shapes (input) -FIELD: Attribute Table field -EXPRESSION: Expression Text -CASE Case Sensitive Boolean Default: 1 -COMPARE: Select if... Choice Available Choices: [0] attribute is identical with search expression [1] attribute contains search expression [2] attribute is contained in search expression Default: 1 -METHOD: Method Choice Available Choices: [0] new selection [1] add to current selection [2] select from current selection [3] remove from current selection Default: 0 Select by Location... _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_tools.dll library name: Shapes - Tools tool name : Select by Location... _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_tools 5 -SHAPES -LOCATIONS [-CONDITION ] [-METHOD ] -SHAPES: Shapes to Select From Shapes (input) -LOCATIONS: Locations Shapes (input) -CONDITION: Condition Choice Available Choices: [0] intersect [1] are completely within [2] completely contain [3] have their centroid in [4] contain the centeroid of Default: 0 -METHOD: Method Choice Available Choices: [0] new selection [1] add to current selection [2] select from current selection [3] remove from current selection Default: 0 Copy Selection to New Shapes Layer _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_tools.dll library name: Shapes - Tools tool name : Copy Selection to New Shapes Layer _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_tools 6 -INPUT [-OUTPUT ] -INPUT: Input Shapes (input) -OUTPUT: Output Shapes (output) Delete Selection from Shapes Layer _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_tools.dll library name: Shapes - Tools tool name : Delete Selection from Shapes Layer _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_tools 7 -INPUT -INPUT: Input Shapes (input) Invert Selection of Shapes Layer _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_tools.dll library name: Shapes - Tools tool name : Invert Selection of Shapes Layer _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_tools 8 -INPUT -INPUT: Input Shapes (input) Split Shapes Layer Completely _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_tools.dll library name: Shapes - Tools tool name : Split Shapes Layer Completely _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_tools 9 -SHAPES [-FIELD ] [-LIST ] [-NAMING ] -SHAPES: Input Shapes (input) -FIELD: Attribute Table field -LIST: Output Shapes list (output) -NAMING: Name by... Choice Available Choices: [0] number of order [1] attribute Default: 0 Transform Shapes _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_tools.dll library name: Shapes - Tools tool name : Transform Shapes _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_tools 10 [-OUT ] -IN [-DX ] [-DY ] [-ANGLE ] [-SCALEX ] [-SCALEY ] [-ANCHORX ] [-ANCHORY ] -OUT: Output Shapes (output) -IN: Shapes Shapes (input) -DX: dX Floating point Default: 0.000000 -DY: dY Floating point Default: 0.000000 -ANGLE: Angle Floating point Default: 0.000000 -SCALEX: Scale Factor X Floating point Default: 1.000000 -SCALEY: Scale Factor Y Floating point Default: 1.000000 -ANCHORX: X Floating point Default: 0.000000 -ANCHORY: Y Floating point Default: 0.000000 Create Chart Layer (bars/sectors) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_tools.dll library name: Shapes - Tools tool name : Create Chart Layer (bars/sectors) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_tools 11 -INPUT [-SIZE ] [-MAXSIZE ] [-MINSIZE ] [-TYPE ] -INPUT: Shapes Shapes (input) -SIZE: Size field Table field -MAXSIZE: Maximum size Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 100.000000 -MINSIZE: Minimum size Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 10.000000 -TYPE: Type Choice Available Choices: [0] Sectors [1] Bars Default: 0 Create Graticule _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_tools.dll library name: Shapes - Tools tool name : Create Graticule _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_tools 12 [-GRATICULE ] [-EXTENT ] [-X_EXTENT_MIN ] [-X_EXTENT_MAX ] [-Y_EXTENT_MIN ] [-Y_EXTENT_MAX ] [-DISTX ] [-DISTY ] [-TYPE ] -GRATICULE: Graticule Shapes (output) -EXTENT: Extent Shapes (optional input) -X_EXTENT_MIN: Width Value range -X_EXTENT_MAX: Width Value range -Y_EXTENT_MIN: Height Value range -Y_EXTENT_MAX: Height Value range -DISTX: Division Width Floating point Default: 10.000000 -DISTY: Division Height Floating point Default: 10.000000 -TYPE: Type Choice Available Choices: [0] Lines [1] Rectangles Default: 0 Cut Shapes Layer _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_tools.dll library name: Shapes - Tools tool name : Cut Shapes Layer _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_tools 13 -SHAPES [-CUT ] [-EXTENT ] [-METHOD ] [-TARGET ] [-CUT_AX ] [-CUT_BX ] [-CUT_AY ] [-CUT_BY ] [-CUT_DX ] [-CUT_DY ] [-GRID_GRID_NX ] [-GRID_GRID_NY ] [-GRID_GRID_X ] [-GRID_GRID_Y ] [-GRID_GRID_D ] [-SHAPES_SHAPES ] [-POLYGONS_POLYGONS ] -SHAPES: Shapes Shapes list (input) -CUT: Cut Shapes list (output) -EXTENT: Extent Shapes (optional output) -METHOD: Method Choice Available Choices: [0] completely contained [1] intersects [2] center Default: 0 -TARGET: Extent Choice Available Choices: [0] user defined [1] grid project [2] shapes layer extent [3] polygons Default: 0 -CUT_AX: Left Floating point Default: 0.000000 -CUT_BX: Right Floating point Default: 0.000000 -CUT_AY: Bottom Floating point Default: 0.000000 -CUT_BY: Top Floating point Default: 0.000000 -CUT_DX: Horizontal Range Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -CUT_DY: Vertical Range Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -GRID_GRID_NX: Grid Project Grid system -GRID_GRID_NY: Grid Project Grid system -GRID_GRID_X: Grid Project Grid system -GRID_GRID_Y: Grid Project Grid system -GRID_GRID_D: Grid Project Grid system -SHAPES_SHAPES: Shapes Shapes (input) -POLYGONS_POLYGONS: Polygons Shapes (input) Split Shapes Layer _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_tools.dll library name: Shapes - Tools tool name : Split Shapes Layer _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_tools 15 -SHAPES [-CUTS ] [-EXTENT ] [-NX ] [-NY ] [-METHOD ] -SHAPES: Shapes Shapes (input) -CUTS: Tiles Shapes list (optional output) -EXTENT: Extent Shapes (optional output) -NX: Number of horizontal tiles Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 2 -NY: Number of vertical tiles Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 2 -METHOD: Method Choice Available Choices: [0] completely contained [1] intersects [2] center Default: 0 Split Shapes Layer Randomly _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_tools.dll library name: Shapes - Tools tool name : Split Shapes Layer Randomly _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_tools 16 -SHAPES [-A ] [-B ] [-PERCENT ] [-EXACT] -SHAPES: Shapes Shapes (input) -A: Group A Shapes (output) -B: Group B Shapes (output) -PERCENT: Relation B / A Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Maximum: 100.000000 Default: 25.000000 -EXACT Exact Boolean Default: 1 Split Table/Shapes by Attribute _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_tools.dll library name: Shapes - Tools tool name : Split Table/Shapes by Attribute _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_tools 17 -TABLE [-FIELD ] [-CUTS ] -TABLE: Table / Shapes Table (input) -FIELD: Attribute Table field -CUTS: Cuts Table list (optional output) Shapes Buffer _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_tools.dll library name: Shapes - Tools tool name : Shapes Buffer _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_tools 18 -SHAPES [-BUFFER ] [-DIST_FIELD ] [-DIST_FIELD_DEFAULT ] [-DIST_SCALE ] [-DISSOLVE] [-NZONES ] [-POLY_INNER] [-DARC ] -SHAPES: Shapes Shapes (input) -BUFFER: Buffer Shapes (output) -DIST_FIELD: Buffer Distance Table field -DIST_FIELD_DEFAULT: Default Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 100.000000 -DIST_SCALE: Scaling Factor for Attribute Value Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -DISSOLVE Dissolve Buffers Boolean Default: 1 -NZONES: Number of Buffer Zones Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 1 -POLY_INNER Inner Buffer Boolean Default: 0 -DARC: Arc Vertex Distance [Degree] Floating point Minimum: 0.010000 Maximum: 45.000000 Default: 5.000000 Get Shapes Extents _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_tools.dll library name: Shapes - Tools tool name : Get Shapes Extents _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_tools 19 -SHAPES [-EXTENTS ] [-OUTPUT ] -SHAPES: Shapes Shapes (input) -EXTENTS: Extents Shapes (output) -OUTPUT: Get Extent for ... Choice Available Choices: [0] all shapes [1] each shape [2] each shape's part Default: 1 QuadTree Structure to Shapes _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_tools.dll library name: Shapes - Tools tool name : QuadTree Structure to Shapes _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_tools 20 -SHAPES [-ATTRIBUTE ] [-POLYGONS ] [-LINES ] [-POINTS ] -SHAPES: Shapes Shapes (input) -ATTRIBUTE: Attribute Table field -POLYGONS: Polygons Shapes (output) -LINES: Lines Shapes (output) -POINTS: Duplicated Points Shapes (optional output) Polar to Cartesian Coordinates _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_tools.dll library name: Shapes - Tools tool name : Polar to Cartesian Coordinates _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_tools 21 -POLAR [-F_EXAGG ] [-D_EXAGG ] [-CARTES ] [-RADIUS ] [-DEGREE] -POLAR: Polar Coordinates Shapes (input) -F_EXAGG: Exaggeration Table field -D_EXAGG: Exaggeration Factor Floating point Default: 1.000000 -CARTES: Cartesion Coordinates Shapes (output) -RADIUS: Radius Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 6371000.000000 -DEGREE Degree Boolean Default: 1 Generate Shapes _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_tools.dll library name: Shapes - Tools tool name : Generate Shapes _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_tools 22 -INPUT [-FIELD_ID ] [-FIELD_X ] [-FIELD_Y ] [-SHAPE_TYPE ] [-OUTPUT ] -INPUT: Input Table (input) -FIELD_ID: ID Table field -FIELD_X: X Table field -FIELD_Y: Y Table field -SHAPE_TYPE: Shape Type Choice Available Choices: [0] Point(s) [1] Line(s) [2] Polygon(s) Default: 0 -OUTPUT: Output Shapes (output) Convert Vertex Type (2D/3D) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_tools.dll library name: Shapes - Tools tool name : Convert Vertex Type (2D/3D) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_tools 23 -INPUT [-FIELD_Z ] [-FIELD_M ] [-OUTPUT ] -INPUT: Input Shapes (input) -FIELD_Z: Z Table field -FIELD_M: M Table field -OUTPUT: Output Shapes (output) Merge Tables _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_tools.dll library name: Shapes - Tools tool name : Merge Tables _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_tools 24 -INPUT [-MERGED ] [-SRCINFO] [-MATCH] -INPUT: Tables Table list (input) -MERGED: Merged Table Table (output) -SRCINFO Add Source Information Boolean Default: 1 -MATCH Match Fields by Name Boolean Default: 1 Transect through polygon shapefile _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\shapes_transect.dll library name: Shapes - Transects tool name : Transect through polygon shapefile _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd shapes_transect 0 -TRANSECT -THEME [-THEME_FIELD ] [-TRANSECT_RESULT ] -TRANSECT: Line Transect(s) Shapes (input) -THEME: Theme Shapes (input) -THEME_FIELD: Theme Field Table field -TRANSECT_RESULT: Result table Table (output) Conway's Life _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\sim_cellular_automata.dll library name: Simulation - Cellular Automata tool name : Conway's Life _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd sim_cellular_automata 0 [-GRID ] [-NX ] [-NY ] [-FADECOLOR ] -GRID: Grid Data Object (optional output) -NX: Width (Cells) Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 100 -NY: Height (Cells) Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 100 -FADECOLOR: Fade Color Count Integer Minimum: 1 Maximum: 255 Default: 63 Wa-Tor _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\sim_cellular_automata.dll library name: Simulation - Cellular Automata tool name : Wa-Tor _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd sim_cellular_automata 1 [-GRID ] [-NX ] [-NY ] [-RESULT ] [-REFRESH] [-INIT_FISH ] [-INIT_SHARK ] [-TABLE ] [-FISH_BIRTH ] [-SHARK_BIRTH ] [-SHARK_STARVE ] -GRID: Grid Data Object (optional output) -NX: Width (Cells) Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 100 -NY: Height (Cells) Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 100 -RESULT: Wa-Tor Grid (optional output) -REFRESH Refresh Boolean Default: 1 -INIT_FISH: Initial Number of Fishes [] Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Maximum: 100.000000 Default: 30.000000 -INIT_SHARK: Initial Number of Sharks [] Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Maximum: 100.000000 Default: 7.500000 -TABLE: Cycles Table (output) -FISH_BIRTH: Birth Rate of Fishes Integer Minimum: 0 Default: 3 -SHARK_BIRTH: Birth Rate of Sharks Integer Minimum: 0 Default: 12 -SHARK_STARVE: Max. Starvation Time for Sharks Integer Minimum: 0 Default: 4 01: A Simple Litter System _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\sim_ecosystems_hugget.dll library name: Simulation - Modelling the Human Impact on Nature tool name : 01: A Simple Litter System _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd sim_ecosystems_hugget 0 [-TABLE ] [-TIME_SPAN ] [-TIME_STEP ] [-C_INIT ] [-C_INPUT ] [-C_OUTPUT ] -TABLE: Results Table (output) -TIME_SPAN: Time Span Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 100.000000 -TIME_STEP: Time Interval [a] Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 0.100000 -C_INIT: Initial Litter Storage [g/m2] Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 0.000000 -C_INPUT: Litterfall Rate [g/m2/a] Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 240.000000 -C_OUTPUT: Rate Constant for Litter Loss [1/a] Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 0.400000 02: Carbon Cycle Simulation for Terrestrial Biomass _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\sim_ecosystems_hugget.dll library name: Simulation - Modelling the Human Impact on Nature tool name : 02: Carbon Cycle Simulation for Terrestrial Biomass _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd sim_ecosystems_hugget 1 [-TABLE ] [-TIME_SPAN ] [-TIME_STEP ] [-PRIMPROD ] [-CHUMIFY ] [-CCARBON ] [-P_LEAV ] [-P_BRAN ] [-P_STEM ] [-P_ROOT ] [-K_LEAV_LITT ] [-K_BRAN_LITT ] [-K_STEM_LITT ] [-K_ROOT_HUMU ] [-K_LITT_HUMU ] [-K_HUMU_COAL ] [-K_COAL_ENVI ] -TABLE: Results Table (output) -TIME_SPAN: Time Span Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 100.000000 -TIME_STEP: Time Interval [a] Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 0.100000 -PRIMPROD: Net Primary Production [Gt Carbon / a] Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 27.800000 -CHUMIFY: Humification Factor Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 0.400000 -CCARBON: Carbonization Factor Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 0.050000 -P_LEAV: Leaves Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 0.300000 -P_BRAN: Branches Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 0.200000 -P_STEM: Stems Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 0.300000 -P_ROOT: Roots Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 0.200000 -K_LEAV_LITT: Leaves to Litter Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -K_BRAN_LITT: Branches to Litter Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 0.100000 -K_STEM_LITT: Stems to Litter Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 0.033000 -K_ROOT_HUMU: Roots to Humus Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 0.100000 -K_LITT_HUMU: Litter to Humus Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -K_HUMU_COAL: Humus to Charcoal Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 0.100000 -K_COAL_ENVI: Charcoal to Environment Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 0.002000 03: Spatially Distributed Simulation of Soil Nitrogen Dynamics _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\sim_ecosystems_hugget.dll library name: Simulation - Modelling the Human Impact on Nature tool name : 03: Spatially Distributed Simulation of Soil Nitrogen Dynamics _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd sim_ecosystems_hugget 2 -DEM [-NSTORE ] [-TIME_SPAN ] [-TIME_STEP ] [-UPDATE] [-NINIT ] [-NRAIN ] -DEM: Elevation Grid (input) -NSTORE: Soil Nitrogen Grid (output) -TIME_SPAN: Time Span [a] Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 100.000000 -TIME_STEP: Time Interval [a] Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 0.100000 -UPDATE Update View Boolean Default: 1 -NINIT: Initial Nitrogen Content [kg/ha] Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 5000.000000 -NRAIN: Nitrogen in Rainfall [kg/ha/a] Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 16.000000 MMF-SAGA Soil Erosion Model _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\sim_erosion.dll library name: Simulation - Erosion tool name : MMF-SAGA Soil Erosion Model _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd sim_erosion 0 -DTM -S [-CHANNEL ] -PI -CC -PH -EtEo -GC -D -NV -MS -BD -EHD -LP -PER_C -PER_Z -PER_S -ST -RFR [-TAB_METEO ] [-OUT_PATH ] [-INTERFLOW] [-T ] [-TIMESPAN ] [-IF ] [-R ] [-I ] [-Rn ] [-KE_I_METHOD ] [-FLOWD_VA ] [-CHANNELTRANSPORT] [-Q ] [-SL ] [-Rf ] [-KE ] [-Rc ] [-TCc ] [-TCz ] [-TCs ] [-Gc ] [-Gz ] [-Gs ] [-SLc ] [-SLz ] [-SLs ] [-TCONDc ] [-TCONDz ] [-TCONDs ] [-W_up ] -DTM: Digital Terrain Model Grid (input) -S: Slope Grid (input) -CHANNEL: Channel Network Grid (optional input) -PI: Permament Interception Grid (input) -CC: Canopy Cover Grid (input) -PH: Plant Height Grid (input) -EtEo: Ratio Evapotranspiration Grid (input) -GC: Ground cover Grid (input) -D: Diameter plant elements Grid (input) -NV: Number plant elements Grid (input) -MS: Soil moisture (at FC) Grid (input) -BD: Bulk density top layer Grid (input) -EHD: Effective hydrological depth Grid (input) -LP: Sat. lateral permeability Grid (input) -PER_C: Percentage clays Grid (input) -PER_Z: Percentage silt Grid (input) -PER_S: Percentage sand Grid (input) -ST: Percentage rock fragments Grid (input) -RFR: Surface roughness Grid (input) -TAB_METEO: Meteorological data Table (optional input) -OUT_PATH: Output file path File path -INTERFLOW Simulate Interflow Boolean Default: 1 -T: Mean temperature Floating point Default: 18.000000 -TIMESPAN: Timespan (days) Integer Minimum: 1 Maximum: 365 Default: 30 -IF: Interflow Grid (optional output) -R: Rainfall Floating point Default: 200.000000 -I: Rainfall intensity Floating point Default: 20.000000 -Rn: Rainfall Duration Floating point Default: 20.000000 -KE_I_METHOD: Relationship KE - I Choice Available Choices: [0] North America east of Rocky Mountains (Wischmeier & Smith 1978) [1] North-western Europe (Marshall & Palmer) [2] Mediterranean-type climates (Zanchi & Torri 1980) [3] Western Mediterranean (Coutinho & Tomas 1995) [4] Tropical climates (Hudson 1965) [5] Eastern Asia (Onaga et al. 1998) [6] Southern hemisphere climates (Rosewell 1986) [7] Bogor, West-Java, Indonesia (McISaac 1990) Default: 0 -FLOWD_VA: Flow Depth (actual flow velocity) Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 0.005000 -CHANNELTRANSPORT Route Soil along Channel Network Boolean Default: 0 -Q: Mean runoff Grid (output) -SL: Mean soil loss Grid (output) -Rf: Effective Rainfall Grid (output) -KE: Total Kinetic Energy Grid (output) -Rc: Soil moisture storage capacity Grid (output) -TCc: Transport Capacity Clay Grid (output) -TCz: Transport Capacity Silt Grid (output) -TCs: Transport Capacity Sand Grid (output) -Gc: Available Clay Grid (output) -Gz: Available Silt Grid (output) -Gs: Available Sand Grid (output) -SLc: Sediment Balance Clay Grid (output) -SLz: Sediment Balance Silt Grid (output) -SLs: Sediment Balance Sand Grid (output) -TCONDc: Transport Condition Clay Grid (output) -TCONDz: Transport Condition Silt Grid (output) -TCONDs: Transport Condition Sand Grid (output) -W_up: Upslope Flow Width Grid (output) Fire Risk Analysis _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\sim_fire_spreading.dll library name: Simulation - Fire Spreading Analysis tool name : Fire Risk Analysis _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd sim_fire_spreading 0 -DEM -FUEL -WINDSPD -WINDDIR -M1H -M10H -M100H -MHERB -MWOOD [-VALUE ] [-BASEPROB ] [-DANGER ] [-COMPPROB ] [-PRIORITY ] [-MONTECARLO ] [-INTERVAL ] -DEM: DEM Grid (input) -FUEL: Fuel Model Grid (input) -WINDSPD: Wind Speed Grid (input) -WINDDIR: Wind Direction Grid (input) -M1H: Dead Fuel Moisture 1H Grid (input) -M10H: Dead Fuel Moisture 10H Grid (input) -M100H: Dead Fuel Moisture 100H Grid (input) -MHERB: Herbaceous Fuel Moisture Grid (input) -MWOOD: Wood Fuel Moisture Grid (input) -VALUE: Value Grid (optional input) -BASEPROB: Base Probability Grid (optional input) -DANGER: Danger Grid (output) -COMPPROB: Compound Probability Grid (output) -PRIORITY: Priority Index Grid (output) -MONTECARLO: Number of Events Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 1000 -INTERVAL: Fire Length Floating point Minimum: 1.000000 Default: 100.000000 Simulation _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\sim_fire_spreading.dll library name: Simulation - Fire Spreading Analysis tool name : Simulation _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd sim_fire_spreading 1 -DEM -FUEL -WINDSPD -WINDDIR -M1H -M10H -M100H -MHERB -MWOOD -IGNITION [-TIME ] [-FLAME ] [-INTENSITY ] [-UPDATEVIEW] -DEM: DEM Grid (input) -FUEL: Fuel Model Grid (input) -WINDSPD: Wind Speed Grid (input) -WINDDIR: Wind Direction Grid (input) -M1H: Dead Fuel Moisture 1H Grid (input) -M10H: Dead Fuel Moisture 10H Grid (input) -M100H: Dead Fuel Moisture 100H Grid (input) -MHERB: Herbaceous Fuel Moisture Grid (input) -MWOOD: Wood Fuel Moisture Grid (input) -IGNITION: Ignition Points Grid (input) -TIME: Time Grid (output) -FLAME: Flame Length Grid (output) -INTENSITY: Intensity Grid (output) -UPDATEVIEW Update View Boolean Default: 1 Soil Moisture Content _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\sim_hydrology.dll library name: Simulation - Hydrology tool name : Soil Moisture Content _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd sim_hydrology 0 [-STA_FC ] [-STA_FC_DEF ] [-STA_PWP ] [-STA_PWP_DEF ] [-LANDUSE ] [-LANDUSE_DEF ] [-DYN_W ] [-DYN_CLIMATE ] [-STA_KC ] -STA_FC: Field Capacity [mm] Grid (optional input) -STA_FC_DEF: Default Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 20.000000 -STA_PWP: Permanent Wilting Point [mm] Grid (optional input) -STA_PWP_DEF: Default Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 2.000000 -LANDUSE: Land Use Grid (optional input) -LANDUSE_DEF: Default Integer Default: -1 -DYN_W: Soil Moisture Grid (output) -DYN_CLIMATE: Climate Data Static table 3 Fields: - 1. [8 byte floating point number] Precipitation [mm] - 2. [8 byte floating point number] Temperature (2pm) [DegreeC] - 3. [8 byte floating point number] Air Humidity (2pm) [%] -STA_KC: Crop Coefficients Static table 14 Fields: - 1. [signed 4 byte integer] Land Use ID - 2. [string] Name - 3. [8 byte floating point number] January - 4. [8 byte floating point number] February - 5. [8 byte floating point number] March - 6. [8 byte floating point number] April - 7. [8 byte floating point number] May - 8. [8 byte floating point number] June - 9. [8 byte floating point number] July - 10. [8 byte floating point number] August - 11. [8 byte floating point number] September - 12. [8 byte floating point number] October - 13. [8 byte floating point number] November - 14. [8 byte floating point number] December Overland Flow - Kinematic Wave D8 _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\sim_hydrology.dll library name: Simulation - Hydrology tool name : Overland Flow - Kinematic Wave D8 _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd sim_hydrology 1 -DEM [-FLOW ] [-GAUGES ] [-GAUGES_FLOW ] [-TIME_SPAN ] [-TIME_STEP ] [-ROUGHNESS ] [-NEWTON_MAXITER ] [-NEWTON_EPSILON ] [-PRECIP ] [-THRESHOLD ] -DEM: Elevation Grid (input) -FLOW: Runoff Grid (output) -GAUGES: Gauges Shapes (optional input) -GAUGES_FLOW: Flow at Gauges Table (optional output) -TIME_SPAN: Simulation Time [h] Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 24.000000 -TIME_STEP: Simulation Time Step [h] Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 0.100000 -ROUGHNESS: Manning's Roughness Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 0.030000 -NEWTON_MAXITER: Max. Iterations Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 100 -NEWTON_EPSILON: Epsilon Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 0.000100 -PRECIP: Precipitation Choice Available Choices: [0] Homogenous [1] Above Elevation [2] Left Half Default: 0 -THRESHOLD: Threshold Elevation Floating point Default: 0.000000 TOPMODEL _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\sim_hydrology.dll library name: Simulation - Hydrology tool name : TOPMODEL _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd sim_hydrology 2 -ATANB [-MOIST ] -WEATHER [-RECORD_P ] [-RECORD_ET ] [-RECORD_DATE ] [-TABLE ] [-DTIME ] [-NCLASSES ] [-P_QS0 ] [-P_LNTE ] [-P_MODEL ] [-P_SR0 ] [-P_SRZMAX ] [-P_SUZ_TD ] [-P_VCH ] [-P_VR ] [-P_K0 ] [-P_PSI ] [-P_DTHETA ] [-BINF] -ATANB: Topographic Wetness Index Grid (input) -MOIST: Soil Moisture Deficit Grid (optional output) -WEATHER: Weather Records Table (input) -RECORD_P: Precipitation [m / dt] Table field -RECORD_ET: Evapotranspiration [m / dt] Table field -RECORD_DATE: Date/Time Table field -TABLE: Simulation Output Table (output) -DTIME: Time Step [h] Floating point Default: 1.000000 -NCLASSES: Number of Classes Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 30 -P_QS0: Initial subsurface flow per unit area [m/h] Floating point Default: 0.000033 -P_LNTE: Areal average of ln(T0) = ln(Te) [ln(m^2/h)] Floating point Default: 5.000000 -P_MODEL: Model parameter [m] Floating point Default: 0.032000 -P_SR0: Initial root zone storage deficit [m] Floating point Default: 0.002000 -P_SRZMAX: Maximum root zone storage deficit [m] Floating point Default: 0.050000 -P_SUZ_TD: Unsaturated zone time delay per unit storage deficit [h] Floating point Default: 50.000000 -P_VCH: Main channel routing velocity [m/h] Floating point Default: 3600.000000 -P_VR: Internal subcatchment routing velocity [m/h] Floating point Default: 3600.000000 -P_K0: Surface hydraulic conductivity [m/h] Floating point Default: 1.000000 -P_PSI: Wetting front suction [m] Floating point Default: 0.020000 -P_DTHETA: Water content change across the wetting front Floating point Default: 0.100000 -BINF Green-Ampt Infiltration Boolean Default: 1 Water Retention Capacity _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\sim_hydrology.dll library name: Simulation - Hydrology tool name : Water Retention Capacity _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd sim_hydrology 3 -SHAPES [-OUTPUT ] -DEM [-RETENTION ] -SHAPES: Plot Holes Shapes (input) -OUTPUT: Final Parameters Shapes (output) -DEM: DEM Grid (input) -RETENTION: Water Retention Capacity Grid (output) IHACRES Calibration (2) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\sim_ihacres.dll library name: Simulation - Hydrology: IHACRES tool name : IHACRES Calibration (2) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd sim_ihacres 0 -TABLE [-DATE_Field ] [-DISCHARGE_Field ] [-PCP_Field ] [-TMP_Field ] [-INFLOW_Field ] [-bUPSTREAM] [-USE_TMP] [-NSIM ] [-AREA ] [-STORAGE ] [-IHACVERS ] [-SNOW_MODULE] [-TABLEout ] [-TABLEparms ] -TABLE: Table Table (input) -DATE_Field: Date Column Table field -DISCHARGE_Field: Streamflow Column Table field -PCP_Field: Precipitation Column Table field -TMP_Field: Temperature Column Table field -INFLOW_Field: Subbasin Inflow Table field -bUPSTREAM Is the subbasin upstream (no external inflow) Boolean Default: 1 -USE_TMP Using temperature data? Boolean Default: 1 -NSIM: Number of Simulations Integer Minimum: 1 Maximum: 10000000 Default: 1000 -AREA: Area of the Watershed in [km2] Floating point Minimum: 0.000010 Default: 100.000000 -STORAGE: Storage Choice Available Choices: [0] Single Storage [1] Two Parallel Storages [2] Two Storages in Series Default: 0 -IHACVERS: IHACRES Version Choice Available Choices: [0] Jakeman & Hornberger (1993) [1] Croke et al. (2005) Default: 0 -SNOW_MODULE Snow Module on/off Boolean Default: 1 -TABLEout: Table Data Object (optional output) -TABLEparms: Table Data Object (optional output) IHACRES Version 1.0 _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\sim_ihacres.dll library name: Simulation - Hydrology: IHACRES tool name : IHACRES Version 1.0 _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd sim_ihacres 1 -TABLE [-DATE_Field ] [-DISCHARGE_Field ] [-PCP_Field ] [-TMP_Field ] [-USE_TMP] [-AREA ] [-CFAC ] [-TwFAC ] [-STORAGE ] [-IHACVERS ] [-SNOW_MODULE] [-WRITEALL_TS] [-TABLEout ] [-TABLEparms ] [-TABLEsettings ] -TABLE: Table Table (input) -DATE_Field: Date Column Table field -DISCHARGE_Field: Streamflow Column Table field -PCP_Field: Precipitation Column Table field -TMP_Field: Temperature Column Table field -USE_TMP Using temperature data? Boolean Default: 1 -AREA: Area of the Watershed in [km2] Floating point Minimum: 0.000010 Default: 100.000000 -CFAC: Parameter (c) Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Maximum: 1.000000 Default: 0.001000 -TwFAC: (Tw) wetness decline time constant Floating point Minimum: 0.010000 Maximum: 150.000000 Default: 1.000000 -STORAGE: Storage Choice Available Choices: [0] Single Storage [1] Two Parallel Storages [2] Two Storages in Series !!! not yet implemented !!! Default: 0 -IHACVERS: IHACRES Version Choice Available Choices: [0] Jakeman & Hornberger (1993) [1] Croke et al. (2005) Default: 0 -SNOW_MODULE Using the snow-melt module? Boolean Default: 0 -WRITEALL_TS Write all calculated Time Series in a table? Boolean Default: 1 -TABLEout: Table Data Object (optional output) -TABLEparms: Table Data Object (optional output) -TABLEsettings: Table Data Object (optional output) IHACRES Basin _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\sim_ihacres.dll library name: Simulation - Hydrology: IHACRES tool name : IHACRES Basin _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd sim_ihacres 2 [-TABLEout ] [-NSUBBASINS ] [-IHACVERS ] [-STORAGE ] [-SNOW_MODULE] -TABLEout: Table Data Object (optional output) -NSUBBASINS: Number of sub-basins Choice Available Choices: [0] 2 [1] 3 [2] 4 [3] 5 [4] 6 [5] 7 [6] 8 [7] 9 [8] 10 Default: 0 -IHACVERS: IHACRES Version Choice Available Choices: [0] Jakeman & Hornberger (1993) [1] Croke et al. (2005) !!! not yet implemented !!! Default: 0 -STORAGE: Storage Choice Available Choices: [0] Single Storage [1] Two Parallel Storages [2] Two Storages in Series !!! not yet implemented !!! Default: 0 -SNOW_MODULE Using the snow-melt module? Boolean Default: 0 IHACRES Elevation Bands _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\sim_ihacres.dll library name: Simulation - Hydrology: IHACRES tool name : IHACRES Elevation Bands _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd sim_ihacres 3 [-TABLEout ] [-NELEVBANDS ] [-AREA_tot ] [-IHACVERS ] [-STORAGE ] [-SNOW_MODULE] -TABLEout: Table Data Object (optional output) -NELEVBANDS: Number of elevation bands Choice Available Choices: [0] 2 [1] 3 [2] 4 [3] 5 [4] 6 [5] 7 [6] 8 [7] 9 [8] 10 Default: 0 -AREA_tot: Total Catchment Area [km2] Floating point Default: 0.000000 -IHACVERS: IHACRES Version Choice Available Choices: [0] Jakeman & Hornberger (1993) [1] Croke et al. (2005) !!! not yet implemented !!! Default: 0 -STORAGE: Storage Choice Available Choices: [0] Single Storage [1] Two Parallel Storages [2] Two Storages in Series !!! not yet implemented !!! Default: 0 -SNOW_MODULE Using the snow-melt module? Boolean Default: 0 IHACRES Elevation Bands Calibration _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\sim_ihacres.dll library name: Simulation - Hydrology: IHACRES tool name : IHACRES Elevation Bands Calibration _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd sim_ihacres 4 [-TABLEout ] [-TABLEparms ] [-NELEVBANDS ] [-NSIM ] [-AREA_tot ] [-IHACVERS ] [-STORAGE ] [-SNOW_MODULE] [-OBJ_FUNC ] [-NSEMIN ] -TABLEout: Table Data Object (optional output) -TABLEparms: Table Data Object (optional output) -NELEVBANDS: Number of elevation bands Choice Available Choices: [0] 2 [1] 3 [2] 4 [3] 5 [4] 6 [5] 7 [6] 8 [7] 9 [8] 10 Default: 0 -NSIM: Number of Simulations Integer Minimum: 1 Maximum: 10000000 Default: 1000 -AREA_tot: Total Catchment Area [km2] Floating point Default: 0.000000 -IHACVERS: IHACRES Version Choice Available Choices: [0] Jakeman & Hornberger (1993) [1] Croke et al. (2005) !!! not yet implemented !!! Default: 0 -STORAGE: Storage Choice Available Choices: [0] Single Storage [1] Two Parallel Storages [2] Two Storages in Series !!! not yet implemented !!! Default: 0 -SNOW_MODULE Using the snow-melt module? Boolean Default: 0 -OBJ_FUNC: Objective Function Choice Available Choices: [0] NSE [1] NSE high flow [2] NSE low flow Default: 0 -NSEMIN: Minimum Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency Floating point Minimum: 0.100000 Maximum: 1.000000 Default: 0.700000 Fast Representativeness _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\statistics_grid.dll library name: Spatial and Geostatistics - Grids tool name : Fast Representativeness _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd statistics_grid 0 -INPUT [-RESULT ] [-RESULT_LOD ] [-SEEDS ] [-LOD ] -INPUT: Input Grid (input) -RESULT: Output Grid (output) -RESULT_LOD: Output Lod Grid (output) -SEEDS: Output Seeds Grid (output) -LOD: Level of Generalisation Floating point Default: 16.000000 Residual Analysis (Grid) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\statistics_grid.dll library name: Spatial and Geostatistics - Grids tool name : Residual Analysis (Grid) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd statistics_grid 1 -GRID [-MEAN ] [-DIFF ] [-STDDEV ] [-RANGE ] [-MIN ] [-MAX ] [-DEVMEAN ] [-PERCENT ] [-RADIUS ] [-BCENTER] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_WEIGHTING ] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_POWER ] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_OFFSET] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_BANDWIDTH ] -GRID: Grid Grid (input) -MEAN: Mean Value Grid (output) -DIFF: Difference from Mean Value Grid (output) -STDDEV: Standard Deviation Grid (output) -RANGE: Value Range Grid (output) -MIN: Minimum Value Grid (output) -MAX: Maximum Value Grid (output) -DEVMEAN: Deviation from Mean Value Grid (output) -PERCENT: Percentile Grid (output) -RADIUS: Radius (Cells) Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 7 -BCENTER Include Center Cell Boolean Default: 1 -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_WEIGHTING: Weighting Function Choice Available Choices: [0] no distance weighting [1] inverse distance to a power [2] exponential [3] gaussian weighting Default: 0 -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_POWER: Inverse Distance Weighting Power Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_OFFSET Inverse Distance Offset Boolean Default: 1 -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_BANDWIDTH: Gaussian and Exponential Weighting Bandwidth Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 Representativeness (Grid) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\statistics_grid.dll library name: Spatial and Geostatistics - Grids tool name : Representativeness (Grid) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd statistics_grid 2 -INPUT [-RESULT ] [-RADIUS ] [-EXPONENT ] -INPUT: Grid Grid (input) -RESULT: Representativeness Grid (output) -RADIUS: Radius (Cells) Integer Default: 10 -EXPONENT: Exponent Floating point Default: 1.000000 Radius of Variance (Grid) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\statistics_grid.dll library name: Spatial and Geostatistics - Grids tool name : Radius of Variance (Grid) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd statistics_grid 3 -INPUT [-RESULT ] [-VARIANCE ] [-RADIUS ] [-OUTPUT ] -INPUT: Grid Grid (input) -RESULT: Variance Radius Grid (output) -VARIANCE: Standard Deviation Floating point Default: 1.000000 -RADIUS: Maximum Search Radius (cells) Integer Default: 20 -OUTPUT: Type of Output Choice Available Choices: [0] Cells [1] Map Units Default: 0 Statistics for Grids _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\statistics_grid.dll library name: Spatial and Geostatistics - Grids tool name : Statistics for Grids _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd statistics_grid 4 -GRIDS [-MEAN ] [-MIN ] [-MAX ] [-RANGE ] [-SUM ] [-VAR ] [-STDDEV ] [-STDDEVLO ] [-STDDEVHI ] [-PCTL ] [-PCTL_VAL ] -GRIDS: Grids Grid list (input) -MEAN: Arithmetic Mean Grid (optional output) -MIN: Minimum Grid (optional output) -MAX: Maximum Grid (optional output) -RANGE: Range Grid (optional output) -SUM: Sum Grid (optional output) -VAR: Variance Grid (optional output) -STDDEV: Standard Deviation Grid (optional output) -STDDEVLO: Mean less Standard Deviation Grid (optional output) -STDDEVHI: Mean plus Standard Deviation Grid (optional output) -PCTL: Percentile Grid (optional output) -PCTL_VAL: Percentile Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Maximum: 100.000000 Default: 50.000000 Zonal Grid Statistics _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\statistics_grid.dll library name: Spatial and Geostatistics - Grids tool name : Zonal Grid Statistics _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd statistics_grid 5 -ZONES [-CATLIST ] [-STATLIST ] [-ASPECT ] [-OUTTAB ] [-SHORTNAMES] -ZONES: Zone Grid Grid (input) -CATLIST: Categorical Grids Grid list (optional input) -STATLIST: Grids to analyse Grid list (optional input) -ASPECT: Aspect Grid (optional input) -OUTTAB: Zonal Statistics Table (output) -SHORTNAMES Short Field Names Boolean Default: 1 Directional Statistics for Single Grid _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\statistics_grid.dll library name: Spatial and Geostatistics - Grids tool name : Directional Statistics for Single Grid _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd statistics_grid 6 -GRID [-MEAN ] [-DIFMEAN ] [-MIN ] [-MAX ] [-RANGE ] [-VAR ] [-STDDEV ] [-STDDEVLO ] [-STDDEVHI ] [-DEVMEAN ] [-PERCENT ] [-POINTS ] [-POINTS_OUT ] [-DIRECTION ] [-TOLERANCE ] [-MAXDISTANCE ] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_WEIGHTING ] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_POWER ] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_OFFSET] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_BANDWIDTH ] -GRID: Grid Grid (input) -MEAN: Arithmetic Mean Grid (optional output) -DIFMEAN: Difference from Arithmetic Mean Grid (optional output) -MIN: Minimum Grid (optional output) -MAX: Maximum Grid (optional output) -RANGE: Range Grid (optional output) -VAR: Variance Grid (optional output) -STDDEV: Standard Deviation Grid (optional output) -STDDEVLO: Mean less Standard Deviation Grid (optional output) -STDDEVHI: Mean plus Standard Deviation Grid (optional output) -DEVMEAN: Deviation from Arithmetic Mean Grid (optional output) -PERCENT: Percentile Grid (optional output) -POINTS: Points Shapes (optional input) -POINTS_OUT: Directional Statistics for Points Shapes (optional output) -DIRECTION: Direction [Degree] Floating point Default: 0.000000 -TOLERANCE: Tolerance [Degree] Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Maximum: 45.000000 Default: 0.000000 -MAXDISTANCE: Maximum Distance [Cells] Integer Minimum: 0 Default: 0 -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_WEIGHTING: Weighting Function Choice Available Choices: [0] no distance weighting [1] inverse distance to a power [2] exponential [3] gaussian weighting Default: 0 -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_POWER: Inverse Distance Weighting Power Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_OFFSET Inverse Distance Offset Boolean Default: 1 -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_BANDWIDTH: Gaussian and Exponential Weighting Bandwidth Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 Global Moran's I for Grids _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\statistics_grid.dll library name: Spatial and Geostatistics - Grids tool name : Global Moran's I for Grids _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd statistics_grid 7 -GRID [-RESULT ] [-CONTIGUITY ] [-DIALOG] -GRID: Grid Grid (input) -RESULT: Result Table (output) -CONTIGUITY: Case of contiguity Choice Available Choices: [0] Rook [1] Queen Default: 1 -DIALOG Show Result in Dialog Boolean Default: 1 Principle Components Analysis _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\statistics_grid.dll library name: Spatial and Geostatistics - Grids tool name : Principle Components Analysis _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd statistics_grid 8 -GRIDS [-PCA ] [-EIGEN ] [-METHOD ] [-NFIRST ] -GRIDS: Grids Grid list (input) -PCA: Principle Components Grid list (output) -EIGEN: Eigen Vectors Table (optional output) -METHOD: Method Choice Available Choices: [0] correlation matrix [1] variance-covariance matrix [2] sums-of-squares-and-cross-products matrix Default: 1 -NFIRST: Number of Components Integer Minimum: 0 Default: 3 Multi-Band Variation _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\statistics_grid.dll library name: Spatial and Geostatistics - Grids tool name : Multi-Band Variation _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd statistics_grid 9 -BANDS [-MEAN ] [-STDDEV ] [-DIFF ] [-RADIUS ] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_WEIGHTING ] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_POWER ] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_OFFSET] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_BANDWIDTH ] -BANDS: Grids Grid list (input) -MEAN: Mean Distance Grid (output) -STDDEV: Standard Deviation Grid (output) -DIFF: Distance Grid (output) -RADIUS: Radius [Cells] Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 1 -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_WEIGHTING: Weighting Function Choice Available Choices: [0] no distance weighting [1] inverse distance to a power [2] exponential [3] gaussian weighting Default: 0 -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_POWER: Inverse Distance Weighting Power Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_OFFSET Inverse Distance Offset Boolean Default: 1 -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_BANDWIDTH: Gaussian and Exponential Weighting Bandwidth Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 Inverse Principle Components Rotation _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\statistics_grid.dll library name: Spatial and Geostatistics - Grids tool name : Inverse Principle Components Rotation _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd statistics_grid 10 -PCA -EIGEN [-GRIDS ] -PCA: Principle Components Grid list (input) -EIGEN: Eigen Vectors Table (input) -GRIDS: Grids Grid list (output) Longitudinal Grid Statistics _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\statistics_grid.dll library name: Spatial and Geostatistics - Grids tool name : Longitudinal Grid Statistics _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd statistics_grid 11 -GRID [-STATS ] -GRID: Grid Grid (input) -STATS: Latitudinal Statistics Table (output) Meridional Grid Statistics _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\statistics_grid.dll library name: Spatial and Geostatistics - Grids tool name : Meridional Grid Statistics _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd statistics_grid 12 -GRID [-STATS ] -GRID: Grid Grid (input) -STATS: Meridional Statistics Table (output) Save Grid Statistics to Table _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\statistics_grid.dll library name: Spatial and Geostatistics - Grids tool name : Save Grid Statistics to Table _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd statistics_grid 13 -GRIDS [-STATS ] [-DATA_CELLS] [-NODATA_CELLS] [-CELLSIZE] [-MEAN] [-MIN] [-MAX] [-RANGE] [-VAR] [-STDDEV] [-STDDEVLO] [-STDDEVHI] [-PCTL] [-PCTL_VAL ] -GRIDS: Grids Grid list (input) -STATS: Statistics for Grids Table (output) -DATA_CELLS Number of Data Cells Boolean Default: 0 -NODATA_CELLS Number of No-Data Cells Boolean Default: 0 -CELLSIZE Cellsize Boolean Default: 0 -MEAN Arithmetic Mean Boolean Default: 1 -MIN Minimum Boolean Default: 1 -MAX Maximum Boolean Default: 1 -RANGE Range Boolean Default: 0 -VAR Variance Boolean Default: 1 -STDDEV Standard Deviation Boolean Default: 1 -STDDEVLO Mean less Standard Deviation Boolean Default: 0 -STDDEVHI Mean plus Standard Deviation Boolean Default: 0 -PCTL Percentile Boolean Default: 0 -PCTL_VAL: Percentile Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Maximum: 100.000000 Default: 50.000000 Ordinary Kriging _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\statistics_kriging.dll library name: Spatial and Geostatistics - Kriging tool name : Ordinary Kriging _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd statistics_kriging 0 -POINTS [-ZFIELD ] [-TARGET ] [-TQUALITY ] [-LOG] [-BLOCK] [-DBLOCK ] [-VAR_MAXDIST ] [-VAR_NCLASSES ] [-VAR_NSKIP ] [-VAR_MODEL ] [-SEARCH_RANGE ] [-SEARCH_RADIUS ] [-SEARCH_POINTS_ALL ] [-SEARCH_POINTS_MIN ] [-SEARCH_POINTS_MAX ] [-SEARCH_DIRECTION ] [-USER_BVARIANCE] [-USER_XMIN ] [-USER_XMAX ] [-USER_YMIN ] [-USER_YMAX ] [-USER_SIZE ] [-USER_FIT ] [-USER_GRID ] [-USER_VARIANCE ] [-GRID_GRID ] [-GRID_VARIANCE ] -POINTS: Points Shapes (input) -ZFIELD: Attribute Table field -TARGET: Target Grid Choice Available Choices: [0] user defined [1] grid Default: 0 -TQUALITY: Type of Quality Measure Choice Available Choices: [0] standard deviation [1] variance Default: 0 -LOG Logarithmic Transformation Boolean Default: 0 -BLOCK Block Kriging Boolean Default: 0 -DBLOCK: Block Size Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 100.000000 -VAR_MAXDIST: Maximum Distance Floating point Default: -1.000000 -VAR_NCLASSES: Lag Distance Classes Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 100 -VAR_NSKIP: Skip Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 1 -VAR_MODEL: Model Text Default: a + b * x -SEARCH_RANGE: Search Range Choice Available Choices: [0] local [1] global Default: 0 -SEARCH_RADIUS: Maximum Search Distance Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1000.000000 -SEARCH_POINTS_ALL: Number of Points Choice Available Choices: [0] maximum number of nearest points [1] all points within search distance Default: 0 -SEARCH_POINTS_MIN: Minimum Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 4 -SEARCH_POINTS_MAX: Maximum Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 20 -SEARCH_DIRECTION: Search Direction Choice Available Choices: [0] all directions [1] quadrants Default: 0 -USER_BVARIANCE Create Quality Grid Boolean Default: 1 -USER_XMIN: Left Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_XMAX: Right Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_YMIN: Bottom Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_YMAX: Top Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_SIZE: Cellsize Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -USER_FIT: Fit Choice Available Choices: [0] nodes [1] cells Default: 0 -USER_GRID: Grid Data Object (optional output) -USER_VARIANCE: Quality Measure Data Object (optional output) -GRID_GRID: Grid Grid (optional input) -GRID_VARIANCE: Quality Measure Grid (optional input) Ordinary Kriging (Global) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\statistics_kriging.dll library name: Spatial and Geostatistics - Kriging tool name : Ordinary Kriging (Global) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd statistics_kriging 1 -POINTS [-ZFIELD ] [-TARGET ] [-TQUALITY ] [-LOG] [-BLOCK] [-DBLOCK ] [-VAR_MAXDIST ] [-VAR_NCLASSES ] [-VAR_NSKIP ] [-VAR_MODEL ] [-USER_BVARIANCE] [-USER_XMIN ] [-USER_XMAX ] [-USER_YMIN ] [-USER_YMAX ] [-USER_SIZE ] [-USER_FIT ] [-USER_GRID ] [-USER_VARIANCE ] [-GRID_GRID ] [-GRID_VARIANCE ] -POINTS: Points Shapes (input) -ZFIELD: Attribute Table field -TARGET: Target Grid Choice Available Choices: [0] user defined [1] grid Default: 0 -TQUALITY: Type of Quality Measure Choice Available Choices: [0] standard deviation [1] variance Default: 0 -LOG Logarithmic Transformation Boolean Default: 0 -BLOCK Block Kriging Boolean Default: 0 -DBLOCK: Block Size Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 100.000000 -VAR_MAXDIST: Maximum Distance Floating point Default: -1.000000 -VAR_NCLASSES: Lag Distance Classes Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 100 -VAR_NSKIP: Skip Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 1 -VAR_MODEL: Model Text Default: a + b * x -USER_BVARIANCE Create Quality Grid Boolean Default: 1 -USER_XMIN: Left Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_XMAX: Right Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_YMIN: Bottom Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_YMAX: Top Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_SIZE: Cellsize Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -USER_FIT: Fit Choice Available Choices: [0] nodes [1] cells Default: 0 -USER_GRID: Grid Data Object (optional output) -USER_VARIANCE: Quality Measure Data Object (optional output) -GRID_GRID: Grid Grid (optional input) -GRID_VARIANCE: Quality Measure Grid (optional input) Universal Kriging _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\statistics_kriging.dll library name: Spatial and Geostatistics - Kriging tool name : Universal Kriging _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd statistics_kriging 2 -POINTS [-ZFIELD ] [-TARGET ] [-TQUALITY ] [-LOG] [-BLOCK] [-DBLOCK ] [-VAR_MAXDIST ] [-VAR_NCLASSES ] [-VAR_NSKIP ] [-VAR_MODEL ] [-GRIDS ] [-INTERPOL ] [-COORDS] [-SEARCH_RANGE ] [-SEARCH_RADIUS ] [-SEARCH_POINTS_ALL ] [-SEARCH_POINTS_MIN ] [-SEARCH_POINTS_MAX ] [-SEARCH_DIRECTION ] [-USER_BVARIANCE] [-USER_XMIN ] [-USER_XMAX ] [-USER_YMIN ] [-USER_YMAX ] [-USER_SIZE ] [-USER_FIT ] [-USER_GRID ] [-USER_VARIANCE ] [-GRID_GRID ] [-GRID_VARIANCE ] -POINTS: Points Shapes (input) -ZFIELD: Attribute Table field -TARGET: Target Grid Choice Available Choices: [0] user defined [1] grid Default: 0 -TQUALITY: Type of Quality Measure Choice Available Choices: [0] standard deviation [1] variance Default: 0 -LOG Logarithmic Transformation Boolean Default: 0 -BLOCK Block Kriging Boolean Default: 0 -DBLOCK: Block Size Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 100.000000 -VAR_MAXDIST: Maximum Distance Floating point Default: -1.000000 -VAR_NCLASSES: Lag Distance Classes Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 100 -VAR_NSKIP: Skip Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 1 -VAR_MODEL: Model Text Default: a + b * x -GRIDS: Grids Grid list (optional input) -INTERPOL: Grid Interpolation Choice Available Choices: [0] Nearest Neighbor [1] Bilinear Interpolation [2] Inverse Distance Interpolation [3] Bicubic Spline Interpolation [4] B-Spline Interpolation Default: 4 -COORDS Coordinates Boolean Default: 0 -SEARCH_RANGE: Search Range Choice Available Choices: [0] local [1] global Default: 0 -SEARCH_RADIUS: Maximum Search Distance Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1000.000000 -SEARCH_POINTS_ALL: Number of Points Choice Available Choices: [0] maximum number of nearest points [1] all points within search distance Default: 0 -SEARCH_POINTS_MIN: Minimum Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 4 -SEARCH_POINTS_MAX: Maximum Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 20 -SEARCH_DIRECTION: Search Direction Choice Available Choices: [0] all directions [1] quadrants Default: 0 -USER_BVARIANCE Create Quality Grid Boolean Default: 1 -USER_XMIN: Left Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_XMAX: Right Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_YMIN: Bottom Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_YMAX: Top Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_SIZE: Cellsize Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -USER_FIT: Fit Choice Available Choices: [0] nodes [1] cells Default: 0 -USER_GRID: Grid Data Object (optional output) -USER_VARIANCE: Quality Measure Data Object (optional output) -GRID_GRID: Grid Grid (optional input) -GRID_VARIANCE: Quality Measure Grid (optional input) Universal Kriging (Global) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\statistics_kriging.dll library name: Spatial and Geostatistics - Kriging tool name : Universal Kriging (Global) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd statistics_kriging 3 -POINTS [-ZFIELD ] [-TARGET ] [-TQUALITY ] [-LOG] [-BLOCK] [-DBLOCK ] [-VAR_MAXDIST ] [-VAR_NCLASSES ] [-VAR_NSKIP ] [-VAR_MODEL ] [-GRIDS ] [-INTERPOL ] [-COORDS] [-USER_BVARIANCE] [-USER_XMIN ] [-USER_XMAX ] [-USER_YMIN ] [-USER_YMAX ] [-USER_SIZE ] [-USER_FIT ] [-USER_GRID ] [-USER_VARIANCE ] [-GRID_GRID ] [-GRID_VARIANCE ] -POINTS: Points Shapes (input) -ZFIELD: Attribute Table field -TARGET: Target Grid Choice Available Choices: [0] user defined [1] grid Default: 0 -TQUALITY: Type of Quality Measure Choice Available Choices: [0] standard deviation [1] variance Default: 0 -LOG Logarithmic Transformation Boolean Default: 0 -BLOCK Block Kriging Boolean Default: 0 -DBLOCK: Block Size Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 100.000000 -VAR_MAXDIST: Maximum Distance Floating point Default: -1.000000 -VAR_NCLASSES: Lag Distance Classes Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 100 -VAR_NSKIP: Skip Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 1 -VAR_MODEL: Model Text Default: a + b * x -GRIDS: Grids Grid list (optional input) -INTERPOL: Grid Interpolation Choice Available Choices: [0] Nearest Neighbor [1] Bilinear Interpolation [2] Inverse Distance Interpolation [3] Bicubic Spline Interpolation [4] B-Spline Interpolation Default: 4 -COORDS Coordinates Boolean Default: 0 -USER_BVARIANCE Create Quality Grid Boolean Default: 1 -USER_XMIN: Left Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_XMAX: Right Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_YMIN: Bottom Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_YMAX: Top Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_SIZE: Cellsize Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -USER_FIT: Fit Choice Available Choices: [0] nodes [1] cells Default: 0 -USER_GRID: Grid Data Object (optional output) -USER_VARIANCE: Quality Measure Data Object (optional output) -GRID_GRID: Grid Grid (optional input) -GRID_VARIANCE: Quality Measure Grid (optional input) Variogram (Dialog)) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\statistics_kriging.dll library name: Spatial and Geostatistics - Kriging tool name : Variogram (Dialog)) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd statistics_kriging 4 -POINTS [-ATTRIBUTE ] [-VARIOGRAM ] [-LOG] [-VAR_MAXDIST ] [-VAR_NCLASSES ] [-VAR_NSKIP ] [-VAR_MODEL ] -POINTS: Points Shapes (input) -ATTRIBUTE: Attribute Table field -VARIOGRAM: Variogram Table (output) -LOG Logarithmic Transformation Boolean Default: 0 -VAR_MAXDIST: Maximum Distance Floating point Default: -1.000000 -VAR_NCLASSES: Lag Distance Classes Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 100 -VAR_NSKIP: Skip Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 1 -VAR_MODEL: Model Text Default: a + b * x Ordinary Kriging _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\statistics_kriging.dll library name: Spatial and Geostatistics - Kriging tool name : Ordinary Kriging _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd statistics_kriging 5 [-GRID ] [-VARIANCE ] -SHAPES [-FIELD ] [-BVARIANCE] [-TARGET ] [-MODEL ] [-BLOCK] [-DBLOCK ] [-BLOG] [-NUGGET ] [-SILL ] [-RANGE ] [-LIN_B ] [-EXP_B ] [-POW_A ] [-POW_B ] [-MAXRADIUS ] [-NPOINTS_MIN ] [-NPOINTS_MAX ] [-USER_CELL_SIZE ] [-USER_FIT_EXTENT] [-USER_X_EXTENT_MIN ] [-USER_X_EXTENT_MAX ] [-USER_Y_EXTENT_MIN ] [-USER_Y_EXTENT_MAX ] [-SYSTEM_SYSTEM_NX ] [-SYSTEM_SYSTEM_NY ] [-SYSTEM_SYSTEM_X ] [-SYSTEM_SYSTEM_Y ] [-SYSTEM_SYSTEM_D ] [-GRID_GRID ] [-GRID_VARIANCE ] -GRID: Grid Data Object (optional output) -VARIANCE: Variance Data Object (optional output) -SHAPES: Points Shapes (input) -FIELD: Attribute Table field -BVARIANCE Create Variance Grid Boolean Default: 1 -TARGET: Target Grid Choice Available Choices: [0] user defined [1] grid system [2] grid Default: 0 -MODEL: Variogram Model Choice Available Choices: [0] Spherical Model [1] Exponential Model [2] Gaussian Model [3] Linear Regression [4] Exponential Regression [5] Power Function Regression Default: 3 -BLOCK Block Kriging Boolean Default: 0 -DBLOCK: Block Size Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 100.000000 -BLOG Logarithmic Transformation Boolean Default: 0 -NUGGET: Nugget Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 0.000000 -SILL: Sill Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 10.000000 -RANGE: Range Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 100.000000 -LIN_B: Linear Regression Floating point Default: 1.000000 -EXP_B: Exponential Regression Floating point Default: 0.100000 -POW_A: Power Function - A Floating point Default: 1.000000 -POW_B: Power Function - B Floating point Default: 0.500000 -MAXRADIUS: Maximum Search Radius (map units) Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1000.000000 -NPOINTS_MIN: Min./Max. Number of m_Points Value range -NPOINTS_MAX: Min./Max. Number of m_Points Value range -USER_CELL_SIZE: Grid Size Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 100.000000 -USER_FIT_EXTENT Fit Extent Boolean Default: 1 -USER_X_EXTENT_MIN: X-Extent Value range -USER_X_EXTENT_MAX: X-Extent Value range -USER_Y_EXTENT_MIN: Y-Extent Value range -USER_Y_EXTENT_MAX: Y-Extent Value range -SYSTEM_SYSTEM_NX: Grid System Grid system -SYSTEM_SYSTEM_NY: Grid System Grid system -SYSTEM_SYSTEM_X: Grid System Grid system -SYSTEM_SYSTEM_Y: Grid System Grid system -SYSTEM_SYSTEM_D: Grid System Grid system -GRID_GRID: Grid Grid (input) -GRID_VARIANCE: Variance Grid (optional input) Ordinary Kriging (Global) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\statistics_kriging.dll library name: Spatial and Geostatistics - Kriging tool name : Ordinary Kriging (Global) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd statistics_kriging 6 [-GRID ] [-VARIANCE ] -SHAPES [-FIELD ] [-BVARIANCE] [-TARGET ] [-MODEL ] [-BLOCK] [-DBLOCK ] [-BLOG] [-NUGGET ] [-SILL ] [-RANGE ] [-LIN_B ] [-EXP_B ] [-POW_A ] [-POW_B ] [-USER_CELL_SIZE ] [-USER_FIT_EXTENT] [-USER_X_EXTENT_MIN ] [-USER_X_EXTENT_MAX ] [-USER_Y_EXTENT_MIN ] [-USER_Y_EXTENT_MAX ] [-SYSTEM_SYSTEM_NX ] [-SYSTEM_SYSTEM_NY ] [-SYSTEM_SYSTEM_X ] [-SYSTEM_SYSTEM_Y ] [-SYSTEM_SYSTEM_D ] [-GRID_GRID ] [-GRID_VARIANCE ] -GRID: Grid Data Object (optional output) -VARIANCE: Variance Data Object (optional output) -SHAPES: Points Shapes (input) -FIELD: Attribute Table field -BVARIANCE Create Variance Grid Boolean Default: 1 -TARGET: Target Grid Choice Available Choices: [0] user defined [1] grid system [2] grid Default: 0 -MODEL: Variogram Model Choice Available Choices: [0] Spherical Model [1] Exponential Model [2] Gaussian Model [3] Linear Regression [4] Exponential Regression [5] Power Function Regression Default: 3 -BLOCK Block Kriging Boolean Default: 0 -DBLOCK: Block Size Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 100.000000 -BLOG Logarithmic Transformation Boolean Default: 0 -NUGGET: Nugget Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 0.000000 -SILL: Sill Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 10.000000 -RANGE: Range Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 100.000000 -LIN_B: Linear Regression Floating point Default: 1.000000 -EXP_B: Exponential Regression Floating point Default: 0.100000 -POW_A: Power Function - A Floating point Default: 1.000000 -POW_B: Power Function - B Floating point Default: 0.500000 -USER_CELL_SIZE: Grid Size Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 100.000000 -USER_FIT_EXTENT Fit Extent Boolean Default: 1 -USER_X_EXTENT_MIN: X-Extent Value range -USER_X_EXTENT_MAX: X-Extent Value range -USER_Y_EXTENT_MIN: Y-Extent Value range -USER_Y_EXTENT_MAX: Y-Extent Value range -SYSTEM_SYSTEM_NX: Grid System Grid system -SYSTEM_SYSTEM_NY: Grid System Grid system -SYSTEM_SYSTEM_X: Grid System Grid system -SYSTEM_SYSTEM_Y: Grid System Grid system -SYSTEM_SYSTEM_D: Grid System Grid system -GRID_GRID: Grid Grid (input) -GRID_VARIANCE: Variance Grid (optional input) Universal Kriging _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\statistics_kriging.dll library name: Spatial and Geostatistics - Kriging tool name : Universal Kriging _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd statistics_kriging 7 [-GRID ] [-VARIANCE ] -SHAPES [-FIELD ] [-BVARIANCE] [-TARGET ] [-MODEL ] [-BLOCK] [-DBLOCK ] [-BLOG] [-NUGGET ] [-SILL ] [-RANGE ] [-LIN_B ] [-EXP_B ] [-POW_A ] [-POW_B ] -GRIDS [-INTERPOL ] [-MAXRADIUS ] [-NPOINTS_MIN ] [-NPOINTS_MAX ] [-USER_CELL_SIZE ] [-USER_FIT_EXTENT] [-USER_X_EXTENT_MIN ] [-USER_X_EXTENT_MAX ] [-USER_Y_EXTENT_MIN ] [-USER_Y_EXTENT_MAX ] [-SYSTEM_SYSTEM_NX ] [-SYSTEM_SYSTEM_NY ] [-SYSTEM_SYSTEM_X ] [-SYSTEM_SYSTEM_Y ] [-SYSTEM_SYSTEM_D ] [-GRID_GRID ] [-GRID_VARIANCE ] -GRID: Grid Data Object (optional output) -VARIANCE: Variance Data Object (optional output) -SHAPES: Points Shapes (input) -FIELD: Attribute Table field -BVARIANCE Create Variance Grid Boolean Default: 1 -TARGET: Target Grid Choice Available Choices: [0] user defined [1] grid system [2] grid Default: 0 -MODEL: Variogram Model Choice Available Choices: [0] Spherical Model [1] Exponential Model [2] Gaussian Model [3] Linear Regression [4] Exponential Regression [5] Power Function Regression Default: 3 -BLOCK Block Kriging Boolean Default: 0 -DBLOCK: Block Size Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 100.000000 -BLOG Logarithmic Transformation Boolean Default: 0 -NUGGET: Nugget Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 0.000000 -SILL: Sill Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 10.000000 -RANGE: Range Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 100.000000 -LIN_B: Linear Regression Floating point Default: 1.000000 -EXP_B: Exponential Regression Floating point Default: 0.100000 -POW_A: Power Function - A Floating point Default: 1.000000 -POW_B: Power Function - B Floating point Default: 0.500000 -GRIDS: Grids Grid list (input) -INTERPOL: Grid Interpolation Choice Available Choices: [0] Nearest Neighbor [1] Bilinear Interpolation [2] Inverse Distance Interpolation [3] Bicubic Spline Interpolation [4] B-Spline Interpolation Default: 4 -MAXRADIUS: Maximum Search Radius (map units) Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1000.000000 -NPOINTS_MIN: Min./Max. Number of m_Points Value range -NPOINTS_MAX: Min./Max. Number of m_Points Value range -USER_CELL_SIZE: Grid Size Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 100.000000 -USER_FIT_EXTENT Fit Extent Boolean Default: 1 -USER_X_EXTENT_MIN: X-Extent Value range -USER_X_EXTENT_MAX: X-Extent Value range -USER_Y_EXTENT_MIN: Y-Extent Value range -USER_Y_EXTENT_MAX: Y-Extent Value range -SYSTEM_SYSTEM_NX: Grid System Grid system -SYSTEM_SYSTEM_NY: Grid System Grid system -SYSTEM_SYSTEM_X: Grid System Grid system -SYSTEM_SYSTEM_Y: Grid System Grid system -SYSTEM_SYSTEM_D: Grid System Grid system -GRID_GRID: Grid Grid (input) -GRID_VARIANCE: Variance Grid (optional input) Universal Kriging (Global) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\statistics_kriging.dll library name: Spatial and Geostatistics - Kriging tool name : Universal Kriging (Global) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd statistics_kriging 8 [-GRID ] [-VARIANCE ] -SHAPES [-FIELD ] [-BVARIANCE] [-TARGET ] [-MODEL ] [-BLOCK] [-DBLOCK ] [-BLOG] [-NUGGET ] [-SILL ] [-RANGE ] [-LIN_B ] [-EXP_B ] [-POW_A ] [-POW_B ] -GRIDS [-INTERPOL ] [-USER_CELL_SIZE ] [-USER_FIT_EXTENT] [-USER_X_EXTENT_MIN ] [-USER_X_EXTENT_MAX ] [-USER_Y_EXTENT_MIN ] [-USER_Y_EXTENT_MAX ] [-SYSTEM_SYSTEM_NX ] [-SYSTEM_SYSTEM_NY ] [-SYSTEM_SYSTEM_X ] [-SYSTEM_SYSTEM_Y ] [-SYSTEM_SYSTEM_D ] [-GRID_GRID ] [-GRID_VARIANCE ] -GRID: Grid Data Object (optional output) -VARIANCE: Variance Data Object (optional output) -SHAPES: Points Shapes (input) -FIELD: Attribute Table field -BVARIANCE Create Variance Grid Boolean Default: 1 -TARGET: Target Grid Choice Available Choices: [0] user defined [1] grid system [2] grid Default: 0 -MODEL: Variogram Model Choice Available Choices: [0] Spherical Model [1] Exponential Model [2] Gaussian Model [3] Linear Regression [4] Exponential Regression [5] Power Function Regression Default: 3 -BLOCK Block Kriging Boolean Default: 0 -DBLOCK: Block Size Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 100.000000 -BLOG Logarithmic Transformation Boolean Default: 0 -NUGGET: Nugget Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 0.000000 -SILL: Sill Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 10.000000 -RANGE: Range Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 100.000000 -LIN_B: Linear Regression Floating point Default: 1.000000 -EXP_B: Exponential Regression Floating point Default: 0.100000 -POW_A: Power Function - A Floating point Default: 1.000000 -POW_B: Power Function - B Floating point Default: 0.500000 -GRIDS: Grids Grid list (input) -INTERPOL: Grid Interpolation Choice Available Choices: [0] Nearest Neighbor [1] Bilinear Interpolation [2] Inverse Distance Interpolation [3] Bicubic Spline Interpolation [4] B-Spline Interpolation Default: 4 -USER_CELL_SIZE: Grid Size Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 100.000000 -USER_FIT_EXTENT Fit Extent Boolean Default: 1 -USER_X_EXTENT_MIN: X-Extent Value range -USER_X_EXTENT_MAX: X-Extent Value range -USER_Y_EXTENT_MIN: Y-Extent Value range -USER_Y_EXTENT_MAX: Y-Extent Value range -SYSTEM_SYSTEM_NX: Grid System Grid system -SYSTEM_SYSTEM_NY: Grid System Grid system -SYSTEM_SYSTEM_X: Grid System Grid system -SYSTEM_SYSTEM_Y: Grid System Grid system -SYSTEM_SYSTEM_D: Grid System Grid system -GRID_GRID: Grid Grid (input) -GRID_VARIANCE: Variance Grid (optional input) Variogram _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\statistics_points.dll library name: Spatial and Geostatistics - Points tool name : Variogram _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd statistics_points 0 -POINTS [-FIELD ] [-RESULT ] [-DISTCOUNT ] [-DISTMAX ] [-NSKIP ] -POINTS: Points Shapes (input) -FIELD: Attribute Table field -RESULT: Sample Variogram Table (output) -DISTCOUNT: Initial Number of Distance Classes Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 100 -DISTMAX: Maximum Distance Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 0.000000 -NSKIP: Skip Number Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 1 Variogram Cloud _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\statistics_points.dll library name: Spatial and Geostatistics - Points tool name : Variogram Cloud _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd statistics_points 1 -POINTS [-FIELD ] [-RESULT ] [-DISTMAX ] [-NSKIP ] -POINTS: Points Shapes (input) -FIELD: Attribute Table field -RESULT: Variogram Cloud Table (output) -DISTMAX: Maximum Distance Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 0.000000 -NSKIP: Skip Number Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 1 Variogram Surface _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\statistics_points.dll library name: Spatial and Geostatistics - Points tool name : Variogram Surface _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd statistics_points 2 -POINTS [-FIELD ] [-COUNT ] [-VARIANCE ] [-COVARIANCE ] [-DISTCOUNT ] [-NSKIP ] -POINTS: Points Shapes (input) -FIELD: Attribute Table field -COUNT: Number of Pairs Data Object (optional output) -VARIANCE: Variogram Surface Data Object (optional output) -COVARIANCE: Covariance Surface Data Object (optional output) -DISTCOUNT: Number of Distance Classes Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 10 -NSKIP: Skip Number Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 1 Minimum Distance Analysis _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\statistics_points.dll library name: Spatial and Geostatistics - Points tool name : Minimum Distance Analysis _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd statistics_points 3 -POINTS [-TABLE ] -POINTS: Points Shapes (input) -TABLE: Minimum Distance Analysis Table (output) Spatial Point Pattern Analysis _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\statistics_points.dll library name: Spatial and Geostatistics - Points tool name : Spatial Point Pattern Analysis _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd statistics_points 4 -POINTS [-CENTRE ] [-STDDIST ] [-STEP ] [-BBOX ] -POINTS: Points Shapes (input) -CENTRE: Mean Centre Shapes (output) -STDDIST: Standard Distance Shapes (output) -STEP: Vertex Distance [Degree] Floating point Minimum: 0.100000 Maximum: 20.000000 Default: 5.000000 -BBOX: Bounding Box Shapes (output) Regression Analysis (Points/Grid) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\statistics_regression.dll library name: Spatial and Geostatistics - Regression tool name : Regression Analysis (Points/Grid) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd statistics_regression 0 -GRID -SHAPES [-ATTRIBUTE ] [-REGRESSION ] [-RESIDUAL ] [-INTERPOL ] [-METHOD ] -GRID: Grid Grid (input) -SHAPES: Shapes Shapes (input) -ATTRIBUTE: Attribute Table field -REGRESSION: Regression Grid (output) -RESIDUAL: Residuals Shapes (optional output) -INTERPOL: Grid Interpolation Choice Available Choices: [0] Nearest Neighbor [1] Bilinear Interpolation [2] Inverse Distance Interpolation [3] Bicubic Spline Interpolation [4] B-Spline Interpolation Default: 4 -METHOD: Regression Function Choice Available Choices: [0] Y = a + b * X (linear) [1] Y = a + b / X [2] Y = a / (b - X) [3] Y = a * X^b (power) [4] Y = a e^(b * X) (exponential) [5] Y = a + b * ln(X) (logarithmic) Default: 0 Multiple Regression Analysis (Points/Grids) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\statistics_regression.dll library name: Spatial and Geostatistics - Regression tool name : Multiple Regression Analysis (Points/Grids) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd statistics_regression 1 -GRIDS -SHAPES [-ATTRIBUTE ] [-INFO_COEFF ] [-INFO_MODEL ] [-INFO_STEPS ] [-RESIDUALS ] [-REGRESSION ] [-INTERPOL ] [-COORD_X] [-COORD_Y] [-INTERCEPT] [-METHOD ] [-P_IN ] [-P_OUT ] [-CROSSVAL ] [-CROSSVAL_K ] -GRIDS: Grids Grid list (input) -SHAPES: Shapes Shapes (input) -ATTRIBUTE: Attribute Table field -INFO_COEFF: Details: Coefficients Table (optional output) -INFO_MODEL: Details: Model Table (optional output) -INFO_STEPS: Details: Steps Table (optional output) -RESIDUALS: Residuals Shapes (optional output) -REGRESSION: Regression Grid (output) -INTERPOL: Grid Interpolation Choice Available Choices: [0] Nearest Neighbor [1] Bilinear Interpolation [2] Inverse Distance Interpolation [3] Bicubic Spline Interpolation [4] B-Spline Interpolation Default: 4 -COORD_X Include X Coordinate Boolean Default: 0 -COORD_Y Include Y Coordinate Boolean Default: 0 -INTERCEPT Intercept Boolean Default: 1 -METHOD: Method Choice Available Choices: [0] include all [1] forward [2] backward [3] stepwise Default: 3 -P_IN: P in Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Maximum: 100.000000 Default: 5.000000 -P_OUT: P out Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Maximum: 100.000000 Default: 5.000000 -CROSSVAL: Cross Validation Choice Available Choices: [0] none [1] leave one out [2] 2-fold [3] k-fold Default: 0 -CROSSVAL_K: Cross Validation Subsamples Integer Minimum: 2 Default: 10 Polynomial Regression _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\statistics_regression.dll library name: Spatial and Geostatistics - Regression tool name : Polynomial Regression _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd statistics_regression 2 -POINTS [-ATTRIBUTE ] [-RESIDUALS ] [-POLYNOM ] [-XORDER ] [-YORDER ] [-TORDER ] [-TARGET ] [-USER_XMIN ] [-USER_XMAX ] [-USER_YMIN ] [-USER_YMAX ] [-USER_SIZE ] [-USER_FIT ] [-USER_GRID ] [-GRID_GRID ] -POINTS: Points Shapes (input) -ATTRIBUTE: Attribute Table field -RESIDUALS: Residuals Shapes (optional output) -POLYNOM: Polynom Choice Available Choices: [0] simple planar surface [1] bi-linear saddle [2] quadratic surface [3] cubic surface [4] user defined Default: 0 -XORDER: Maximum X Order Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 4 -YORDER: Maximum Y Order Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 4 -TORDER: Maximum Total Order Integer Minimum: 0 Default: 4 -TARGET: Trend Surface Choice Available Choices: [0] user defined [1] grid Default: 0 -USER_XMIN: Left Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_XMAX: Right Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_YMIN: Bottom Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_YMAX: Top Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_SIZE: Cellsize Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -USER_FIT: Fit Choice Available Choices: [0] nodes [1] cells Default: 0 -USER_GRID: Grid Data Object (optional output) -GRID_GRID: Grid Grid (optional input) Geographically Weighted Regression _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\statistics_regression.dll library name: Spatial and Geostatistics - Regression tool name : Geographically Weighted Regression _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd statistics_regression 3 -POINTS [-DEPENDENT ] [-PREDICTOR ] [-TARGET ] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_WEIGHTING ] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_POWER ] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_OFFSET] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_BANDWIDTH ] [-SEARCH_RANGE ] [-SEARCH_RADIUS ] [-SEARCH_POINTS_ALL ] [-SEARCH_POINTS_MIN ] [-SEARCH_POINTS_MAX ] [-SEARCH_DIRECTION ] [-USER_XMIN ] [-USER_XMAX ] [-USER_YMIN ] [-USER_YMAX ] [-USER_SIZE ] [-USER_FIT ] [-USER_GRID ] [-USER_QUALITY ] [-USER_INTERCEPT ] [-USER_SLOPE ] [-GRID_QUALITY ] [-GRID_INTERCEPT ] [-GRID_SLOPE ] -POINTS: Points Shapes (input) -DEPENDENT: Dependent Variable Table field -PREDICTOR: Predictor Table field -TARGET: Target Grids Choice Available Choices: [0] user defined [1] grid Default: 0 -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_WEIGHTING: Weighting Function Choice Available Choices: [0] no distance weighting [1] inverse distance to a power [2] exponential [3] gaussian weighting Default: 3 -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_POWER: Inverse Distance Weighting Power Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_OFFSET Inverse Distance Offset Boolean Default: 1 -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_BANDWIDTH: Gaussian and Exponential Weighting Bandwidth Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -SEARCH_RANGE: Search Range Choice Available Choices: [0] local [1] global Default: 0 -SEARCH_RADIUS: Maximum Search Distance Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1000.000000 -SEARCH_POINTS_ALL: Number of Points Choice Available Choices: [0] maximum number of nearest points [1] all points within search distance Default: 0 -SEARCH_POINTS_MIN: Minimum Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 4 -SEARCH_POINTS_MAX: Maximum Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 20 -SEARCH_DIRECTION: Search Direction Choice Available Choices: [0] all directions [1] quadrants Default: 0 -USER_XMIN: Left Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_XMAX: Right Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_YMIN: Bottom Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_YMAX: Top Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_SIZE: Cellsize Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -USER_FIT: Fit Choice Available Choices: [0] nodes [1] cells Default: 0 -USER_GRID: Grid Data Object (optional output) -USER_QUALITY: Quality Data Object (optional output) -USER_INTERCEPT: Intercept Data Object (optional output) -USER_SLOPE: Slope Data Object (optional output) -GRID_QUALITY: Quality Grid (input) -GRID_INTERCEPT: Intercept Grid (input) -GRID_SLOPE: Slope Grid (input) Geographically Weighted Regression (Points/Grid) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\statistics_regression.dll library name: Spatial and Geostatistics - Regression tool name : Geographically Weighted Regression (Points/Grid) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd statistics_regression 4 -PREDICTOR [-REGRESSION ] [-QUALITY ] [-INTERCEPT ] [-SLOPE ] -POINTS [-DEPENDENT ] [-RESIDUALS ] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_WEIGHTING ] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_POWER ] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_OFFSET] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_BANDWIDTH ] [-SEARCH_RANGE ] [-SEARCH_RADIUS ] [-SEARCH_POINTS_ALL ] [-SEARCH_POINTS_MIN ] [-SEARCH_POINTS_MAX ] [-SEARCH_DIRECTION ] -PREDICTOR: Predictor Grid (input) -REGRESSION: Regression Grid (output) -QUALITY: Coefficient of Determination Grid (optional output) -INTERCEPT: Intercept Grid (optional output) -SLOPE: Slope Grid (optional output) -POINTS: Points Shapes (input) -DEPENDENT: Dependent Variable Table field -RESIDUALS: Residuals Shapes (optional output) -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_WEIGHTING: Weighting Function Choice Available Choices: [0] no distance weighting [1] inverse distance to a power [2] exponential [3] gaussian weighting Default: 3 -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_POWER: Inverse Distance Weighting Power Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_OFFSET Inverse Distance Offset Boolean Default: 1 -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_BANDWIDTH: Gaussian and Exponential Weighting Bandwidth Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -SEARCH_RANGE: Search Range Choice Available Choices: [0] local [1] global Default: 0 -SEARCH_RADIUS: Maximum Search Distance Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1000.000000 -SEARCH_POINTS_ALL: Number of Points Choice Available Choices: [0] maximum number of nearest points [1] all points within search distance Default: 0 -SEARCH_POINTS_MIN: Minimum Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 4 -SEARCH_POINTS_MAX: Maximum Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 20 -SEARCH_DIRECTION: Search Direction Choice Available Choices: [0] all directions [1] quadrants Default: 0 Geographically Weighted Multiple Regression _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\statistics_regression.dll library name: Spatial and Geostatistics - Regression tool name : Geographically Weighted Multiple Regression _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd statistics_regression 5 -POINTS [-DEPENDENT ] [-TARGET ] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_WEIGHTING ] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_POWER ] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_OFFSET] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_BANDWIDTH ] [-SEARCH_RANGE ] [-SEARCH_RADIUS ] [-SEARCH_POINTS_ALL ] [-SEARCH_POINTS_MIN ] [-SEARCH_POINTS_MAX ] [-SEARCH_DIRECTION ] [-USER_XMIN ] [-USER_XMAX ] [-USER_YMIN ] [-USER_YMAX ] [-USER_SIZE ] [-USER_FIT ] [-USER_QUALITY ] [-USER_INTERCEPT ] [-GRID_QUALITY ] [-GRID_INTERCEPT ] -POINTS: Points Shapes (input) -DEPENDENT: Dependent Variable Table field -TARGET: Target Grids Choice Available Choices: [0] user defined [1] grid Default: 0 -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_WEIGHTING: Weighting Function Choice Available Choices: [0] no distance weighting [1] inverse distance to a power [2] exponential [3] gaussian weighting Default: 3 -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_POWER: Inverse Distance Weighting Power Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_OFFSET Inverse Distance Offset Boolean Default: 1 -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_BANDWIDTH: Gaussian and Exponential Weighting Bandwidth Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -SEARCH_RANGE: Search Range Choice Available Choices: [0] local [1] global Default: 0 -SEARCH_RADIUS: Maximum Search Distance Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1000.000000 -SEARCH_POINTS_ALL: Number of Points Choice Available Choices: [0] maximum number of nearest points [1] all points within search distance Default: 0 -SEARCH_POINTS_MIN: Minimum Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 4 -SEARCH_POINTS_MAX: Maximum Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 20 -SEARCH_DIRECTION: Search Direction Choice Available Choices: [0] all directions [1] quadrants Default: 0 -USER_XMIN: Left Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_XMAX: Right Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_YMIN: Bottom Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_YMAX: Top Floating point Default: 0.000000 -USER_SIZE: Cellsize Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -USER_FIT: Fit Choice Available Choices: [0] nodes [1] cells Default: 0 -USER_QUALITY: Quality Data Object (optional output) -USER_INTERCEPT: Intercept Data Object (optional output) -GRID_QUALITY: Quality Grid (input) -GRID_INTERCEPT: Intercept Grid (input) GWR Gridding (Points/Grids) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\statistics_regression.dll library name: Spatial and Geostatistics - Regression tool name : GWR Gridding (Points/Grids) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd statistics_regression 6 -PREDICTORS [-REGRESSION ] [-QUALITY ] [-MODEL ] [-MODEL_OUT] -POINTS [-DEPENDENT ] [-RESIDUALS ] [-RESOLUTION ] [-RESOLUTION_VAL ] [-DW_WEIGHTING ] [-DW_IDW_POWER ] [-DW_IDW_OFFSET] [-DW_BANDWIDTH ] [-SEARCH_RANGE ] [-SEARCH_RADIUS ] [-SEARCH_POINTS_ALL ] [-SEARCH_POINTS_MIN ] [-SEARCH_POINTS_MAX ] [-SEARCH_DIRECTION ] -PREDICTORS: Predictors Grid list (input) -REGRESSION: Regression Grid (output) -QUALITY: Coefficient of Determination Grid (output) -MODEL: Regression Parameters Grid list (optional output) -MODEL_OUT Output of Regression Parameters Boolean Default: 0 -POINTS: Points Shapes (input) -DEPENDENT: Dependent Variable Table field -RESIDUALS: Residuals Shapes (optional output) -RESOLUTION: Model Resolution Choice Available Choices: [0] same as predictors [1] user defined Default: 1 -RESOLUTION_VAL: Resolution Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -DW_WEIGHTING: Weighting Function Choice Available Choices: [0] no distance weighting [1] inverse distance to a power [2] exponential [3] gaussian weighting Default: 3 -DW_IDW_POWER: Inverse Distance Weighting Power Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -DW_IDW_OFFSET Inverse Distance Offset Boolean Default: 1 -DW_BANDWIDTH: Gaussian and Exponential Weighting Bandwidth Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -SEARCH_RANGE: Search Range Choice Available Choices: [0] local [1] global Default: 1 -SEARCH_RADIUS: Maximum Search Distance Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1000.000000 -SEARCH_POINTS_ALL: Number of Points Choice Available Choices: [0] maximum number of nearest points [1] all points within search distance Default: 0 -SEARCH_POINTS_MIN: Minimum Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 4 -SEARCH_POINTS_MAX: Maximum Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 50 -SEARCH_DIRECTION: Search Direction Choice Available Choices: [0] all directions [1] quadrants Default: 0 Geographically Weighted Multiple Regression (Points) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\statistics_regression.dll library name: Spatial and Geostatistics - Regression tool name : Geographically Weighted Multiple Regression (Points) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd statistics_regression 7 -POINTS [-DEPENDENT ] [-REGRESSION ] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_WEIGHTING ] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_POWER ] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_OFFSET] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_BANDWIDTH ] [-SEARCH_RANGE ] [-SEARCH_RADIUS ] [-SEARCH_POINTS_ALL ] [-SEARCH_POINTS_MIN ] [-SEARCH_POINTS_MAX ] [-SEARCH_DIRECTION ] -POINTS: Points Shapes (input) -DEPENDENT: Dependent Variable Table field -REGRESSION: Regression Shapes (output) -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_WEIGHTING: Weighting Function Choice Available Choices: [0] no distance weighting [1] inverse distance to a power [2] exponential [3] gaussian weighting Default: 3 -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_POWER: Inverse Distance Weighting Power Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_OFFSET Inverse Distance Offset Boolean Default: 1 -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_BANDWIDTH: Gaussian and Exponential Weighting Bandwidth Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -SEARCH_RANGE: Search Range Choice Available Choices: [0] local [1] global Default: 0 -SEARCH_RADIUS: Maximum Search Distance Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1000.000000 -SEARCH_POINTS_ALL: Number of Points Choice Available Choices: [0] maximum number of nearest points [1] all points within search distance Default: 0 -SEARCH_POINTS_MIN: Minimum Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 4 -SEARCH_POINTS_MAX: Maximum Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 20 -SEARCH_DIRECTION: Search Direction Choice Available Choices: [0] all directions [1] quadrants Default: 0 Multiple Regression Analysis (Grid/Grids) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\statistics_regression.dll library name: Spatial and Geostatistics - Regression tool name : Multiple Regression Analysis (Grid/Grids) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd statistics_regression 8 -DEPENDENT -GRIDS [-REGRESSION ] [-RESIDUALS ] [-INFO_COEFF ] [-INFO_MODEL ] [-INFO_STEPS ] [-INTERPOL ] [-COORD_X] [-COORD_Y] [-METHOD ] [-P_IN ] [-P_OUT ] -DEPENDENT: Dependent Grid (input) -GRIDS: Grids Grid list (input) -REGRESSION: Regression Grid (output) -RESIDUALS: Residuals Grid (optional output) -INFO_COEFF: Details: Coefficients Table (optional output) -INFO_MODEL: Details: Model Table (optional output) -INFO_STEPS: Details: Steps Table (optional output) -INTERPOL: Grid Interpolation Choice Available Choices: [0] Nearest Neighbor [1] Bilinear Interpolation [2] Inverse Distance Interpolation [3] Bicubic Spline Interpolation [4] B-Spline Interpolation Default: 4 -COORD_X Include X Coordinate Boolean Default: 0 -COORD_Y Include Y Coordinate Boolean Default: 0 -METHOD: Method Choice Available Choices: [0] include all [1] forward [2] backward [3] stepwise Default: 3 -P_IN: P in Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Maximum: 100.000000 Default: 5.000000 -P_OUT: P out Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Maximum: 100.000000 Default: 5.000000 Polynomial Trend from Grids _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\statistics_regression.dll library name: Spatial and Geostatistics - Regression tool name : Polynomial Trend from Grids _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd statistics_regression 9 -Y_GRIDS [-COEFF ] [-R2 ] [-ORDER ] [-XSOURCE ] [-X_TABLE ] [-X_GRIDS ] -Y_GRIDS: Dependent Variables Grid list (input) -COEFF: Polynomial Coefficients Grid list (output) -R2: Coefficient of Determination Grid (optional output) -ORDER: Polynomial Order Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 1 -XSOURCE: Get Independent Variable from ... Choice Available Choices: [0] list order [1] table [2] grid list Default: 0 -X_TABLE: Independent Variable (per Grid) Static table 1 Fields: - 1. [8 byte floating point number] Value -X_GRIDS: Independent Variable (per Grid and Cell) Grid list (optional input) Trend Analysis _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\statistics_regression.dll library name: Spatial and Geostatistics - Regression tool name : Trend Analysis _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd statistics_regression 10 -TABLE [-FIELD_X ] [-FIELD_Y ] [-FORMULA ] [-FORMULAS ] [-TREND ] -TABLE: Table Table (input) -FIELD_X: X Values Table field -FIELD_Y: Y Values Table field -FORMULA: Formula Text Default: m * x + b -FORMULAS: Pre-defined Formulas Choice Available Choices: [0] Linear: a + b * x [1] Quadric: a + b * x + c * x^2 [2] Cubic: a + b * x + c * x^2 + d * x^3 [3] Logarithmic: a + b * ln(x) [4] Power: a + b * x^c [5] a + b / x [6] a + b * (1 - exp(-x / c)) [7] a + b * (1 - exp(-(x / c)^2)) Default: 0 -TREND: Table (with Trend) Table (optional output) Trend Analysis (Shapes) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\statistics_regression.dll library name: Spatial and Geostatistics - Regression tool name : Trend Analysis (Shapes) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd statistics_regression 11 -TABLE [-FIELD_X ] [-FIELD_Y ] [-FORMULA ] [-FORMULAS ] [-TREND ] -TABLE: Shapes Shapes (input) -FIELD_X: X Values Table field -FIELD_Y: Y Values Table field -FORMULA: Formula Text Default: m * x + b -FORMULAS: Pre-defined Formulas Choice Available Choices: [0] Linear: a + b * x [1] Quadric: a + b * x + c * x^2 [2] Cubic: a + b * x + c * x^2 + d * x^3 [3] Logarithmic: a + b * ln(x) [4] Power: a + b * x^c [5] a + b / x [6] a + b * (1 - exp(-x / c)) [7] a + b * (1 - exp(-(x / c)^2)) Default: 0 -TREND: Table (with Trend) Table (optional output) Multiple Linear Regression Analysis _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\statistics_regression.dll library name: Spatial and Geostatistics - Regression tool name : Multiple Linear Regression Analysis _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd statistics_regression 12 -TABLE [-RESULTS ] [-DEPENDENT ] [-INFO_COEFF ] [-INFO_MODEL ] [-INFO_STEPS ] [-METHOD ] [-P_IN ] [-P_OUT ] [-CROSSVAL ] [-CROSSVAL_K ] -TABLE: Table Table (input) -RESULTS: Results Table (optional output) -DEPENDENT: Dependent Variable Table field -INFO_COEFF: Details: Coefficients Table (optional output) -INFO_MODEL: Details: Model Table (optional output) -INFO_STEPS: Details: Steps Table (optional output) -METHOD: Method Choice Available Choices: [0] include all [1] forward [2] backward [3] stepwise Default: 3 -P_IN: P in Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Maximum: 100.000000 Default: 5.000000 -P_OUT: P out Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Maximum: 100.000000 Default: 5.000000 -CROSSVAL: Cross Validation Choice Available Choices: [0] none [1] leave one out [2] 2-fold [3] k-fold Default: 0 -CROSSVAL_K: Cross Validation Subsamples Integer Minimum: 2 Default: 10 Multiple Linear Regression Analysis (Shapes) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\statistics_regression.dll library name: Spatial and Geostatistics - Regression tool name : Multiple Linear Regression Analysis (Shapes) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd statistics_regression 13 -TABLE [-RESULTS ] [-DEPENDENT ] [-INFO_COEFF ] [-INFO_MODEL ] [-INFO_STEPS ] [-METHOD ] [-P_IN ] [-P_OUT ] [-CROSSVAL ] [-CROSSVAL_K ] -TABLE: Shapes Shapes (input) -RESULTS: Results Shapes (optional output) -DEPENDENT: Dependent Variable Table field -INFO_COEFF: Details: Coefficients Table (optional output) -INFO_MODEL: Details: Model Table (optional output) -INFO_STEPS: Details: Steps Table (optional output) -METHOD: Method Choice Available Choices: [0] include all [1] forward [2] backward [3] stepwise Default: 3 -P_IN: P in Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Maximum: 100.000000 Default: 5.000000 -P_OUT: P out Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Maximum: 100.000000 Default: 5.000000 -CROSSVAL: Cross Validation Choice Available Choices: [0] none [1] leave one out [2] 2-fold [3] k-fold Default: 0 -CROSSVAL_K: Cross Validation Subsamples Integer Minimum: 2 Default: 10 GWR Grid Downscaling _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\statistics_regression.dll library name: Spatial and Geostatistics - Regression tool name : GWR Grid Downscaling _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd statistics_regression 14 -PREDICTORS [-REGRESSION ] [-REG_RESCORR ] -DEPENDENT [-QUALITY ] [-RESIDUALS ] [-MODEL ] [-MODEL_OUT] [-SEARCH_RANGE ] [-SEARCH_RADIUS ] [-DW_WEIGHTING ] [-DW_IDW_POWER ] [-DW_IDW_OFFSET] [-DW_BANDWIDTH ] -PREDICTORS: Predictors Grid list (input) -REGRESSION: Regression Grid (output) -REG_RESCORR: Regression with Residual Correction Grid (optional output) -DEPENDENT: Dependent Variable Grid (input) -QUALITY: Coefficient of Determination Grid (output) -RESIDUALS: Residuals Grid (output) -MODEL: Regression Parameters Grid list (optional output) -MODEL_OUT Output of Model Parameters Boolean Default: 0 -SEARCH_RANGE: Search Range Choice Available Choices: [0] local [1] global Default: 0 -SEARCH_RADIUS: Search Distance [Cells] Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 10 -DW_WEIGHTING: Weighting Function Choice Available Choices: [0] no distance weighting [1] inverse distance to a power [2] exponential [3] gaussian weighting Default: 3 -DW_IDW_POWER: Inverse Distance Weighting Power Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -DW_IDW_OFFSET Inverse Distance Offset Boolean Default: 1 -DW_BANDWIDTH: Gaussian and Exponential Weighting Bandwidth Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 7.000000 Channel Network _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_channels.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Channels tool name : Channel Network _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_channels 0 -ELEVATION [-SINKROUTE ] [-CHNLNTWRK ] [-CHNLROUTE ] [-SHAPES ] -INIT_GRID [-INIT_METHOD ] [-INIT_VALUE ] [-DIV_GRID ] [-DIV_CELLS ] [-TRACE_WEIGHT ] [-MINLEN ] -ELEVATION: Elevation Grid (input) -SINKROUTE: Flow Direction Grid (optional input) -CHNLNTWRK: Channel Network Grid (output) -CHNLROUTE: Channel Direction Grid (output) -SHAPES: Channel Network Shapes (output) -INIT_GRID: Initiation Grid Grid (input) -INIT_METHOD: Initiation Type Choice Available Choices: [0] Less than [1] Equals [2] Greater than Default: 2 -INIT_VALUE: Initiation Threshold Floating point Default: 0.000000 -DIV_GRID: Divergence Grid (optional input) -DIV_CELLS: Tracing: Max. Divergence Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 5 -TRACE_WEIGHT: Tracing: Weight Grid (optional input) -MINLEN: Min. Segment Length Integer Default: 10 Watershed Basins _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_channels.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Channels tool name : Watershed Basins _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_channels 1 -ELEVATION -CHANNELS [-SINKROUTE ] [-BASINS ] [-MINSIZE ] -ELEVATION: Elevation Grid (input) -CHANNELS: Channel Network Grid (input) -SINKROUTE: Sink Route Grid (optional input) -BASINS: Watershed Basins Grid (output) -MINSIZE: Min. Size Integer Default: 0 Watershed Basins (Extended) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_channels.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Channels tool name : Watershed Basins (Extended) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_channels 2 -DEM -CHANNELS [-BASINS ] [-SUBBASINS ] [-V_BASINS ] [-V_SUBBASINS ] [-HEADS ] [-MOUTHS ] [-DISTANCE] -DEM: DEM Grid (input) -CHANNELS: Drainage Network Grid (input) -BASINS: Basins Grid (output) -SUBBASINS: Subbasins Grid (output) -V_BASINS: Basins Shapes (output) -V_SUBBASINS: Subbasins Shapes (output) -HEADS: River Heads Shapes (output) -MOUTHS: River Mouths Shapes (output) -DISTANCE Flow Distances Boolean Default: 0 Vertical Distance to Channel Network _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_channels.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Channels tool name : Vertical Distance to Channel Network _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_channels 3 -ELEVATION -CHANNELS [-DISTANCE ] [-BASELEVEL ] [-THRESHOLD ] [-NOUNDERGROUND] -ELEVATION: Elevation Grid (input) -CHANNELS: Channel Network Grid (input) -DISTANCE: Vertical Distance to Channel Network Grid (output) -BASELEVEL: Channel Network Base Level Grid (optional output) -THRESHOLD: Tension Threshold [Percentage of Cell Size] Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -NOUNDERGROUND Keep Base Level below Surface Boolean Default: 1 Overland Flow Distance to Channel Network _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_channels.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Channels tool name : Overland Flow Distance to Channel Network _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_channels 4 -ELEVATION -CHANNELS [-ROUTE ] [-DISTANCE ] [-DISTVERT ] [-DISTHORZ ] [-TIME ] [-SDR ] [-FIELDS ] [-PASSES ] [-METHOD ] [-FLOW_B ] [-FLOW_K ] [-FLOW_K_DEFAULT ] [-FLOW_R ] [-FLOW_R_DEFAULT ] -ELEVATION: Elevation Grid (input) -CHANNELS: Channel Network Grid (input) -ROUTE: Preferred Routing Grid (optional input) -DISTANCE: Overland Flow Distance Grid (output) -DISTVERT: Vertical Overland Flow Distance Grid (output) -DISTHORZ: Horizontal Overland Flow Distance Grid (output) -TIME: Flow Travel Time Grid (optional output) -SDR: Sediment Yield Delivery Ratio Grid (optional output) -FIELDS: Fields Grid (optional input) -PASSES: Fields Visited Grid (output) -METHOD: Flow Algorithm Choice Available Choices: [0] D8 [1] MFD Default: 1 -FLOW_B: Beta Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -FLOW_K: Manning-Strickler Coefficient Grid (optional input) -FLOW_K_DEFAULT: Default Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 20.000000 -FLOW_R: Flow Depth Grid (optional input) -FLOW_R_DEFAULT: Default Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 0.050000 Channel Network and Drainage Basins _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_channels.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Channels tool name : Channel Network and Drainage Basins _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_channels 5 -DEM [-DIRECTION ] [-CONNECTION ] [-ORDER ] [-BASIN ] [-SEGMENTS ] [-BASINS ] [-NODES ] [-THRESHOLD ] -DEM: Elevation Grid (input) -DIRECTION: Flow Direction Grid (optional output) -CONNECTION: Flow Connectivity Grid (optional output) -ORDER: Strahler Order Grid (optional output) -BASIN: Drainage Basins Grid (optional output) -SEGMENTS: Channels Shapes (output) -BASINS: Drainage Basins Shapes (output) -NODES: Junctions Shapes (optional output) -THRESHOLD: Threshold Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 5 Strahler Order _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_channels.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Channels tool name : Strahler Order _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_channels 6 -DEM [-STRAHLER ] -DEM: Elevation Grid (input) -STRAHLER: Strahler Order Grid (output) Valley Depth _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_channels.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Channels tool name : Valley Depth _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_channels 7 -ELEVATION [-VALLEY_DEPTH ] [-RIDGE_LEVEL ] [-THRESHOLD ] [-NOUNDERGROUND] [-ORDER ] -ELEVATION: Elevation Grid (input) -VALLEY_DEPTH: Valley Depth Grid (output) -RIDGE_LEVEL: Ridge Level Grid (optional output) -THRESHOLD: Tension Threshold [Percentage of Cell Size] Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -NOUNDERGROUND Keep Ridge Level above Surface Boolean Default: 1 -ORDER: Ridge Detection Threshold Integer Minimum: 1 Maximum: 7 Default: 4 Basic Terrain Analysis _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_compound.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Compound Analyses tool name : Basic Terrain Analysis _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_compound 0 -ELEVATION [-SHADE ] [-SLOPE ] [-ASPECT ] [-HCURV ] [-VCURV ] [-CONVERGENCE ] [-SINKS ] [-CAREA ] [-WETNESS ] [-LSFACTOR ] [-CHANNELS ] [-BASINS ] [-CHNL_BASE ] [-CHNL_ALTI ] [-VALL_DEPTH ] [-RSP ] [-THRESHOLD ] -ELEVATION: Elevation Grid (input) -SHADE: Analytical Hillshading Grid (output) -SLOPE: Slope Grid (output) -ASPECT: Aspect Grid (output) -HCURV: Plan Curvature Grid (output) -VCURV: Profile Curvature Grid (output) -CONVERGENCE: Convergence Index Grid (output) -SINKS: Closed Depressions Grid (output) -CAREA: Catchment Area Grid (output) -WETNESS: Wetness Index Grid (output) -LSFACTOR: LS-Factor Grid (output) -CHANNELS: Channel Network Shapes (output) -BASINS: Drainage Basins Shapes (output) -CHNL_BASE: Channel Network Base Level Grid (output) -CHNL_ALTI: Vertical Distance to Channel Network Grid (output) -VALL_DEPTH: Valley Depth Grid (output) -RSP: Relative Slope Position Grid (output) -THRESHOLD: Channel Density Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 5 Catchment Area (Parallel) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_hydrology.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Hydrology tool name : Catchment Area (Parallel) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_hydrology 0 -ELEVATION [-SINKROUTE ] [-WEIGHT ] [-MATERIAL ] [-TARGET ] [-CAREA ] [-CHEIGHT ] [-CSLOPE ] [-ACCU_TOT ] [-ACCU_LEFT ] [-ACCU_RIGHT ] [-STEP ] [-CASPECT ] [-FLWPATH ] [-Method ] [-DOLINEAR] [-LINEARTHRS ] [-LINEARTHRS_GRID ] [-CHDIR_GRID ] [-CONVERGENCE ] -ELEVATION: Elevation Grid (input) -SINKROUTE: Sink Routes Grid (optional input) -WEIGHT: Weight Grid (optional input) -MATERIAL: Material Grid (optional input) -TARGET: Target Grid (optional input) -CAREA: Catchment Area Grid (output) -CHEIGHT: Catchment Height Grid (optional output) -CSLOPE: Catchment Slope Grid (optional output) -ACCU_TOT: Total accumulated Material Grid (optional output) -ACCU_LEFT: Accumulated Material from _left_ side Grid (optional output) -ACCU_RIGHT: Accumulated Material from _right_ side Grid (optional output) -STEP: Step Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 1 -CASPECT: Catchment Aspect Grid (optional output) -FLWPATH: Flow Path Length Grid (optional output) -Method: Method Choice Available Choices: [0] Deterministic 8 [1] Rho 8 [2] Braunschweiger Reliefmodell [3] Deterministic Infinity [4] Multiple Flow Direction [5] Multiple Triangular Flow Directon Default: 4 -DOLINEAR Linear Flow Boolean Default: 0 -LINEARTHRS: Linear Flow Threshold Floating point Default: 500.000000 -LINEARTHRS_GRID: Linear Flow Threshold Grid Grid (optional input) -CHDIR_GRID: Channel Direction Grid (optional input) -CONVERGENCE: Convergence Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.100000 Catchment Area (Recursive) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_hydrology.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Hydrology tool name : Catchment Area (Recursive) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_hydrology 1 -ELEVATION [-SINKROUTE ] [-WEIGHT ] [-MATERIAL ] [-TARGET ] [-CAREA ] [-CHEIGHT ] [-CSLOPE ] [-ACCU_TOT ] [-ACCU_LEFT ] [-ACCU_RIGHT ] [-STEP ] [-TARGETS ] [-FLOWLEN ] [-Method ] [-CONVERGENCE ] -ELEVATION: Elevation Grid (input) -SINKROUTE: Sink Routes Grid (optional input) -WEIGHT: Weight Grid (optional input) -MATERIAL: Material Grid (optional input) -TARGET: Target Grid (optional input) -CAREA: Catchment Area Grid (output) -CHEIGHT: Catchment Height Grid (optional output) -CSLOPE: Catchment Slope Grid (optional output) -ACCU_TOT: Total accumulated Material Grid (optional output) -ACCU_LEFT: Accumulated Material from _left_ side Grid (optional output) -ACCU_RIGHT: Accumulated Material from _right_ side Grid (optional output) -STEP: Step Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 1 -TARGETS: Target Areas Grid (optional input) -FLOWLEN: Flow Path Length Grid (optional output) -Method: Method Choice Available Choices: [0] Deterministic 8 [1] Rho 8 [2] Deterministic Infinity [3] Multiple Flow Direction Default: 3 -CONVERGENCE: Convergence Floating point Default: 1.100000 Catchment Area (Flow Tracing) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_hydrology.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Hydrology tool name : Catchment Area (Flow Tracing) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_hydrology 2 -ELEVATION [-SINKROUTE ] [-WEIGHT ] [-MATERIAL ] [-TARGET ] [-CAREA ] [-CHEIGHT ] [-CSLOPE ] [-ACCU_TOT ] [-ACCU_LEFT ] [-ACCU_RIGHT ] [-STEP ] [-Method ] [-MINDQV ] [-CORRECT] -ELEVATION: Elevation Grid (input) -SINKROUTE: Sink Routes Grid (optional input) -WEIGHT: Weight Grid (optional input) -MATERIAL: Material Grid (optional input) -TARGET: Target Grid (optional input) -CAREA: Catchment Area Grid (output) -CHEIGHT: Catchment Height Grid (optional output) -CSLOPE: Catchment Slope Grid (optional output) -ACCU_TOT: Total accumulated Material Grid (optional output) -ACCU_LEFT: Accumulated Material from _left_ side Grid (optional output) -ACCU_RIGHT: Accumulated Material from _right_ side Grid (optional output) -STEP: Step Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 1 -Method: Method Choice Available Choices: [0] Rho 8 [1] Kinematic Routing Algorithm [2] DEMON Default: 1 -MINDQV: DEMON - Min. DQV Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Maximum: 1.000000 Default: 0.000000 -CORRECT Flow Correction Boolean Default: 0 Upslope Area _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_hydrology.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Hydrology tool name : Upslope Area _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_hydrology 4 [-TARGET ] [-TARGET_PT_X ] [-TARGET_PT_Y ] -ELEVATION [-SINKROUTE ] [-AREA ] [-METHOD ] [-CONVERGE ] -TARGET: Target Area Grid (optional input) -TARGET_PT_X: Target X coordinate Floating point Default: 0.000000 -TARGET_PT_Y: Target Y coordinate Floating point Default: 0.000000 -ELEVATION: Elevation Grid (input) -SINKROUTE: Sink Routes Grid (optional input) -AREA: Upslope Area Grid (output) -METHOD: Method Choice Available Choices: [0] Deterministic 8 [1] Deterministic Infinity [2] Multiple Flow Direction Default: 2 -CONVERGE: Convergence Floating point Minimum: 0.001000 Default: 1.100000 Flow Path Length _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_hydrology.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Hydrology tool name : Flow Path Length _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_hydrology 6 -ELEVATION [-SEED ] [-LENGTH ] [-SEEDS_ONLY] [-METHOD ] [-CONVERGENCE ] -ELEVATION: Elevation Grid (input) -SEED: Seeds Grid (optional input) -LENGTH: Flow Path Length Grid (output) -SEEDS_ONLY Seeds Only Boolean Default: 0 -METHOD: Flow Routing Algorithm Choice Available Choices: [0] Deterministic 8 (D8) [1] Multiple Flow Direction (FD8) Default: 1 -CONVERGENCE: Convergence (FD8) Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.100000 Slope Length _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_hydrology.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Hydrology tool name : Slope Length _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_hydrology 7 -DEM [-LENGTH ] -DEM: Elevation Grid (input) -LENGTH: Slope Length Grid (output) Cell Balance _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_hydrology.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Hydrology tool name : Cell Balance _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_hydrology 10 -DEM [-WEIGHTS ] [-WEIGHTS_DEFAULT ] [-BALANCE ] [-METHOD ] -DEM: Elevation Grid (input) -WEIGHTS: Weights Grid (optional input) -WEIGHTS_DEFAULT: Default Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -BALANCE: Cell Balance Grid (output) -METHOD: Method Choice Available Choices: [0] Deterministic 8 [1] Multiple Flow Direction Default: 0 Edge Contamination _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_hydrology.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Hydrology tool name : Edge Contamination _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_hydrology 13 -DEM [-CONTAMINATION ] -DEM: Elevation Grid (input) -CONTAMINATION: Edge Contamination Grid (output) SAGA Wetness Index _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_hydrology.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Hydrology tool name : SAGA Wetness Index _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_hydrology 15 -DEM [-WEIGHT ] [-AREA ] [-SLOPE ] [-AREA_MOD ] [-TWI ] [-SUCTION ] [-AREA_TYPE ] [-SLOPE_TYPE ] [-SLOPE_MIN ] [-SLOPE_OFF ] [-SLOPE_WEIGHT ] -DEM: Elevation Grid (input) -WEIGHT: Weights Grid (optional input) -AREA: Catchment area Grid (output) -SLOPE: Catchment slope Grid (output) -AREA_MOD: Modified Catchment Area Grid (output) -TWI: Topographic Wetness Index Grid (output) -SUCTION: Suction Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 10.000000 -AREA_TYPE: Type of Area Choice Available Choices: [0] absolute catchment area [1] square root of catchment area [2] specific catchment area Default: 1 -SLOPE_TYPE: Type of Slope Choice Available Choices: [0] local slope [1] catchment slope Default: 1 -SLOPE_MIN: Minimum Slope Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 0.000000 -SLOPE_OFF: Offset Slope Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 0.100000 -SLOPE_WEIGHT: Slope Weighting Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 Lake Flood _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_hydrology.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Hydrology tool name : Lake Flood _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_hydrology 16 -ELEV -SEEDS [-LEVEL] [-OUTDEPTH ] [-OUTLEVEL ] -ELEV: DEM Grid (input) -SEEDS: Seeds Grid (input) -LEVEL Absolute Water Levels Boolean Default: 0 -OUTDEPTH: Lake Grid (output) -OUTLEVEL: Surface Grid (output) Catchment Area (Mass-Flux Method) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_hydrology.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Hydrology tool name : Catchment Area (Mass-Flux Method) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_hydrology 18 -DEM [-AREA ] [-METHOD ] [-B_SLOPE] [-G_SLOPE ] [-B_ASPECT] [-G_ASPECT ] [-B_AREA] [-G_AREA ] [-B_FLOW] [-G_FLOW ] -DEM: Elevation Grid (input) -AREA: Flow Accumulation Grid (output) -METHOD: Flow Split Method Choice Available Choices: [0] flow width (original) [1] cell area Default: 0 -B_SLOPE Slope Boolean Default: 0 -G_SLOPE: Slope Data Object (optional output) -B_ASPECT Aspect Boolean Default: 0 -G_ASPECT: Aspect Data Object (optional output) -B_AREA Flow Accumulation Boolean Default: 0 -G_AREA: Flow Accumulation Data Object (optional output) -B_FLOW Flow Lines Boolean Default: 0 -G_FLOW: Flow Lines Data Object (optional output) Flow Width and Specific Catchment Area _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_hydrology.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Hydrology tool name : Flow Width and Specific Catchment Area _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_hydrology 19 -DEM [-WIDTH ] [-TCA ] [-SCA ] [-METHOD ] -DEM: Elevation Grid (input) -WIDTH: Flow Width Grid (output) -TCA: Total Catchment Area (TCA) Grid (optional input) -SCA: Specific Catchment Area (SCA) Grid (optional output) -METHOD: Method Choice Available Choices: [0] Deterministic 8 [1] Multiple Flow Direction (Quinn et al. 1991) [2] Aspect Default: 2 Topographic Wetness Index (TWI) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_hydrology.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Hydrology tool name : Topographic Wetness Index (TWI) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_hydrology 20 -SLOPE -AREA [-TRANS ] [-TWI ] [-CONV ] [-METHOD ] -SLOPE: Slope Grid (input) -AREA: Catchment Area Grid (input) -TRANS: Transmissivity Grid (optional input) -TWI: Topographic Wetness Index Grid (output) -CONV: Area Conversion Choice Available Choices: [0] no conversion (areas already given as specific catchment area) [1] 1 / cell size (pseudo specific catchment area) Default: 0 -METHOD: Method (TWI) Choice Available Choices: [0] Standard [1] TOPMODEL Default: 0 Stream Power Index _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_hydrology.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Hydrology tool name : Stream Power Index _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_hydrology 21 -SLOPE -AREA [-SPI ] [-CONV ] -SLOPE: Slope Grid (input) -AREA: Catchment Area Grid (input) -SPI: Stream Power Index Grid (output) -CONV: Area Conversion Choice Available Choices: [0] no conversion (areas already given as specific catchment area) [1] 1 / cell size (pseudo specific catchment area) Default: 0 LS Factor _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_hydrology.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Hydrology tool name : LS Factor _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_hydrology 22 -SLOPE -AREA [-LS ] [-CONV ] [-METHOD ] [-EROSIVITY ] [-STABILITY ] -SLOPE: Slope Grid (input) -AREA: Catchment Area Grid (input) -LS: LS Factor Grid (output) -CONV: Area to Length Conversion Choice Available Choices: [0] no conversion (areas already given as specific catchment area) [1] 1 / cell size (specific catchment area) [2] square root (catchment length) Default: 0 -METHOD: Method (LS) Choice Available Choices: [0] Moore et al. 1991 [1] Desmet & Govers 1996 [2] Boehner & Selige 2006 Default: 0 -EROSIVITY: Rill/Interrill Erosivity Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -STABILITY: Stability Choice Available Choices: [0] stable [1] instable (thawing) Default: 0 Melton Ruggedness Number _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_hydrology.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Hydrology tool name : Melton Ruggedness Number _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_hydrology 23 -DEM [-AREA ] [-ZMAX ] [-MRN ] -DEM: Elevation Grid (input) -AREA: Catchment Area Grid (output) -ZMAX: Maximum Height Grid (output) -MRN: Melton Ruggedness Number Grid (output) TCI Low _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_hydrology.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Hydrology tool name : TCI Low _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_hydrology 24 -DISTANCE -TWI [-TCILOW ] -DISTANCE: Vertical Distance to Channel Network Grid (input) -TWI: Topographic Wetness Index Grid (input) -TCILOW: TCI Low Grid (output) LS-Factor, Field Based _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_hydrology.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Hydrology tool name : LS-Factor, Field Based _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_hydrology 25 -DEM [-FIELDS ] [-STATISTICS ] [-UPSLOPE_AREA ] [-UPSLOPE_LENGTH ] [-UPSLOPE_SLOPE ] [-LS_FACTOR ] [-BALANCE ] [-METHOD ] [-METHOD_SLOPE ] [-METHOD_AREA ] [-STOP_AT_EDGE] [-EROSIVITY ] [-STABILITY ] -DEM: Elevation Grid (input) -FIELDS: Fields Shapes (optional input) -STATISTICS: Field Statistics Shapes (optional output) -UPSLOPE_AREA: Upslope Length Factor Grid (optional output) -UPSLOPE_LENGTH: Effective Flow Length Grid (optional output) -UPSLOPE_SLOPE: Upslope Slope Grid (optional output) -LS_FACTOR: LS Factor Grid (output) -BALANCE: Sediment Balance Grid (optional output) -METHOD: LS Calculation Choice Available Choices: [0] Moore & Nieber 1989 [1] Desmet & Govers 1996 [2] Wischmeier & Smith 1978 Default: 0 -METHOD_SLOPE: Type of Slope Choice Available Choices: [0] local slope [1] distance weighted average catchment slope Default: 0 -METHOD_AREA: Specific Catchment Area Choice Available Choices: [0] specific catchment area (contour length simply as cell size) [1] specific catchment area (contour length dependent on aspect) [2] catchment length (square root of catchment area) [3] effective flow length Default: 1 -STOP_AT_EDGE Stop at Edge Boolean Default: 1 -EROSIVITY: Rill/Interrill Erosivity Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -STABILITY: Stability Choice Available Choices: [0] stable [1] instable (thawing) Default: 0 Slope Limited Flow Accumulation _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_hydrology.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Hydrology tool name : Slope Limited Flow Accumulation _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_hydrology 26 -DEM [-WEIGHT ] [-FLOW ] [-SLOPE_MIN ] [-SLOPE_MAX ] [-B_FLOW] [-T_FLOW_MIN ] [-T_FLOW_MAX ] -DEM: Elevation Grid (input) -WEIGHT: Weight Grid (optional input) -FLOW: Flow Accumulation Grid (output) -SLOPE_MIN: Slope Minimum Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 0.000000 -SLOPE_MAX: Slope Threshold Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Maximum: 90.000000 Default: 5.000000 -B_FLOW Use Flow Threshold Boolean Default: 0 -T_FLOW_MIN: Flow Threshold Value range -T_FLOW_MAX: Flow Threshold Value range Analytical Hillshading _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_lighting.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Lighting, Visibility tool name : Analytical Hillshading _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_lighting 0 -ELEVATION [-SHADE ] [-METHOD ] [-AZIMUTH ] [-DECLINATION ] [-EXAGGERATION ] [-NDIRS ] [-RADIUS ] -ELEVATION: Elevation Grid (input) -SHADE: Analytical Hillshading Grid (output) -METHOD: Shading Method Choice Available Choices: [0] Standard [1] Standard (max. 90Degree) [2] Combined Shading [3] Ray Tracing [4] Ambient Occlusion Default: 0 -AZIMUTH: Azimuth [Degree] Floating point Default: 315.000000 -DECLINATION: Declination [Degree] Floating point Default: 45.000000 -EXAGGERATION: Exaggeration Floating point Default: 4.000000 -NDIRS: Number of Directions Integer Minimum: 2 Default: 8 -RADIUS: Search Radius Floating point Minimum: 0.001000 Default: 10.000000 Potential Incoming Solar Radiation _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_lighting.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Lighting, Visibility tool name : Potential Incoming Solar Radiation _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_lighting 2 -GRD_DEM [-GRD_SVF ] [-GRD_VAPOUR ] [-GRD_LAT ] [-GRD_LON ] [-GRD_DIRECT ] [-GRD_DIFFUS ] [-GRD_TOTAL ] [-GRD_RATIO ] [-DURATION ] [-SUNRISE ] [-SUNSET ] [-SOLARCONST ] [-LOCALSVF] [-UNITS ] [-LATITUDE ] [-BENDING_BENDING] [-BENDING_RADIUS ] [-BENDING_LAT_OFFSET ] [-BENDING_LAT_REF_USER ] [-BENDING_LON_OFFSET ] [-BENDING_LON_REF_USER ] [-PERIOD ] [-MOMENT ] [-HOUR_RANGE_MIN ] [-HOUR_RANGE_MAX ] [-DHOUR ] [-DDAYS ] [-UPDATE ] [-DAY_A ] [-MON_A ] [-DAY_B ] [-MON_B ] [-METHOD ] [-ATMOSPHERE ] [-VAPOUR ] [-PRESSURE ] [-WATER ] [-DUST ] [-LUMPED ] -GRD_DEM: Elevation Grid (input) -GRD_SVF: Sky View Factor Grid (optional input) -GRD_VAPOUR: Water Vapour Pressure [mbar] Grid (optional input) -GRD_LAT: Latitude [degree] Grid (optional input) -GRD_LON: Longitude [degree] Grid (optional input) -GRD_DIRECT: Direct Insolation Grid (output) -GRD_DIFFUS: Diffuse Insolation Grid (output) -GRD_TOTAL: Total Insolation Grid (optional output) -GRD_RATIO: Direct to Diffuse Ratio Grid (optional output) -DURATION: Duration of Insolation Grid (optional output) -SUNRISE: Sunrise Grid (optional output) -SUNSET: Sunset Grid (optional output) -SOLARCONST: Solar Constant [W / m2] Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1367.000000 -LOCALSVF Local Sky View Factor Boolean Default: 1 -UNITS: Units Choice Available Choices: [0] kWh / m2 [1] kJ / m2 [2] J / cm2 Default: 0 -LATITUDE: Latitude Degree Minimum: -90.000000 Maximum: 90.000000 Default: 53.000000 -BENDING_BENDING Include Planetery Bending Boolean Default: 0 -BENDING_RADIUS: Planetary Radius Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 6366737.960000 -BENDING_LAT_OFFSET: Latitude relates to grid's... Choice Available Choices: [0] bottom [1] center [2] top [3] user defined reference Default: 3 -BENDING_LAT_REF_USER: Latitude (user defined reference) Floating point Default: 0.000000 -BENDING_LON_OFFSET: Local time relates to grid's... Choice Available Choices: [0] left [1] center [2] right [3] user defined reference Default: 1 -BENDING_LON_REF_USER: Local Time (user defined reference) Floating point Default: 0.000000 -PERIOD: Time Period Choice Available Choices: [0] moment [1] day [2] range of days Default: 1 -MOMENT: Moment [h] Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Maximum: 24.000000 Default: 12.000000 -HOUR_RANGE_MIN: Time Span [h] Value range -HOUR_RANGE_MAX: Time Span [h] Value range -DHOUR: Time Resolution [h]: Day Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Maximum: 24.000000 Default: 0.500000 -DDAYS: Time Resolution [d]: Range of Days Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 5 -UPDATE: Update Choice Available Choices: [0] do not update [1] update, colour stretch for each time step [2] update, fixed colour stretch Default: 0 -DAY_A: Day of Month Choice Available Choices: [0] 1 [1] 2 [2] 3 [3] 4 [4] 5 [5] 6 [6] 7 [7] 8 [8] 9 [9] 10 [10] 11 [11] 12 [12] 13 [13] 14 [14] 15 [15] 16 [16] 17 [17] 18 [18] 19 [19] 20 [20] 21 [21] 22 [22] 23 [23] 24 [24] 25 [25] 26 [26] 27 [27] 28 [28] 29 [29] 30 [30] 31 Default: 20 -MON_A: Month Choice Available Choices: [0] January [1] February [2] March [3] April [4] May [5] June [6] July [7] August [8] September [9] October [10] November [11] December Default: 2 -DAY_B: Day of Month Choice Available Choices: [0] 1 [1] 2 [2] 3 [3] 4 [4] 5 [5] 6 [6] 7 [7] 8 [8] 9 [9] 10 [10] 11 [11] 12 [12] 13 [13] 14 [14] 15 [15] 16 [16] 17 [17] 18 [18] 19 [19] 20 [20] 21 [21] 22 [22] 23 [23] 24 [24] 25 [25] 26 [26] 27 [27] 28 [28] 29 [29] 30 [30] 31 Default: 20 -MON_B: Month Choice Available Choices: [0] January [1] February [2] March [3] April [4] May [5] June [6] July [7] August [8] September [9] October [10] November [11] December Default: 3 -METHOD: Atmospheric Effects Choice Available Choices: [0] Height of Atmosphere and Vapour Pressure [1] Air Pressure, Water and Dust Content [2] Lumped Atmospheric Transmittance Default: 0 -ATMOSPHERE: Height of Atmosphere [m] Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 12000.000000 -VAPOUR: Water Vapour Pressure [mbar] Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 10.000000 -PRESSURE: Atmospheric Pressure [mbar] Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1013.000000 -WATER: Water Content [cm] Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.680000 -DUST: Dust [ppm] Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 100.000000 -LUMPED: Lumped Atmospheric Transmittance [Percent] Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Maximum: 100.000000 Default: 70.000000 Sky View Factor _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_lighting.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Lighting, Visibility tool name : Sky View Factor _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_lighting 3 -DEM [-VISIBLE ] [-SVF ] [-SIMPLE ] [-TERRAIN ] [-DISTANCE ] [-RADIUS ] [-METHOD ] [-DLEVEL ] [-NDIRS ] -DEM: Elevation Grid (input) -VISIBLE: Visible Sky Grid (output) -SVF: Sky View Factor Grid (output) -SIMPLE: Sky View Factor (Simplified) Grid (optional output) -TERRAIN: Terrain View Factor Grid (optional output) -DISTANCE: View Distance Grid (optional output) -RADIUS: Maximum Search Radius Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 10000.000000 -METHOD: Method Choice Available Choices: [0] multi scale [1] sectors Default: 1 -DLEVEL: Multi Scale Factor Floating point Minimum: 1.250000 Default: 3.000000 -NDIRS: Number of Sectors Integer Minimum: 3 Default: 8 Topographic Correction _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_lighting.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Lighting, Visibility tool name : Topographic Correction _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_lighting 4 -DEM -ORIGINAL [-CORRECTED ] [-AZI ] [-HGT ] [-METHOD ] [-MINNAERT ] [-MAXCELLS ] [-MAXVALUE ] -DEM: Elevation Grid (input) -ORIGINAL: Original Image Grid (input) -CORRECTED: Corrected Image Grid (output) -AZI: Azimuth Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Maximum: 360.000000 Default: 180.000000 -HGT: Height Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Maximum: 90.000000 Default: 45.000000 -METHOD: Method Choice Available Choices: [0] Cosine Correction (Teillet et al. 1982) [1] Cosine Correction (Civco 1989) [2] Minnaert Correction [3] Minnaert Correction with Slope (Riano et al. 2003) [4] Minnaert Correction with Slope (Law & Nichol 2004) [5] C Correction [6] Normalization (after Civco, modified by Law & Nichol) Default: 4 -MINNAERT: Minnaert Correction Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Maximum: 1.000000 Default: 0.500000 -MAXCELLS: Maximum Cells (C Correction Analysis) Integer Minimum: 10 Default: 1000 -MAXVALUE: Value Range Choice Available Choices: [0] 1 byte (0-255) [1] 2 byte (0-65535) Default: 0 Topographic Openness _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_lighting.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Lighting, Visibility tool name : Topographic Openness _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_lighting 5 -DEM [-POS ] [-NEG ] [-RADIUS ] [-METHOD ] [-DLEVEL ] [-NDIRS ] -DEM: Elevation Grid (input) -POS: Positive Openness Grid (output) -NEG: Negative Openness Grid (output) -RADIUS: Radial Limit Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 10000.000000 -METHOD: Method Choice Available Choices: [0] multi scale [1] sectors Default: 1 -DLEVEL: Multi Scale Factor Floating point Minimum: 1.250000 Default: 3.000000 -NDIRS: Number of Sectors Integer Minimum: 2 Default: 8 Visibility (points) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_lighting.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Lighting, Visibility tool name : Visibility (points) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_lighting 6 -ELEVATION [-VISIBILITY ] -POINTS [-FIELD_HEIGHT ] [-METHOD ] -ELEVATION: Elevation Grid (input) -VISIBILITY: Visibility Grid (output) -POINTS: Points Shapes (input) -FIELD_HEIGHT: Height Table field -METHOD: Unit Choice Available Choices: [0] Visibility [1] Shade [2] Distance [3] Size Default: 1 Slope, Aspect, Curvature _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_morphometry.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Morphometry tool name : Slope, Aspect, Curvature _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_morphometry 0 -ELEVATION [-SLOPE ] [-ASPECT ] [-C_GENE ] [-C_PROF ] [-C_PLAN ] [-C_TANG ] [-C_LONG ] [-C_CROS ] [-C_MINI ] [-C_MAXI ] [-C_TOTA ] [-C_ROTO ] [-METHOD ] [-UNIT_SLOPE ] [-UNIT_ASPECT ] -ELEVATION: Elevation Grid (input) -SLOPE: Slope Grid (output) -ASPECT: Aspect Grid (output) -C_GENE: General Curvature Grid (optional output) -C_PROF: Profile Curvature Grid (optional output) -C_PLAN: Plan Curvature Grid (optional output) -C_TANG: Tangential Curvature Grid (optional output) -C_LONG: Longitudinal Curvature Grid (optional output) -C_CROS: Cross-Sectional Curvature Grid (optional output) -C_MINI: Minimal Curvature Grid (optional output) -C_MAXI: Maximal Curvature Grid (optional output) -C_TOTA: Total Curvature Grid (optional output) -C_ROTO: Flow Line Curvature Grid (optional output) -METHOD: Method Choice Available Choices: [0] maximum slope (Travis et al. 1975) [1] maximum triangle slope (Tarboton 1997) [2] least squares fitted plane (Horn 1981, Costa-Cabral & Burgess 1996) [3] 6 parameter 2nd order polynom (Evans 1979) [4] 6 parameter 2nd order polynom (Heerdegen & Beran 1982) [5] 6 parameter 2nd order polynom (Bauer, Rohdenburg, Bork 1985) [6] 9 parameter 2nd order polynom (Zevenbergen & Thorne 1987) [7] 10 parameter 3rd order polynom (Haralick 1983) Default: 6 -UNIT_SLOPE: Slope Units Choice Available Choices: [0] radians [1] degree [2] percent Default: 0 -UNIT_ASPECT: Aspect Units Choice Available Choices: [0] radians [1] degree Default: 0 Convergence Index _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_morphometry.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Morphometry tool name : Convergence Index _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_morphometry 1 -ELEVATION [-RESULT ] [-METHOD ] [-NEIGHBOURS ] -ELEVATION: Elevation Grid (input) -RESULT: Convergence Index Grid (output) -METHOD: Method Choice Available Choices: [0] Aspect [1] Gradient Default: 0 -NEIGHBOURS: Gradient Calculation Choice Available Choices: [0] 2 x 2 [1] 3 x 3 Default: 0 Convergence Index (Search Radius) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_morphometry.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Morphometry tool name : Convergence Index (Search Radius) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_morphometry 2 -ELEVATION [-CONVERGENCE ] [-RADIUS ] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_WEIGHTING ] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_POWER ] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_OFFSET] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_BANDWIDTH ] [-SLOPE] [-DIFFERENCE ] -ELEVATION: Elevation Grid (input) -CONVERGENCE: Convergence Index Grid (output) -RADIUS: Radius [Cells] Floating point Minimum: 1.000000 Default: 10.000000 -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_WEIGHTING: Weighting Function Choice Available Choices: [0] no distance weighting [1] inverse distance to a power [2] exponential [3] gaussian weighting Default: 0 -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_POWER: Inverse Distance Weighting Power Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_OFFSET Inverse Distance Offset Boolean Default: 1 -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_BANDWIDTH: Gaussian and Exponential Weighting Bandwidth Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -SLOPE Gradient Boolean Default: 0 -DIFFERENCE: Difference Choice Available Choices: [0] direction to the center cell [1] center cell's aspect direction Default: 0 Surface Specific Points _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_morphometry.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Morphometry tool name : Surface Specific Points _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_morphometry 3 -ELEVATION [-RESULT ] [-METHOD ] [-THRESHOLD ] -ELEVATION: Elevation Grid (input) -RESULT: Result Grid (output) -METHOD: Method Choice Available Choices: [0] Mark Highest Neighbour [1] Opposite Neighbours [2] Flow Direction [3] Flow Direction (up and down) [4] Peucker & Douglas Default: 1 -THRESHOLD: Threshold Floating point Default: 2.000000 Curvature Classification _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_morphometry.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Morphometry tool name : Curvature Classification _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_morphometry 4 -DEM [-CLASS ] [-THRESHOLD ] -DEM: Elevation Grid (input) -CLASS: Curvature Classification Grid (output) -THRESHOLD: Threshold for plane Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 0.000500 Hypsometry _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_morphometry.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Morphometry tool name : Hypsometry _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_morphometry 5 -ELEVATION [-TABLE ] [-COUNT ] [-SORTING ] [-METHOD ] [-BZRANGE] [-ZRANGE_MIN ] [-ZRANGE_MAX ] -ELEVATION: Elevation Grid (input) -TABLE: Hypsometry Table (output) -COUNT: Number of Classes Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 100 -SORTING: Sort Choice Available Choices: [0] up [1] down Default: 1 -METHOD: Classification Constant Choice Available Choices: [0] height [1] area Default: 1 -BZRANGE Use Z-Range Boolean Default: 0 -ZRANGE_MIN: Z-Range Value range -ZRANGE_MAX: Z-Range Value range Real Surface Area _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_morphometry.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Morphometry tool name : Real Surface Area _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_morphometry 6 -DEM [-AREA ] -DEM: Elevation Grid (input) -AREA: Surface Area Grid (output) Morphometric Protection Index _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_morphometry.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Morphometry tool name : Morphometric Protection Index _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_morphometry 7 -DEM [-PROTECTION ] [-RADIUS ] -DEM: Elevation Grid (input) -PROTECTION: Protection Index Grid (output) -RADIUS: Radius Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 2000.000000 Multiresolution Index of Valley Bottom Flatness (MRVBF) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_morphometry.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Morphometry tool name : Multiresolution Index of Valley Bottom Flatness (MRVBF) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_morphometry 8 -DEM [-MRVBF ] [-MRRTF ] [-T_SLOPE ] [-T_PCTL_V ] [-T_PCTL_R ] [-P_SLOPE ] [-P_PCTL ] [-UPDATE] [-CLASSIFY] [-MAX_RES ] -DEM: Elevation Grid (input) -MRVBF: MRVBF Grid (output) -MRRTF: MRRTF Grid (output) -T_SLOPE: Initial Threshold for Slope Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Maximum: 100.000000 Default: 16.000000 -T_PCTL_V: Threshold for Elevation Percentile (Lowness) Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Maximum: 1.000000 Default: 0.400000 -T_PCTL_R: Threshold for Elevation Percentile (Upness) Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Maximum: 1.000000 Default: 0.350000 -P_SLOPE: Shape Parameter for Slope Floating point Default: 4.000000 -P_PCTL: Shape Parameter for Elevation Percentile Floating point Default: 3.000000 -UPDATE Update Views Boolean Default: 1 -CLASSIFY Classify Boolean Default: 0 -MAX_RES: Maximum Resolution (Percentage) Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Maximum: 100.000000 Default: 100.000000 Downslope Distance Gradient _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_morphometry.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Morphometry tool name : Downslope Distance Gradient _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_morphometry 9 -DEM [-GRADIENT ] [-DIFFERENCE ] [-DISTANCE ] [-OUTPUT ] -DEM: Elevation Grid (input) -GRADIENT: Gradient Grid (output) -DIFFERENCE: Gradient Difference Grid (optional output) -DISTANCE: Vertical Distance Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 10.000000 -OUTPUT: Output Choice Available Choices: [0] distance [1] gradient (tangens) [2] gradient (degree) Default: 2 Mass Balance Index _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_morphometry.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Morphometry tool name : Mass Balance Index _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_morphometry 10 -DEM [-HREL ] [-MBI ] [-TSLOPE ] [-TCURVE ] [-THREL ] -DEM: Elevation Grid (input) -HREL: Vertical Distance to Channel Network Grid (optional input) -MBI: Mass Balance Index Grid (output) -TSLOPE: T Slope Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 15.000000 -TCURVE: T Curvature Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 0.010000 -THREL: T Vertical Distance to Channel Network Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 15.000000 Effective Air Flow Heights _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_morphometry.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Morphometry tool name : Effective Air Flow Heights _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_morphometry 11 -DEM [-AFH ] [-DIR ] [-LEN ] [-DIR_CONST ] [-OLDVER] [-MAXDIST ] [-ACCEL ] [-PYRAMIDS] [-LEEFACT ] [-LUVFACT ] [-DIR_UNITS ] [-LEN_SCALE ] -DEM: Elevation Grid (input) -AFH: Effective Air Flow Heights Grid (output) -DIR: Wind Direction Grid (optional input) -LEN: Wind Speed Grid (optional input) -DIR_CONST: Constant Wind Direction [Degree] Floating point Default: 135.000000 -OLDVER Old Version Boolean Default: 1 -MAXDIST: Search Distance [km] Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 300.000000 -ACCEL: Acceleration Floating point Minimum: 1.000000 Default: 1.500000 -PYRAMIDS Use Pyramids with New Version Boolean Default: 0 -LEEFACT: Lee Factor Floating point Default: 0.500000 -LUVFACT: Luv Factor Floating point Default: 1.000000 -DIR_UNITS: Wind Direction Units Choice Available Choices: [0] radians [1] degree Default: 0 -LEN_SCALE: Wind Speed Scale Factor Floating point Default: 1.000000 Diurnal Anisotropic Heating _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_morphometry.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Morphometry tool name : Diurnal Anisotropic Heating _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_morphometry 12 -DEM [-DAH ] [-ALPHA_MAX ] -DEM: Elevation Grid (input) -DAH: Diurnal Anisotropic Heating Grid (output) -ALPHA_MAX: Alpha Max (Degree) Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Maximum: 360.000000 Default: 202.500000 Land Surface Temperature _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_morphometry.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Morphometry tool name : Land Surface Temperature _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_morphometry 13 -DEM -SWR -LAI [-LST ] [-Z_REFERENCE ] [-T_REFERENCE ] [-T_GRADIENT ] [-C_FACTOR ] -DEM: Elevation [m] Grid (input) -SWR: Short Wave Radiation [kW/m2] Grid (input) -LAI: Leaf Area Index Grid (input) -LST: Land Surface Temperature [Deg.Celsius] Grid (output) -Z_REFERENCE: Elevation at Reference Station [m] Floating point Default: 0.000000 -T_REFERENCE: Temperature at Reference Station [Deg.Celsius] Floating point Default: 0.000000 -T_GRADIENT: Temperature Gradient [Deg.Celsius/km] Floating point Default: 6.500000 -C_FACTOR: C Factor Floating point Default: 1.000000 Relative Heights and Slope Positions _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_morphometry.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Morphometry tool name : Relative Heights and Slope Positions _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_morphometry 14 -DEM [-HO ] [-HU ] [-NH ] [-SH ] [-MS ] [-W ] [-T ] [-E ] -DEM: Elevation Grid (input) -HO: Slope Height Grid (output) -HU: Valley Depth Grid (output) -NH: Normalized Height Grid (output) -SH: Standardized Height Grid (output) -MS: Mid-Slope Positon Grid (output) -W: w Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 0.500000 -T: t Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 10.000000 -E: e Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 2.000000 Wind Effect (Windward / Leeward Index) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_morphometry.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Morphometry tool name : Wind Effect (Windward / Leeward Index) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_morphometry 15 -DEM [-DIR ] [-LEN ] [-EFFECT ] [-LUV ] [-LEE ] [-DIR_CONST ] [-OLDVER] [-MAXDIST ] [-ACCEL ] [-PYRAMIDS] [-DIR_UNITS ] [-LEN_SCALE ] -DEM: Elevation Grid (input) -DIR: Wind Direction Grid (optional input) -LEN: Wind Speed Grid (optional input) -EFFECT: Wind Effect Grid (output) -LUV: Windward Effect Grid (optional output) -LEE: Leeward Effect Grid (optional output) -DIR_CONST: Constant Wind Direction [Degree] Floating point Default: 135.000000 -OLDVER Old Version Boolean Default: 1 -MAXDIST: Search Distance [km] Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 300.000000 -ACCEL: Acceleration Floating point Minimum: 1.000000 Default: 1.500000 -PYRAMIDS Use Pyramids Boolean Default: 0 -DIR_UNITS: Wind Direction Units Choice Available Choices: [0] radians [1] degree Default: 0 -LEN_SCALE: Wind Speed Scale Factor Floating point Default: 1.000000 Terrain Ruggedness Index (TRI) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_morphometry.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Morphometry tool name : Terrain Ruggedness Index (TRI) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_morphometry 16 -DEM [-TRI ] [-RADIUS ] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_WEIGHTING ] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_POWER ] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_OFFSET] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_BANDWIDTH ] -DEM: Elevation Grid (input) -TRI: Terrain Ruggedness Index (TRI) Grid (output) -RADIUS: Radius (Cells) Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 1 -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_WEIGHTING: Weighting Function Choice Available Choices: [0] no distance weighting [1] inverse distance to a power [2] exponential [3] gaussian weighting Default: 0 -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_POWER: Inverse Distance Weighting Power Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_OFFSET Inverse Distance Offset Boolean Default: 1 -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_BANDWIDTH: Gaussian and Exponential Weighting Bandwidth Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 Vector Ruggedness Measure (VRM) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_morphometry.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Morphometry tool name : Vector Ruggedness Measure (VRM) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_morphometry 17 -DEM [-VRM ] [-RADIUS ] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_WEIGHTING ] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_POWER ] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_OFFSET] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_BANDWIDTH ] -DEM: Elevation Grid (input) -VRM: Vector Terrain Ruggedness (VRM) Grid (output) -RADIUS: Radius (Cells) Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 1 -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_WEIGHTING: Weighting Function Choice Available Choices: [0] no distance weighting [1] inverse distance to a power [2] exponential [3] gaussian weighting Default: 0 -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_POWER: Inverse Distance Weighting Power Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_OFFSET Inverse Distance Offset Boolean Default: 1 -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_BANDWIDTH: Gaussian and Exponential Weighting Bandwidth Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 Topographic Position Index (TPI) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_morphometry.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Morphometry tool name : Topographic Position Index (TPI) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_morphometry 18 -DEM [-TPI ] [-STANDARD] [-RADIUS_MIN ] [-RADIUS_MAX ] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_WEIGHTING ] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_POWER ] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_OFFSET] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_BANDWIDTH ] -DEM: Elevation Grid (input) -TPI: Topographic Position Index Grid (output) -STANDARD Standardize Boolean Default: 0 -RADIUS_MIN: Radius Value range -RADIUS_MAX: Radius Value range -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_WEIGHTING: Weighting Function Choice Available Choices: [0] no distance weighting [1] inverse distance to a power [2] exponential [3] gaussian weighting Default: 0 -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_POWER: Inverse Distance Weighting Power Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_OFFSET Inverse Distance Offset Boolean Default: 1 -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_BANDWIDTH: Gaussian and Exponential Weighting Bandwidth Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 TPI Based Landform Classification _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_morphometry.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Morphometry tool name : TPI Based Landform Classification _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_morphometry 19 -DEM [-LANDFORMS ] [-RADIUS_A_MIN ] [-RADIUS_A_MAX ] [-RADIUS_B_MIN ] [-RADIUS_B_MAX ] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_WEIGHTING ] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_POWER ] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_OFFSET] [-DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_BANDWIDTH ] -DEM: Elevation Grid (input) -LANDFORMS: Landforms Grid (output) -RADIUS_A_MIN: Radius Value range -RADIUS_A_MAX: Radius Value range -RADIUS_B_MIN: Radius Value range -RADIUS_B_MAX: Radius Value range -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_WEIGHTING: Weighting Function Choice Available Choices: [0] no distance weighting [1] inverse distance to a power [2] exponential [3] gaussian weighting Default: 0 -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_POWER: Inverse Distance Weighting Power Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_IDW_OFFSET Inverse Distance Offset Boolean Default: 1 -DISTANCE_WEIGHTING_DW_BANDWIDTH: Gaussian and Exponential Weighting Bandwidth Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 Terrain Surface Texture _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_morphometry.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Morphometry tool name : Terrain Surface Texture _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_morphometry 20 -DEM [-TEXTURE ] [-RADIUS ] -DEM: Elevation Grid (input) -TEXTURE: Texture Grid (output) -RADIUS: Radius Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 10 Terrain Surface Convexity _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_morphometry.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Morphometry tool name : Terrain Surface Convexity _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_morphometry 21 -DEM [-CONVEX ] [-RADIUS ] -DEM: Elevation Grid (input) -CONVEX: Convexity Grid (output) -RADIUS: Radius Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 10 Terrain Surface Classification _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_morphometry.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Morphometry tool name : Terrain Surface Classification _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_morphometry 22 -DEM [-SLOPE ] [-CONVEX ] [-TEXTURE ] [-LANDFORMS ] [-TYPE ] -DEM: Elevation Grid (input) -SLOPE: Slope Grid (optional input) -CONVEX: Convexity Grid (optional input) -TEXTURE: Texture Grid (optional input) -LANDFORMS: Landforms Grid (output) -TYPE: Number of Classes Choice Available Choices: [0] 8 [1] 12 [2] 16 Default: 0 Morphometric Features _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_morphometry.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Morphometry tool name : Morphometric Features _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_morphometry 23 -DEM [-FEATURES ] [-ELEVATION ] [-SLOPE ] [-ASPECT ] [-PROFC ] [-PLANC ] [-LONGC ] [-CROSC ] [-MINIC ] [-MAXIC ] [-SIZE ] [-TOL_SLOPE ] [-TOL_CURVE ] [-EXPONENT ] [-ZSCALE ] [-CONSTRAIN] -DEM: Elevation Grid (input) -FEATURES: Morphometric Features Grid (output) -ELEVATION: Generalized Surface Grid (optional output) -SLOPE: Slope Grid (optional output) -ASPECT: Aspect Grid (optional output) -PROFC: Profile Curvature Grid (optional output) -PLANC: Plan Curvature Grid (optional output) -LONGC: Longitudinal Curvature Grid (optional output) -CROSC: Cross-Sectional Curvature Grid (optional output) -MINIC: Maximum Curvature Grid (optional output) -MAXIC: Minimum Curvature Grid (optional output) -SIZE: Scale Radius (Cells) Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 5 -TOL_SLOPE: Slope Tolerance Floating point Default: 1.000000 -TOL_CURVE: Curvature Tolerance Floating point Default: 0.000100 -EXPONENT: Distance Weighting Exponent Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Maximum: 4.000000 Default: 0.000000 -ZSCALE: Vertical Scaling Floating point Default: 1.000000 -CONSTRAIN Constrain Boolean Default: 0 Valley and Ridge Detection (Top Hat Approach) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_morphometry.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Morphometry tool name : Valley and Ridge Detection (Top Hat Approach) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_morphometry 24 -DEM [-VALLEY ] [-HILL ] [-VALLEY_IDX ] [-HILL_IDX ] [-SLOPE_IDX ] [-RADIUS_VALLEY ] [-RADIUS_HILL ] [-THRESHOLD ] [-METHOD ] -DEM: Elevation Grid (input) -VALLEY: Valley Depth Grid (optional output) -HILL: Hill Height Grid (optional output) -VALLEY_IDX: Valley Index Grid (output) -HILL_IDX: Hill Index Grid (output) -SLOPE_IDX: Hillslope Index Grid (optional output) -RADIUS_VALLEY: Valley Radius Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1000.000000 -RADIUS_HILL: Hill Radius Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1000.000000 -THRESHOLD: Elevation Threshold Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 100.000000 -METHOD: Slope Index Choice Available Choices: [0] default [1] alternative Default: 0 Fuzzy Landform Element Classification _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_morphometry.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Morphometry tool name : Fuzzy Landform Element Classification _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_morphometry 25 -SLOPE -MINCURV -MAXCURV -PCURV -TCURV [-PLAIN ] [-PIT ] [-PEAK ] [-RIDGE ] [-CHANNEL ] [-SADDLE ] [-BSLOPE ] [-FSLOPE ] [-SSLOPE ] [-HOLLOW ] [-FHOLLOW ] [-SHOLLOW ] [-SPUR ] [-FSPUR ] [-SSPUR ] [-FORM ] [-MEM ] [-ENTROPY ] [-CI ] [-SLOPETODEG ] [-T_SLOPE_MIN ] [-T_SLOPE_MAX ] [-T_CURVE_MIN ] [-T_CURVE_MAX ] -SLOPE: Slope Grid (input) -MINCURV: Minimum Curvature Grid (input) -MAXCURV: Maximum Curvature Grid (input) -PCURV: Profile Curvature Grid (input) -TCURV: Tangential Curvature Grid (input) -PLAIN: Plain Grid (optional output) -PIT: Pit Grid (optional output) -PEAK: Peak Grid (optional output) -RIDGE: Ridge Grid (optional output) -CHANNEL: Channel Grid (optional output) -SADDLE: Saddle Grid (optional output) -BSLOPE: Back Slope Grid (optional output) -FSLOPE: Foot Slope Grid (optional output) -SSLOPE: Shoulder Slope Grid (optional output) -HOLLOW: Hollow Grid (optional output) -FHOLLOW: Foot Hollow Grid (optional output) -SHOLLOW: Shoulder Hollow Grid (optional output) -SPUR: Spur Grid (optional output) -FSPUR: Foot Spur Grid (optional output) -SSPUR: Shoulder Spur Grid (optional output) -FORM: Landform Grid (output) -MEM: Maximum Membership Grid (output) -ENTROPY: Entropy Grid (output) -CI: Confusion Index Grid (output) -SLOPETODEG: Slope Grid Units Choice Available Choices: [0] degree [1] radians Default: 0 -T_SLOPE_MIN: Slope Thresholds [Degree] Value range -T_SLOPE_MAX: Slope Thresholds [Degree] Value range -T_CURVE_MIN: Curvature Thresholds [1 / m] Value range -T_CURVE_MAX: Curvature Thresholds [1 / m] Value range Flat Detection _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_preprocessor.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Preprocessing tool name : Flat Detection _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_preprocessor 0 -DEM [-NOFLATS ] [-FLATS ] [-FLAT_OUTPUT ] -DEM: DEM Grid (input) -NOFLATS: No Flats Grid (optional output) -FLATS: Flat Areas Grid (optional output) -FLAT_OUTPUT: Flat Area Values Choice Available Choices: [0] elevation [1] enumeration Default: 0 Sink Drainage Route Detection _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_preprocessor.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Preprocessing tool name : Sink Drainage Route Detection _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_preprocessor 1 -ELEVATION [-SINKROUTE ] [-THRESHOLD] [-THRSHEIGHT ] -ELEVATION: Elevation Grid (input) -SINKROUTE: Sink Route Grid (output) -THRESHOLD Threshold Boolean Default: 0 -THRSHEIGHT: Threshold Height Floating point Default: 100.000000 Sink Removal _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_preprocessor.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Preprocessing tool name : Sink Removal _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_preprocessor 2 -DEM [-SINKROUTE ] [-DEM_PREPROC ] [-METHOD ] [-THRESHOLD] [-THRSHEIGHT ] -DEM: DEM Grid (input) -SINKROUTE: Sink Route Grid (optional input) -DEM_PREPROC: Preprocessed DEM Grid (optional output) -METHOD: Method Choice Available Choices: [0] Deepen Drainage Routes [1] Fill Sinks Default: 1 -THRESHOLD Threshold Boolean Default: 0 -THRSHEIGHT: Threshold Height Floating point Default: 100.000000 Fill Sinks (Planchon/Darboux, 2001) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_preprocessor.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Preprocessing tool name : Fill Sinks (Planchon/Darboux, 2001) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_preprocessor 3 -DEM [-RESULT ] [-MINSLOPE ] -DEM: DEM Grid (input) -RESULT: Filled DEM Grid (output) -MINSLOPE: Minimum Slope [Degree] Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 0.010000 Fill Sinks (Wang & Liu) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_preprocessor.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Preprocessing tool name : Fill Sinks (Wang & Liu) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_preprocessor 4 -ELEV [-FILLED ] [-FDIR ] [-WSHED ] [-MINSLOPE ] -ELEV: DEM Grid (input) -FILLED: Filled DEM Grid (output) -FDIR: Flow Directions Grid (output) -WSHED: Watershed Basins Grid (output) -MINSLOPE: Minimum Slope [Degree] Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 0.100000 Fill Sinks XXL (Wang & Liu) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_preprocessor.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Preprocessing tool name : Fill Sinks XXL (Wang & Liu) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_preprocessor 5 -ELEV [-FILLED ] [-MINSLOPE ] -ELEV: DEM Grid (input) -FILLED: Filled DEM Grid (output) -MINSLOPE: Minimum Slope [Degree] Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 0.100000 Burn Stream Network into DEM _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_preprocessor.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Preprocessing tool name : Burn Stream Network into DEM _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_preprocessor 6 -DEM [-BURN ] -STREAM -FLOWDIR [-METHOD ] [-EPSILON ] -DEM: DEM Grid (input) -BURN: Processed DEM Grid (optional output) -STREAM: Streams Grid (input) -FLOWDIR: Flow Direction Grid (input) -METHOD: Method Choice Available Choices: [0] simply decrease cell's value by epsilon [1] lower cell's value to neighbours minimum value minus epsilon [2] trace stream network downstream Default: 0 -EPSILON: Epsilon Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 Cross Profiles _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_profiles.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Profiles tool name : Cross Profiles _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_profiles 3 -DEM -LINES [-PROFILES ] [-DIST_LINE ] [-DIST_PROFILE ] [-NUM_PROFILE ] -DEM: DEM Grid (input) -LINES: Lines Shapes (input) -PROFILES: Cross Profiles Shapes (output) -DIST_LINE: Profile Distance Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 10.000000 -DIST_PROFILE: Profile Length Floating point Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 10.000000 -NUM_PROFILE: Profile Samples Integer Minimum: 3 Default: 10 Profiles from Lines _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_profiles.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Profiles tool name : Profiles from Lines _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_profiles 4 -DEM [-VALUES ] -LINES [-NAME ] [-PROFILE ] [-PROFILES ] [-SPLIT] -DEM: DEM Grid (input) -VALUES: Values Grid list (optional input) -LINES: Lines Shapes (input) -NAME: Name Table field -PROFILE: Profiles Shapes (optional output) -PROFILES: Profiles Shapes list (optional output) -SPLIT Each Line as new Profile Boolean Default: 0 Profile from points _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_profiles.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Profiles tool name : Profile from points _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_profiles 5 -GRID -TABLE [-X ] [-Y ] [-RESULT ] -GRID: Grid Grid (input) -TABLE: Input Table (input) -X: X Table field -Y: Y Table field -RESULT: Result Table (output) SAFETYFACTOR _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_slope_stability.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Slope Stability tool name : SAFETYFACTOR _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_slope_stability 0 -A [-Bmin ] [-Bmax ] [-Cmin ] [-Cmax ] [-Dmin ] [-Dmax ] [-Emin ] [-Emax ] [-Fmin ] [-Fmax ] [-fBmin ] [-fBmax ] [-fCmin ] [-fCmax ] [-fDmin ] [-fDmax ] [-fEmin ] [-fEmax ] [-fFmin ] [-fFmax ] [-fI ] [-G ] [-H ] -A: Slope grid (rad) Grid (input) -Bmin: Min thickness grid (m) Grid (optional input) -Bmax: Max thickness grid (m) Grid (optional input) -Cmin: Min saturation grid (-) Grid (optional input) -Cmax: Max saturation grid (-) Grid (optional input) -Dmin: Min friction grid (degree) Grid (optional input) -Dmax: Max friction grid (degree) Grid (optional input) -Emin: Min density grid (g/cm3) Grid (optional input) -Emax: Max density grid (g/cm3) Grid (optional input) -Fmin: Min cohesion grid (MPa) Grid (optional input) -Fmax: Max cohesion grid (MPa) Grid (optional input) -fBmin: Min global thickness (m) Floating point Default: 1.000000 -fBmax: Max global thickness (m) Floating point Default: 1.000000 -fCmin: Min global saturation (-) Floating point Default: 0.000000 -fCmax: Max global saturation (-) Floating point Default: 0.000000 -fDmin: Min global friction (degree) Floating point Default: 33.000000 -fDmax: Max global friction (degree) Floating point Default: 33.000000 -fEmin: Min global density (g/cm3) Floating point Default: 1.600000 -fEmax: Max global density (g/cm3) Floating point Default: 1.600000 -fFmin: Min global cohesion (MPa) Floating point Default: 0.000000 -fFmax: Max global cohesion (MPa) Floating point Default: 0.000000 -fI: Parameter sampling runs Integer Default: 1 -G: FS values Grid (output) -H: FS classes Grid (optional output) TOBIA _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_slope_stability.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Slope Stability tool name : TOBIA _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_slope_stability 1 -A -B [-C ] [-D ] [-fB ] [-fC ] [-E ] [-F ] -A: Slope grid (rad) Grid (input) -B: Aspect grid (rad) Grid (input) -C: Dip grid (degrees) Grid (optional input) -D: Dip direction grid (degrees) Grid (optional input) -fB: Global structure dip (degrees) Floating point Default: 45.000000 -fC: Global structure dip direction (degrees) Floating point Default: 90.000000 -E: TOBIA classes Grid (output) -F: TOBIA index Grid (optional output) SHALSTAB _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_slope_stability.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Slope Stability tool name : SHALSTAB _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_slope_stability 2 -A -B [-Cmin ] [-Cmax ] [-Dmin ] [-Dmax ] [-Emin ] [-Emax ] [-Fmin ] [-Fmax ] [-Jmin ] [-Jmax ] [-fCmin ] [-fCmax ] [-fDmin ] [-fDmax ] [-fEmin ] [-fEmax ] [-fFmin ] [-fFmax ] [-fJmin ] [-fJmax ] [-fK ] [-G ] [-H ] -A: Slope grid (rad) Grid (input) -B: Catchment area grid (m2) Grid (input) -Cmin: Min Density grid (g/cm3) Grid (optional input) -Cmax: Max Density grid (g/cm3) Grid (optional input) -Dmin: Min Hydraulic conductivity grid (m/hr) Grid (optional input) -Dmax: Max Hydraulic conductivity grid (m/hr) Grid (optional input) -Emin: Min Thickness grid (m) Grid (optional input) -Emax: Max Thickness grid (m) Grid (optional input) -Fmin: Min Friction angle grid (degree) Grid (optional input) -Fmax: Max Friction angle grid (degree) Grid (optional input) -Jmin: Min Bulk cohesion grid (MPa) Grid (optional input) -Jmax: Max Bulk cohesion grid (MPa) Grid (optional input) -fCmin: Global minimum density (g/cm3) Floating point Default: 1.600000 -fCmax: Global maximum density (g/cm3) Floating point Default: 1.600000 -fDmin: Global minimum conductivity (m/hr) Floating point Default: 2.700000 -fDmax: Global maximum conductivity (m/hr) Floating point Default: 2.700000 -fEmin: Global minimum thickness (m) Floating point Default: 1.000000 -fEmax: Global maximum thickness (m) Floating point Default: 1.000000 -fFmin: Global minimum friction angle (degree) Floating point Default: 33.000000 -fFmax: Global maximum friction angle (degree) Floating point Default: 33.000000 -fJmin: Global minimum bulk cohesion (MPa) Floating point Default: 0.000000 -fJmax: Global maximum bulk cohesion (MPa) Floating point Default: 0.000000 -fK: Parameter sampling runs Integer Default: 1 -G: CR values Grid (output) -H: CR classes Grid (optional output) WETNESS _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_slope_stability.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Slope Stability tool name : WETNESS _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_slope_stability 3 -DEM [-Cmin ] [-Cmax ] [-Dmin ] [-Dmax ] [-Emin ] [-Emax ] [-fCmin ] [-fCmax ] [-fDmin ] [-fDmax ] [-fEmin ] [-fEmax ] [-fH ] [-F ] [-G ] [-Method ] [-PREPROC] -DEM: DEM Grid (input) -Cmin: Min hydraulic conductivity grid (m/hr) Grid (optional input) -Cmax: Max hydraulic conductivity grid (m/hr) Grid (optional input) -Dmin: Min groundwater recharge grid (m/hr) Grid (optional input) -Dmax: Max groundwater recharge grid (m/hr) Grid (optional input) -Emin: Min material depth grid (m) Grid (optional input) -Emax: Max material depth grid (m) Grid (optional input) -fCmin: Min global material conductivity (m/hr) Floating point Default: 2.700000 -fCmax: Max global material conductivity (m/hr) Floating point Default: 2.700000 -fDmin: Min global groundwater recharge (m/hr) Floating point Default: 0.001000 -fDmax: Max global groundwater recharge (m/hr) Floating point Default: 0.001000 -fEmin: Min global material depth (m) Floating point Default: 1.000000 -fEmax: Max global material depth (m) Floating point Default: 1.000000 -fH: Parameter sampling runs Integer Default: 1 -F: WI values Grid (output) -G: WI classes Grid (optional output) -Method: Catchment Area Calculation Choice Available Choices: [0] Deterministic 8 [1] Rho 8 [2] Braunschweiger Reliefmodell [3] Deterministic Infinity [4] Multiple Flow Direction [5] Multiple Triangular Flow Directon Default: 4 -PREPROC Preprocessing Boolean Default: 0 WEDGEFAIL _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_slope_stability.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Slope Stability tool name : WEDGEFAIL _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_slope_stability 4 -DEM [-C ] [-D ] [-Emin ] [-Emax ] [-fC ] [-fD ] [-fEmin ] [-fEmax ] [-ff ] [-F ] [-fI ] [-METHOD ] -DEM: DEM Grid (input) -C: Dip/Plunge direction grid (degree) Grid (optional input) -D: Dip/Plunge grid (degree) Grid (optional input) -Emin: Min friction angle grid (degree) Grid (optional input) -Emax: Max friction angle grid (degree) Grid (optional input) -fC: Global dip/plunge direction (degree) Floating point Default: 0.000000 -fD: Global dip/plunge (degree) Floating point Default: 35.000000 -fEmin: Min global friction angle (degree) Floating point Default: 35.000000 -fEmax: Max global friction angle (degree) Floating point Default: 35.000000 -ff: Cone radius (degree) Integer Default: 0 -F: Failures Grid (output) -fI: Parameter sampling runs Integer Default: 1 -METHOD: Mode Choice Available Choices: [0] Slide [1] Topple Default: 0 ANGMAP _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\ta_slope_stability.dll library name: Terrain Analysis - Slope Stability tool name : ANGMAP _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd ta_slope_stability 5 -DEM [-C ] [-D ] [-fB ] [-fC ] [-E ] [-F ] [-G ] -DEM: Elevation Grid (input) -C: Dip grid (degrees) Grid (optional input) -D: Dip direction grid (degrees) Grid (optional input) -fB: Global structure dip (degrees) Floating point Default: 45.000000 -fC: Global structure dip direction (degrees) Floating point Default: 90.000000 -E: Angle Grid (output) -F: CL dipdir Grid (optional output) -G: CL dip Grid (optional output) Function Fit _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\table_calculus.dll library name: Table - Calculus tool name : Function Fit _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd table_calculus 0 -SOURCE [-YFIELD ] [-USE_X ] [-XFIELD ] [-FORMEL ] [-ITER ] [-LAMDA ] -SOURCE: Source Table (input) -YFIELD: y - Values Table field -USE_X: Use x -Values Choice Available Choices: [0] No [1] Yes Default: 0 -XFIELD: x - Values Table field -FORMEL: Formula Text Default: m*x+c -ITER: Iterationen Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 1000 -LAMDA: Max Lamda Floating point Minimum: 1.000000 Default: 10000.000000 Table Calculator _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\table_calculus.dll library name: Table - Calculus tool name : Table Calculator _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd table_calculus 1 [-FORMULA ] [-NAME ] -TABLE [-RESULT ] [-FIELD ] -FORMULA: Formula Text Default: f1 + f2 -NAME: Field Name Text Default: Calculation -TABLE: Table Table (input) -RESULT: Result Table (optional output) -FIELD: Field Table field Table Calculator (Shapes) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\table_calculus.dll library name: Table - Calculus tool name : Table Calculator (Shapes) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd table_calculus 2 [-FORMULA ] [-NAME ] -TABLE [-RESULT ] [-FIELD ] -FORMULA: Formula Text Default: f1 + f2 -NAME: Field Name Text Default: Calculation -TABLE: Shapes Shapes (input) -RESULT: Result Shapes (optional output) -FIELD: Field Table field Running Average _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\table_calculus.dll library name: Table - Calculus tool name : Running Average _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd table_calculus 5 -INPUT [-FIELD ] [-OUTPUT ] [-COUNT ] -INPUT: Input Table (input) -FIELD: Attribute Table field -OUTPUT: Output Table (optional output) -COUNT: Number of Records Integer Minimum: 2 Default: 10 Cluster Analysis _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\table_calculus.dll library name: Table - Calculus tool name : Cluster Analysis _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd table_calculus 6 -TABLE [-FIELDS ] [-CLUSTER ] [-RESULT ] [-STATISTICS ] [-METHOD ] [-NCLUSTER ] [-NORMALISE] -TABLE: Table Table (input) -FIELDS: Attributes Table fields -CLUSTER: Cluster Table field -RESULT: Result Table (optional output) -STATISTICS: Statistics Table (output) -METHOD: Method Choice Available Choices: [0] Iterative Minimum Distance (Forgy 1965) [1] Hill-Climbing (Rubin 1967) [2] Combined Minimum Distance / Hillclimbing Default: 1 -NCLUSTER: Clusters Integer Minimum: 2 Default: 10 -NORMALISE Normalise Boolean Default: 0 Principle Components Analysis _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\table_calculus.dll library name: Table - Calculus tool name : Principle Components Analysis _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd table_calculus 7 -TABLE [-PCA ] [-METHOD ] [-NFIRST ] -TABLE: Table Table (input) -PCA: Principle Components Table (optional output) -METHOD: Method Choice Available Choices: [0] correlation matrix [1] variance-covariance matrix [2] sums-of-squares-and-cross-products matrix Default: 1 -NFIRST: Number of Components Integer Minimum: 0 Default: 3 Fill Gaps in Records _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\table_calculus.dll library name: Table - Calculus tool name : Fill Gaps in Records _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd table_calculus 8 -TABLE [-ORDER ] [-NOGAPS ] [-METHOD ] -TABLE: Table Table (input) -ORDER: Order Table field -NOGAPS: Table without Gaps Table (output) -METHOD: Interpolation Choice Available Choices: [0] Nearest Neighbour [1] Linear [2] Spline Default: 1 Find Field of Extreme Value _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\table_calculus.dll library name: Table - Calculus tool name : Find Field of Extreme Value _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd table_calculus 11 -INPUT [-FIELDS ] [-EXTREME_ID ] [-EXTREME_VALUE ] [-OUTPUT ] [-TYPE ] [-IDENTIFY ] -INPUT: Input Table (input) -FIELDS: Attributes Table fields -EXTREME_ID: Attribute Table field -EXTREME_VALUE: Value Table field -OUTPUT: Output Table (optional output) -TYPE: TYPE Choice Available Choices: [0] minimum [1] maximum Default: 1 -IDENTIFY: Attribute Identification Choice Available Choices: [0] name [1] index Default: 0 Create New Table _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\table_tools.dll library name: Table - Tools tool name : Create New Table _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd table_tools 0 [-TABLE ] [-NAME ] [-NFIELDS ] [-FIELDS_NAME000 ] [-FIELDS_TYPE000 ] [-FIELDS_NAME001 ] [-FIELDS_TYPE001 ] -TABLE: Table Data Object (optional output) -NAME: Name Text Default: New Table -NFIELDS: Number of Attributes Integer Minimum: 1 Default: 2 -FIELDS_NAME000: Name Text Default: Name -FIELDS_TYPE000: Type Choice Available Choices: [0] character string [1] 1 byte integer [2] 2 byte integer [3] 4 byte integer [4] 4 byte floating point [5] 8 byte floating point [6] color (rgb) Default: 0 -FIELDS_NAME001: Name Text Default: Name -FIELDS_TYPE001: Type Choice Available Choices: [0] character string [1] 1 byte integer [2] 2 byte integer [3] 4 byte integer [4] 4 byte floating point [5] 8 byte floating point [6] color (rgb) Default: 0 Transpose Table _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\table_tools.dll library name: Table - Tools tool name : Transpose Table _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd table_tools 1 -INPUT [-OUTPUT ] -INPUT: Input Table (input) -OUTPUT: Output Table (output) Enumerate Table Field _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\table_tools.dll library name: Table - Tools tool name : Enumerate Table Field _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd table_tools 2 -INPUT [-FIELD ] [-OUTPUT ] -INPUT: Input Table (input) -FIELD: Attribute Table field -OUTPUT: Output Table (optional output) Join Attributes from a Table _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\table_tools.dll library name: Table - Tools tool name : Join Attributes from a Table _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd table_tools 3 -TABLE_A -TABLE_B [-RESULT ] [-ID_A ] [-ID_B ] [-FIELDS_ALL] [-FIELDS ] [-KEEP_ALL] -TABLE_A: Table Table (input) -TABLE_B: Join Table Table (input) -RESULT: Result Table (optional output) -ID_A: Identifier Table field -ID_B: Identifier Table field -FIELDS_ALL Add All Fields Boolean Default: 1 -FIELDS: Fields Table fields -KEEP_ALL Keep All Boolean Default: 1 Join Attributes from a Table (Shapes) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\table_tools.dll library name: Table - Tools tool name : Join Attributes from a Table (Shapes) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd table_tools 4 -TABLE_A -TABLE_B [-RESULT ] [-ID_A ] [-ID_B ] [-FIELDS_ALL] [-FIELDS ] [-KEEP_ALL] -TABLE_A: Shapes Shapes (input) -TABLE_B: Join Table Table (input) -RESULT: Result Shapes (optional output) -ID_A: Identifier Table field -ID_B: Identifier Table field -FIELDS_ALL Add All Fields Boolean Default: 1 -FIELDS: Fields Table fields -KEEP_ALL Keep All Boolean Default: 1 Change Date Format _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\table_tools.dll library name: Table - Tools tool name : Change Date Format _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd table_tools 5 -TABLE [-FIELD ] [-OUTPUT ] [-FMT_IN ] [-FMT_OUT ] -TABLE: Table Table (input) -FIELD: Date Field Table field -OUTPUT: Output Table (optional output) -FMT_IN: Input Format Choice Available Choices: [0] [1] [2] dd:mm:yy [3] yy:mm:dd [4] ddmmyyyy, fix size [5] yyyymmdd, fix size [6] ddmmyy, fix size [7] yymmdd, fix size [8] Julian Day Default: 0 -FMT_OUT: Output Format Choice Available Choices: [0] [1] [2] dd:mm:yy [3] yy:mm:dd [4] ddmmyyyy, fix size [5] yyyymmdd, fix size [6] ddmmyy, fix size [7] yymmdd, fix size [8] Julian Day Default: 7 Change Time Format _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\table_tools.dll library name: Table - Tools tool name : Change Time Format _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd table_tools 6 -TABLE [-FIELD ] [-OUTPUT ] [-FMT_IN ] [-FMT_OUT ] -TABLE: Table Table (input) -FIELD: Time Field Table field -OUTPUT: Output Table (optional output) -FMT_IN: Input Format Choice Available Choices: [0] [1] hh:mm:ss [2] hhmmss, fix size [3] hours [4] minutes [5] seconds Default: 1 -FMT_OUT: Output Format Choice Available Choices: [0] [1] hh:mm:ss [2] hhmmss, fix size [3] hours [4] minutes [5] seconds Default: 5 Change Field Type _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\table_tools.dll library name: Table - Tools tool name : Change Field Type _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd table_tools 7 -TABLE [-FIELD ] [-OUTPUT ] [-TYPE ] -TABLE: Table Table (input) -FIELD: Field Table field -OUTPUT: Output Table (optional output) -TYPE: Data Type Choice Available Choices: [0] string [1] date [2] color [3] unsigned 1 byte integer [4] signed 1 byte integer [5] unsigned 2 byte integer [6] signed 2 byte integer [7] unsigned 4 byte integer [8] signed 4 byte integer [9] unsigned 8 byte integer [10] signed 8 byte integer [11] 4 byte floating point number [12] 8 byte floating point number [13] binary Default: 0 Append Rows from Table _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\table_tools.dll library name: Table - Tools tool name : Append Rows from Table _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd table_tools 8 -INPUT -APPEND [-OUTPUT ] -INPUT: Table Table (input) -APPEND: Append Rows from ... Table (input) -OUTPUT: Result Table (optional output) Change Color Format _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\table_tools.dll library name: Table - Tools tool name : Change Color Format _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd table_tools 9 -TABLE [-FIELD_SAGA_RGB ] [-FIELD_RED ] [-FIELD_GREEN ] [-FIELD_BLUE ] [-OUTPUT ] [-MODE ] -TABLE: Table Table (input) -FIELD_SAGA_RGB: SAGA RGB Table field -FIELD_RED: Red Table field -FIELD_GREEN: Green Table field -FIELD_BLUE: Blue Table field -OUTPUT: Output Table (optional output) -MODE: Mode of Operation Choice Available Choices: [0] SAGA RGB to R,G,B [1] R,G,B to SAGA RGB Default: 0 Replace Text _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\table_tools.dll library name: Table - Tools tool name : Replace Text _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd table_tools 10 -TABLE [-FIELD ] [-OUT_TABLE ] [-OUT_SHAPES ] [-REPLACE ] -TABLE: Table Table (input) -FIELD: Attribute Table field -OUT_TABLE: Table with Text Replacements Table (optional output) -OUT_SHAPES: Shapes with Text Replacements Shapes (optional output) -REPLACE: Text Replacements Static table 2 Fields: - 1. [string] Original - 2. [string] Replacement Delete Fields _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\table_tools.dll library name: Table - Tools tool name : Delete Fields _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd table_tools 11 -TABLE [-FIELDS ] [-OUT_TABLE ] [-OUT_SHAPES ] -TABLE: Table Table (input) -FIELDS: Fields Table fields -OUT_TABLE: Table with Text Replacements Table (optional output) -OUT_SHAPES: Shapes with Text Replacements Shapes (optional output) Copy Selection _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\table_tools.dll library name: Table - Tools tool name : Copy Selection _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd table_tools 15 -TABLE [-OUT_TABLE ] [-OUT_SHAPES ] -TABLE: Table Table (input) -OUT_TABLE: Copied Selection Table (output) -OUT_SHAPES: Copied Selection Shapes (output) Delete Selection _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\table_tools.dll library name: Table - Tools tool name : Delete Selection _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd table_tools 16 -INPUT -INPUT: Input Table (input) Invert Selection _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\table_tools.dll library name: Table - Tools tool name : Invert Selection _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd table_tools 17 -INPUT -INPUT: Input Table (input) Select by Numerical Expression _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\table_tools.dll library name: Table - Tools tool name : Select by Numerical Expression _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd table_tools 18 -TABLE [-FIELD ] [-EXPRESSION ] [-METHOD ] -TABLE: Table Table (input) -FIELD: Attribute Table field -EXPRESSION: Expression Text Default: a > 0 -METHOD: Method Choice Available Choices: [0] new selection [1] add to current selection [2] select from current selection [3] remove from current selection Default: 0 Select by String Expression _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\table_tools.dll library name: Table - Tools tool name : Select by String Expression _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd table_tools 19 -TABLE [-FIELD ] [-EXPRESSION ] [-CASE] [-COMPARE ] [-METHOD ] -TABLE: Table Table (input) -FIELD: Attribute Table field -EXPRESSION: Expression Text -CASE Case Sensitive Boolean Default: 1 -COMPARE: Select if... Choice Available Choices: [0] attribute is identical with search expression [1] attribute contains search expression [2] attribute is contained in search expression Default: 1 -METHOD: Method Choice Available Choices: [0] new selection [1] add to current selection [2] select from current selection [3] remove from current selection Default: 0 Grid to TIN _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\tin_tools.dll library name: TIN - Tools tool name : Grid to TIN _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd tin_tools 0 -GRID [-VALUES ] [-TIN ] -GRID: Grid Grid (input) -VALUES: Values Grid list (optional input) -TIN: TIN TIN (output) Grid to TIN (Surface Specific Points) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\tin_tools.dll library name: TIN - Tools tool name : Grid to TIN (Surface Specific Points) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd tin_tools 1 -GRID [-VALUES ] [-TIN ] [-METHOD ] [-HIGH ] [-FLOW_MIN ] [-FLOW_MAX ] [-PEUCKER ] -GRID: Grid Grid (input) -VALUES: Values Grid list (optional input) -TIN: TIN TIN (output) -METHOD: Method Choice Available Choices: [0] Mark Highest Neighbour [1] Opposite Neighbours [2] Flow Direction [3] Flow Direction (up and down) [4] Peucker & Douglas Default: 1 -HIGH: Mark Highest Neighbour Integer Minimum: 1 Maximum: 4 Default: 4 -FLOW_MIN: Flow Direction Value range -FLOW_MAX: Flow Direction Value range -PEUCKER: Peucker & Douglas Floating point Default: 2.000000 Shapes to TIN _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\tin_tools.dll library name: TIN - Tools tool name : Shapes to TIN _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd tin_tools 2 -SHAPES [-TIN ] -SHAPES: Shapes Shapes (input) -TIN: TIN TIN (output) TIN to Shapes _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\tin_tools.dll library name: TIN - Tools tool name : TIN to Shapes _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd tin_tools 3 -TIN [-POINTS ] [-CENTER ] [-EDGES ] [-TRIANGLES ] [-POLYGONS ] -TIN: TIN TIN (input) -POINTS: Points Shapes (output) -CENTER: Center of Triangles Shapes (output) -EDGES: Edges Shapes (output) -TRIANGLES: Triangles Shapes (output) -POLYGONS: Polygons Shapes (output) Gradient _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\tin_tools.dll library name: TIN - Tools tool name : Gradient _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd tin_tools 4 -TIN [-ZFIELD ] [-GRADIENT ] [-DEGREE ] -TIN: TIN TIN (input) -ZFIELD: Z Values Table field -GRADIENT: TIN_Gradient Shapes (output) -DEGREE: Output Unit Choice Available Choices: [0] Radians [1] Degree Default: 1 Flow Accumulation (Trace) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\tin_tools.dll library name: TIN - Tools tool name : Flow Accumulation (Trace) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd tin_tools 5 -DEM [-ZFIELD ] [-FLOW ] -DEM: TIN TIN (input) -ZFIELD: Z Values Table field -FLOW: Flow Accumulation TIN (output) Flow Accumulation (Parallel) _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\tin_tools.dll library name: TIN - Tools tool name : Flow Accumulation (Parallel) _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd tin_tools 6 -DEM [-ZFIELD ] [-FLOW ] [-METHOD ] -DEM: TIN TIN (input) -ZFIELD: Z Values Table field -FLOW: Flow Accumulation TIN (output) -METHOD: Method Choice Available Choices: [0] Single Flow Direction [1] Multiple Flow Direction Default: 0 TIN Viewer _____________________________________________ library path: C:\saga_vc\modules\tin_viewer.dll library name: TIN - Visualisation tool name : TIN Viewer _____________________________________________ Usage: saga_cmd tin_viewer 0 -TIN [-HEIGHT ] [-COLOR ] [-RGB ] -TIN: TIN TIN (input) -HEIGHT: Elevation Table field -COLOR: Color Table field -RGB: Map Grid (optional input)